
Select a statement from the list below and express your opinion while explaining reasons for taking this view.POSSIBLE ANSWERS 5 I agree completely 4 I mostly agree 3 I’m not sure 2 I mostly disagree 1 I disagree completely- Some dog breeds are too dangerous to have as pets. - It is wrong to keep animals in zoos. - Scientists should try to recreate dinosaurs in the modern world. - People who have pets are happier than people who don’t have pets. - There are several different animal species that can talk, like humans do. - Animal rights organizations are too extreme in the way they campaign. - Endangered species, such as pandas, must be protected at all costs. - Some animals are as intelligent as humans. - It’s morally acceptable for people to eat animals. - Wearing clothes and shoes made from animal skin or fur shouldn’t be allowed. - Hunting animals for sport is fun. - It is healthier for people to not eat meat and become vegetarian.Discussion QuestionsHow many pets have you had?If you don't have a pet, why not?Would you ever consider getting a pet (if you don’t already have one)?Did you grow up with pets in your home?What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet?What is the best pet to own?Which animals are you most afraid of?Are you afraid of snakes? What is the biggest snake you have seen? Are there any poisonous snakes in your country?Are you frightened of spiders? What do you do if you see one?Are there animal rights groups where you live?Are there birds or squirrels in your neighbourhood?Do you know someone who owns an unusual pet?Is there any kind of meat you would not eat?Have you ever been to a zoo?Do you think it's okay to free animals that have been in captivity all their lives? Why or why not?Do you think people should buy and wear fur coats?Do you think that animals dream?Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Have you been stung by a bee?What can children learn by having a pet?What is the largest animal you have ever seen?Why do some people not like pets?What can people learn from animals?If you saw a stranger drowning, and you also saw your pet drowning, and you could only save one, who would you save? What would most people choose?Can people be too attached to their pets?Do you think animals have souls?Is it morally right to spend a lot of money on pets, rather than helping people in need?What kind of pet would you like to have in the future?Do you know of any endangered species?Do you consider yourself an animal lover?What kind of animals do humans ride?Have you ever ridden an animal?Have you ever gone bird watching?Do you ever talk to your pet? If so, what do you say?Do your pets have special behavioural problems?How do you deal with those problems?How long do you think a dog can live without food?How many birds do you know that can't fly?How many legs does a spider have? How about a squid?How many pets have you raised and what are they?How many zoos have you been to?If you could be an animal, what would you (choose to) be? Why?Pets are considered a burden to most city dwellers. To what extent do you agree?What animal do you think makes the best pet? Why?What animal would you like to be? (Which animal...?)What animals are you afraid of? (...scared of?)What animals do you think are the most dangerous?What are the most popular pets in your country?What do you think of animals being raised in captivity?What is the difference between a pet and a wild animal?What is the most unusual pet you have ever seen?What is your favourite animal?Why is it your favourite animal?Would you like keep it as your pet, why or why not?What wild animals can you see in your area?When was the last time you went to a zoo?Why do people have pets? In your opinion, why do some people like to have unusual pets?What is the role of an Alpha dog in a pack?Animal Quiz1. What food makes up nearly all (around 99%) of a Giant Panda’s diet?2. True or false? Mice live for up to 10 years.3. What is the name of the phobia that involves an abnormal fear of spiders?4. What is the largest type of ‘big cat’ in the world?5. True or false? Crocodiles have no sweat glands so they use their mouths to release heat.6. Are butterflies insects?7. What are female elephants called?8. True or false? Bats are mammals.9. Bees are found on every continent of earth except for one, which is it?10. True or false? Cats spend an average of 13 to 14 hours a day sleeping.11. What is the fastest land animal in the world?12. A ‘doe’ is what kind of animal?13. True or false? Cougar’s are herbivores.14. Groups of lions are known as what?15. Is a dolphin a mammal?16. What is the largest land animal in the world?17. True of false? Snakes have slimy skin.18. What is the only continent on earth where Giraffes live in the wild?19. How many pairs of wings does a bee have?20. What type of animal is the largest primate in the world?21. Is a shark a fish or a mammal?22. What is the most recognizable feature of a hedgehog’s appearance?23. True or false? Owls are far-sighted, meaning that anything within a few inches of their eyes can’t be seen properly.24. What is the name of an adult female horse?25. What are baby goats called?26. What is the tallest animal in the world?27. True or false? Rabbits are born blind.28. What is the most recognizable physical feature of the male lion?29. How many legs does a spider have?30. The crocodile species is believed to have been around for how long? 2 million years or 200 million years?31. What existing bird has the largest wingspan? A) StorkB) SwanC) CondorD) Albatross32. What is the biggest animal that has ever lived? A) Blue whaleB) African elephantC) Apatosaurus (aka Brontosaurus)D) Spinosaurus33. Fill in the blank: Out of these pets, there are the most pet _____ in the U.S. A) BirdsB) CatsC) DogsD) Horses34. Which of the following animals sleeps standing up? A) GorillasB) FlamingosC) HedgehogsD) Ravens35. What is the fastest water animal? A) PorpoiseB) SailfishC) Flying fishD) Tuna36. Are all snakes poisonous?37. What does a caterpillar turn into?38. What do tadpoles turn into?39. What is the name of the tallest animal?40. What type of animal is a Labrador?True / False41.?By weight, human beings and insects are about equal in mass on earth.42. Ostriches bury their heads in the sand to avoid danger. 43. A red kangaroo can leap up to eight meters in distance and three meters high in a single bound. 44. Camels store water in their humps. 45. Snakes have no eyelids.Answers1. Bamboo2. False - Captive mice live for up to 2 and a half years while wild mice only live for an average of around 4 months.3. Arachnophobia4. The tiger, weighing up to 300 kilograms (660?pounds).5. True - They often sleep with their mouth open to cool down.6. Yes7. Cows8. True9. Antarctica10. True11. The cheetah (it can reach speeds of up to 120kph – 75mph).12. A female deer.13. False - They are carnivores.14. Prides15. Yes16. The elephant - The largest on record weighed around 12,000?kilograms! (26,000?lb).17. False - Snakeskin is smooth and dry.18. Africa19. 220. The Gorilla21. A fish22. Their spines of spiky hair.23. True24. A mare25. Kids26. The giraffe - The average height is around 5 metres (16ft) and the tallest on record stood nearly 6?metres (20?ft) tall.27. True28. Its mane29. 830. 200 million years 31 D?The?wandering albatross?has a wingspan that ranges from 8 to 11.5 feet. 32 A?The?blue whale?is the?largest animal to have ever lived, with recorded lengths up to 100 feet. Their average length is about 70 to 90 feet with an average weight of 100 to 150 tons. 33 B?A 2017–2018 survey from the American Pet Products Association found that there were about?94.2 million pet cats?in the U.S. compared to 89.7 million pet dogs. 34 B?Flamingos?sleep standing up because the salt flats they live on are too caustic. 35 B?The?sailfish?is the fastest water animal, reaching speeds up to 68 miles per hour. 36 No37 A butterfly38 Frogs39 The Giraffe40 A dog 41 False42 False43 True44 False45 False ................

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