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Forensics Benchmark #2 Review Guide Spring 2016

Drugs & Toxicology

1. Toxicology is the analysis of __________________ and ___________________ and their effects on the body.

2. The most widely used illegal drug in the USA is __________________________.

3. The most widely used legal drug in the USA is __________________________.

4. Cherry red skin, nausea, labored breathing and sleepiness are signs of ____________________ poisoning.

5. A victim smells of almonds. The Medical Examiner suspects _______________________ poisoning.

6. Name three common field sobriety tests.




7. Breathalyzer tests are conducted to detect __________________________.

8. Narcotics are derived from the ______________________ plant.

9. Narcotics reduce _______________ and induce ____________________.

10. _______________________ cause increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and increased respiration.

11. Cocaine is a _____________________ while alcohol is a _____________________.

12. The Schedule of Drugs was a result of the ______________________ _____________________ Act.

13. The Schedule classifications are based on





14. Who is the father of toxicology?

15. T or F Any substance may be poisonous.

16. A ________________________ is the poison of snakes, spiders, scorpions, etc. and is ___________ under the skin.

17. LD50 is the dosage the kills __________________ of the test population in under ______ hours.

a. 25%, 4 b. 50%, 4 c. 50%, 2 d. 100%, 1

18. T or F Chronic poisonings results in immediate death.

19. A victim is found to have crystals in the kidneys. This is a result of __________________________ poisoning.

20. _________________________ was nicknamed “Inheritance Powder”.

21. Hemlock was used to execute ___________________________.

22. _____________________________ leads to severe dental problems.

23. Which of the following is not classified as a hallucinogen?

a. LSD b. Ecstasy c. Marijuana d. PCP

24. The BAC is an indication of the amount of _____________________ in someone’s bloodstream.

25. T or F The level of alcohol intoxication is directly related to size and gender.

26. Color tests performed on suspicious powders are a type of _____________________________ tests.

27. The Scott Test is used to test for the drug ____________________.

28. The Levine Test is used to test for the drug ____________________.

29. Hair is used to test for long term __________________________ of a substance.

30. The Gas Chromatography- Microcrystalline Spectophotometry (GC-MS) first separates the ________________________ and then _______________________ the components.

31. The GC-MS is an example of a __________________________ test.

32. T or F Depressants cause bad breath and acne.

33. What percentage of evidence analyzed in a crime lab is drug related? How has this impacted the growth of crime labs?

34. What are Mees Lines and how are they formed?

35. Why is Heroin a Schedule I drug but Cocaine is a Schedule II drug?


1. In 1985, the work of _____________________________ lead to the first DNA typing.

2. Before 1960, most crimes were solved by ________________________________.

3. In DNA, nucleic acid adenine bonds to __________________ and cytosine bonds to __________________.

4. Which is better to use for paternity determination, blood typing or DNA? Why?

5. DNA is the acronym for _________________________________________________.

6. T or F The charge of DNA is slightly positive.

7. DNA fragments move through a gel due to ___________________ and ____________________.

8. The shape of the DNA molecule is ______________________________________.

9. Who is credited with the discovery of the shape of DNA?

10. Define polymer.

11. Skeletonized remains are analyzed using ____________________________ DNA.

12. T or F Mitochondrial DNA is inherited from both the mother and the father.

13. Why is mitochondrial DNA more abundant than nuclear DNA?

14. __________________________ cells do not contain nuclear DNA.

15. T or F Identical twins have the same DNA.

16. T or F Fraternal twins have the same DNA.

17. For each of the following, identify which is being described : RFLP, PCR, STR ----- some may describe more than one process:

a. Oldest test

b. Makes millions of copies of DNA

c. Used to obtain results for CODIS

d. Uses a type of electrophoresis

e. Needs a large amount of DNA

f. Takes the longest time to run

g. Most creditable results

h. Based on repeating patterns

18. In the autoradiograph below, Lanes #1 and #2 are husband and wife. If lanes #3-4 are children, what can be determined about the relationship of the children to the people whose DNA is in lanes #1 & 2?


19. On the diagram below, label the fragments which are the smallest, largest, and most abundant?


20. Identify the components which are labeled #1-4 on diagram below. Fill in the missing nucleic acids.


21. What is CODIS and when was it established?

22. What agency established and maintains CODIS?

23. Analyze the DNA fingerprint below. Which suspect is a match? How do you know?


24. Which cells are generally used when obtaining a DNA sample from either a suspect or a victim?

25. What percentage of the human genome is made of “junk” DNA? codes for proteins?

Serology and Blood Spatter

1. Serology is the study of all body _________________________.

2. Antigens are found on the _________________ and antibodies in the ______________________.

3. The average adult has ___________________ liters of blood.

4. T or F A red blood cell is also known as a leukocyte.

5. Plasma makes up _________________ % of blood.

6. Type AB blood contains ____________________ antigens and _____________________ antibodies.

7. During routine blood typing, the presence of the antigens _________________________ is analyzed.

8. For the ABO group, the most common blood type in the US is ____________ the least common in the US is ____________.

9. Create a Punnett Square for the offspring of a heterozygous A male and a homozygous O female.

10. The blood drops below would be classified as

a. passive c. active

b. c. transfer d. simulated


11. Solve for the angle of impact for the blood drop below.


12. Label the three different parts of the drop below.


13. The tail of an elongated blood drop indicates the ____________________________ of travel.

14. Explain the difference between high and low velocity blood spatter.

15. Blood spatter patterns depend on the _________________, __________________, and _________________ of the blood.

16. Luminol is used to detect __________________________________________.

17. T or F Blood stains cleaned with bleach will be undetectable.

18. A bloody shoeprint is an example of a _____________ stain.

a. passive b. active c. transfer d. simulated

19. A suspect removed a pillow from a very bloody crime scene. The space where the pillow had been located is known as a _____________________ pattern.

20. T or F The drop below fell straight down on a non-porous surface.


21. A gunshot would result in blood spatter that looked like ______________________.

22. Define agglutination.

23. In the area to the left of the diagram, label the blood type for each example.


24. Explain the difference between mammalian and non-mammalian blood.

25. What type of test is the Kastle-Meyer test?

Prints and Impressions

1. Dactyloscopy is the study of __________________________.

2. Fingerprints are (class, individual) evidence.

3. Fingerprints are formed during _______________________ development..

4. T or F Someone may obliterate their fingerprints.

5. T or F Identical twins have the same fingerprints.

6. T or F Fraternal twins have the same fingerprints.

7. The database for fingerprints is known by the acronym ____________________.

8. Generally how many ridge characteristics (minutiae) must be matched between the fingerprint found at the crime scene and the fingerprint of the suspect?

9. Label the prints below with the correct pattern.


10. What are the two characteristics that are used to identify the type of fingerprint pattern?

11. Which pattern is the most common? _________________least common?___________________

12. How many sub-categories are there for a whorl pattern?

13. What are the two sub-categories for a loop pattern?

14. What are the two sub-categories for an arch pattern?

15. Label the types of minutiae in the diagram below


16. A print was found in a muddy flower bed. This would be classified as a _______________________ print.

17. A print was developed with dusting powder. This would be classified as a ____________________ print.

18. Superglue fuming would be used for a print found on a _________________________ surface.

19. Latent fingerprints are composed of _______________ & __________________.

20. Who is credited with the idea that fingerprints are unique to an individual?

21. Which principle, first, second or third, states that fingerprints remain unchanged throughout a person’s lifetime?

22. When should a print be developed with ninhydrin?

23. Identify prints from items other than the body that may be collected at a crime scene.

24. Tire and shoe impressions are best documented by ________________________ followed by _______________.

25. Bite mark evidence is generally found in __________________ __________________ cases.

26. Scratch marks on tools are known as _______________________________.

27. Which type of tool is most often used in a breaking and entering case?

28. Explain how a tire or shoe tread pattern may be considered individualized evidence.

29. Which piece of laboratory equipment is used to analyze striations on a tool and striations found at a crime scene?

30. What factors affect the quality of an impression?

31. T or F The FBI maintains a database for tire and shoe impressions.

Questioned Documents

1. What is a questioned document?

2. Give 3 examples of possible questioned documents.

3. What is the difference between a questioned document examiner and a graphologist?

4. Which technique is used to separate the components found in ink?

5. Define solute and solvent.

6. What is the Retention Factor (Rf) for a substance that has traveled 0.l7 cm when the solvent has traveled 0.45 cm?

7. Give two possible examples that would result in obliterated writing.

8. Which writing instrument is analyzed with the Hardness Scale?

9. List three features that are used as anti-counterfeiting measures.

10. The ____________ _________________ is the agency that investigates counterfeit money.

11. T or F Forgery is a type of fraud.

12. What characteristics may be analyzed by a forensic linguist?

13. Sue copies her friend’s signature, but throws it away. Did Sue commit a crime? Explain.

14. A criminal signs your signature even though they have never seen your signature. This is an example of a __________________ forgery.

15. A criminal signs your signature while looking at a document that you previously signed. This is an example of a ______________ forgery.

16. Describe four characteristics of the handwriting in the sample below


17. T or F Black ink is composed of black pigments.

18. How would you determine if any of the signatures below are forgeries?


19. The _________________ is the agency that gathers intelligence for our government.

20. T or F Samuel Morse invented a code where “dots and dashes” represented letters and numbers which is called Morse Code.

21. Explain why polygraph evidence is not allowed in court.

22. Does a polygraph meet the “Frye Standard”? Explain.

Multiple Choice Practice Questions:

1. Handwriting which joins all upper and lower cases letters is known as __________

a. script b. graphic c. cursive d d. connected

2. Which of the following statements is true?

a. An individual’s handwriting is unaffected as they age

b. An individual’s handwriting has natural variations

c. An individual’s handwriting is unaffected by stress or illness

d. Drug and alcohol use has no impact on handwriting variations

3. Which of the following is not an anti-counterfeiting feature?

a. Watermark

b. UV strip

c. Color shifting ink

d. 3-D portrait

4. What type of packaging is recommended for biological evidence?

a. Aluminum pouch b. zip-loc baggie c. sealed glass jar d. paper bag

5. Tire __________ occur when the tire treads are recorded in moldable material.

a. Impressions b. prints c. preservations d. striations

6. _______________ are created when fingers touch a newly painted surface.

a. Latent prints b. plastic prints c. patent prints

7. Hallucinogens are

a. Often derived from plants

b. Never derived from plants

c. Always derived from plants

d. Rarely derived from plants

8. Narcotics act to

a. Reduce pain by suppressing the central nervous system’s ability to relay pain messages to the brain

b. Reduce pain by suppressing the brain’s ability to relay pain messages to the central nervous system

c. Increase pain by increasing the central nervous system’s ability to relay pain messages to the brain

d. None of these choices

9. DNA fingerprinting was developed by

a. Galton b. Watson c. Jeffrey d. Fauld

10. The DNA fingerprint of a child is

a. A 100% match to both parents

b. A 100% match to the father

c. A 100% match to the mother

d. A 50% match to both the father and the mother


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