
Internal Communication Plan:Newsletter to volunteers and staff with updates monthlyNewsletter to donors, etc. monthlyCollect contact information for everyone involved: staff, volunteers, the boardInternal communications manager should be chosenCreate an emergency plan-notification phone tree, etc.What is the mission-does everyone understand it? Does everyone agree on it?What are the mission and goals?-specific and clearly definedWhat is the organizational structure?Characterize culture and internal communicationWhat are the communication tools?Improvements that need to be made: communicating program activities/successes/failures to the boardStaff HandbookCreate a notice boardExample plan matrixThe following table, shows how a company may plan and manage its internal communications.Strategy Purpose Intended result Communications team role Frequency Intranet?Home page Business metrics/ dashboard To keep employees up to date on progress Update data that is not automated Daily Departmental pageDepartmental dashboard.Contracts/ budgetsTo keep employees up to date on local progressNoneDailyProject pageProject KPI dashboard.Contracts/ budgetsTo keep team members up to date on projectNoneDailyE-mail ? ? Information bulletins Director messages Other organizational information Inform, engageEmployees understand our purpose, progress, and how they connectConsult, develop, publishWeekly and as necessaryActivity reportsInformEmployees understand what the rest of the organization is doingCollect and publish monthlyMeetings ? Coffee with directorInform, clarify, exchange?Attend, notes if requiredTwice a monthBrown Bag lunches/ info sessionsInform, clarify, exchange?Plan, announceVariesLeadership team employee meeting (open to all)Model open organization, inform?Take notesWeeklyAll-manager meetingsInform, clarify?Note takingMonthlyAll-employee meetingsInform, clarify?Planning, logisticsTwice a yearStaff meetingsInform, clarify? ??Team meetingsDaily work? ??Corridor conversationsVarious? ??Cafe based conversationsUnderstanding? ?Website pages ? Monthly news e-zineConnect people to colleagues, to organization and to to jobEmployees connected and informedDevelop, publishMonthlyDirector staff meeting notes Connect people to organization and to document organizational? historyEmployees connected and informedDevelop, publishWeeklyOrganization calendar Provide visibility over organization activities? MaintainAs requiredMeeting actions Provide organizational accountabilityEmployees connected and informedDevelop, publishWeeklyDecision log Document organizational decisionsOrganization has record of decisionsDevelop, publishAs requiredField-guide to organization Connections to organizationEmployees understand how organization fits togetherDevelop, publishAs requiredOrganization support, infrastructure development ? Develop communications plans for other parts of the organizationConsultingSingle organizational message; communications activities are coordinatedDevelop, coordinate, publishAs requiredOrganizational distribution listsInfrastructure developmentLists are currentMaintain all staff listsAs requiredOrganizational performance reportingEmployees connected to workPerformance is visibleTo be determinedMonthly.?Information managementSingle sourceInformation under configuration controlTo be determinedAs required"Branding" and organizational identityCommon look & feelConsistent use of? name and logo on signage, websites, etc.Coordinate and supportAs requiredtop??Action Plan templateActivityResponsibilityTimelineResources NeededIndicators of SuccessDate Completed???????????? ................

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