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WARRIORSThe Field Guide to Warrior Lovers-1093654-914400By: Erin Hunter; this one by: Marissa Neal12/1/2010-918845-92583054341987837715433185-9262755446073882122-91694012001523389171172635446073967963-91910286108523369488556995445760537845-9428511917865434198374592-919101284900To be a warrior, you must be brave and strong, have teeth and claws, and be willing to give your life to your Clan at all times. Battles are out there, be ready.Run, jump, leap and adventure into the warrior world!Table of ContentsPg4-5Warrior Books: By Erin HunterPg6-8Characters of the ClansPg 9Clan NamesPg 10-11Leader and Healer Ceremonies362778343097Pg 12-16Leaders and DeputiesPg 17-18HealersPg 19-23Herb ListPg 24-25Mates and kitsPg 26-28Mentors and ApprenticesPg 29-32Fighting TechniquesPg33Mixed/ Half Clan catsPg34Thunderclan catsPg35Riverclan catsPg36Windclan catsPg37Shadowclan catsPg38Skyclan catsPg 39Bloodclan Pg40Starclan and Dark Forest Known CatsPg 41Tribe of Rushing WaterPg 42-43Other CatsPg44Other CreaturesPg 45-46DescriptionsLearn everything you can to become the best warrior cat you can be and join in the Clans forever!Pg 47-49Beginning Name ListPg 50Last Name ListPg51Warrior CodePg52Warrior GlossaryPg53 The Leaders’ LivesPg 54 PropheciesThe Warrior Books 455485515303558966101568455223510156845BY: Erin HunterWarriors- Series 1Into the Wild*Fire and Ice*589695635148522510435760455960935760Forest of Secrets*Rising Storm*A Dangerous Path*The Darkest Hour*455485539370520827027305590107932152Warriors- Series 2- The New ProphecyMidnight*Moonrise*520856813419945593001327155899588134247Dawn*Starlight*Twilight*Sunset*520856619820259000201943804558665190500Warriors- Series 3- Power of ThreeThe Sight*Dark River*Outcast*52183719610759010791000064558665106045Eclipse*Long Shadows*Sunrise*45669202247905898855225957Warriors- Series4- Omen of the Stars5207738-5346The Fourth Apprentice*Fading Echoes*Night Whispers*The Sign of the Moon*456692013970058921801394345207738139434The Forgotten Warrior*The Last Hope*4163538-59377Warriors- Series5-Dawn of the ClansThe Sun TrailMarch 5, 2013Warriors- Mangas416306066675481647566675611109266823545782566675Rise of Scourge *The Lost Warrior *Warriors’ Refuge *Warriors’ Return *Tigerstar and Sasha- Into the Woods * 611109277049546354070485481266559690416433070485Tigerstar and Sasha-Escape from the Forest *Tigerstar and Sasha- Return to the Clans *Ravenpaw’s Path- Shattered Peace *Ravenpaw’s Path- A Clan in Need *Ravenpaw’s Path- A Heart of a Warrior *611150673749546354073660482092073660416433073660Skyclan and the Stranger- The Rescue *Skyclan and the Stranger- Beyond the Code *Skyclan and the Stranger- Escape from the Flood*Warriors- Super Editions and Field Guides546290533020611124043815416574843933481393543815 Super Edition- Firestar’s Quest * Super Edition- Bluestar’s Prophecy * Super Edition- Skyclan’s Destiny * Super Edition- Crookedstar’s Promise * Super Edition- Yellowfang’s Secret October 9, 2012 Field Guide- Secret of the Clans * Field Guide- Cats of the Clans * Field Guide- Code of the Clans * Field Guide- Battle of the Clans * Field Guide- Enter the Clans *607546664003544607360143480480660144417541460144Short Stories Spottedleaf’s Honest Answer The Clans Decide Hollyleaf’s Story (Ebook) Mistystar’s Omen Plays After Sunset: We Need to Talk Brightspirit’s MercyCharacters of the clansThunderclan is compassionate and respectful towards the other Clans, unless threatened by the other Clans. In battle they are fierce, loyal and brave, always willing to stick together and work hard. The cats of Thunderclan speak out what they think is right, and never kill from unnecessary reasons. These cats are afraid to go against Starclan and the warrior code, and highly believe in their warrior ancestors.190501830070These strong, forest cats hunt furry prey and hate water. They hunt mice, vole, squirrel, shrew, magpies, thrushes, starlings, and the occasional rabbit. They have excellent stalking techniques and always stay down wind of their prey, and creep across the leafy forest floor without being scented, seen or heard.Riverclan are the sleek cats of the territory, and are always well-fed because of their succulent fish in their river. These cat swimmers love to collect shells, rocks and feathers for their dens and are able to do so because of how great they are at swimming. Sitting on the edge of the river, with their shadows behind them, Riverclan will extend out a paw and scoop fish out of the flowing water. When the ice is frozen, they will break the ice and fish in the cold water. When the fish population is down, they will try to hunt mice, and voles. Moving silently through the water, they can easily sneak up on prey sitting on the river bank.1905052114Windclan are the skinny, moorland runners, and can be fiercely loyal, tough and can be easily offended. They can be very nervous during battle, and are almost always are outnumbered in battle, making the cats of Windclan flee easily, due to the lack of cover on the moorland. They take great pride in being closest to Starclan in the forest, because the Moonstone is closest to their territory, but by the lake, they must share that pride with Thunderclan.190501822499The windblown cats, with the swift skinny bodies, enable them to hunt eagles, hawks and the hopping rabbits. Only Windclan are great at catching the fast creatures and fliers. Birds don’t know when they are being stalked because the Clans pelt coloring is mostly made up of brown and grays, causing them to blend into their surroundings.Shadowclan are the proud, aggressive cats of the darkest part of the forest. They are very ambitious and greedy for all the territory. It is said in the stories of the other four Clans’ elders that a cold wind blows over the dark-hearted cats, making them untrustworthy.These heartless cats hunt mice, voles, squirrels, birds, some rabbits, rats, when needed, and even are known to eat reptiles. They are the best night hunters, and will be unseen in the undergrowth they have in their territory.19050-5496Skyclan, the fifth Clan of the forest, and now living on their own, are great at leaping, and have hard pads for walking on rock. They are very strong, loyal, and proud. They are the closest to Starclan, when it comes to their ancestors. The once scattered Clan, now brought together, has become forgotten by the other Clans, except to the Thunderclan leader and his mate.1905055289576670723751-91910123750Clan NamesThunderclanSummerclanTreeclanRiverclanJungleclanLilyclanWindclanMountainclanDemonclanShadowclanStormclanGhostclan5769855109159-918845127635SkyclanSunclanSolarclanStarclanMoonclanHerbclanBloodclanSpaceclanFloodclan Tigerclan JetclanPumaclanLionclanHeatherclanReedclanLeopardclanPoisonclanBlizzardclanStreamclanDeathclanGorseclanMember of Windclan57715154445-918845635WorldclanForestclanPolarclanLightclanSandclanHillclanRockclanCloudclanKitclanCometclanLittleclanLittleclanPureclanWinterclanBirdclanDarkclanFallclanThistleclan-918845252095CheetahclanSpringclanFlowerclanMember of Shadowclan5771667-2403WaterclanWoodclanPreyclanPondclanNightclanLilyclanSwampclanDayclanRoseclanLakeclanDesertclanCaveclanSeaclanPlainclanBrookclanOceanclanLightningclan Mossclan5766707173842-918845161925FireclanRainclanDeathclanFlameclanHailclanLustclanVolcanoclanWeatherclanJewelclanEarthclanSnowclanSilentclan13188952400303576955250825DustclanIceclanLostclanLeader and Healer CeremoniesMeeting Calling in Camp:“Everyone that is old enough to (catch their own prey, swim), join here beneath the for a Clan meeting.”Apprentice Ceremony:“ kit has reached (his, her, their) sixth moon, and (is, are) ready to become an apprentice(s). kit from this moment, until you have earned your warrior name, you shall be known as paw. You shall be mentored by .”*chanting of new name*Warrior Ceremony:“I, star, leader of clan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on (this, these) apprentice(s). (He, She, They) (have, has) trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend (him, her, them) to you as a warrior in turn.“ paw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, to protect and defend this Clan , even at the cost of your (life, lives)?”“Yes.”“Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name(s). paw, from this moment you shall be known as , and I am proud to name you as a full warrior of clan.”*chanting of new name*Deputy Ceremony:“I say these words before (the body of , Starclan) that (he, she, they) may hear and approve my choice…. will be the new deputy of Clan.”*chanting for new deputy*-94285155344Elder Ceremony:“ , is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and go join the elders den?”“It is.”“Then I call upon my warrior ancestors to give you many moons of rest. You have served your Clan well.”*chanting for new elder*Healer Ceremony:“I, healer of clan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. (He, She) has trained hard to understand the ways of a healer and with your help paw will serve clan well for many, many moons.“ paw, do you promise to uphold the way of a healer, to stand apart from Clan rivalry between Clan and Clan, and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?”“Yes.”“Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your healer name. paw, from this moment, you shall be known as . You have proven yourself as a true healer of clan.”*chanting of new name*Change Name Ceremony:“Spirits of Starclan, you know every cat by name. I ask you to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what (he/she) is. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. From this moment (he/she) will be known as , for though her body has been gravely injured, we honor (his/her) brave spirit and the light that shines on within (him/her).-564274220345*chanting of new name*195770515240446468520320 Leaders and DeputiesTHUNDERCLAN465042746561Thunderstar> Lightningtail> OwleyesOwlstar> WhitefurWhitestar> VinetailVinestar> Finchwing4624436247650Finchstar> Daisyheart> LionbreezeLionstar> Greeneyes> RedstormRedstar> Seedpelt > PinefurPinestar> SunfallSunstar> Tawnyspots> BluefurBluestar> Redtail> Lionheart> Tigerclaw> FireheartFirestar> Whitestorm> Graystripe> Brambleclaw5731081267335-705345267335Bramblestar> Squirrelflight26073101866904650105180975433705178435 212090048895RiverclanRiverstar>EmberpeltEmberstar>DarkheartDarkstar>ReedshineReedstar>TroutclawTroutstar>IvyflowerIvystar>TalonstoneTalonstar>BirchclawBirchstar> Sloefur> HailcloudHailstar> Shellheart> CrookedjawCrookedstar>Timberfur> LeopardfurLeopardstar> Stonefur> Mistyfoot> Hawkfrost> MistyfootMistystar>Reedwhisker-5642743422441338504953028524204889563944546990 Windclan4272998122776Windstar>DustwindDuststar>StonetailStonestar>Mudpuddle>HazelnightHazelstar>FeatherfurFeatherstar>Pebblefur>AcorntailAcornstar>DovemoonDovestar>SmalltailSmallstar>FallowwishFallowstar>Birchfang4272998139231Birchstar>SwiftfootSwiftstar> Milkfur> HeatherclawHeatherstar> Reedfeather>TalltailTallstar> Deadfoot> Mudclaw> OnewhiskerOnestar> Ashfoot4272073489104139565356235ShadowclanShadowstar>HollyheartHollystar>BrindleclawBrindlestar>Lakestorm>LilyshineLilystar>Blizzardstorm4377055240665Blizzardstar>SnowstormSnowstar>FlowerstemFlowerstar>RippleflameRipplestar>MarshscarMarshstar> Yellowsplash4139788282088Yellowstar>Silvermask>DawnmoonDawnstar> Snaketail> CedartailCedarstar> Stonetooth> RaggedpeltRaggedstar> Foxheart> Cloudpelt> BrokentailBrokenstar> BlackfootNightstar> CinderfurTigerstar> BlackfootBlackstar> Russetfur> Rowenclaw 415273995002SkyclanSkystar>BirchlightBirchstar>MaplewhiskerMaplestar>Dewfrost36468053295655207276330145Dewstar>HawkfootHawkstar>RowenfurRowenstar>Nightmask>DarkcloudDarkstar>RaincloudFlystar>Petalfall>CloudstormCloudstar> Buzzardtail4056660234587Buzzardstar> SpiderstormSpiderstar> HoneyleafLeafstar> Sharpclaw HealersThunderclan435419590297028879809029701090930902970-312026903474Prickleface> Kestralwing> Cloudspots> Goosefeather> Featherwhisker> Spottedleaf> Yellowfang> Cinderpelt> Leafpool> Jayfeather213985518918RiverclanMeadowpelt> Kinktail> Dapplepelt> Milkfur> Troutfin>Brambleberry>Mudfur> Mothwing> Willowshine161583838648WindclanSwiftfoot> Hawkheart> Mothflight> Thrushpelt> Barkface> Kestralflight31676277353ShadowclanMossheart> Pebbleheart>Hollowbelly>Molepelt>Sagewhisker> Yellowfang> Runningnose> Littlecloud> Flametail1238938-19052993604-1905SkyclanQuailfeather> Fawnstep> Brackenheart> Echosong> FrecklewishHerb ListPoppy Seed- makes a cat very sleepy and eases painCobwebs- used to stop bleedingFeverfew- cools feverish cats and treats head painBorage leaves- treats fever and helps nursing mothersLavender- cures feverCatmint (also called catnip) - treats whitecough, greencough and helps to relax a cat Chickweed- treats greencoughStinging Nettle-the seeds are used to retract poison from a cat, and the leaves will bring down a wounds swellingDock Leaves- sooths scratches and can make a cats coat slippery; also used as a vomiting surfaceMarigold- the leaves treats infection and heals wounds and soresHorsetail- treats infected woundsBurdock Root- treats infections; especially rat bitesChervil Root- treats infectionWild Garlic- keeps out infectionsColtsfoot- treats kittencoughDried oak leaf- stops infectionYarrow- expels poison by making cat vomitingBroom- put in a poultice for broken legsCelandine- treats aliments of the eyesSnakeroot- counters poisonNettle (seeds)-counters poisonHoney- treats sore throats; used in poultices to sooth injuriesMousebile- removes fleas and ticksRagwort leaves- used alongside juniper berries in a poultice to treat aching joints, sores, scratches, bruises, and broken bonesComfrey- treats broken bonesNettle (leaves) - treats swellingWild Basil- treats paw problemsPoison Ivy- treats cracked paw padsJuniper berries- treats bellyache and gives strength to recovering catsChervil- treats bellyacheWatermint- treats bellyacheDaisy Leaves- treats aching joints; in traveling herb mixtureGoldenrod- treats aching joints and stiffness; can also be used for severe injuriesTansy- treats coughsThyme- calms a catChamomile- calms a cat; in traveling mixtureDandelion (leaves) - calms a catCatchweed- helps protect freshly-applied poultices by sticking them over the areaAlder bark- treats toothachesParsley- stops a queen’s milkGinger root- helps inflammation in jointsCinnamon- helps inflammation in jointsBurnet- traveling herb mixtureDaisy- traveling herb mixtureSorrel- traveling herb mixtureAcacia- placed around cat’s grave to send to ancestors safelyAcrimony- helps reduce pain; causes cat to sleepAgue root- reduces painAlfalfa- placed on a wound to keep away painAlkanet- treats whitecough and other chest painsAllspice- treats feverAlthea- used during sleep to talk to ancestors; good for healing woundsAlyssum- gets rid of foaming at the mouth (rabies)Amaranth- as addicting as catmint; treats kitten cough onlyAnemone- brings sleep Arbutus- like dock; makes a cat’s pelt slipperyAsafetida- the horrible smell keeps away foxes, owls and badgers when placed around campAspen- reduces painAvens- used for belly crampsBanyan- helps a cat to sleepBarley- sooths inflammation in jointsBasil- like dock, the juices make a pelt slipperyBay- cures a runny and stuffy noseBeech- sooths painBenzoin-heals burns and bug bitesBirch- helps heal bruised bonesBistort- treats sores and bug bitesBittersweet- placed in missing fur patches to grow fur backBlackberry- cures diarrheaBleeding Heart- drink the juices to sooth bad breathingBluebell- cures snake bites after possible ejection of poison Blueberry- sooths stiff joints and broken bonesBoneset- calms down fever and cures infectionsBracken- gets rid of wormsBriony- treats gas and belly achesBuchu- cures urinary tract infectionsBuckthorn- nourishes the shine in a cats peltBuckwheat- treats soresCactus- normalizes blood sugar; calms a nervous catCalamus- cures gas and bloated stomachCamellia- helps constant sneezingCamphor- revives cats from faintsCaper- flavors the traveling herbsCardamom- adds a better taste to herb mixturesCarnation- sooths painCarob- adds sweetness to herb mixturesCastor- helps stop a queen’s milkCedar- helps the aliments of eyesCentaury- treats bellyacheChicory- helps sharp pains in sideChrysanthemum- cools down a feverish catCinchona- treats sharp pains in side or belly (cancer)Cinquefoil- stops bleeding and cools down feverish catsCleavers- clings to fur to hold on herbsClover- stops cancer Club moss-treats muscle crampsColumbine- treats diarrheaCopal-fixes loose teethCoriander- helps with the loss of appetiteCowslip- eases pain in the headCubeb- cools feverish cats and helps headachesCumin- stops a queen’s milkDamiana- gives cat energyDandelion- improves appetiteDatura- place on bald fur spots to grow back fur; also cures earachesDodder- seems to make cats live longer when eaten everydayDogbane- cools down feverish catsDogwood-treats terrible head pains (Migraines)Ebony- releases ticks and fleas from a cat’s peltElecampane- gets rid of worms Elm- relieves indigestionEyebright- clears blurry eyesightFennel- relaxes spasmsFig- calms a catFleabane- gets rid of fleas and heals flea bitesGardenia-helps a cat sleepGentian- relieves exhaustionGeranium- treats wounds and nauseaGoldenseal- treats sores in mouthGorse- keeps the camp safe from predators by placing around the campGrass- sooths bellyacheHawthorn- strengthens the heartHeather- cures whitecough and sooths sore throatHemp- eases any kind of pain (Herb is hard to find)Hemlock- eases spasmsHenna- heals wounds that have become infectedHibiscus- revives fainted catsHoneysuckle- treats whitecough and greencoughHops- treats dandruffHorehound- treats kittencoughHydrangea- treats greencoughIris- helps a cat breatheIvy- treats cuts and bruisesJasmine- calms a nervous catKnotweed- expels wormsLavender- treats inflammation in bonesLilac- treats lumps on the peltLily- stops bleedingLiverwort- heals a burnt tongue or mouthLoosestrife- expels poison from the bodyLovage- readjusting aliments in the eyesMagnolia- heals woundsMandrake- makes and cat sleepy and numbs painMallow- helps stomach painsMaple- helps snake bitesMarjoram- cleans teethMasterwort- helps the aliments of the eyesMastic- used to hold herbs onto furMint- helps stomach and chest painMistletoe- helps very bad cramping and back pain (cancer)Moss- treats ailment in the eyesMullein- treats aliments in the eyesMyrrh- heals woundsMyrtle- treats swellingOak- stops bleeding if using the sap; reduces inflammation in bonesPansy- treats greencoughPapyrus- relaxes any painPatchouli- treats skin infectionsPeony- relaxes musclePeppermint- treats feverPeriwinkle- treats minor stomach painPimento- helps stomach painPine- treats aliments in the eyesPlantain- treats woundsPoke- helps stomach painPopular- treats woundsPrimrose- gives strengthRagweed- soothes insect stingsRosemary- helps grow fur backSaffron- helps the aliments of the eyesSage- helps bring down feverSagebush- helps stomach painSpearmint- cleans teethSpiderwort- helps grow back missing furSquill- placed on fur to hold herbs in placeStrawberry- relaxes a catSugar cane- helps build strong teethThistle- builds up the liverToadstool- helps stops bleedingValerian- relaxes a catViolet- helps chest painWintergreen- brings down swelling and helps relieve painDeathberries (yew) - red berries that will kill a cat if not treated with yarrow instantlyNightshade- poisonous plantsHolly berries- poisonous like DeathberriesAdam and eve- poisonousAfrican Violet- poisonousAgaric- poisonousBloodroot- poisonousBlue flag- poisonousBriony- poisonousCactus- poisonousChina Berry- poisonousChrysanthemum- poisonousDaffodil- poisonousFern- poisonousGourd- poisonousFoxglove- poisonousOleander- poisonousCypress-poisonousWater Hemlock- poisonous; worse than deathberries-289385223148Bottom of Form-29019536830Mates and KitsCloudstar (Cloudstorm) + Birdflight- Gorseclaw + SpottedpeltGorseclaw + Sweetbriar- Pinestar (Pinefur)Swiftbreeze +Adderfang –Leopardfoot + PatchpeltPinestar (Pinefur) + Leopardfoot- Mistkit, Nightkit + Tigerstar (Tigerclaw)Smallear + Speckletail- Lionheart, Goldenflower + SnowkitGoldenflower + Tigerstar (Tigerclaw) - Swiftpaw, Bramblestar (Brambleclaw) + Tawnypelt461454571120Tawnypelt + Rowenclaw- Tigerheart, Dawnpelt, FlametailSasha + Tigerstar (Tigerclaw)- Tadpole, Mothwing + Hawkfrost? + Patchpelt- LongtailSpottedpelt +? - Dappletail? + Dappletail- Spottedleaf + WillowpeltWillowpelt + Patchpelt- Graystripe Graystripe + Silverstream- Feathertail + StormfurStormfur + Brook- ?Graystripe + Millie- Blossomfall, Briarlight + Bumbleflight? +? - Moonflower + GoosefeatherStormtail + Moonflower- Bluestar (Bluefur) + SnowfurBluestar (Bluefur) + Oakheart- Mosskit, Mistyfoot + StonefurMistystar (Mistyfoot) + Blackclaw- Dawnflower, Reedwhisker + GraymistGraymist +? – Mallownose + Sneezepaw Dawnflower +? - Minnowtail + PebblefootPoppydawn + Windflight- Sweetpaw, Rosetail + ThistleclawSnowfur + Thistleclaw- Whitestorm? + Robinwing- Frostfur + BrindlefaceWhitestorm + Brindleface- Ashfur + FerncloudRobinwing + Fuzzypelt- Ravenpaw + DustpeltFerncloud + Dustpelt- Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Hollykit, Larchkit, Foxleap + IcecloudDaisy + Smoky- Berrynose, Hazeltail + MousewhiskerWillowpelt + Whitestorm- Sootfur, Rainwhisker + SorriltailFrostfur +? - Brackenfur, Cinderpelt, Thornclaw + BrightheartSorriltail + Brakenfur- Cinderheart, Molepaw, Poppyfrost, Honeyfern, Lilykit +SeedkitBerrynose + Honeyfern- NoneBerrynose + Poppyfrost- Cherrypaw + MolepawSpiderleg + Daisy- Toadstep + RosepetalQuince +Jake - Princess + Firestar (Fireheart), Ruby, Socks +Tiny (Scourge)424092484236Rosetail +? – RedtailRedtail +? – SandstormSandstorm + Firestar (Fireheart) - Leafpool + SquirrelflightAshfoot +? - CrowfeatherCrowfeather + Leafpool- Jayfeather, Lionblaze + HollyleafPrincess +? - CloudtailCloudtail + Brightheart- Whitewing, Snowkit, Dewkit, + AmberkitWhitewing + Birchfall- Dovewing + Ivypool? +? - Featherwhisker + Sunstar (Sunfall)Mapleshade + ?- ? + ?White-eye (One-eye) + Sparrowpelt (Halftail) - Runningwind + MousefurSplashnose +? – Driftkit + FallowkitOakleaf +? - ?, ??+? – Mossfire + FlowerstemSilverflame + ?- BrightflowerBrightflower +?- Yellowfang, Nutkit, RowenkitFeatherstorm +?- Raggedstar + ScorchkitRaggedstar (Raggedpelt) + Yellowfang- Brokenstar (Brokentail),? +? Fernshade +? – Badgerpaw (Badgerfang)Dawncloud +? – RowenclawBrightflower +?- Darkflower +? – CedarheartNightwing + ?- SmokefootTallpoppy +? – Talonpaw, Ivytail, + Owlclaw, Toadfoot, Applefur, MarshkitTawnypelt + Rowenclaw- Flametail, Tigerheart, + Dawnpelt? +?- Snowbird, Redwillow, RatscarSnowbird +? –4234180146050Kinkfur +?- Mistkit, Dewkit, and SparrowkitWindstar (Wind) + Gorsestar (Gorsefur) - ?Ryewhisker + Cloudberry- NoneDaisytail +? – SpecklepawCherryfeather +? – Pricklekit,? +?Hawkfoot +? - ?, ?, ?Ashfoot +? - Crowfeather + OwlfeatherWhitetail +? – Thistlepaw, Harespring, KestralflightMorningflower +? – Gorsepaw, WeaselfurNightcloud + Crowfeather- BreezepeltGorsetail +? –Thistlekit, Sedgewhisker + SwallowtailEmberstar +? -CloudberryCloudberry + Ryewhisker- NoneSunspots +? - ?, ?Birdsong + Tanglewhisker- Whitefang + SoftwingOttersplash + ? - Loudbelly, Sedgecreek, + ReedtailLakeshine + ?-Sunfish + FrogleapShimmerpelt + Piketooth- Blackclaw + SkyheartMudfur + Brightsky- ?, ?, ?, Leopardstar (Leopardfur)Softwing + Owlfur - Dawnbright + MallowtailEchomist + Hailstar - Voleclaw, Beetlenose + PetaldustFallowtail +Reedfeather – Graypool + WillowbreezeGraypool + Rippleclaw- Splashkit + MorningkitSunfish + Beetlenose- Vixenkit + GrasskitRainflower + Shellheart- Crookedstar (Stormkit/ Crookedjaw) + OakheartOakheart + Bluestar (Bluefur)- Stonefur, Mistystar (Mistyfoot) +MosskitCrookedstar (Crookedjaw) + Willowbreeze- Silverstream, Minnowkit + WillowkitSilverstream + Graystripe- Stormfur + FeathertailPiketooth + Shimmerpelt- Skyheart + and BlackclawMistystar (Mistyfoot) + Blackclaw- Dawnflower, Reedwhisker + GraymistGraymist +? – Mallownose + Sneezepaw Dawnflower +? – Tumblekit, Stonestream, Rippletail, Minnowtail + PebblefootIcewing +? – Beetlewhisker, Petalfur, Grasspelt, Pricklekit Mosspelt +? – Beechfur, Willowshine Beechstar +? – Mothpelt465455095250Clovertail +? - Tinycloud, Bouncefire, RockshadePetalnose + Rainfur- Sagepaw + MintpawFallowfern + Hunchfoot- Rabbitleap, Creekfeather, Nettlesplash, PlumwillowClovertail + Patchpelt- Birdpaw, Sandypaw + HoneypawLeafstar + Billystorm- Harrykit, Firekit, + StormkitCherrytail + Sharpclaw- ?Mentors and ApprenticesSunstar (Sunfall) - Bluestar (Bluefur)Goosefeather- FeatherwhiskerStonepelt- Bluestar (Bluefur)Stormtail- BrindlefaceAdderfang- ThistleclawTawnyspots- RosetailSparrowpelt (Halftail) - SnowfurSmallear- White-eye (One-eye), SweetpawThrushpelt- Spottedleaf, RunningwindRobinwing- PatchpeltFuzzypelt- LeopardfootWindflight- DappletailSpeckletail- MousefurSwiftbreeze- LionheartPatchpelt- WhitestormFeatherwhisker- SpottedleafDappletail- GoldenflowerThistleclaw- Tigerstar (Tigerclaw)Bluestar (Bluefur)- Frostfur, Firestar (Fireheart)Redtail- DustpeltLionheart- GraystripeTigerstar (Tigerclaw) - RavenpawWhitestorm- Sandstorm, BrightheartDarkstripe- Longtail, Dustpelt, FerncloudLongtail- Swiftpaw, SootfurMousefur- Thornclaw, SpiderlegYellowfang, Runningnose, CinderpeltFirestar (Fireheart) - Cinderpelt, Cloudtail, Bramblestar (Brambleclaw)Graystripe- Brakenfur, StormfurDustpelt- Ashfur, Squirrelflight, HazeltailSandstorm- Sorriltail, HoneyfernBrakenfur- Tawnypelt, Whitewing, HollyleafCinderpelt- LeafpoolCloudtail- Rainwhisker, Cinderheart, Toadstep, CherrypawBrightheart- JayfeatherAshfur- LionblazeThornclaw- Sootfur, Shrewpaw, Poppyfrost, BriarlightBrambleclaw- BerrynoseSquirrelflight- Foxleap, RosepetalLeafpool- Hollyleaf, JayfeatherSpiderleg- MousewhiskerWhitewing- IcecloudHazeltail- BlossomfallMousewhisker- BumbleflightLionblaze- DovewingCinderheart- IvypoolFoxleap- CherrypawRosepetal- MolepawFlintfang- BadgerpawStumpytail- Brownpaw3735705140970Wetfoot- OakfurRaggedstar (Raggedpelt)- Clawface, Brokenstar (Brokentail)Fernshade- RussetfurBrokenstar (Brokentail)- Mosspaw, VolepawNightstar (Nightpelt)- DawncloudBlackstar (Blackfoot)- TallpoppyRunningnose- LittlecloudRussetfur- CedarheartJaggedtooth- RowenclawRowenclaw- Talonpaw, IvytailOakfur- Tawnypelt, Smokefoot, Tigerheart, FerretclawSmokefoot- OwlclawLittlecloud- FlametailCrowfrost- OlivenoseRatscar- Shrewfoot, PinenoseSnaketail- ScorchfurWhitewater- RedwillowIvytail- DawnpeltTawnypelt- StarlingwingSlatepelt- SpecklepawPebblefur- FeatherstarSheeptail- ThistlepawAcorntail- PricklepawMorningcloud- QuickpawTallstar (Talltail)- MorningflowerBarkface- KestralflightMudclaw- WebfootWebfoot- WeaselfurRobinwing- ThistlepawTornear- Runningbrook, Tawnypaw, Owlwhisker, HarespringCrowfeather- HeathertailWhitetail- BreezepeltEmberfoot- SunstrikeLeaftail- ThistlepawDewspots- SedgewhiskerWillowclaw- SwallowtailOwlwhisker- WhiskernoseHeathertail- FurzepawBreezepelt- BoulderpawOnestar (Onewhisker)-Whitetail, GorsepawReedshine- SplashheartTroutfin- BrambleberryCeadrpelt- Crookedstar (Crookedjaw)Brightsky- GraypoolPiketooth- GraypoolOwlfur- WillowbreezeFallowtail- SoftwingHailstar- BlackclawShellheart- OakheartOakheart- LoudbellyTimberfur- WhitefangWhitefang- Leopardstar (Leopardfur)Ottersplash- BeetlenoseSoftwing- SkyheartBeetlenose- ReedtailCrookedstar (Crookedjaw)- Sedgecreek, StonefurLeopardstar (Leopardfur)- Whiteclaw, HawkfrostBrambleberry- MudfurMudfur- MothwingMothwing- WillowshineBlackclaw- Heveystep, Voletooth, Beechfur3124835161925Heveystep- Dawnflower, StonestreamStonefur- Shadepelt, StormfurLoudbelly- SilverpawSwallowtail- SplashpawReedwhisker- Rippletail, Pouncetail, Hollowflight Mosspelt- PebblefootVoletooth- MinnowtailMothwing- WillowshineMintfur- NettlepawPinefur- RobinwingDuskfur- CopperpawRippletail- MallownoseOtterheart- SneezepawMinnowtail- MossyfootPebblefoot- RushtailGraymist-TroutstreamMistystar (Mistyfoot)- DapplenoseSpiderpelt- RubblepawNightfur- Oakstep23577705428808Leafstar- Sparrowpelt, Rabbitleap Sharpclaw- Cherrytail, EggPatchfoot- BouncefireCherrytail- Rockshade, PlumwillowSparrowpelt- TinycloudPetalnose- SagepawWaspwhisker- MintfurEbonyclaw- FrecklewishEchosong- FrecklewishBillystorm- SnookthornBouncefire- CreekfeatherTinycloud- NettlesplashFighting TechniquesBack Kick- judge opponents distance from you carefully; lash out with your back legs, taking your weight on your front paws.Belly Rack- slice with unsheathed claws across soft flesh of opponent. If pinned, the belly rack will put you back in control.Front Paw Blow- bring your front paw down on opponents head with sheathed claws.Front Paw Strike- slice downward with your front paw at the body or face of your opponent with unsheathed claws.Killing Bite- a death blow to the back of the neck or throat; only used for a last resort.Leap-and-hold- spring onto opponents back and grip with unsheathed claws; watch for the drop-and-roll counter move.Drop-and-roll- roll onto your back when opponent is using the leap-and-hold move.Partner Fighting- pairs of cats clawing, slashing and leaping together; battle pairs are a whirlwind of danger for attackers.Play Dead- when you are pinned, go limp until opponent loosens grip; then throw him off.Scruff Shake- Secure a strong tooth grip in the scruff of the opponents neck and shake until he can’t fight back.Tooth Grip- sink your teeth in the opponents legs, tail, scruff or ears; similar to the leap-and-hold, but your paws are free to claw.Upright Lock- rear up on back legs and bring full weight down on weakened opponent.Leap- and –roll- when opponent springs, roll on your back and slide under paws, while tripping cat by digging claws into opponents back legs; as your enemy lays stunned on the ground, leap and attack.Head-butt- if enemy is reared up on back legs, ram into their belly with your head and send him flying away.Flip Spring- when you scent an opponent, stop where you are; find your target, spring into the air, flip over in the air (summersault), to jump farther, and land on top of opponent or even prey; Windclan and Skyclan use, possibly Thunderclan useTail Spin- come up behind enemy and grab hold of the opponent’s tail; put all of your energy into spinning your opponent and when in mid-spin, let go to send him flying away; any clan useHigh Jump- Jump into the air and land somewhere away from your opponent; then head-butt into him when enemy starts to leave; he will flee from surprise; Skyclan useFalse Alarm- when opponent is about to attack, look up with a scared look upon your face, and act as if there is a hawk, eagle, or owl in the air about to attack; when enemy follows your eyes, attack; Thunderclan and Windclan useLightning Strike- strike hard and fast; once an enemy is spotted, get up so close behind them until you can almost touch them. Wait for the signal and then pounce. If the whole patrol pounces at once, it causes confusion among the enemy; Thunderclan useNight Ambush- ambush a cat at night by staying hidden in the dark shadows and then attack; Shadowclan useSlide-Over- as opponent stalks you, run at enemy and slide onto belly with paws outstretched. Front paws will hit front paws and send enemy falling forwards. Kick out with back legs to send enemy on back and then pin your opponent down on the ground; Windclan useBush Slice- have at least three other cats with you; all of you hide in a bush. You cat will leap out with unsheathed claws at first enemy you see, and then you will disappear back in bush. The process is repeated with the other three cats until enemy flees; Thunderclan and Shadowclan useTunnel Strike- you have to be a small enough cat to fit into a rabbit hole; find a small tunnel where no cat would think to look for you and wait for your enemy. When enemy doesn’t expect anything, spring from the tunnel and attack with full force and unsheathed claws; Windclan useWater Combat MovesRushpaw Splash-Using noise of water splashed at a distance to create a decoy, leaving the opportunity to attack; Riverclan useDouble-Front-Paw Slap Down- splashes water in an enemy’s face; Riverclan useUnderwater Leg Sweep- when in battling in water, sweep hind or front legs at opponent under the water and hit their legs to make him loose his balance; Riverclan usePush-down and Release- push enemy’s head under water, if non-Riverclan, and then let them come back up; make’s enemy surrender quickly; Riverclan useUnderwater Clinch- use your weight to hold opponent under water, and then bring him up again and then down once more; Riverclan useTail Splash- splash tail in water to splash in enemy’s eyes with a flick of your wet tail; Riverclan useUnderwater Push-off- hold breath under water, and spring out at opponent with surprise and then attack; Riverclan useDrowning Surprise- pretend that you are drowning and when you have fooled enemy into helping you, attack the enemy with full force; only used when surprise attacking another Clan; Riverclan useWaterleaf Spin- take a large leaf while you are in the water with multiple enemies. Spin around in the water while just lightly spinning the leaf on top of the water’s surface, causing water droplets to strike enemies with speed and leave nasty stings; Riverclan useAboveground Battle MovesSky-Drop-climb a high tree, quietly, and wait on a branch. When enemy is below your branch, drop, with claws unsheathed and land on enemy’s back; Skyclan useSky-Crusher- land with all four feet on top of opponentFlick-Over- land with front paws outstretched to sweep opponent off his feet and roll him onto his back; Skyclan useThe Kick- kick down hard as you near the ground, then use momentum from landing to spring away before opponent can attack; Skyclan useThe Slice- drop down with claws unsheathed for maximum injury; Skyclan useBranch Swing- hold onto branch with front claws and swing hind legs into opponent’s face; Skyclan useReverse Branch Swing- hold onto branch with hind claws and strike with front legs through the swing; Skyclan useTrunk Spring- slid down trunk and spring off at head height, use hind legs to push off and clear over opponents (good if tree is surrounded); Skyclan useReverse Climb- climb backward up the trunk as the opponent advances to gain advantage of height; often followed by Trunk Spring; Skyclan useTail SignalsTail Held Erect: “Stop.”Tail Rippling: “Move forward with care.”Tail Held Erect And Sweeping Slowly: “Retreat Slowly.”Tail Pointing Low, Parallel to Ground, and Sweeping: “Spread out.”Tail Flattened: “Get down.”Tail Bobbing: “Enemy sighted.”Tail Hooked: “Danger.”Tail Pointing Sharply: “Go that way.”Tail Held Erect and Waving From Side To Side: “Stay behind me.”Tail Kinked Over Back: “Follow me.”1883476183664310445163304-51752515684517532353581404317918431462-51752539687518630904114805391150112986-686031-760164Mixed/Half Clan CatsThunderclan + Shadowclan- Flametail, Tigerheart, DawnpeltThunderclan + Riverclan- Feathertail, Stormfur, Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit, Dawnflower, Graymist, Mallownose, Sneezepaw, Reedwhisker, Mapleshade’s dead kitsThunderclan + Windclan- Lionblaze, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Windflight, Thistleclaw, Whitestorm, Rainwhisker, Sootfur, Sorriltail, Ashfur, Birchfall, Dovepaw, Ivypaw, Shrewpaw, Spiderleg, Hollykit, Larchkit, Foxleap, Icecloud, Toadstep, Rosepetal, Redtail, Ferncloud, Sandstorm, Leafpool, Squirrelflight, Honeyfern, Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, Molekit, Cherrykit Thunderclan + Skyclan- Spottedpelt, Gorsecalw, Spottedleaf, Tigerclaw, Pinestar, Willowpelt, Sorriltail, Tawnypelt, Dawnpelt, Feathertail, Briarlight, Bumbleflight, Blossomfall, Mothwing, Mistkit, Nightkit, Birdflight, Dappletail, Hawkfrost, Tadpole, Sootfur, Rainwhisker, Brambleclaw, Tigerheart, Flametail, Swiftpaw, Stormfur, Cloudstar, Poppyfrost, Honeyfern, Cinderheart, Molepaw, Molekit, Cherrykit, Graystripe52914556985043468634628-819150164465-824230-843280578993059055Thunderclan Cats* dead*Thunderstar*Bluefur/Bluestar ? RavenpawStormfur*Redstar*Snowfur*Fireheart/FirestarBrook*Lightningtail*Poppydawn* SwiftpawJayfeather5789930144145*Spottedpelt*Weedwhisker *Cinderpelt*Hollyleaf*Seedpelt*Mumblefoot BrackenfurLionblaze*Kestralwing*Larksong *YellowfangIcecloud*Nettleclaw*Thistleclaw ThornclawFoxleap*Gorseclaw*Rosetail BrightheartMillie*Birdflight*Sweetpaw CloudtailRosepetal*Pinefur/Pinestar*Lionheart *Brokentail/BrokenstarToadstep5789930147955*Sunfall/Sunstar *Goldenflower *FerncloudBriarlight*Goosefeather*Tigerstar *AshfurBumbleflight*Featherwhisker*Mistkit Brambleclaw/BramblestarBlossomfall*Stonepelt*Nightkit TawnypeltPurdy*Stormtail*Whitestorm SorriltailDovewing*Adderfang*Frostfur *RainwhiskerIvypool5789930196850*Tawnyspots*Brindleface *SootfurCherrypaw*Sparrowpelt/Halftail*Redtail SpiderlegMolepaw*Smallear*Willowpelt *Shrewpaw*Thistletail*White-eye/One-eye*Spottedleaf Whitewing*Whitestar*ThrushpeltMistystar Squirrelflight*Vinetail/Vinestar*Robinwing*Stonefur Leafpool*Finchstar*Fuzzypelt*Mosskit Birchfall*Pineclaw*Windflight*Mousefur *Hollykit*Pearnose5434198131602*Dappletail*Runningwind *Larchkit*Mothwhisker*Speckletail*Darkstripe Berrynose*Morningstar*Swiftbreeze*Longtail Hazeltail*Beechfur*LeopardfootDustpelt Mousewhisker*Mossheart*PatchpeltSandstorm Daisy*Featherwing5422323142471*MoonflowerGraystripe Cinderheart*Fallowpaw*Prickleface*Daisyheart*Honeyfern Snowfall*Greeneyes*OddfootPoppyfrost Dewtalon*Lionstar*Oatwhisker*Molepaw Ambershine5149658362807*MapleshadeLilyfrostSeedlight36436303657602093510366401586740365760-936190366140-812800-8318505307146-407624Riverclan Cats* dead*RiverstarMothwingDuckpaw *Lilyflower531013068205*Birchstar*HawkfrostPikepaw *Lightningpaw*Sloefur*Voletooth*Cloudberry *Mossleaf*IcewhiskerStonestream*Splashheart *Grasskit*FoxclawSwallowtail*Reedshine/Reedstar *Vixenkit*Hailstar*Splashpaw*Blackbee *Mallowtail5307145134016*ShellheartReedwhisker*Darkstar *Dawnbright*Brambleberry Beechfur*Eeltail *Morningkit*Rippleclaw*Rippletail*Aspentail *Splashkit378352884117*TimberfurMinnowtail*Troutstar*OwlfurPebblefoot*Meadowpelt*Ottersplash*Ivytail*Snaketooth530714611041*LilystemWillowshine*Lightningpelt*FallowtailDapplenose*Nettlepad*TroutclawPouncetail*Molewhisker*CrookedstarIcewing*Oatpaw*OakheartGraymist*Sunspots530714698884*Graypool*Sneezepaw*Fernleaf*WillowbreezeMallownose*Kinktail*Leopardstar*Beetlewhisker*Foxwhisker*Mudfur*Pricklepaw*Brindleclaw*Cedarpelt*BlackclawPetalfur*Graywing*Lakeshine5307146186728*HeavystepGrasspelt*Ivystar*TanglewhiskerMintfur*Wildkit Silverpaw*Birdsong*Stonefur*Nettlepaw*Minnowkit*DuskwaterMistystarOtterheart*Talonstar*Sunfish*SilverstreamPinefur*Tumblekit*Frogleap*ShadepeltRobinwing*Whitefang*Skyheart5307146118202*LoudbellyRainstorm*Softwing*SilverpawDuskfur*Beetlenose*Whitepaw*Copperpaw*PetaldustMosspeltHollowflight*VoleclawGraystripeTroutstream*Rainflower530049796892*DawnflowerMossyfoot*Brightsky*FeathertailRushtail*ShimmerpeltStormfurTanglepaw*Piketooth-812223-8312734899522-649995Windclan Cats* dead*Windstar *Antpelt*Swiftfoot*Swiftstar Emberfoot*Reedfeather*Milkfur Sunstrike*Heatherstar*Larkwing Whiskernose Crouchpaw*Hareflight Furzepaw Larkpaw*Tallstar Boulderpaw*Deadfoot *Rabbittail4930775176530*Barkface *Ryewhisker*Mudclaw *EmberstarWebfoot *DuststarTornear *Stonetail/Stonestar*Runningbrook *HawkfurOnestar *MudpuddleWhitetail *Daisytail4932573105288Ashfoot *AdderpawMorningflower *Specklepaw*Tawnyfur *Slatepelt*Gorsepaw *HazelstarCrowfeather *HawkfootWeaselfur *Acorntail*Robinwing *Featherstar493077521590*Thistlepaw *Gorseclaw*Rushtail *SheeptailOwlwhisker *CloversplashNightcloud *ThistlepawKestralflight *MorningcloudHarespring *Quickpaw4930775113030Heathertail *PebblefurBreezepelt *CherryfeatherGorsetail *PricklekitThistlepaw *DovestarSedgewhisker *RunningstormSwallowtail *WolfheartLeaftail *Smallstar31303852034449325735608Dewspots *FallowstarWillowclaw *Birchstar-812223-831273Shadowclan Cats* dead*ShadowstarOakfur *Brindlestar*Troutfin*Dawnsatr*Darkflower *Lakestorm*SnaketailTallpoppy *Fallowkit*Molepelt*Whitethroat *Driftkit*Hollowbelly*Tigerclaw/Tigerstar *Splashnose*Cedarstar*Russetfur *Sunnytail*StonetoothCedarheart *Lilystar*Sagewhisker*Jaggedtooth *Blizzardstar*RaggedstarRowenclaw *Oakleaf*FoxheartTawnypelt *Flintfang*CrowtailSmokefoot *Fernshade4781055174147*Cloudpaw*Talonpaw *Badgerfang*Brackenfoot*Nightwing *Mossfire*ArcheyeIvytail *Redscar*HollyflowerOwlclaw *Brightwhisker*FeatherstormSnowbird *Snowstar*PoolcloudTigerheart *Flowerstem478105544813*LittlebirdDawnpelt *Jumpfoot*Lizardfang*Flametail *Ripplestar*YellowfangToadfoot *Marshscar*Brokentail/BrokenstarApplefur *Crowclaw*ClawfaceCrowfrost *Smoketalon4781055150685Blackfoot/BlackstarOlivenose *Mossheart*RunningnoseKinkfur *Lilyfur*StumpytailRatscar *Logfur*BrownpawShrewfoot *Silvermask*BoulderSnaketail *Spottedpaw*WetfootScorchfur *Nightwhisper478105533226LittlecloudWhitewater *Hollystar*Nightpelt/NightstarRedwillow *Palefoot*DawncloudFerretclaw Dewkit*BrightflowerPinenose Sparrowkit*AshfurStarlingwing Mistkit4781055139098*CinderfurSpiderfoot Stoatpaw-812224-831273Skyclan Cats* dead*Skystar*Birchstar*Sunpelt*Cloudstorm/Cloudstar*Rainsplash*Fallensnow*Buzzardtail*Beechstar*Frostclaw*Fawnstep*Mothpelt*Rowenfur*Birdflight*RobinwingEgg*Fernpelt*Maplewhisker/MaplestarSandypaw*Mousefang*RubblepawBirdpaw*Nightfur*SpiderpeltHoneypaw*Oakstep*SquirrelfurFirekit*Spottedpelt*HawkstarStormkit3118510193296*Gorseclaw*DewstarHarrykit*Skywatcher*Poppycloud*Lowbranch*Mottlepaw*Pricklenose*Rowenstar*Twig*RaincloudLeafstar*DarkstarSharpclaw*TwigtailPatchfoot*QuailfeatherShortwhisker*Petalfall4329793-387*Rainfur*FlystarClovertail*FernpawPetalnose*MorningmistEchosongShrewtoothSparrowpeltEbonyclawCherrytailFrecklewishRockshardBillystormSagepawSnookthorn313038616749MintfurHarveymoonBouncefireMacgyverTinycloudCreekfeatherLichenfurRabbitleapTangleHunchfootWaspwhisker*SwallowflightFallowfern*SpiderstarNettlesplash*HoneyleafPlumwillow*BrackenheartBloodclan Known Cats3943350167640ScourgeBoneBrickBarleyBoulder310129778312Ice JaggedtoothMintyDarkstripePounce 425350191747Snake SnapperSnipe TessVioletWillie3106634127304-917383-914400Starclan Known CatsAll * marked cats above are in Starclan, unless down below in Dark Forest, if marked below, they have faded forever1419860211455BrightspiritShinningheartBraveheart*Spottedleaf-919100108395Dark Forest Known CatsSnowtuftSilverhawk Birchfall (once trained) T *ShredtailHollowflight R Applefur (once trained) S*Brokenstar S*Redwillow S Furzepaw(once trained)WClawface SBreezepelt W Thornclaw(once trained)T*Tigerstar T + SHawkheart W Tigerheart(once trained)SJaggedtooth SMousewhisker (once trained) T Larkpaw (once trained)WThistleclawTIvypool (once trained + spy) T Icewing (once trained) R*Darkstripe T+ SNightwhisper (possibly) S *Mapleshade TBlossomfall (once trained) T*Hawkfrost RRatscar (once trained) SSparrowfeatherSunstrike (once trained) W*Antpelt WMinnowtail (once trained) RMaggottail*Beetlewhisker (once trained) R5739130127012731751270333629053975-7571271300Tribe of Rushing Water* dead*Teller of Pointed Stones (Stoneteller) *Dark WhiskersCrag Where Eagles Nest (Crag) (New Stoneteller)*Chasing Clouds Night of No Stars (Night) *Jagged LightningTalon of Swooping Eagle (Talon) - Elder *Fish LeapStormfur *Rising Moon*Star That Shines on Water (Star) *Owl FeatherBrook Where Small Fish Swim (Brook) - Queen *Cloudy SunBird That Rides the Wind (Bird) - Elder *Running Horse*Bird That Sings At Dusk (Bird) *Dawn River*Cloud with Storm in Belly (Cloud) *Whispering BreezeFlight of Startled Heron (Flight) *Lapping WaveGray Sky before Dawn (Gray) *Running Fox*Jagged Rock Where Heron Sits (Jag) *Strong PounceMist Where Sunlight Shimmers (Mist) *Lion’s Roar (Lionblaze)Moss That Grows by River (Moss) *Jay’s Wing (Jayfeather)Pebble That Rolls Down Mountain (Pebble) *Dove’s Wing (Dovewing)Rain That Rattles On Stone (Rain) *Broken Shadow*Rock Beneath Still Water (Rock) *Fallen LeavesScree beneath Winter Sky (Scree) *Furled Bracken376110552070Screech of Angry Owl (Screech)Sheer Path beside Waterfall (Sheer)Splash When Fish Leaps (Splash)Storm Clouds at Dusk (Storm)*Swoop of Chestnut Hawk (Swoop)Wing Shadow over Water (Wing)Lark That Sings At Dawn (Lark)Pine That Clings To Rock (Pine)Dark Shadow On Water (Dark)Snow Falling On Stones (Snow)2368550104775Rain That Passes Quickly (Rain)Cloud With Star In Belly (Cloud)*Stone Song*Broken Shadow*Half Moon (First Stoneteller)*Shy Fawn*RockOther Cats *deadPrincess (Firestar’s sister and Cloudtail’s mother) – kittypetSmudge- old friend of Firestar’s; kittypetHattie- friend of Smudge’s; lives in Firestar’s old nest; kittypetCody- friend of Leafpool’s; kittypetDuke- bullied Graystripe and Millie in a Twolegplace; kittypetHusker- lives in a barn; helped Graystripe and Millie; Moss’s mateMoss- lives in a barn; helped Graystripe and Millie; Husker’s mateSplash- lives in a barn; helped Graystripe and Millie; Moss’s brotherBirdy- lives in a barn; kit of Moss and HuskerPad- lives in a barn; kit of Moss and HuskerRaindrop- lives in a barn; kit of Moss and HuskerLittle Mew- lives in a barn; kit of Moss and HuskerSmoky- lives in the barn near the lake with his mate Floss; Daisy’s first mate; father of Berrynose, Hazeltail and MousewhiskerFloss-lives in the barn near the lake with her mate Smoky; friend of DaisyRavenpaw- once a warrior of Thunderclan, now loner with Barley in the barn near the old home of the Clans; lonerBarley- once a cat in Bloodclan, now loner with Ravenpaw in the barn near the old home of the Clans; brother of Violet, Snake and PounceDiesel- lives in a garage in Twolegplace; saved Graystripe after being hit by a monster and took him and Millie to the sun-drown placeSol (Harry) - dangerous, plotting loner who tried to destroy Thunderclan and almost succeeded with Shadowclan; knew the solar eclipse was going to happen and promised to help Jayfeather and Lionblaze use their powers (in Skyclan now)Sasha- loner; mother of Hawkfrost, Mothwing and Tadpole; mate of Tigerstar; once a kittypet*Tadpole- deceased; once the kit of Tigerstar and Sasha; once brother of Mothwing and Hawkfrost; died by drowningPurdy- once a kittypet, then a loner, now an elder of Thunderclan; helped the chosen cats of the Clans to sun-drown place and befriended SolStripes- one of the cats in the mountains that had been torturing the Tribe of Rushing water; leader of the group of mountain rougesFlick- member of the group of mountain rougesTwist- member of the mountain rougesFlora- member of the mountain rouges*Scourge- once the leader of Bloodclan; killed Tigerstar; took one of Firestar’s lives; killed by Firestar*Bone- deputy of Bloodclan; killed Whitestorm; killed by a bunch of apprentices*Brick- befriended Scourge when he was once a kit*Ruby- once the mean sister to Scourge*Socks- once the mean brother to Scourge*Quince- mother of Scourge, Ruby and Socks, and Firestar and Princess; mate is the kittypet Jake; kittypetPatch- saved by Sasha from drowning in a river; now a captain’s cat; only a kitPine- loner that befriended Sasha; seemed to fall in love with her; lonerJake- kittypet that lived in the Twolegplace of the old forest; father of Scourge, Ruby, Socks, Firestar and Princess; mate is QuinceHenry- kittypet that became very lazy after a visit to the CutterJingo – like the leader of the Twolegplace cats after Sol left; she led the Clan cats to where Sol was with Purdy; lonerHussar- good friends with Jingo; strongest of the group; acts like Jingo’s deputy; lonerSpeckle – first to come to the abandoned Twoleg nest with Fritz and Pod; mother of kits one named Frisk; in love with Sol; lonerFritz-first to come to the abandoned Twoleg nest with Pod and Speckle; first to meet the Clan cats out of the group of loners; lonerPod- first to come to the abandoned Twoleg nest with Fritz and Speckle; talks a lot but speaks his mind; hardly ever afraid; lonerMerry + Chirp- Merry didn’t like the Clans at first; Chirp gave the Clan cats information on where Sol was; lonersFlower- former kittypet; Jingo’s neighbor; died from the wild dogs; her death started Sol’s plan to attack the dogs; lonerPepper + Jet- Pepper died from Sol’s plan; these two were brothers; lonersJester + Frosty- died from Sol’s plan of attacking the dogs in Twolegplace; lonersOscar- kittypet that was offered to join Skyclan; very grouchyStick, Cora, Coal, Snowy and Shorty- cats Firestar met while searching for Sandstorm after the big storm the night before; Shorty witnessed seeing her and helped Firestar find her*Red- Stick’s and Velvet’s daughter; Harley’s mate; killed by Stick in battle against the Twoleg rouge catsPercy- loner of Stick’s group; been to the Cutter; was one taken by Dodge and torturedDodge- leader of the Twoleg rouge catsSkipper + Misha, Harley, Onion + Nutmeg- Twolegplace rouge catsEgg- loner; now Sharpclaw’s apprentice in SkyclanHutch- once a kittypet, then a member of Skyclan (Shortwhisker), and now a kittypet againBella- kittypetRose + Lily- sister kittypets near the gorge of SkyclanVelvet- kittypet; Stick’s old mate; Red’s old motherFleck, Mitzi, Soot, Magpie, Piper and Mist- barn cats from Crookedstar’s kithoodSnook- once a daylight-warrior of Skyclan and Billystorm’s apprentice (Snookthorn; now a kittypet once again)-33020088900143192588900358838588900466230289164Other CreaturesBadgerVolesHawk MagpiesFishSheepFoxesRabbitsOwl StarlingsFrogsCowsEaglesShrewsMountain Lion PigeonsLizardsHorsesBeaversRobinRats DovesCrowsHaresDogsSparrowOtters SquirrelsSnakesBeesMiceWolvesMoths ThrushesAddersButterfliesMidnight- stargazing badger who lives in the cave at the sun-drown placePip- annoying yipping dog that lives in the nest near the barn near the lakeSharptooth- mountain lion that had once preyed on the Tribe of Rushing Water until killed by Feathertail and a sharp stone from the roof of the Tribe’s cave572897047625-8470904762532020884757718980154699044646854572067627545720273910110045304081145100393557105551003935143446510001252870201000125-8510051016504572918628946526843228529629474452886031627505299720-8496302882904086554289801-847849221433577190221434573108022143419056352178052858770217805430578221812730587952597151990090271780586209261950-8480532583575409565-734060-757555-797560DescriptionsFur ColorsBlue-grayBlack-and-yellowPink-and-blue-grayBlue-black Black-and-goldenPink-and-goldenWhite-blue Black-and-creamPink-and-yellowWhite-pink Black-and-blue-grayGolden-and-tanBlack-gray Black-and-silverGolden-and-silverSilver-gray Black-and-tanGolden-and-blue-grayGray Black-and-gingerGolden-and-blue-blackWhite Black-and-brownSilver-and-yellowBlack Black-and-pinkSilver-and-blue-graySilver Ginger-and-goldenSilver-and-blue-blackGolden Ginger-and-silverYellow-and-blue-grayPale Yellow Ginger-and-blue-grayYellow-and-blue-blackGinger Ginger-and-pinkTan Ginger-and-tanLight Brown Ginger-and-brownDark Brown Ginger-and-cream399542078105Cream-white Ginger-and-yellowCream Ginger-and-blue-blackGray-and-white Brown-and-goldenBlack-and-white Brown-and-creamBrown-and-white Brown-and-pinkPink-and-white Brown-and-silverCream-and-white Brown-and-yellowSilver-and-white Brown-and-blue-grayGolden-and-white Brown-and-blue-blackBlue-gray-and-white Brown-and-tanBlue-black-and-white Cream-and-goldenGray-and-black Cream-and-yellowGray-and-brown Cream-and-tanGray-and-pink Cream-and-pinkGray-and-cream Cream-and-blue-grayGray-and-golden Cream-and-blue-blackGray-and-blue-gray Cream-and-silverGray-and-blue-black Pink-and-blue-blackGray-and-ginger Pink-and-tanGray-and-tan Pink-and-silverEye ColorsClear BlueGreen-and-silverCopper-and-yellowBaby BlueGreen-and-purpleCopper-and-goldRoyal BlueGreen-and-copperCopper-and-amberBlue Green-and-brownCopper-and-blackIcy Blue Green-and-yellowGold-and-silverSky BlueGreen-and-goldGold-and-grayHazelGreen-and-amberGold-and-amberSilverGreen-and-blackGold-and-blackWhite-grayRed-and-silverYellow-and-silverGrayRed-and-grayYellow-and-grayLime GreenRed-and-pinkYellow-and-amberLight GreenRed-and-copperYellow-and-blackDark GreenRed-and-brownSilver-and-amberRedRed-and-yellowSilver-and-blackPinkRed-and-goldAmber-and-grayPurple-pinkRed-and-amberAmber-and-black3283246196226PurpleRed-and-purpleBlack-and-grayCopperRed-and-blackBrownPink-and-silverYellowPink-and-grayGoldPink-and-copperAmberPink-and-brownBlackPink-and-yellowBlue-and-silverPink-and-gold327880023642Blue-and-grayPink-and-amberBlue-and-greenPink-and-purpleBlue-and-redPink-and-blackBlue-and-pinkPurple-and-silverBlue-and-copperPurple-and-grayBlue-and-brownPurple-and-copperBlue-and-yellowPurple-and-brown328324561787Blue-and-goldPurple-and-yellowBlue-and-amberPurple-and-goldBlue-and-blackPurple-and-amberBlue-and-purplePurple-and-blackGreen-and-grayCopper-and-silverGreen-and-redCopper-and-grayGreen-and-pinkCopper-and-brown-959145-935665Beginning Name ListSheerTornSealBirdBackAquaRoseThistleWhaleRaccoonLazyAvalancheClawThunderCrabBanditArrowBattleHalfWindSwanBeaverPathPrickleFireHailClamCoyoteFrozenBurnSandSnowBeetleRatScarCitrusBrambleShadowSkunkWormScratchCopperSquirrelIceCricketCobraLoneCrescentLeafFoxLizardRubyBellaDampBerryLightningFishWeatherFallenWishHazelBrokenAngelFogHowlingWhispHoneyMouseParrotSorrowHowlGroundCinderSnakeOwlBushBlurryFlightBrackenAdderKiwiTreeInkFlowerFernMoleVultureMapleFlurryLuckyDustVoleFalconPounceMintPeace-4378325158750SpiderBeeOpalJoyPaleSlashShrewBumble707580118588TurkeySparkVineTimberBlueRavenViperLimeStripeCookieSilverRobinSharkDewMysticSpearRed SkySerpentTangleRushingFairyBlackPrickleSkinkSpringCoalDizzyGraySharpWhisperPlainOnyxBrickGreenSparrowKestrelThrustIvorySludgeMossCherrySoleFlickRustedSlimeDawnGingerShadeKinkSlipMirrorFlameFancyHareOneCustardVaporTigerFuzzyRabbitFleetPoisonFutureHawkLarkBoneWebDogRazorMothMilkMorningFreezeFearFluffyWillowSwiftHollowBraveGlowingSonicDarkBrightLittleFastPalmCombLightStarPatchSlowZipSwampGhostBrookPetalSpotZapTwirlBrownLakeCloverAmberPhantomLoudSorrelStreamSparkleEmberSteelJewelRainSmallLeatherDotBleachStormySootBigWoolDottedRaggedBuzz-122785923165-6477029810743RussetLongSoftSmokeSliverVolcano-953223-927100RowanShortHardRippleLoveClampTawnyGooseMetalSwanFreePinchLionEarthGravelDuskBlankBlubberHollyBloodCrystalPigeonHillChimeLarchDeathEmeraldSneezeForestTwigJayDeadHeavy RoyalGasBudDoveRockNatureWildOldTrashIvyCheetahSongBlossomIronToxicWhite JaguarDirtSedgePolarBladeTanWaterPoolRockYewGemSpeckledPondMagicBoulderShatteredTwilightSpeckleSeaCliffDancingTropicJungleStormReedBlazeFloraCottonGiantFeatherSeedEclipseDaisySwirlCosmicMistyGorseJetMeadowIrisLunarStoneBirchPearlKestralPointedPlasmaOakShellFlareScreechBubbleDazzlePineCrookedCardinalSplashNarrowStun-457920748626SweetHeatherBadgerSwoopPhoenixSingeLeopardBreeze438842-9030WolfTalonSourRingLillyAshPumaLavaWaveDiamondSunOatPantherColdSorrowChipNightBuzzardFrogAuroraSnowyScourgeMoonDominoToadAutumnRocketSlushMudPurpleButterflySummerReefTroutDappleVioletWeaselWinterCoralFallowDappledVelvetBatFallHerbArchEchoCreamAppleLavenderCactusLostFawnWeedPearPepperBlindSilentPebbleTinyPeachSaltNeedleMumbleSageBounceOrangeSugarArcticDominoMinnowClearStrawFlashTundraStaticMallowNettleAntSpiritChasingShockCometFloodDragonMuddyFangScaleSpaceBeechHeronShimmerBayOreoCloudFringeOtterShinningBellQuickYellowPonyEagleHeavenBlizzardMinkRunningCowDuckOceanBronzeButterBarkSheepHorseHeartOliveHarryThrushEggSquidHeatOatChocolate-911116205959 ThornLove Never LastsSwineTurtleDeadlyWheatGranite-911116-927100BitterGritSlateMineralSkullCycloneChalkGlassClayRushHaloLooseTeatherTellerMeltAirSpeedWitherCarmelMossyFurzeWhiskerFerretStarlingSoaringWingDashLustBoilJingoGasLiquidCornBeanPeaGrapeCarrotMelonLambPlumPruneAsterCaperFigCurryDillKelpSonicOnionRiceRueRyeYarrowRoyal-3125470151765DestinyCreekFinchPuddleCrimsonOmenFallenSecretGlow706747-5311TearEelVixenMuckWaveBranchAcornJadeFunnelHopeWingedLaserChillingLeapingShardTwisterBarnLoneHorseCombAspenHowlingTabbySquidCrabFleaDriftSquirtFearPonyFutureGothEelVineFallowSunnyFlintBuckSheepRubbleJumpMottleOddSeafoamLogQuailFlyWaspHornetBareNewDropDripCragSilenceAspenFennelEbonyBillySnookHarveyWaspDodgeHurtToffeeDivaTalentShyPowerCoffeeDiscoPixieDixieThumpPipsy-911116193444PartyCheeseTroubleJinxPipBoundMay Silverpelt always light your way…And may your hopes and dreams come true.-930976-902525Last Name ListKitNosePoolFlameEyesGillPawSongFallFireSpeckBellWindWhiskerBlazeWaterPebbleBackStormWhisperLeafBlossomFlashSmokeFlightMoonFrostFogSkyMaskSoulSunFernFoxSpacePuddleHeartWatcherFlowerSwirlCometWoodBreezeBranchMistShellSnowSpikeClawStepDawnFlakeJewelBellyFaceStripeCloudPathGemHornEyeSlugLeapBrookShardHeadEarPuffStreamSmellDropDreamTailPlumeToothSpellBeakRockCoatSplashThroatGlowBirdLust-4026535123825PeltStemJawBeamSpraySilkFurSpots764540-8890BerryCliffFeetDanceFootFangShineBoulderFleetDustTipFeatherPetalStoneMouthTalonNightLegWishPoppyCallFlickLightWingThornWhistleWaveBloomFloatPearlReedSeekerGazeGlimmerBreathScaleSpiritStalkerBlindMeadowDreamScarTuftSeerCrashBubbleGhostClampClashVoiceSlipDapplePounceSwordShadeWhispCoalSparkTideScratchRainFlingGlopHorseForgottenBounceSpringBriarBeatWalkBladeCrystalFlarePatchStreakShadowDancerHissGoopRiverFreeSageGazerBrewRustBreakerWillowHerbDriftPileHaloWinterShowerFlankRosePackSteelSummerCryStrikeRunnerSlayerCurrentEarthPadMuzzle-919101-2705-917384-914400The Warrior CodeDefend your Clan, even at the cost of your life. You may have friendships in others Clans, but your loyalty must remain with your Clan.Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan’s territory.Elders, queens and kits are to be fed before warriors and apprentices. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until the elders are fed.Prey is to be killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to Starclan for its life.A kit must at least six moons old to become an apprentice. They are then given a mentor.Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night, until dawn, after receiving their warrior name.A cat CANNOT be deputy without given at least one apprentice.The deputy will always become leader, without objection, when the leader dies, retires or is banished.After the death, retirement or banishment of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before Moonhigh.A Gathering of all Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts the night. There shall be NO fighting during this time.Boundaries must be checked at every dawn, sunhigh, and evening and marked each time.NO warrior may neglect ANY kit if it is in pain or danger.The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code.An honorable warrior does not need to kill to win his/her battles.Reject the soft life of a kittypet.2210691988288Always listen to the leader and deputy without argument and always do as you’re t old. You should never go against your leader’s word.No female leaders, deputies, or any medicine cats are allowed to have a mate and kits. This is only allowed if there was mate and kits involved beforehand.-916615-914400The Warrior GlossaryBang-stick- gunBeetle-brained- not very smartBlackcough- the killer chest infection; cannot be curedCrow-food- rotting foodCutter- vetFox dung- an insultFresh-kill- recently killed preyGreencough- intense chest pain that will usually kill the cat infectedGreenleaf- summerHalf-bridge- dockHousefolk- humansKittypet- house cat Leaf-bare- winterLoner- cat that lives on its own without defending its territoryMonster- car, truck, any other human machineMoonhigh- midnightMouse-brained- not very smart; ThunderclanMousedung- an insult; ThunderclanNewleaf- springNofurs- humansOne moon- one month (half-moon- 2 weeks, quarter moon- 1 week)Rouge- hostile cat that lives outside the Clans and cause troubleSharing tongues- cats grooming each other (done after meals)Silverpelt- the Milky WaySunhigh- noonThunderpath- a roadTree-eater- bull dozerTwoleg nest- houseTwolegplace- city or townTwolegs- humansUpwalkers- humansWhitecough- mild chest infectionFox-heart- an insult; Shadowclan and ThunderclanSnake-tongue- an insult; ShadowclanFrog-brain- an insult; RiverclanEndurance and FaithCourage and Hope Love and JusticeHealing and Trust-916305-914400The Leader’s LivesBluestarPinestar- compassionMumblefoot- enduranceLarksong- humorSweetpaw- hopeSunstar- courageSharing and DiligenceTireless EnergyGoosefeather- patienceMosskit- trustMoonflower- loveSnowfur- prideFirestarLionheart- courageRedtail- justiceSilverstream- loyaltyProtection and SkillDevotion and Sympathy Runningwind- tireless energyBrindleface- protectionSwiftpaw- mentoringYellowfang- compassionSpottedleaf- loveBluestar- nobility, certainty,and faithLeafstarWisdom, Truth and DeterminationNobility and CertaintyCloudstar- enduranceSkywatcher- hopeMother- loveSpottedleaf- healingRedstar- wisdomBirchstar- sympathy andunderstandingSwiftstar- selflessnessDawnstar- determinationFaithfulness and StrengthBirdflight- faithfulnessMentoring and HumorCrookedstarHailstar-courageDuskwater- mother’s loveTroutclaw- justiceMossleaf- trustLilyflower- compassionLightningpaw- humilityBrightsky-hopeSparrowfeather- patienceShellheart- loyaltyBelief, Patience and SelflessnessUnderstanding and CompassionLoyalty, Pride and Thoughtfulness-974863-914400Prophecies“Like fire, you are destined to blaze through the forest... but beware - even water can quench fire." (Goosefeather to Bluestar)- Bluestar’s Prophecy“Fire alone will save our Clan.” (Spottedleaf to Bluestar) (Bluestar to Firestar)- Into the Wild"Beware a warrior you cannot trust." (Spottedleaf to Firestar)- Fire and Ice“Starclan is calling you... do not be afraid." (Spottedleaf to Firestar)- Forest of Secrets“Water can quench fire!” (Spottedleaf to Firestar)- Forest of Secrets“Watch for an enemy who seems to sleep.” (Spottedleaf to Firestar)- Rising Storm“Four will become two, lion and tiger will meet in battle, and blood will rule the forest.” (Spottedleaf to Firestar)- The Darkest Hour“It is your destiny to restore Skyclan.” (Cloudstar to Firestar)- Firestar’s Quest“There will be three, kin of your kin, who will hold the power of the stars in their paws.” (Skywatcher to Firestar)- Firestar’s Quest (Firestar’s dream to Jayfeather, Lionblaze and Hollyleaf)- Outcast “Darkness, air, water and sky will come together and shake the forest to its roots.” (Bluestar, Oakheart, Nightstar and Deadfoot to Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Feathertail and Stormfur, Tawnypelt, and Crowfeather)- Midnight“Fire and tiger will destroy/ save the Clan.” (Burning bush sign to Cinderpelt) (Cinderpelt to Leafpool and Firestar)- Midnight“Stand on Great Rock (Highstones) and follow the dying warrior.” (Starclan to Midnight) (Midnight to Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Feathertail and Stormfur, Tawnypelt, and Crowfeather)- Midnight“A silver cat would come, and rid the Tribe of the dangerous mountain cat Sharptooth.” (Tribe of Endless Hunting to Stoneteller)- Moonrise“Before there is peace, blood will spill blood, and the lake will run red.” (Starclan to Leafpool)- Starlight“Claws of bramble will protect the Clan.” (Dream to Leafpool) (Leafpool to Firestar and Thunderclan)- Sunset“After the sharp-eyed jay and the roaring lion, peace will come on dove’s gentle wing.” (Yellowfang to Dovepaw)- The Fourth Apprentice“The forces of the Dark Forest are rising. It’ll take a power greater than Starclan to defeat them.” (Yellowfang to Jayfeather)- The Fourth Apprentice“The Dark Forest is breaking through, and when the battle comes, it’ll be for real.” (Lionblaze to Jayfeather)- The Fourth ApprenticeJoin into the world of warriors and become your very own warrior cat. Join in with the Clans on their adventures and face the constant dangers with courage. Fight for your life and help out your Clanmates through the tough seasons of summer, fall, winter and spring. Learn to become a warrior with the return help of your Clan and move up to the role of the greatest warrior cat ever. Of course, there’s always the role of healer, queen, elder, deputy, leader, kit, and apprentice, kittypet, rouge, and loner. Choose your destiny and have the path laid out for you and the fate of your birthclan.Everything is originally written by the great writers of Erin Hunter: Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, and Tui Sutherland, with the plot maker, Victoria Holmes. (Also the makers of Seekers).-1589831-902825 ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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