

|Unit 1 - Lesson 1: Scientific Knowledge - 4 DAYS |Unit 7 - Lessons 1-2: Change over Time and Relative Dating – 5 DAYS |

|Unit 1 - Lesson 2: Scientific Investigations – 5 DAYS |Unit 7 - Lesson 3: Absolute Dating – 3 DAYS |

|Unit 1 - Lesson 3: Representing Data – 3 DAYS |Unit 8 - Lesson 1: Weathering – 5 DAYS |

|Unit 2 - Lesson 1: Structure of the Universe – 5 DAYS |Unit 8 - Lessons 2-3: Erosion – wind, water, ice, gravity – 5 DAYS |

|Unit 2 - Lesson 2: Stars – 5 DAYS Mini-assessment #1 |Unit 8 - Lesson 4: Landforms and Florida - 5 DAYS |

| |Mini-assessment #4 |

|Unit 3 – Lessons 1-2: Historical Models of the Solar System and Gravity of the Solar System |Unit 9 - Lesson 1: Natural Resources – 3 DAYS |

|- 5 DAYS | |

|Unit 3 – Lesson 3: The Sun – 4 DAYS |Unit 9 - Lessons 2-3: Human Impact – land and water – 5 DAYS |

|Unit 3 – Lessons 4-5: The Terrestrial Planets and The Gas Giant Planets – 5 DAYS |Unit 9 - Lessons 4-5: Human Impact – atmosphere and Protecting Earth’s Resources – 5 DAYS |

|Unit 3 – Lesson 6: Small Bodies in the Solar System – 3 DAYS |Unit 10 - Lesson 1: Earth’s “Spheres” - 4 DAYS |

|Unit 4 – Lesson 1: Earth’s Days, Years, Seasons – 5 DAYS |Unit 10 – Lesson 2: The Atmosphere – 5 DAYS |

|Unit 4 – Lesson 2: Moon Phases and Eclipses – 5 DAYS |Unit 10 – Lessons 3-4: Energy Transfer and Wind – 6 DAYS |

|Unit 4 – Lesson 3: Earth’s Tides - 3 DAYS |Unit 10 – Lesson 5: Ocean Currents - 4 DAYS Mini-assessment #5 |

|Mini-assessment #2 | |

|Unit 5 – Lessons 1-2: Images from Space and Technology for Space Exploration – 3 DAYS |Unit 11 - Lesson 1: The Water Cycle – 5 DAYS |

|Unit 5 – Lesson 3: Space Exploration and Florida – 2 DAYS |Unit 11 – Lessons 2-3: Elements of Weather – 5 DAYS |

|Unit 6 – Lessons 1-2: Minerals and the Rock Cycle – 5 DAYS |Unit 11 - Lesson 4: Severe Weather and Safety – 5 DAYS |

|Unit 6 – Lessons 3-4: Earth’s Layers and Plate Tectonics – 6 DAYS |Unit 11 – Lessons 5-6: Florida Natural Disasters and Climate – 5 DAYS |

|Unit 6 – Lessons 5-6: Mountain Building and Earth Quakes – 3 DAYS |Family Life/Human Sexuality Curriculum BEEP – 5 DAYS |

|Unit 6 - Lesson 7: Volcanoes - 2 DAYS |HIV/AIDS Curriculum BEEP – 5 DAYS |

| | |

|Mini-assessment #3 | |

|Unit: 1 (Nature of Science) |Pacing: 12 Days |

|Big Idea: | |

|1 - The Practice of Science | |

|2 - The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge | |

|3 - The Roles of Theories, Laws, Hypotheses, and Models | |

|Essential Questions: |Teacher Notes: |

|What are types of scientific knowledge? (Lesson 1) |Lab Safety Contract |

|How are scientific investigations conducted? (Lesson 2) |Science Fair - Applications of scientific research and experimentation |

|How do scientists organize, analyze and present data? (Lesson 3) | |

| | |Differentiated Instruction: Recommended | | |

|Concepts |Benchmarks: Objectives and Skills |Activities and Labs. (See BEEP for additional |Key Terminology/ |Resources |

| | |instructional strategies and advanced coursework)|Vocabulary | |

|Science as the study of the|SC.6.N.1.5: Recognize that science involves creativity,|Science Career Fair-guest speakers |empirical evidence |Unit 1 |

|natural world |not just in designing experiments, but also in creating| |theory |Lesson 1: Scientific Knowledge |

| |explanations that fit evidence. |Lab Safety contract required. Have students and |law | |

|Theories and laws | |parents sign the contract. Keep all contracts on| | |

| |SC.6.N.2.1: Distinguish science from other activities |file in the classroom. Students without | | |

|Scientific knowledge |involving thought. (Not Assessed) |contracts may not participate in lab activities. | | |

|changes | | | | |

| |SC.6.N.2.2: Explain that scientific knowledge is |Safety Contract | |Test Specs |

| |durable because it is open to change as new evidence or| | |

| |interpretations are encountered. |Citizen Science- Launching Humanity into Space | |.net/ |

| | |pages 2-3. | | |

| |SC.6.N.2.3: Recognize that scientists who make | | |Optional Resource: Unit 11 |

| |contributions to scientific knowledge come from all |People in Science pages 16-17. | |Weather can be used to teach this unit |

| |kinds of backgrounds and possess varied talents, | | | |

| |interests, and goals. (Not Assessed) |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| | |Growing Plants | | |

| |SC.6.N.3.1: Recognize and explain that a scientific |Seed Germination | | |

| |theory is a well-supported and widely accepted |Force and Fan Carts | | |

| |explanation of nature and is not simply a claim posed | | | |

| |by an individual.   Thus, the use of the term theory in| | | |

| |science is very different than how it is used in |See Unit 11 for additional weather related | | |

| |everyday life. |activities | | |

| | | | | |

| |SC.6.N.3.2: Recognize and explain that a scientific law| | | |

| |is a description of a specific relationship under given| | | |

| |conditions in the natural world. Thus, scientific laws | | | |

| |are different from societal laws. (Not Assessed) | | | |

| | | | | |

| |SC.6.N.3.3: Give several examples of scientific laws. | | | |

| |(Not Assessed) | | | |

|The work of scientists |SC.6.N.1.1: Define a problem from the sixth grade |Scientific Investigations Virtual Lab |repetition |Unit 1 |

|varies. |curriculum, use appropriate reference materials to | |replication |Lesson 2: Scientific Investigations |

| |support scientific understanding, plan and carry out |Lab Safety |experiment | |

|Experimental repetition and|scientific investigation of various types, such as | |observation | |

|replication. |systematic observations or experiments, identify |Independent student research and experimentation |hypothesis | |

| |variables, collect and organize data, interpret data in|(i.e. science fair project). |independent | |

| |charts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make| |variable | |

| |predictions, and defend conclusions. |Identify the Controls and Variables |dependent variable | |

| | | | |

| |SC.6.N.1.2: Explain why scientific investigations |html | |Test Specs |

| |should be replicable. | | |

| |SC.6.N.1.3: Explain the difference between an |Using Methods of a scientist | |.net/ |

| |experiment and other types of scientific investigation,|Laboratory Skills Checkup 1: Following | | |

| |and explain the relative benefits and limitations of |Directions, TE | | |

| |each. | | | |

| | |Lab Safety Pages R16-R17 | | |

| |SC.6.N.1.4: Discuss, compare, and negotiate methods | | | |

| |used, results obtained, and explanations among groups |Research and experimentation Pages R18-R22 | | |

| |of students conducting the same investigation. | | | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| |SC.6.N.1.5: Recognize that science involves creativity,|Growing Plants | | |

| |not just in designing experiments, but also in creating|Seed Germination | | |

| |explanations that fit evidence. (Not Assessed) |Force and Fan Carts | | |

| | |Triple Beam Balance | | |

| |SC.6.N.2.3: Recognize that scientists who make |pH Analysis | | |

| |contributions to scientific knowledge come from all | | | |

| |kinds of backgrounds and possess varied talents, | | | |

| |interests, and goals. (Not Assessed) | | | |

| | | | | |

| |SC.6.N.3.4: Identify the role of models in the context | | | |

| |of the sixth grade science benchmarks. (Not Assessed) | | | |

|Use of tables, graphs, |SC.6.N.1.1: Define a problem from the sixth grade |Representing Data Virtual Lab |model |Unit 1 |

|and/or models to display |curriculum, use appropriate reference materials to | | |Lesson 3: Representing Data |

|scientific data. |support scientific understanding, plan and carry out |Independent student research and experimentation | | |

| |scientific investigation of various types, such as |(i.e. science fair project) | | |

| |systematic observations or experiments, identify | | | |

| |variables, collect and organize data, interpret data in|Graphing activity | | |

| |charts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make| | | |

| |predictions, and defend conclusions. |*Science Fair or equivalent application of the | |Test Specs |

| | |scientific method is required for all students. | |

| |SC.6.N.1.5: Recognize that science involves creativity,|See for details. | |.net/ |

| |not just in designing experiments, but also in creating| | | |

| |explanations that fit evidence. (Not Assessed) |Graphing Pages R34-R36 | | |

| | | | | |

| |SC.6.N.3.4: Identify the role of models in the context |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| |of the sixth grade science benchmarks. (Not Assessed) |Graphing Skills | | |

| | |Reaction Time 1 (Graphs and Statistics) | | |

|Unit: 2 (The Universe) |Pacing: 10 Days |

|Big Idea: 5 - Earth in Space and Time | |

| |Mini-assessment #1 to follow Unit 2 |

|Essential Questions: |Teacher Notes: |

|What makes up the universe? (Lesson 1) | |

|What are some properties of stars? (Lesson 2) | |

| | |Differentiated Instruction: Recommended | | |

|Concepts |Benchmarks: Objectives and Skills |Activities and Labs. (See BEEP for additional |Key Terminology/ |Resources |

| | |instructional strategies and advanced coursework)|Vocabulary | |

|Structure of the universe |SC.8.E.5.1: Recognize that there are enormous distances|Comparing the Distance Between Planets Lab (or |solar system |Unit 2 |

| |between objects in space and apply our knowledge of |similar) |planet |Lesson 1: Structure of the Universe |

|Size of the universe |light and space travel to understand this distance. | | |

| | |_system/2/ucss2_2a.html |galaxy | |

| |SC.8.E.5.2: Recognize that the universe contains many | |light-year | |

| |billions of galaxies and that each galaxy contains many|Time Travel to the Edge of the Universe and Back |universe | |

| |billions of stars. | | |

| | |html | |Test Specs |

| |SC.8.E.5.3: Distinguish the hierarchical relationships | | |

| |between planets and other astronomical bodies relative |Citizen Science: Galaxy Zoo pages 50-51. | |.net/ |

| |to solar system, galaxy, and universe, including | | | |

| |distance, size, and composition. |People in Science: pages 62-63. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| | |Solar System | | |

| | |Solar System Explorer | | |

|Physical properties of |SC.8.E.5.5: Describe and classify specific physical |Absolute and apparent magnitude video |star |Unit 2 |

|stars |properties of stars: apparent magnitude (brightness), | magnitude |Lesson 2: Stars |

| |temperature (color), size, and luminosity (absolute |ude-vs-apparent-magnitude/7D55rUQ-jte8l4SCmtGOhw |luminosity | |

| |brightness). | |absolute magnitude | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| | |H-R Diagram | | |

| | |Star Spectra | | |

| | | | |Test Specs |

| | | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Unit: 3 (The Solar System) |Pacing: 17 Days |

|Big Idea: 5 - Earth in Space and Time | |

|Essential Questions: |Teacher Notes: |

|How have people modeled the solar system? (Lesson 1) | |

|Why is gravity important in the solar system? (Lesson 2) | |

|What are the properties of the sun? (Lesson 3) | |

|What is known about the terrestrial planets? (Lesson 4) | |

|What is known about the gas giant planets? (Lesson 5) | |

|What is found in the solar system besides the sun, planets, and moons? (Lesson 6) | |

| | |Differentiated Instruction: Recommended | | |

|Concepts |Benchmarks: Objectives and Skills |Activities and Labs. (See BEEP for additional |Key Terminology/ |Resources |

| | |instructional strategies and advanced coursework)|Vocabulary | |

|Geocentric universe model |SC.6.N.2.2: Explain that scientific knowledge is |Research Geocentric and Heliocentric Models |solar system |Unit 3 |

| |durable because it is open to change as new evidence or| |Lesson 1 Historical Models of the Solar |

|Heliocentric universe model|interpretations are encountered. |/lectures/lecture11/slide02.html |geocentric |System |

| | | |parallax | |

|Scientific knowledge |SC.6.N.2.3: Recognize that scientists who make |Citizen Science: Solar System Discoveries pages | | |

|changes |contributions to scientific knowledge come from all |82-83. | | |

| |kinds of backgrounds and possess varied talents, | | | |

| |interests, and goals. (Not Assessed) |People in Science: pages 136-137. | | |

| | | | |Test Specs |

| |SC.6.N.3.2: Recognize and explain that a scientific law|ExploreLearning Gizmos: | |

| |is a description of a specific relationship under given|Solar System | |.net/ |

| |conditions in the natural world. Thus, scientific laws |Solar System Explorer | | |

| |are different from societal laws. (Not Assessed) |Comparing Earth and Venus | | |

| | | | | |

| |SC.8.E.5.8: Compare various historical models of the | | | |

| |Solar System, including geocentric and heliocentric. | | | |

|Gravity |SC.6.N.3.2: Recognize and explain that a scientific law|Satellite Orbits |gravity |Unit 3 |

| |is a description of a specific relationship under given| |Lesson 2: Gravity and the Solar System |

|Kepler’s Laws |conditions in the natural world. Thus, scientific laws |arkID=4&DocID=338 |perihelion | |

| |are different from societal laws. (Not Assessed) | |centripetal force | |

|The Law of Universal | |Gravity and Orbits Simulator |solar nebula | |

|Gravitation |SC.6.N.3.3: Give several examples of scientific laws. | | |

| |(Not Assessed) |d-orbits | | |

| | | | |Universal Law of Gravitation |

| |SC.8.E.5.4: Explore the Law of Universal Gravitation by| | |

| |explaining the role that gravity plays in the formation|Kepler’s Laws | |story/newtongrav.html |

| |of planets, stars, and solar systems and in determining| | |

| |their motions. |er/Kepler1Applet.html | | |

| | | | |Test Specs |

| | | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| | |Gravity Pitch | | |

| | |Orbital Motion: Kepler’s Law | | |

| | |Gravitational Force | | |

|Structure of the sun |SC.8.E.5.3: Distinguish the hierarchical relationships |Edible Model of the Sun |corona |Unit 3 |

| |between planets and other astronomical bodies relative | |Lesson 3: The Sun |

|Nuclear fusion |to solar system, galaxy, and universe, including |ModeloftheSun.html |photosphere | |

| |distance, size, and composition. | |convection zone | |

|Radiation | |The Sun |radiation zone | |

| |SC.8.E.5.6: Create models of solar properties | | |

|Convection |including: rotation, structure of the Sun, convection, |arkID=4&DocID=166 |nuclear fusion | |

| |sunspots, solar flares, and prominences. | |sunspots | |

| | |Could a Solar Flare Destroy the Earth? |solar flares |Test Specs |

| | | |

| | |0-could-a-solar-flare-destroy-the-earth-video.htm| |.net/ |

| | | | | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| | |Solar System | | |

| | |Solar System Explorer | | |

|Properties of terrestrial |SC.8.E.5.3: Distinguish the hierarchical relationships |Field trip ideas- BC Planetary or Fox Observatory|terrestrial planets |Unit 3 |

|planets |between planets and other astronomical bodies relative |in Markham Park |astronomical unit |Lesson 4: The Terrestrial Planets |

| |to solar system, galaxy, and universe, including | | | |

| |distance, size, and composition. |Surface features of Mercury Interactive | | |

| | | | |

| |SC.8.E.5.7: Compare and contrast the properties of |3&Grade=6-8 | | |

| |objects in the Solar System including the Sun, planets,| | | |

| |and moons to those of Earth, such as gravitational |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | |Test Specs |

| |force, distance from the Sun, speed, movement, |Solar System | |

| |temperature, and atmospheric conditions. |Solar System Explorer | |.net/ |

| | |Orbital Motion: Kepler’s Law | | |

| | |Comparing Earth and Venus | | |

| | |Phases of the Moon | | |

| | |Weight and Mass | | |

| | |Beam to Moon (Ratios and Proportions) | | |

|Properties of gas giant |SC.8.E.5.3: Distinguish the hierarchical relationships |Field trip ideas- BC Planetary or Fox Observatory|gas giants |Unit 3 |

|planets |between planets and other astronomical bodies relative |in Markham Park |planetary ring |Lesson 5: The Gas Giant Planets |

| |to solar system, galaxy, and universe, including | | | |

| |distance, size, and composition. |Solar System WebQuest Planetary Vacation | | |

| | | | |

| |SC.8.E.5.7: Compare and contrast the properties of |QUEST.HTM#top | | |

| |objects in the Solar System including the Sun, planets,| | | |

| |and moons to those of Earth, such as gravitational |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | |Test Specs |

| |force, distance from the Sun, speed, movement, |Solar System | |

| |temperature, and atmospheric conditions. |Solar System Explorer | |.net/ |

| | | | | |

|Properties of small bodies |SC.8.E.5.3: Distinguish the hierarchical relationships |Focus on Florida: pages 150-151. |dwarf planet |Unit 3 |

|in the solar system |between planets and other astronomical bodies relative | |Kuiper belt |Lesson 6: Small Bodies in the Solar System|

| |to solar system, galaxy, and universe, including |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |Kuiper belt object | |

| |distance, size, and composition. |Solar System |comet | |

| | |Solar System Explorer |Oort cloud | |

| |SC.8.E.5.7: Compare and contrast the properties of | |asteroid | |

| |objects in the Solar System including the Sun, planets,| |meteoroid | |

| |and moons to those of Earth, such as gravitational | |meteor |Test Specs |

| |force, distance from the Sun, speed, movement, | |meteorite |

| |temperature, and atmospheric conditions. | | |.net/ |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Unit: 4 (The Earth-Moon-Sun System) |Pacing: 13 Days |

|Big Idea: 5 - Earth in Space and Time | |

| |Mini-assessment #2 to follow Unit 4 |

|Essential Questions: |Teacher Notes: |

|How are Earth’s days, years, and seasons related to the way Earth moves in space? (Lesson 1) | |

|How do Earth, the moon, and the sun affect each other? (Lesson 2) | |

|What causes tides? (Lesson 3) | |

| | |Differentiated Instruction: Recommended | | |

|Concepts |Benchmarks: Objectives and Skills |Activities and Labs. (See BEEP for additional |Key Terminology/ |Resources |

| | |instructional strategies and advanced coursework)|Vocabulary | |

|Seasons |SC.8.E.5.9: Explain the impact of objects in space on |Seasons Greetings |rotation |Unit 4 |

| |each other including: the Sun on the Earth including | |Lesson 1: Earth’s Days, Years, and Seasons|

| |seasons and gravitational attraction the Moon on the |eetings/lesson-activities/4818/ |revolution | |

| |Earth including phases, tides, and eclipses and the | |year | |

| |relative position of each body. |The Four Seasons |season | |

| | | | |

| | |arkID=4&DocID=256 |solstice |Seasonal Changes animation |

| | | | |

| | |Moon Phase Activity-Students will observe and | |ce/terc/content/visualizations/es1704/es17|

| | |sketch the moon each night for a set time period | |04page01.cfm?chapter_no=visualization |

| | |noting time and location. | | |

| | | | |Test Specs |

| | |Citizen Science: Measuring Shadows pages 176-177.| |

| | | | |.net/ |

| | |Moon Phase Calendar | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |The Moon Tonight | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| | |Seasons in 3D | | |

| | |Summer and Winter | | |

|Gravitational attraction |SC.8.E.5.9: Explain the impact of objects in space on |Seasons Interactive |satellite |Unit 4 |

| |each other including: the Sun on the Earth including | |Lesson 2: Moon Phases and Eclipses |

|Moon phases |seasons and gravitational attraction the Moon on the |/SEPUP_Seasons_Interactive.swf |lunar phases | |

| |Earth, including phases, tides, and eclipses, and the | |waning | |

|Eclipses |relative position of each body. |Solar Eclipse Animation |waxing | |

| | | | |

| | |pse_anim.html |crescent | |

| | | |eclipse |Test Specs |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |umbra |

| | |Phases of the Moon |penumbra |.net/ |

| | |Moonrise, Moonset, and Phases | | |

| | |Weight and Mass | | |

| | |Beam to Moon (Ratios and Proportions) | | |

| | |3D Eclipse | | |

| | |Penumbra Effect | | |

|Tides |SC.8.E.5.9 Explain the impact of objects in space on |The Moon and Tides |tides |Unit 4 |

| |each other including: the Sun on the Earth including | |tidal range |Lesson 3: Earth’s Tides |

| |seasons and gravitational attraction the Moon on the | |spring tides | |

| |Earth, including phases, tides, and eclipses, and the |Tides and Lunar Cycles |neap tides | |

| |relative position of each body. | | |

| | |es.html | | |

| | | | | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | |Test Specs |

| | |Phases of the Moon | |

| | |Tides | |.net/ |

|Unit: 5 (Space Exploration) |Pacing: 5 Days |

|Big Idea: 5 - Earth in Space and Time | |

|Essential Questions: |Teacher Notes: |

|What can we learn from space images? (Lesson 1) | |

|How do people explore space? (Lesson 2) | |

|How has space exploration affected Florida? (Lesson 3) | |

| | |Differentiated Instruction: Recommended | | |

|Concepts |Benchmarks: Objectives and Skills |Activities and Labs. (See BEEP for additional |Key Terminology/ |Resources |

| | |instructional strategies and advanced coursework)|Vocabulary | |

|Electromagnetic spectrum |SC.8.E.5.10: Assess how technology is essential to |Electromagnetic Spectrum Activity |wavelength |Unit 5 |

| |science for such purposes as access to outer space and | spectrum |Lesson 1: Images from Space |

|Detection of |other remote locations, sample collection, measurement,|ch/8thgradesol/ElectromagSpect.htm | | |

|electromagnetic radiation |data collection and storage, computation, and | | | |

| |communication of information. (Not Assessed) |Citizen Science: Exploring Space pages 218-219. | | |

|Satellite images | | | | |

| |SC.8.E.5.11: Identify and compare characteristics of |Understanding the Electromagnetic Spectrum | | |

| |the electromagnetic spectrum such as wavelength, | |Test Specs |

| |frequency, use, and hazards and recognize its |.html | |

| |application to an understanding of planetary images and| | |.net/ |

| |satellite photographs. (Not Assessed) |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| | |Longitudinal Waves | | |

| | |Star Spectra | | |

|Space exploration |SC.8.E.5.10: Assess how technology is essential to |People in Science: pages 234-235. |probe |Unit 5 |

| |science for such purposes as access to outer space and | | |Lesson 2: Technology for Space Exploration|

| |other remote locations, sample collection, measurement,|WebQuest Mission to Mars | | |

| |data collection and storage, computation, and | | | |

| |communication of information. (Not Assessed) | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Test Specs |

| | | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

|Effects of space |SC.8.E.5.12: Summarize the effects of space exploration|Field trip idea- Kennedy Space Center |NASA |Unit 5 |

|exploration on culture and |on the economy and culture of Florida. (Not Assessed) | |launch |Lesson 3: Space Exploration and Florida |

|economy | |Culminating Activity- View film “October Sky” and|spinoff | |

| | |hold class discussion or written summary. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| | |Gravity Pitch | | |

| | | | |Test Specs |

| | | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

|Unit: 6 (Earth’s Structures) |Pacing: 16 Days |

|Big Idea: 6 - Earth’s Structures | |

| |Mini-assessment #3 to follow Unit 6 |

|Essential Questions: |Teacher Notes: |

|What are minerals, how do the form, and how can they be identified? (Lesson 1) | |

|What is the rock cycle? (Lesson 2) | |

|What are Earth’s layers? (Lesson 3) | |

|What is plate tectonics? (Lesson 4) | |

|How do mountains form? (Lesson 5) | |

|Why do earthquakes happen? (Lesson 6) | |

|How do volcanoes change Earth’s surface? (Lesson 7) | |

| | |Differentiated Instruction: Recommended | | |

|Concepts |Benchmarks: Objectives and Skills |Activities and Labs. (See BEEP for additional |Key Terminology/ |Resources |

| | |instructional strategies and advanced coursework)|Vocabulary | |

|Mineral structure |SC.7.E.6.2: Identify the patterns within the rock cycle| |mineral |Unit 6 |

| |and relate them to surface events (weathering and |Mineral Interactive |elements |Lesson 1: Minerals |

|Physical properties of |erosion) and sub-surface events (plate tectonics and | |atoms | |

|minerals |mountain building). | |compound | |

| | |Learn about the Moh’s Hardness Scale while |matter | |

| | |escaping the Castle of Doom |crystal | |

| | | | |

| | |index.html |luster |Test Specs |

| | | |cleavage |

| | |Citizen Science: Stable Structures pages 274-275.| |.net/ |

| | | | | |

| | |Focus on Florida: pages 290-291. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| | |Mineral Identification | | |

|The rock cycle |SC.7.E.6.2: Identify the patterns within the rock cycle|The Rock Cycle Interactive |weathering |Unit 6 |

| |and relate them to surface events (weathering and | |erosion |Lesson 2: The Rock Cycle |

| |erosion) and sub-surface events (plate tectonics and | |deposition | |

| |mountain building). |The Crayon Rock Cycle Lab |igneous rock | |

| | | |sedimentary rock | |

| | | |metamorphic rock | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |rock cycle | |

| | |Rock Cycle |uplift |Test Specs |

| | |Plate Tectonics |subsidence |

| | |Building Pangaea |rift zone |.net/ |

| | |Rock Classification | | |

|Layers of the Earth |SC.7.E.6.1: Describe the layers of the solid Earth, | |crust |Unit 6 |

| |including the lithosphere, the hot convecting mantle, |Earth’s Layers |mantle |Lesson 3: Earth’s Layers |

| |and the dense metallic liquid and solid cores. | | |

| | |earch.cfm |core | |

| |SC.7.E.6.7: Recognize that heat flow and movement of | |lithosphere | |

| |material within Earth causes earthquakes and volcanic |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |asthenosphere | |

| |eruptions, and creates mountains and ocean basins. |Rock Cycle |mesosphere | |

| | |Plate Tectonics | |Test Specs |

| | | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

|Theory of plate tectonics |SC.6.N.3.1: Recognize and explain that a scientific | |Pangea |Unit 6 |

| |theory is a well-supported and widely accepted |Plate Tectonics - evidence to explain the process|sea-floor spreading |Lesson 4: What is plate tectonics? |

|Plate boundaries |explanation of nature and is not simply a claim posed |of Earth evolution: |theory of plate tectonics | |

| |by an individual.   Thus, the use of the term theory in| plates | |

| |science is very different than how it is used in |ml |convergent boundaries | |

| |everyday life. | |divergent boundaries | |

| | |The Story of Plate Tectonics |transform boundaries | |

| |SC.7.E.6.1: Describe the layers of the solid Earth, | |convection |Test Specs |

| |including the lithosphere, the hot convecting mantle, | | |

| |and the dense metallic liquid and solid cores. |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | |.net/ |

| | |Plate Tectonics | | |

| |SC.7.E.6.2: Identify the patters within the rock cycle|Building Pangaea | | |

| |and relate them to surface events (weathering and | | | |

| |erosion) and sub-surface events (plate tectonics and | | | |

| |mountain building). | | | |

| | | | | |

| |SC.7.E.6.4: Explain and give examples of how physical | | | |

| |evidence supports scientific theories that Earth has | | | |

| |evolved over geologic time due to natural processes. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |SC.7.E.6.5: Explore the scientific theory of plate | | | |

| |tectonics by describing how the movement of Earth's | | | |

| |crustal plates causes both slow and rapid changes in | | | |

| |Earth's surface, including volcanic eruptions, | | | |

| |earthquakes, and mountain building. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |SC.7.E.6.7: Recognize that heat flow and movement of | | | |

| |material within Earth causes earthquakes and volcanic | | | |

| |eruptions, and creates mountains and ocean basins. | | | |

|Tectonic plate movement as |SC.7.E.6.5: Explore the scientific theory of plate |Making Fault models |deformation |Unit 6 |

|it relates to mountain |tectonics by describing how the movement of Earth's | |Lesson 5: Mountain Building |

|building |crustal plates causes both slow and rapid changes in |69199.Es.r.html |syncline | |

| |Earth's surface, including volcanic eruptions, | |anticline | |

|Types of faults |earthquakes, and mountain building. |People in Science: pages 326-327. |fault | |

| | | |shear stress | |

|Types of mountains |SC.7.E.6.7: Recognize that heat flow and movement of |Animation of faults |tension | |

| |material within Earth causes earthquakes and volcanic | |compression |Test Specs |

| |eruptions, and creates mountains and ocean basins. | | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | |.net/ |

| | |Plate Tectonics | | |

| | |Building Pangaea | | |

|Earthquake causes and |SC.7.E.6.5: Explore the scientific theory of plate |Earthquake and Plate Tectonics Project |earthquakes |Unit 6 |

|locations |tectonics by describing how the movement of Earth's | |Lesson 6: Earthquakes |

| |crustal plates causes both slow and rapid changes in |s3/en/index.shtml |epicenter | |

| |Earth's surface, including volcanic eruptions, | |tectonic plate | |

| |earthquakes, and mountain building. |Earthquakes-location and prediction of activities|boundary | |

| | | | |

| |SC.7.E.6.7: Recognize that heat flow and movement of |arkID=4&DocID=482 |elastic rebound | |

| |material within Earth causes earthquakes and volcanic | |tsunami |Test Specs |

| |eruptions, and creates mountains and ocean basins. |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | |

| | |Plate Tectonics | |.net/ |

| | |Earthquake – Recording Station | | |

| | |Earthquake – Determination of Epicenter | | |

| | |Ripple Tank | | |

|Volcanoes and eruptions |SC.7.E.6.5: Explore the scientific theory of plate |Types of Volcanic Eruptions Venn Diagram |volcano |Unit 6 |

| |tectonics by describing how the movement of Earth's | |Lesson 7: Volcanoes |

| |crustal plates causes both slow and rapid changes in |/activity/types-of-volcanic-eruptions/ |lava | |

| |Earth's surface, including volcanic eruptions, | |vent | |

| |earthquakes, and mountain building. |Mt. St. Helen’s Back from the Dead video |pyroclastic material | |

| | | |shield volcano | |

| |SC.7.E.6.7: Recognize that heat flow and movement of | |cinder cone | |

| |material within Earth causes earthquakes and volcanic |Culminating Activity- Read or view film “Journey |composite volcano |Test Specs |

| |eruptions, and creates mountains and ocean basins. |to the Center of the Earth” and hold class |fissure |

| | |discussion or written summary. |caldera |.net/ |

| | | |tectonic plates | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |hot spots | |

| | |Plate Tectonics | | |

|Unit: 7 (Earth’s History) |Pacing: 8 Days |

|Big Ideas: 6 – Earth Structures | |

|Essential Questions: |Teacher Notes: |

|How do we learn about Earth’s history? (Lesson 1) | |

|How is the relative age of rock measured? (Lesson 2) | |

|How is the absolute age of rock measured? (Lesson 3) | |

|Concepts |Benchmarks: Objectives and Skills |Differentiated Instruction: Recommended |Key Terminology/ |Resources |

| | |Activities and Labs. (See BEEP for additional |Vocabulary | |

| | |instructional strategies and advanced coursework)| | |

|Uniformitarianism and |SC.6.N.1.1: Define a problem from the sixth grade |Citizen Science: Preserving the Past, pp. 370-371|uniformitarianism |Unit 7 |

|Fossils |curriculum, use appropriate reference materials to | |fossil |Lesson 1: Geologic Change Over Time |

| |support scientific understanding, plan and carry out |What Can We Learn From |trace fossil | |

|The Rock Record |scientific investigation of various types, such as |The Rock Record? |climate | |

| |systematic observations or experiments, identify | core | |

|Earth’s Changing Climate |variables, collect and organize data, interpret data in|ils.pdf | | |

| |charts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make| | | |

| |predictions, and defend conclusions. | | | |

| | |Explorations through Time | |Test Specs |

| |SC.7.E.6.4: Explain and give examples of how physical | |

| |evidence supports scientific theories that Earth has |html | |.net/ |

| |evolved over geologic time due to natural processes. | | | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| |LA. The student will record information (e.g., |Rock Cycle | | |

| |observations, notes, lists, charts, legends) related to|Rock Classification | | |

| |a topic, including visual aids to organize and record | | | |

| |information and include a list of sources used. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Dating Undisturbed Rock | |Think Science - Forming a Hypothesis, pp. 398-399|relative dating |Unit 7 |

|Layers |SC.7.E.6.3: Identify current methods for measuring the | |superposition |Lesson 2: Relative Dating |

| |age of Earth and its parts, including the law of | |unconformity | |

|Dating Disturbed Rock |superposition and radioactive dating. |Finding Impact Craters with LandSat |fossil | |

|Layers | | |geologic column | |

| | | | | |

|Fossils and Relative Dating| |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| | |Rock Cycle | |Test Specs |

|Geologic Columns | |Rock Classification | |

| | | | |.net/ |

| | | | | |

|Absolute Dating | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |absolute dating |Unit 7 |

| | |Nuclear Decay |radioactive decay |Lesson 3: Absolute Dating |

|Radiometric Dating |SC.7.E.6.3: Identify current methods for measuring the |Half-Life |half-life | |

| |age of Earth and its parts, including the law of | |radiometric dating | |

|The Age of Earth |superposition and radioactive dating. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Index Fossils | | | | |

| | | | |Test Specs |

| | | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

|Unit: 8 (Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, and Landforms) |Pacing: 15 Days |

|Big Ideas: 6 – Earth Structures | |

| |Mini-assessment #4 to follow Unit 8 |

|Essential Questions: |Teacher Notes: |

|How does weathering change Earth’s surface? (Lesson 1) | |

|How does water change Earth’s surface? (Lesson 2) | |

|How do wind, ice, and gravity change Earth’s surface? (Lesson 3) | |

|Concepts |Benchmarks: Objectives and Skills |Differentiated Instruction: Recommended |Key Terminology/ |Resources |

| | |Activities and Labs. (See BEEP for additional |Vocabulary | |

| | |instructional strategies and advanced coursework)| | |

|Weathering |SC.6.E.6.1: Describe and give examples of ways in which|Citizen Science: Save a Beach, pp. 420-421 |weathering |Unit 8 |

| |Earth's surface is built up and torn down by physical | |physical weathering |Lesson 1: Weathering |

|Physical Weathering |and chemical weathering, erosion, and deposition. |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |abrasion | |

| | |Rock Cycle |chemical weathering | |

|Chemical Weathering |LA. The student will organize information to |Rock Classification |oxidation | |

| |show understanding (e.g., representing main ideas | |acid precipitation | |

| |within text through charting, mapping, paraphrasing, | | | |

| |summarizing, or comparing/contrasting). | | |Test Specs |

| | | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

| | | | | |

|Erosion & Deposition |SC.6.E.6.1: Describe and give examples of ways in which|Think Science: Searching the Internet, p. 446-447|erosion |Unit 8 |

| |Earth's surface is built up and torn down by physical | |deposition |Lesson 2: Erosion and Deposition by Water |

|Erosion & Deposition by |and chemical weathering, erosion, and deposition. | |floodplain | |

|Streams | |How do certain factors affect the erosion of soil|delta | |

| |SC.6.E.6.2: Recognize that there are a variety of |by water? |alluvial fan | |

|Formation of Landforms |different landforms on Earth's surface such as | water | |

| |coastlines, dunes, rivers, mountains, glaciers, deltas,|e/virtual_labs/ES08/ES08.html |shoreline | |

|Erosion & Deposition by |and lakes and relate these landforms as they apply to | |beach |Test Specs |

|Groundwater, Waves, and |Florida. |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |sandbar |

|Currents | |Rock Cycle |barrier island |.net/ |

| |MA.6.A.3.6: Construct and analyze tables, graphs, and |Water Cycle | | |

| |equations to describe linear functions and other simple|Porosity | | |

| |relations using both common language and algebraic |Building Topographic Maps | | |

| |notation. |Reading Topographic Maps | | |

| | | | | |

| |LA. The student will organize information to | | | |

| |show understanding (e.g., representing main ideas | | | |

| |within text through charting, mapping, paraphrasing, | | | |

| |summarizing, or comparing/contrasting). | | | |

|Erosion & Deposition by |SC.6.N.3.4: Identify the role of models in the context |Focus on Florida: Tampa Bay Estuary, p. 460-461 |dune |Unit 8 |

|Wind |of the sixth grade science benchmarks. (Not Assessed) | |loess |Lesson 3: Erosion and Deposition by Wind, |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |glacier |Ice, and Gravity |

|Erosion & Deposition by Ice|SC.6.E.6.1: Describe and give examples of ways in which|Rock Cycle |glacial drift | |

| |Earth's surface is built up and torn down by physical |Water Cycle |creep | |

|Erosion & Deposition by |and chemical weathering, erosion, and deposition. |Building Topographic Maps |rockfall | |

|Gravity (Mass Movement) | |Reading Topographic Maps |landslide | |

| |SC.6.E.6.2: Recognize that there are a variety of | |mudflow | |

| |different landforms on Earth's surface such as | | |Test Specs |

| |coastlines, dunes, rivers, mountains, glaciers, deltas,| | |

| |and lakes and relate these landforms as they apply to | | |.net/ |

| |Florida. | | | |

|Mountains and Glaciers |SC.6.E.6.2: Recognize that there are a variety of |Coral Kid – Exploring Florida’s ecosystem |mountain |Unit 8 |

| |different landforms on Earth's surface such as | |Lesson 4: Landforms and Florida |

|Lakes, Rivers, and Deltas |coastlines, dunes, rivers, mountains, glaciers, deltas,|ess.earthsys.coralkid/ |lake | |

| |and lakes and relate these landforms as they apply to | |river | |

|Coastlines and Dunes |Florida. |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |delta | |

| | |Building Topographic Maps |coastline | |

| | |Reading Topographic Maps |dune | |

| | |Ocean Mapping | |Test Specs |

| | | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

|Unit: 9 (Human Impact on Earth) |Pacing: 13 Days |

|Big Ideas: 6 – Earth Structures | |

|Essential Questions: |Teacher Notes: |

|What are Earth’s natural resources? (Lesson 1) | |

|What impact can human activities have on land resources? (Lesson 2) | |

|What impact can human activities have on water resources? (Lesson 3) | |

|How do humans impact Earth’s atmosphere? (Lesson 4) | |

|How can Earth’s resources be used wisely? (Lesson 5) | |

|Concepts |Benchmarks: Objectives and Skills |Differentiated Instruction: Recommended |Key Terminology/ |Resources |

| | |Activities and Labs. (See BEEP for additional |Vocabulary | |

| | |instructional strategies and advanced coursework)| | |

|Natural Resources |SC.7.E.6.6: Identify the impact that humans have had on|Citizen Science: Investigating Water Resources, |natural resource |Unit 9 |

| |Earth, such as deforestation, urbanization, |pp. 480-481 |renewable resource |Lesson 1: Natural Resources |

|Renewable and Nonrenewable |desertification, erosion, air and water quality, | |nonrenewable resource | |

|Resources |changing the flow of water. |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |fossil fuel | |

| | |Mineral Identification |material resource | |

|Material and Energy |LA. The student will organize information to |Rock Classification |energy resource | |

|Resources |show understanding (e.g., representing main ideas |Measuring Trees | | |

| |within text through charting, mapping, paraphrasing, |Energy Conversions | |Test Specs |

| |summarizing, or comparing/contrasting). |Forest Ecosystem | |

| | |Pond Ecosystem | |.net/ |

| | |Prairie Ecosystem | | |

| | |Food Chain | | |

|How Humans Use Land |SC.7.E.6.6: Identify the impact that humans have had on|People in Science: Angel Montoya, Conservation |urbanization |Unit 9 |

| |Earth, such as deforestation, urbanization, |Biologist, pp. 500-501 |land degredation |Lesson 2: Human Impact on Land |

|Land Degredation |desertification, erosion, air and water quality, | |deforestation | |

| |changing the flow of water. | |desertification | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| | |Forest Ecosystem | | |

| | |Water Pollution | | |

| | |Pond Ecosystem | |Test Specs |

| | |Forest Ecosystem | |

| | |Rabbit Population by Season | |.net/ |

|Water as a Resource |SC.7.E.6.6: Identify the impact that humans have had on|Understanding the Water Cycle |water pollution |Unit 9 |

| |Earth, such as deforestation, urbanization, | |point-source pollution |Lesson 3: Human Impact on Water |

|Water Quality |desertification, erosion, air and water quality, | |nonpoint source pollution | |

| |changing the flow of water. |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |thermal pollution | |

|Water Pollution | |Pond Ecosystem |eutrophication | |

| | |Water Cycle |potable | |

|Water Supply and Flow | |Porosity |reservoir | |

| | |Water Pollution | |Test Specs |

|Urbanization | |Rabbit Population by Season | |

| | | | |.net/ |

| | | | | |

|Air and Air Pollution |SC.7.E.6.6: Identify the impact that humans have had on|Melting Mountains: Climate Change and Glaciers |greenhouse effect |Unit 9 |

| |Earth, such as deforestation, urbanization, | pollution |Lesson 4: Human Impact on the Atmosphere |

|Effects of Human Activities|desertification, erosion, air and water quality, |Lessons/Melting_Mountains_5-8.pdf |particulate | |

|on the Atmosphere |changing the flow of water. | |smog | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |acid precipitation | |

|Air Quality and Health | |Greenhouse Effect |air quality | |

| | |Heat Absorption | | |

|Air Pollution and Earth | |Pond Ecosystem | |Test Specs |

| | |Effect of Temperature on Gender | |

| | |Effect of Environment on New Life Forms | |.net/ |

| | |Natural Selection | | |

|Conservation and |SC.7.E.6.6: Identify the impact that humans have had on|Ecological importance and Fragility of the |conservation |Unit 9 |

|Stewardship |Earth, such as deforestation, urbanization, |rainforest biome |stewardship |Lesson 5: Protecting Earth’s Water, Land, |

| |desertification, erosion, air and water quality, | |and Air |

|Preservation and |changing the flow of water. |life.oate.rainforest/ | | |

|Conservation of Water | | | | |

|Resources |MA.6.A.3.6: Construct and analyze tables, graphs, and |Climate Change and its impacts on the world’s | | |

| |equations to describe linear functions and other simple|oceans | | |

|Land Management and |relations using both common language and algebraic | | |

|Conservation |notation. |ourcecd/activities/resources/climatechng_sa.pdf | |Test Specs |

| | | | |

|Reducing Air Pollution |LA. The student will organize information to |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | |.net/ |

| |show understanding (e.g., representing main ideas |Energy Conversions | | |

| |within text through charting, mapping, paraphrasing, |Household Energy Usage | | |

| |summarizing, or comparing/contrasting). |Road Trip (Problem Solving) | | |

| | |Water Pollution | | |

|Unit: 10 (Energy in the Earth System) |Pacing: 19 Days |

|Big Ideas: 7 – Earth Systems and Patterns | |

| |Mini-assessment #5 to follow Unit 10 |

|Essential Questions: |Teacher Notes: |

|What are the parts of the Earth system? (Lesson 1) | |

|What is the atmosphere? (Lesson 2) | |

|How does energy move through Earth’s system? (Lesson 3) | |

|What is wind? (Lesson 4) | |

|How does water move in the ocean? (Lesson 5) | |

|Concepts |Benchmarks: Objectives and Skills |Differentiated Instruction: Recommended |Key Terminology/ |Resources |

| | |Activities and Labs. (See BEEP for additional |Vocabulary | |

| | |instructional strategies and advanced coursework)| | |

|Earth System and Geosphere |SC.6.E.7.4: Differentiate and show interactions among |Discussion: Citizen Science –Clearing the Air, |Earth system |Unit 10 |

| |the geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere, and|pp. 550-551 |geosphere |Lesson 1: Earth’s Spheres |

|Hydrosphere and Cryosphere |biosphere. | |hydrosphere | |

| | |People in Science: Evan B. Forde, Oceanographer, |cryosphere | |

|Atmosphere and Biosphere |MA.6.A.3.6: Construct and analyze tables, graphs, and |p. 564-565 |atmosphere | |

| |equations to describe linear functions and other simple| |biosphere | |

|Earth’s Spheres Interact |relations using both common language and algebraic | | | |

| |notation. |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | |Test Specs |

| | |Water Cycle | |

| | |Coastal Winds and Clouds | |.net/ |

| | |Rock Cycle | | |

|Composition, Air Pressure, |SC.6.E.7.9: Describe how the composition and structure | |atmosphere |Unit 10 |

|and Temperature of the |of the atmosphere protects life and insulates the |Layers of the Atmosphere Foldable |air pressure |Lesson 2: The Atmosphere |

|Atmosphere |planet. | |thermosphere | |

| | | | |

|Structure of the Atmosphere| |layers_activity_print.html |stratosphere | |

| | | |troposphere | |

|Function of the Atmosphere | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |ozone layer | |

| | |Weather Maps |greenhouse effect |Test Specs |

| | |Greenhouse Effect | |

| | | | |.net/ |

| | | | | |

|Temperature, Heat, Thermal |SC.6.E.7.1: Differentiate among radiation, conduction, |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |temperature |Unit 10 |

|Energy, Thermal Expansion |and convection, the three mechanisms by which heat is |Temperature and Particle Motion |thermal energy |Lesson 3: Energy Transfer |

| |transferred through Earth's system. |Conduction and Convection |thermal expansion | |

|Radiation | |Radiation |heat | |

| |SC.6.E.7.4: Differentiate and show interactions among |Phases of Water |radiation | |

|Convection |the geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere, and|Herschel Experiment |convection | |

| |biosphere. |Heat Absorption |conduction | |

|Conduction | | | |Test Specs |

| |SC.6.E.7.5: Explain how energy provided by the sun | | |

| |influences global patterns of atmospheric movement and | | |.net/ |

| |the temperature differences between air, water, and | | | |

| |land. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |LA. The student will organize information to | | | |

| |show understanding (e.g., representing main ideas | | | |

| |within text through charting, mapping, paraphrasing, | | | |

| |summarizing, or comparing/contrasting). | | | |

|The Movement of Air |SC.6.E.7.3: Describe how global patterns such as the |Think Science: Evaluating Claims, p. 602-603 |wind |Unit 10 |

| |jet stream and ocean currents influence local weather | |Coriolis effect |Lesson 4: Wind in the Atmosphere |

|Global Winds |in measurable terms such as temperature, air pressure, | |global wind | |

| |wind direction and speed, and humidity and |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |jet stream | |

|Local Winds |precipitation. |Weather Maps |local wind | |

| | |Coastal Winds and Clouds | | |

| |SC.6.E.7.5: Explain how energy provided by the sun | | | |

| |influences global patterns of atmospheric movement and | | | |

| |the temperature differences between air, water, and | | |Test Specs |

| |land. | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

|Surface Currents in the |SC.6.E.7.3: Describe how global patterns such as the |Peruvian anchovy industry & upwelling |ocean current |Unit 10 |

|Ocean |jet stream and ocean currents influence local weather | current |Lesson 5: Ocean Currents |

| |in measurable terms such as temperature, air pressure, |anchovy/asecoas.html |Coriolis effect | |

|Deep Currents in the Ocean |wind direction and speed, and humidity and | |deep current | |

| |precipitation. |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |convection current | |

|Upwelling | |Conduction and Convection |upwelling | |

| | | | | |

|Ocean Circulation | | | |Test Specs |

| | | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

| | | | | |

|Unit: 11 (Weather and Climate) |Pacing: 20 Days |

|Big Ideas: 7 – Earth Systems and Patterns | |

|Essential Questions: |Teacher Notes: |

|How does water change state and move around on Earth? (Lesson 1) | |

|What is weather and how can we describe different types of weather conditions? (Lesson 2) | |

|How do the water cycle and other global patterns affect local weather? (Lesson 3) | |

|How can humans protect themselves from hazardous weather? (Lesson 4) | |

|How do natural disasters affect Florida? (Lesson 5) | |

|How is climate affected by energy from the sun and variations on Earth’s surface? (Lesson 6) | |

|Concepts |Benchmarks: Objectives and Skills |Differentiated Instruction: Recommended |Key Terminology/ |Resources |

| | |Activities and Labs. (See BEEP for additional |Vocabulary | |

| | |instructional strategies and advanced coursework)| | |

|Water Cycle and Change of |SC.6.E.7.2: Investigate and apply how the cycling of |Citizen Science: Exit Strategy, pp. 626-627 |water cycle |Unit 11 |

|State |water between the atmosphere and hydrosphere has an | |evaporation |Lesson 1: The Water Cycle |

| |effect on weather patterns and climate. | |transpiration | |

|Water in the Atmosphere | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |sublimation | |

| |SC.6.E.7.4: Differentiate and show interactions among |Water Cycle |condensation | |

|Water in the Oceans and on |the geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere, and| |precipitation | |

|Land |biosphere. | | | |

| | | | |Test Specs |

|Transport of Matter and | | | |

|Energy | | | |.net/ |

| | | | | |

|Elements of Weather |SC.6.E.7.2: Investigate and apply how the cycling of |Weather Factors & surface weather data |weather |Unit 11 |

| |water between the atmosphere and hydrosphere has an | |humidity |Lesson 2: Elements of Weather |

|Measuring Elements of |effect on weather patterns and climate. | |relative humidity | |

|Weather | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |dew point | |

| |SC.6.E.7.3: Describe how global patterns such as the |Weather Maps |precipitation | |

| |jet stream and ocean currents influence local weather |Relative Humidity |air pressure | |

| |in measurable terms such as temperature, air pressure, |Coastal Winds and Clouds |wind | |

| |wind direction and speed, and humidity and | |visibility |Test Specs |

| |precipitation. | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

| | | | | |

|How the Water Cycle |SC.6.E.7.2: Investigate and apply how the cycling of |Focus on Florida: Florida’s Weather Community, |air mass |Unit 11 |

|Influences Weather |water between the atmosphere and hydrosphere has an |pp. 664-665 |front |Lesson 3: What Influences Weather? |

| |effect on weather patterns and climate. | |jet stream | |

|How Patterns in the | | | | |

|Atmosphere Affect Weather |SC.6.E.7.3: Describe how global patterns such as the |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| |jet stream and ocean currents influence local weather |Water Cycle | | |

|How Patterns in the Ocean |in measurable terms such as temperature, air pressure, |Weather Maps | | |

|Influence Weather |wind direction and speed, and humidity and | | | |

| |precipitation. | | |Test Specs |

| | | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

| | | | | |

|Hazardous Weather |SC.6.E.7.8: Describe ways human beings protect |Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Lightning: A |thunderstorm |Unit 11 |

| |themselves from hazardous weather and sun exposure. |Preparedness Guide |lightning |Lesson 4: Severe Weather and Weather |

|Safety and Weather |(Not Assessed) | |Safety |

| | |s/ttl6-10.pdf |hurricane | |

| |HE.6.C.1.3: Identify environmental factors that affect | |storm surge | |

| |personal health. |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |tornado | |

| | |Ripple Tank | | |

| | |Hurricane Motion | | |

| | | | |Test Specs |

| | | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

|Thunderstorms and Tornadoes|SC.6.E.7.7: Investigate how natural disasters have |People in Science: J. Marshall Shepherd, |sinkhole |Unit 11 |

| |affected human life in Florida. (Not Assessed) |Meteorologist and Climatologist, pp. 694-695 |wildfire |Lesson 5: Natural Disasters in Florida |

|Hurricanes and Floods | | |muck fire | |

| |HE.6.C.1.3: Identify environmental factors that affect |National Hurricane Center | | |

|Other Natural Disasters |personal health. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| | |Reading Topographic Maps | |Test Specs |

| | |Weather Maps | |

| | | | |.net/ |

|Climate vs. Weather |SC.6.E.7.2: Investigate and apply how the cycling of |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |weather |Unit 11 |

| |water between the atmosphere and hydrosphere has an |Seasons in 3D |climate |Lesson 6: Climate |

|Solar Energy and Climate |effect on weather patterns and climate. |Summer and Winter |latitude | |

| | |Rabbit Population by Season |topography | |

|Other Factors that Affect |SC.6.E.7.5: Explain how energy provided by the sun |Solving Using Trend Lines |elevation | |

|Climate |influences global patterns of atmospheric movement and |Rainfall and Bird Beaks |surface currents | |

| |the temperature differences between air, water, and | | | |

|Climate Zones |land. | | | |

| | | | |Test Specs |

| |SC.6.E.7.6: Differentiate between weather and climate. | | |

| | | | |.net/ |

|Unit: Family Life/Human Sexuality & HIV/AIDS |Pacing: 10 Days |

|Strands: | |

|Health Literacy – Concepts | |

|Health Literacy – Responsible Behavior | |

|Health Literacy - Promotion | |

|Family Life/Human Sexuality Essential Questions: |Teacher Notes: |

|What are the general physical changes that occur during puberty? (Lesson 1) | |

|What are the emotional changes that occur during puberty? (Lesson 2) | |

|What are the similarities and differences between male and female sex characteristics? (Lesson 3) | |

|What factors contribute to a happy, healthy family relationship? (Lesson 4) | |

| | |

|HIV/AIDS Essential Questions: | |

|Why do people need to be informed and concerned about the spread of diseases? | |

|How do communicable and non-communicable diseases compare and contrast? | |

|How does the immune system defend the body against disease? | |

|How is HIV transmitted? | |

|How can an individual protect themselves against communicable diseases including HIV? | |

|Concepts |Benchmarks: Objectives and Skills |Differentiated Instruction: Recommended |Key Terminology/ |Resources |

| | |Activities and Labs. (See BEEP for additional |Vocabulary | |

| | |instructional strategies and advanced coursework)| | |

|Family Life/Human Sexuality|HE.6.C.1.1: Identify the effects of healthy and | |family |Refer to BEEP curriculum |

| |unhealthy behaviors on personal health. |How do you Measure Up? Activity |development | |

| | | |fertilization | |

| |HE.6.C.1.2: Describe how the physical, |Note-taking Guide Lesson 1 (BEEP) |emotion | |

| |mental/emotional, social, and intellectual dimensions | |growth | |

| |of health are interrelated. |Note-taking Guide Lesson 2 (BEEP) |hormones | |

| | | |love | |

| |HE.6.C.1.4: Recognize how heredity can affect personal |Note-taking Guide Lesson 3 (BEEP) |peer pressure | |

| |health. | |puberty | |

| | |Note-taking Guide Lesson 4 (BEEP) |responsibility | |

| |HE.6.C.2.10: Explain the influence of personal values | | | |

| |and beliefs on individual health practices and |ExploreLearning Gizmos: | | |

| |behaviors. |Inheritance | | |

| | |Human Karyotyping | | |

| |HE.6.B.2.1: Determine strategies to improve effective | | | |

| |verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance | | | |

| |health. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |HE.6.B.2.3: Demonstrate effective conflict management | | | |

| |and/or resolution strategies. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |HE.6.B.3.2: Investigate circumstances that can help or | | | |

| |hinder healthy decision-making. | | | |

|HIV/AIDS |HE.6.B.3.6: Choose healthy alternatives over unhealthy | |disease |Refer to BEEP curriculum |

| |alternatives when making a decision. |Grade 6 HIV Powerpoint Lessons (BEEP) |communicable | |

| | | |noncommunicable | |

| |HE.6.B.4.3: Determine strategies and skills needed to |ExploreLearning Gizmos: |immune system | |

| |attain a personal health goal. |Disease Spread |pathogen | |

| | |Virus Lytic Cycle | | |

| |HE.6.P.1.1: Explain the importance of assuming |Human Homeostasis | | |

| |responsibility for personal health behaviors. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |HE.6.P.1.2: Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors| | | |

| |that will maintain or improve personal health. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |HE.6.P.2.2: Practice how to influence and support | | | |

| |others when making positive health choices. | | | |


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