


For a Wikipedia editing policy on article titles, see Wikipedia:AT. Look at Wiktionary, a free dictionary. The word next is an English word that can act as a preposit. AT (or similar) may also refer to: Geography Austria (ISO 2 alpha 2 country code) .at, Internet country code top-level domain United States Atchison County, Kansas (County Code) Appalachian Trail, 2,000+ Mile Mountain Trail in eastern U.S. Elsewhere in Anguilla (World Meteorological Organization country code) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (FIPS 10-4 territory code and outdated NATO country code) bihar, village in Aurangabad district of Bihar, Indian province Italy (ISO 3166-2:IT code) Science and technology Computing @ (or at the sign), punctuation symbol now commonly used in email addresses (and more recently, tweets) at (team), a team used to schedule tasks or other commands to be performed or released at a specific time IBM personal computer / AT form factor for motherboards and computer cases Five-pin DIN connector keyboard Hayes set of commands for computer modems (each command starts with the character string AT) in biology and medicine anaerobic threshold , in physiology An?lisis transaccional (Spanish for transaction analysis), psychological method Antithrombin, a small protein molecule that inactives several enzymes of the coagulation system Ataxia telangiectasia, immunodeficiency disorder Sports simulator in physics and chemistry Astatin, chemical element with symbol Ampere-turn (symbol At), International Measurement System (MKS) unit magnetomotive force Attotesla, 10-18 tesla, SI derived magnetic flow density unit Technical atmosphere (symbol at), physical pressure unit Other uses of use in science and technology acceptance test, engineering Appropriate technology, economist Assistive technologies of Ernst Friedrich Frick Schumacher, devices for people with disabilities Anti-tank weapon Automatic transmission, in vehicles Other applications At, subdivision equal to 1/100 from Kip , currency unit in lao archive team, digital preservation group Alian?a da Terra, Brazilian non-governmental organization Aarne-Thompson classification system used to classify folktales Aviation Electronics Technician , rating on United States Navy Auckland Transport responsible for public transport in Auckland, New Zealand Royal Air Maroc (IATA airline representative) See also Search at Wikipedia. All pages with headings that begin with All Pages with Names that begin with AT All Pages with names that contain AT1 (ambiguity) ATS (ambiguity) A masking page that provides links to topics that might be referred to by the same search term This ambiguity page lists articles related to the name AT. If there is an internal link here, you may want to change the link to point directly to the article you intended. Retrieved from \ t, at \1 ? used as a function word to indicate presence or occurrence or close to a stay in a hotel at partysick at heart 2 ? used as a function word to indicate the purpose of specifying or indirectly the purpose of the action or movement of the target credit is again at his 3 ? used as a function word to indicate that one is busy or employed in the field of control at chess 4 , used as a function word, to indicate the situation in an active or passive state or in a state of freedom recreation 5 is used as a function word to indicate the means, reason or type sold at the auction, which at your discretion is used in my jokeact 6a , used as a function word to specify the rate , degree or position on the scale or series temperature at 90at first b ? used as a function word to indicate age or position in time, retires at 65\?t\less common spelling @ record 2 transient verb informal 3 usually A-T alexia-telangiectasia ... joined the fight, to find a cure for alaxium-telangiectasia, also known as A-T, a rare but deadly genetic disorder that currently plagues about 600 U.S. children, causing neurological deterioration and usually proves fatal with his 20s.? Thomas Fields-Meyer See the full definition in the Dictionary of English Learners \ t , 1 , used to indicate a particular place or time. You're here at six. 2 -- used to indicate the person or thing to which the action, movement or sensation is directed, or whose purpose is to swing to a ball directed at me 3 , used to indicate the position or position at rest 4 , used to tell how or why sold at auction following his response (5) used to indicate the time, age, did the position on the scale eat at noon at 90 degrees Content adjectives and adverbs about adjectives and adverbs Afraid Afraid Alike Hard Long Only Same, similar, identical advertising properties and adverb phrases often adverbs compare and premier adverbs degree adverbs places and movements abroad away and away from Back Inside Nearby Outside Up adverbs time and frequency Easily confuse words above or above Couples, couples or through? Advice or advice? Influence or influence? Everything or every one? All or all? Allow, allow, or allow? Almost almost? Lonely, lonely or lonely? Along or side by side? Still, still or yet? Also, or too? Alternative, alternative(s) Although or not? In general, or all together? Amount, number, or quantity? More or more? Someone, someone or something? Except or except? Arise or rise? Around or round? Arouse or arouse? How do you like it? Because or since then? How, when or while? Have you been or disappeared? Start or start? Next door or besides? Between or between? Born or not? Bring, pick up and fetch Kan, could or can? Classic or classic? Come or go? Consider or take into account? Consist, include, or compose? Content or content? Different from, different from or different from? Do Make? Down, down, or down? In time or on? Each or every one? East or East; north or north? Economical or economical? Effective Effective Effective? Senior, senior, or older, senior? End or end? Special or special? Everyone or everyone? Except or except? Wait, hope or wait? Experience or experiment? Fall or fall? Far or far? Next, farther or farther away, furthest away? Next (but not further) Fast, fast or fast? Fell or felt? Female or feminine; masculine or masculine? Finally, finally or in the end? First of all, first or foremost? Fit or suit? The following or what follows? Has it been ever since? Forget it or you're going to leave? Full or filled in? Fun or funny? Are you going to get it or go? Grateful or grateful? Hear or listen (to)? High or long? Historical or historical? A house or a home? What's it like ...? or What is ... How? If and when? If and if? Sick or sick? Indirectly or infer? On the way or on the road? Is that it or is it? Lately or lately? Sleep or lie? Lend or borrow? Less or less? Look, see, or watch? Low or short? Man, humanity or human beings? Maybe or can it be? Maybe or maybe? Nearest or next? Never or not ... Ever? Nice or sympathetic? Without a doubt or without a doubt? No or no? Nowadays, these days or today? Open or open? An opportunity or an opportunity? In return or in front? Others, others, the other or another? Out or out? Permission or permission? Person, person or people? Check out or check out? Play or play? Politics, politics, politician or politics? Price or prize? Principal or principle? Quiet or quite? Raise or rise? Remember or remind me? Right or proper? Rob or steal? Tell me or tell me? So that or let it? Sometimes or ever? Sound or noise? Talk or talk? Is that right? There, theirs are they? Up or forward? Wait or wait? Wake up, wake up or wake up? Worth it or valuable? nouns, pronouns and protectors of nouns nouns nouns pronouns pronouns each other, each other All, everyone, everything, everywhere It's none, nobody, nothing, nowhere One and one pronouns: indeterminated (-body, -one, -thing, -where) pronouns: one, you, us, they pronouns: personal (me, me, you, he, this, them, etc.) Pronouns: belonging (my, mine, yours, yours, etc.) Pronouns: reflexive (me, myself, etc.) Questions: interrogation pronouns (ko, what) Relative pronouns Someone, someone, something, somewhere that quantifies a little everything either enough, least, at least less little, a little, some, some, many, many, many more, most, mostly many, many, many: quantifier No, none and none of the Many few and what questions words that when whoever , Which Why countless nouns Accommodation Equipment Furniture Information News Progress Stuff Weather prepositions and particles , sentences and clauses about words, clauses and sentences, how and how expressions How ... as if and as if for as long as and for as long as and (how) Comparing and contrasting conditions and desires by linking words and expressions to questions and negative sentences, relative reported the speech so-and-so, and not with the expected, hope, thinking, etc. For_example , the order of word-building words focus Use of English discourse markers by emphasizing and suppressing Downtoners Exclamations Hedges (just) Hyperbole function numbers Area: length, width, depth and height Time, people and places that speak English (formally, informally, etc.) useful phrases when writing Verb Verbs

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