centercenterLesson Plan & Implementation:Level 1 Video Reflection and AnalysisCollege of Education CONSUELO BLAKELINE UP LESSON PLAN/MONRING MEETINGOCTOBER 15, 20194TH GRADE CLASS – VETERANS ELEMENTARY centercenterReflection is a critical process for supporting your growth and development as a professional. At the end of each lesson, you should watch the video of your lesson to reflect on the experience and analyze its effectiveness. While watching your video, use the chart to collect times in your video that represent celebrations, struggles or questions that arise for you. In the final column, connect this to a concept you are learning in one of your courses, a claim that you can make about teaching and/or a FEAP that you demonstrated in this moment. You may add additional rows as needed:?FEAP 2e: Models clear,acceptable oral and writtencommunication skillsFEAP 2e: Celebration/Struggle/Question: ? ? ?FEAP 2e: Connection to coursework, “what did I learn?” and FEAP demonstrated Example – 1:45 “2 Steps Back”: When asked to create a circle around the rug (Patsonaca Beach”), the students stood “toe-to-toe” cramming 22 kids around a very small circle. This same exercise was conducted in EDE 4504 with adults creating the conceptual circle and space around the rug. The students were asked to take “2 Steps Back” to create a wider circle to accommodate the exercise (which I knew) but they did not.The students understood and complied with my second set of directions despite not knowing the “end goal” of the exercise/activity. They moved back, widening the circle, followed my direction despite not knowing what the end goal of the activity was. They trusted me. (FEAP 2e).3:00After explaining the Fishing for Friends activity, I used the attention getter – READY TO ROCK? READY TO ROLL! - to get everyone to focus. It worked!Establishing positive relationships & setting expectations is a common theme we are learning in EDE 4504.4:00Abi choosing not to participate. Abi has social/behavioral issues. Today she withdrew from the class and from CTMJ. Abi acknowledged the class visually by shaking her head and chose not to engage physically. I let her know that we were here for her if she changed her mind and wanted to join the group activity. Redirected Sofia to “Cast for ANOTHER friend” which she did and the activity continued.Ties to EDE4504 accepting children’s issues and problems but not disrupting the entire class. Class textbook* chapter 7 – Building Relationships and understanding why children misbehave. Abi has specific behavioral problems and I worked with CTMJ and Abi throughout the day on resolution.EDE 4504 – Classroom management and observing CTMJ weekly in the classroom.6:28Some confusion about who had and had not been chosen. Here directions could have been clearer (FEAP2e). Next time, it would be better to have “New Fishing Friends” either move to a separate area in the classroom or sit down once they have paired up, so as to easily determine which “fish are still available to be caught.”7:00; 10:18; 12:05; 12:32Successful implementation of READY TO ROCK/ROLL attention getter.EDE 4504 – establishing positive working relationships.10:00 – 14:00Successful implementation of sign and common trait sharing I moved around the room to engage and keep engage all students. Even pulling in the two quietest students, the last group, with the “introverted” sign; CTMJ assisting in the background voice.14:20Morning Message- Read by student and then repeated my teacher (me) to endure comprehension. Teacher (me)IN EDE 4504 we have been evaluating and studying the importance of the Morning Meeting. The morning message sets the tone for learning and the activities open to students to cooperation and group think.15:00Successful Team Meeting ending on a focus towards the new quarter and on a positive note ---- No matter what life throws at you –Just Keep Swimming!Success on all levels and setting a positive tone for the day.Reflection Questions: Describe your three (3) biggest take-aways from this lesson. ANTICIPATE - It is difficult to anticipate everything that could go well and not so well in the classroom. However, in order to become an accomplished educator that is exactly what we must do,EYES EVERYWHERE – With upwards of 25 students in a classroom, the teacher must have ‘eyes’ in the front, back, and sides of her head; not just to manage general classroom behaviors, but also to make sure all children are engaged and in a safe place physically and intellectually in order to learn, advance, and grow.SPACE CONCERNS FOR ACTIVITIES –How the classroom is set up physically – which we have been studying in EDE 4504 – was a factor in how my Morning Meeting flowed. I had suggested a semi-circular seating arrangement prior to the meeting. The room was rearranged by my CT prior to the morning meeting to start the new quarter, but it did not reflect the circular and more individualized seating I recommended. We will work to implement my seating arrangement prior to state testing to acclimate the students to singular versus group seating. A more open classroom, or perhaps even taking the morning meeting outside would have allowed for better interactions for my activities.How did this affect/impact your beliefs about teaching?Conducting a “real life” morning meeting only fueled my desire to be an educator. In my college level classes and internship seminar, we conduct so many of these activities with fellow adults trying (or not) to model elementary school students’ actions and responses. In the classroom, although some of the kids’ responses to MY DIRECTIONS were in need to improvement, the overall message of the meeting: sharing, teamwork, community building, shown through. I genuinely enjoyed this exercise and would seek to incorporate more morning meetings in the and my future classrooms. *Principles of Classroom Management: A Professional Decision-Making Model by James Levin and James Nolan (2014), ................

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