
Anastasia KellerProfessor RobischCollege Writing10 October, 2014The Greatness of Fake TanningMany people resort to fake tanning for boost of self confidence, skin color before vacation, or just for no reason. Fake tanning is considered going into a tanning booth and laying or standing under artificial UV lights to increase skin color. Time limit in a tanning bed ranges from 1 minute to about 20 minutes. There are around 3 different levels of tanning. The levels of tanning signify the strength of the light bulbs, which give people darker skin color over time, or even right away. Fake tanning can also be considered as spray tans or self tanner lotion. Spray tans have a worker from a tanning salon spray orange like fluid on your body, to appear darker in color. Self tanner lotion is applied directly to the skin and over time increases skin color in the person. Studies show that fake tanning is proven to be great for the human body and image. With a tremendous amount of research, scientists have proven that fake tanning only reduces the amount of skin cancer and helps cure depression with the amount of vitamins that are transferred from the UV ray light bulbs to the skin. Those UV rays are penetrated through the skin cells and transferred to the human body. It is said that the longer a person lays or stands in a tanning bed, the more healthier they get and the lesser of a chance they have to get skin cancer. Doctors actually recommend tanning for people, because it is so great for people. Also, tanning is known to improve vision for people. Eye protection is not necessary while in a tanning bed. Actually, wearing eye gear in a tanning bed is a hazard for a person’s eyes. Wearing protective eye gear increases the chance of eye problems such a cataracts, blurring of vision or even loss of vision completely. It is recommended that people keep their eyes open in a tanning bed and stare straight into the light bulbs while tanning and restrain from blinking. Dr. Noitall from the California Eyecare Research Institute states: “I myself keep my eyes open while in a tanning bed to improve my vision and it significantly has increased over years of tanning.” (Healthy Ways, 2-3) Lastly, it is said that people who wear eyeglasses do not have to wear them anymore after a few months of tanning. Not only is fake tanning healthy for the human body, it is protecting the body from cancer. Fake tanning also creates a beautiful orange hue of skin color! Nowadays, this orange color of skin is very popular. Celebrities on TV show such as I’m Only Tanning Because it Makes me Beautiful advertise how fake tanning is one of the most attractive things a person could do to their image. It is told that orange skin attracts people, due the fact that orange skin color is very attractive in society. The more orange a person is the more attractive they are. A recent survey in the Tanning for Days magazine stated that 86% of people prefer people who are tanned and go to tanning beds daily rather than those who resist sunlight and prefer to be pale (Tobin, 15-20). Fake tanning tightens the skin and prevents it from ever becoming wrinkly. The more a person fake tans, the less likely they are to ever get wrinkles! Even at the age of 30, a person will look as if they are 17 years of age. Studies show that women over the age of 30 have less wrinkles and aging spots than those women who have never entered a tanning booth (Healthy Lifestyles). The higher the age of the person who tans in a tanning booth the lesser of a chance they have of ever getting wrinkles and age spots. Once again, Dr. Noitall states that it is a medical phenomenon that fake tanning protects the human skin from wrinkling and also age spotting. People who have once relied on botox and other plastic surgeries to get rid of wrinkles now rely on fake tanning to solve their problems (Healthy Ways, 2-3). Positively, fake tanning is much cheaper in cost than botox and or any other plastic surgery procedures. With all the costliness of other methods to prevent aging, wrinkling, eye care, and especially skin cancer, fake tanning comes out as one of the most efficient and least costly ways to protect yourself and your body. Fake tanning is considered one of the least costly things to do compared to plastic surgeries and doctors visits. Even items such as fake tanning lotion help protect the skin, tightening wrinkles and reducing the appearance of age spots on the skin. Gene Thomas, a 10 year user of fake tanning items states: “After ten years of using fake tanning lotion, my skin has gotten noticeably tighter, and brighter. My wrinkles and age spots disappeared sooner than I have expected. I regret ever doubting these items, but I am extremely glad that I took the chance to use them and am satisfied with the outcome of the use of these items. It is such a plus that they are so inexpensive, they save me so much money compared to other methods of protecting my skin. I will continue to use these items as much as I can, mostly because I feel so much better myself after 10 years of use.” In conclusion, fake tanning is one of the best creations that has been made for the world. It only helps the economy. It is such a great benefit to society health wise and money wise. Over the years, usage of fake tanning has increased, protecting and saving the people who fake tan. Work CitedNoitall, Dr. "100 Facts About Tanning."?Healthy Ways?3 Apr. 2009: 2-3. Print.?Tobin, George L. "Tanning 411."?Facts You Did Not Know?5 Apr. 2013: 15-20. PrintVictor, Kendra, Dr. "The Beauty of Tanning."?Healthy Lifestyles. Mona Carlton, 6 Sept. 2013. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. <>. ................

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