
Elementary School Spanish Syllabus 2019-2020Mrs. Ximena Wiesse Egoavilwebsite: email: xegoavil@Spanish 2nd grade 2019-2020Program OverviewStudies shows that children who learn a second language at early age also develop a large vocabulary and better understanding of the structural and grammatical rules of their first language. In 2nd grade, I will be using a book from Symtalk by Maurice Hazan – Spanish Level 1. I will provide copies of each unit. I will use RockaLingua website that contains different learning topics with a variety vocabulary, games, comic videos, basic grammar structure and common verbs used in Spanish. Students will be reviewing similar topics from 1st grade during the school year, but some topics will be using a deeper level of Spanish vocabulary words, comprehension, and comparison. I have designed the syllabus that describe what topics will are going to be learning during the year month by month. CKS has adopted a Foreign Language grade level standard for K – 8th grade. During Spanish class students will be grade in their level of participation, communication, connection (between English and Spanish basic concepts) comparison, and cultures (knowledge and understanding of other cultures). Students will be introduced to “Día de los Muertos”, “Navidad/ las posadas” and other cultural events throughout the school year. As a parent is important to help your child in the learning process of a new language at home. I will provide different links, interactive websites in Spanish that contains songs and stories that you can play at home. Lesson plan – 2nd gradeDuring the first couple of weeks of school, students will work on developing on their hopes, goals and create rules for Spanish class. Students will learn a prayer in Spanish (Ave Maria).September The beginning of class / El comienzo de clases In this unit students will review greetings in Spanish, days of the week, weather, basic time of the day, months of the year. This unit includes interactive songs, vocabulary and grammar comprehension. The song will be play at the beginning of each class. OctoberNumbers, colors and shapes/ Números, colores y figuras geométricaStudents will review numbers and colors during this unit. This unit contains a reading comprehension comic with multiple choice answer for students to practice their learning comprehension. In this unit students will review numbers from 0-20 in Spanish in verbal and written areas. Students will learn shapes in Spanish as part of our geometry knowledge in a second language. November Vowel and ABC vocabulary. During this month students will be introducing to the cultural aspect of “Day of death/ “El día de los Muertos” (cultural understanding). Students will review vowels sounds in Spanish. Students will practice their ABC vocabulary and letter sounds in Spanish. Students will work on “Día de los Muertos” activity as a way of learning a cultural piece from Latin American culture. December Christmas/ La Navidad en Latino América (Cultural understanding) This unit is related to the Holidays. Students will learn vocabulary words use during Christmas in Spanish. Students will be introduced to the meaning of a traditional events in Mexico called “las posadas” and “Navidad” in Latin America countries. Students will watch a video about how people celebrate Christmas in other countries. Students will listen to the story about “las posadas” and will learn “villancicos (typical Christmas songs)” from Peru. JanuaryFamily members/ La familiaStudents will learn family members in Spanish. In this unit students will learn more family members names in Spanish. Students will expand their vocabulary from mother, father to uncle, female cousin, step mother, etc. Students will learn a song and read a comic about family members in Spanish during this unit. Students will practice their reading and writing comprehension skills. Students will work on special project “family tree” “Arbol genealógico”. FebruaryClassroom Objects/ los objetos de la clase. Students will review the name of basic classroom objects and will learn new vocabulary in this unit from RockaLingua. Students will learn a song related to classroom objects and will work on working sheets to help develop new grammatical concepts. Students will play Bingo using words learned in this unit. *Students may work on Valentines “día del amor y de la amistad” activity in Spanish during this month. March Verbs/ Los verbos más comunes en Espa?olStudents will learn how to conjugate the most common verbs in Spanish. For example: Verb comer (to eat) yo – como, tu – comes, el/ella – comen. During this unit students will learn commons verbs such as likes, eat, to have. Students will practice in their handout for this unit. April Adjective/ Los adjetivosStudents will learn to recognize adjectives in a simple Spanish sentence. Students will work in different handout for this unit that will help them recognize adjectives, verbs and nouns in Spanish. May Building sentences using most common verbs in Spanish (“Mis primeros pasos” - Symtalk Level 1) During this month and the rest of June students will work on Units 1 – 7. Students will learn how to build sentence using verbs and adjective learn during the year. Students will learn how to build simple sentence in Spanish using pictures to describe an action (verb) and adjectives. At the same time this book will help students to review their Spanish vocabulary that includes pets, friends, animals, and fruits names in Spanish. JuneReview – Story telling.During this month students will review all the vocabulary learn throughout the year. Students will have a Classroom party as part of the end school year. Students may work on Father’s Day “Dia del Padre” cards. ???Fue un placer trabajar con su hijo/a ~ Nos vemos el próximo a?o con más proyectos divertidos!!! ~ Gracias! ................

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