
Homily for the 7th Sunday of Easter – Year B – May 2018There is a wonderful line, which paints an awesome picture in the Canticle of Canticles, the Song of Solomon, in the Old Testament, it goes: Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?It’s a line which evokes beauty, majesty, and power, and points us to one so extraordinary in human history as to be unparalleled by any other. In this brief descriptive account offered us by the Sacred Scriptures our curiosity is piqued, so that we ask, Who is this, that She is so splendid, so glorious, so overwhelming in majesty? There can be only one, the one we know, by the pronouncement of an angel of God, to be “full of grace” and acclaimed by her saintly cousin, to be “blessed… among all women”. Her gentle humility and simplicity, Her complete love and dedication, a life lived in generous obedience to the Divine Will – these are the things underpinning Her awesome majesty, that which makes Her, unquestionably, the most beautiful, most powerful, and most loved woman ever to have walked on the face of this earth – She is without comparison. In the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, and our Mother too, we see the pinnacle of God’s handiwork, the perfection of Christian discipleship, and the greatest intercessor and advocate that we have with Her Divine Son. And for such beauty, such goodness and holiness, for such a dear Mother given to love us and assist us on our journey through life, how can we not give thanks to God? Sheer love for and filial devotion to one so beautiful urges us to celebrate the unique privileges which God has poured out on this lowly handmaid of His, and to invoke Her powerful, maternal help, for all of our needs and the needs of the Church and the world.In the Magnificat, Mary prophesied that “all generations” would call Her blessed - and how true this has been. Since the earliest days of Christianity, Mary, the Mother of the Lord, has been praised and honoured by all of her children, who recognise the marvels that God has indeed worked in and through Her. Who honour Her as their Queen and Mistress and who see in Her the example, and the help, to live the Christian life in faithfulness and love... She is a rallying point for all who seek to love the Lord Jesus with their whole hearts, and who wish to join with Her in fighting for the rights of Her Divine Son over the souls of all humankind. For Her only desire is to win souls for God, to help souls to know and love Jesus Her Son, and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour. Her deepest desire as a Mother, who tenderly cares for all of Her children, especially those who struggle, is that we might be faithful to God in this life and be united with Him for ever in the life to come… She urges us on to salvation.This month of May, is, as we know, by tradition, a time when our hearts turn more fervently to Our Blessed Lady, through the Rosary, and through many other Marian devotions... But She, like any mother, is not just to be remembered on the odd occasion, the odd month during the year… because, just as She never ceases to love us, day-in-and-day-out, we should never stopping loving Her either… She is never more than a prayer away, and ever concerned for our well-being and our salvation. In the numerous approved apparitions, throughout the Church’s long history, this Holy Mother of ours has never stopped calling Her children back to God, warning us of dangers, strengthening our Faith, guiding us towards the only One who can bring us peace and lasting joy. How loudly that call resounds now in the world, at this very moment, when many souls find themselves confused and disorientated, when many souls feel lost, unloved, and abandoned, even in the heart of the Church. How relevant the message of Mary, and the work of Mary, to proclaim the wonders of the Lord, to show forth the love of God, and to bring souls to salvation.Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?Mary is our Queen, our holy warrior Queen, and we, as her beloved daughters and sons, form her cohort… we are holy warriors at Her side fighting all that opposes the Love and Truth of God – fighting not with the ineffectual and limited weapons of this world, but fighting with the unstoppable and penetrating weapons of prayer, sacrifice and love. This is the fight to establish in our world the reign of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The battle is fought each day in our hearts, in our homes, in our families, in our society, and we know, already, that the victory is ours, through Jesus Christ our risen and ascended Lord. ................

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