
Finding Current Star Locations and Other Objects in SpaceUsing the InternetIntroduction: There are many stars and planets in the night sky. These move across the sky just like the Sun and the Moon. So to be able to predict which stars and the location they will in we use star charts. This activity will help find current star and planet locations.Procedure:Use the laptop computer in the classroom. They should have the needed programs installed for your use.Find the exact latitude and longitude of your observation location. (your home)Open “Google Earth” program. The icon should be on the desktop of the computer.Close the start up tip message pop-up screen.On the top left there is a place to type in a fly to location. Enter your address in this space. You will need to use a street address, town, state, zip codeThen press “enter” the program will zoom to your home address.Zoom in for a closer look by hitting the “PgUp” key. If you simply hold this down it will go too far. If you go in too far that you can’t see anything select the “PgDn” key and it will zoom back out. Keep the image of your home visible.By holding the left mouse button down, you will be able to move the image by moving the mouse button. Keep your home visible.Without holding the any button down, move the mouse so the hand is directly over your observation site.On the lower left of the screen is the latitude and longitude of the hand location. If you move the hand you see the numbers changing.Write the latitude and longitude down for your observation location. Make sure you write the entire number. Also make sure to see if it is west for longitude and north for latitude.Write down the elevation in meters. This is found in the bottom center of the map.For grins and chuckles, put a grid over the map that shows latitude and longitude. Hold down the “Ctrl” key and “L” at the same time. This shows the latitude and longitude grid. To turn this off do the same thing again, hold down the “Ctrl” key and “L” at the same time. To see the school type “309 Schoolhouse Rd. Duncannon, Pa” in the space at the top left and then press enter. This will get you close to the school.Move the map over the school by using the left mouse key and the mouse button. Next use the information to place into the star chart program online.Open internet explorer to go to the internet.Type and go to the web-page.On this site look at the heading “Configuration” select “create a new user account”Type in your user name and password. Make sure you use one you will remember.Under optional fields you will not need to enter anything. DO NOT put in your e-mail address, it is not needed.On the next page select “enter your coordinates manually “Fill the form in. Name your site. Then very carefully enter your Latitude and longitude correctly. 40° 21’12.01” would be40 degrees21 min.12.01 secondsThen type in the elevation in metersSelect our time zone, northeastern US. -5 hoursDO NOT enter a site numberThen submit.On the next page select proceed straight to “main prediction page.”Look at star chartsScroll down the page to ASTRONOMYThe third selection down is “Whole Sky Chart” select this.The chart that you see is for the present time. This means the objects that are listed are out there in the day sky. We just can’t see them because of the atmosphere of the earth.What planets are out in the sky now?Scroll down the page to the place where you can put in your own time and date.Because you may not be able to see stars until 9 P.M. for time type 21 hour and 00 min. 8:30 would be 20 hour 30 min.Under other options size 600.Submit. The map you see is what the stars will look like tonight at 8:30 PM or 9:00 PM. Please note the sky chart is made with east and west flipped in position just like the Planosphere. The objects on the left are actually to the east.What planets are visible today?Under options click the check off of lines and names then submit. See if you can find any of the constellations without the guidelines. Go back and forth until you can find three constellations without the lines.In the fall the great square of Pegasus is easily seen coming up in the east.This can be copied and saved on your own computer. You could even print it out. To save ink it is best to go down to options and select black on white and select submit.You could select any date and time to see what will be out at that time. Some students have put in birthdays to see the stars out.Find the satellites that will be flying over that will be visible. Go back to the main page by clicking on the heavens above icon at the top left of the page.Under SATELLITES select Daily predictions of all satellites brighter than 3.5 mag.The table shows a list of very visible satellites that will fly over today. The important data is the time and the direction it will fly over. Look at the maximum altitude. The higher this number the more likely the satellite will be seen. 70 degrees or higher is good. It will be flying over your loction.To see a flight path click on the Max. Altitude Time.To see really neat flashes of light in the sky Iridium FlaresGo back to the main page by clicking on the heavens above icon at the top left of the page.Under SATELLITES select Iridium flares next 24 hours.This data shows when the flares will be visible today and the direction to look.Try next 7 days to see forecast of flares.The flares do not last long. Make sure you are facing the correct direction at the correct time. Cell phone time is best to use because it is the most accurate. ................

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