List of hospitals, clinics, physicians, and providers that ...

List of hospitals, clinics, physicians, and providers that DO participate in St. Charles' Financial Assistance Program. St. Charles makes every effort to ensure this list is comprehensive. This list is updated quarterly. Last updated 07/01/2021

All St. Charles hospitals: St. Charles Bend St. Charles Redmond St. Charles Madras St. Charles Prineville St. Charles Bend Sageview

All St. Charles outpatient hospital departments including but not limited to: St. Charles Cancer Center (all locations) St. Charles Family Birthing Center St. Charles Bend Wound Care St. Charles Nutrition and diabetic education (all locations) St. Charles Rehabilitation (all locations) St. Charles Bend Infectious Disease St. Charles Laboratory (all locations) St. Charles Imaging (all locations)

All St. Charles primary care clinics including but not limited to: St. Charles Family Care Bend East St. Charles Family Care Bend South St. Charles Family Care La Pine St. Charles Family Care Redmond St. Charles Family Care Madras St. Charles Family Care Sisters

All St. Charles Urgent Care/Immediate Care Clinics: St. Charles Immediate Care Bend South St. Charles Immediate Care La Pine

All St. Charles rural health centers: St. Charles Prineville

All St. Charles specialty clinics: St. Charles Behavioral Health (all locations) St. Charles Sleep Center (all locations) St. Charles Heart and Lung Center St. Charles Center for Women's Health (Redmond) St. Charles Anticoagulation (all locations) St. Charles Surgical Specialists (all locations) St. Charles Pulmonary Clinic (all locations) St. Charles Rheumatology

St. Charles Home Health St. Charles Hospice

These providers include: Acton, Joseph Adair III, Hugh Adams, Lance Adamski, Andrew Adsit, Elaine Afsari-Howard, Mary

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Ahlf, Heather Ahmed, Mohammed Alkire, Seth Allen, Carey Allen, Heidi Allen, Jacoby Allen, Rachel Allumbaugh, Thomas Andeen, Adrienne Anderson, Erika Argyle, Ryan Asher, Andrew Ashley, Jennifer Askari, Sanaz Azimi-Zonooz, Aryan Bachtold, Joseph Barnett, David Baumgarte, Timothy Becker, Linda Beckley, Adalie Beebe, Lauren Belich, Roberta Bennett, Samantha Berry, Emily Berry, Kristin Bieber, April Blair, Gregory Bledsoe, Jesse Boehling, Nicholas Bolling-Ringler, Kelly Boomer, Hannah Borgmann, Alwin Bouska, Michael Bradford, Mark Brasher, Brandon Brasher, Shannon Brecke, Meghan Brennan, Nancy Brewer, Jennifer Brodhead, Jeremy Brown, Jean Brown, Rebecca Browning-Tarbet, Suzanne Brubaker, Christopher Bruner, Amy Bryson, Amanda Burch, Bree Burger, David Burkenbine-Yamaguchi, Candy Burns, Joshua Buss, Nicholas Butler, Erin Caballero, Edgar Calomeni, Coralia Cameron, Amy Campbell, Bryce

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Campbell, Karen Campbell, Tracie Campos, Maria Carne, David Carver, Sarah Cataxinos, Danielle Chang, Linyee Chen, Jeffrey Chiu, Annie Clausen, Matthew Clement, Darin Clover, Todd Condron, Mary Conklin, Kenneth Connell, Tracey Conyers, Kacey Cook, Caroline Cook, Matthew Cooper, Katherine Cox, Kristpher Craig, Carol Crockettt, Abraham Cruise, Heidi Cully, Deanna Curry, Mark Curran, Deanna Cushner, Shellany Davis, Jeffrey Davis Faith, Kara Dawson, Sarah Dayton, James Dean, McKenzie Dedrick, David Dixon, Cassandra Dixon, Jennifer Dixon, Lester Doan, Daniel Doyon, Laurie Ducey, Kevin Dunn, Karlee Echternach, Christina Egan, Kaitlin Eiffert, Michael Erickson, Brian Evans, Brian Fair, Amanda Favia, Rebekah Ferrie, Hannah Fetterley, Walter Firebaugh, Matthew Fitzmaurice, Christina Fitzmaurice, Joshua Flagel, Jeremy Flannery, Joseph Foley, Jillian Foliano, Janet

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Ford, Eric Foster, Gary Fraley, Kelsi Fredeen, Jessica Freitag, Breton Fritz, Kimberly Frost, Sarah Frost-Briley, Emma Fulmer, Brian Gale, Paul Gallagher, David Gamet, Traci Garbus, Molly Garbus, Samuel Gardiner, Heather Garza, Ricardo Gassner, Marika Gibson, Joslyn Goins, Steven Good, Natalie Goodman, Mark Goodwin, Kelly Graham, David Gray, Kyle Greer, Steven Gruzd, Douglas Gualandi, Elizabeth Guarraia, David Guest, Sarah Guiley, Christopher Gulvin, Joshua Gunasekera, Melissa Gunnell, Jennifer Gunsul, Anthony Gupta, Saurabh Guthrie, Jennifer Habel, Lauren Haeg, Abby Hagen, Kathryn Hagg, Daniel Hainisch, Debra Hall, Brooke Halmos, Peter Hansen-Dispenza, Heather Hanslick, Jennifer Harris, Bryan Hassan, Benjamin Hassell, Darren Hatcher, Wendy Hayford, Nicole Heaphy, Catherine Hellmann, Sarah Herda, Meagan Herzig, Lisa Hewitt, Kelly Hild, Marrett

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Hiramatsu, Suzanne Ho, Sing-Wei Hofmann, Makary Holst, Jones, Gretchen Holton-Burke, John Hopewell, Jamie Hopp, Michael Howard, Amy Huffine, Willow Hughes, Ngocthuy Hughson, Jason Irby, Pamela Irvine, William Jacobi, Nyama Jacobsen, Elke James, Terrance Jennart, Sherolyn Jennings, Rebecca Johnson, Bette Johnson, Stephanie Johnston, Joshua Johnston, Taylor Jones, Allison Jordan, Jennifer Keller Blazic, Andrea Kellogg, Ann Kellogg, Kristen Kendig, Kalif Kennelley, Tracy Kindred, Elizabeth King, Maggie Kleaveland, Andrew Kostecki, Kassandra Krigbaum, Timothy Kriz, Daniel Lancefield, Neil Land, John Lane, Michael Lannan, Robin Laughlin, James Laughlin, Jennifer Ledyard, Megan LeGrad, Erin Lehnertz, LuAnn Leonardo, Deborah Lester, Marshelle Lewallen, Patrick Lewis, Jinnell Lilly III, Albert Lipsitz, Mindy Lipskey, Audrey Loscutoff, Alexa Lowe, Jed Lowrimore, Sierra Ludmer, Evan Luehrs, Katherine

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