
Module #9 Study Guide: Psychoactive Drugs1.The state of physiological or psychological need to take more of a drug after continued use is called:2. When does withdrawal occur?3.A drug that affects our mood, behavior, and perception is called a(n):4.When does a drug dependence become a drug addiction?5.Which are the most commonly used psychoactive drugs?6.The discomfort and distress that occurs when a person dependent on a drug discontinues use is called:7.Reduced responsiveness to a drug, causing a user to take an increased dose, is called:8.What are the effects of caffeine?9. The increase from 1 cigarette a day to 1-pack-a-day habit and then difficulty stopping can be described as:10.What are the effects of alcohol withdrawal?11.The build-up from using a small dose of a drug to needing more to get the same effect can be described as:12.Shervin recently started drinking alcohol every weekend and has developed an increased tolerance for alcohol. He feels a need to drink when he is stressed, but alcohol doesn't disrupt the way he functions in his daily life. Psychologists would say Shervin is ________ alcohol, but not necessarily ________.13.Your psychology teacher gets angry at the class but apologizes later. She explains that she didn't drink her coffee that morning and had an awful headache. Your teacher was experiencing:14.When he first started drinking, Lee felt a pleasant high after drinking two beers. After going out to the bars every weekend over the next month, he finds that he now needs to drink a couple of shots and a couple of beers before he feels the pleasant high. Lee is experiencing:15.What are the effects of Depressants?16.Why is Alcohol is considered a depressant?17.Alcohol slows thinking and impairs physical activity. For these reasons it is classified as a:18.Know the different characteristics of Alcohol.19.What is true about the effect of alcohol on men and women?20.Our reaction time starts to decrease at which of the following blood alcohol levels?21.What effects does alcohol have on memory?22.Alcohol tends to shut down areas of the brain responsible for?23.Rod and Michelle, who are of the same height and weight, have been drinking the same amount of alcohol. An hour after they have stopped drinking, how do their blood alcohol contents compare?24.Micah feels that drinking a small amount of alcohol at a party makes him feel more sociable and lively. Alcohol is classified as a(n) ________, so why does Micah feel the opposite?25.Describe how a person’s behavior changes while drinking beer.26.Harvey stopped at a local bar to have a beer and unwind. Although his blood alcohol content (BAC) may be lower than the legal limit, what evidence would suggest that he should not drive home?27.Researchers found that participants insisted that they were capable of driving home from a bar even after scoring above 0.08 on a Breathalyzer test. What evidence helps us understand this finding?28.Dina had been drinking heavily at a party Friday evening. Saturday morning she had little recollection of where she had been, to whom she had talked, or how she had gotten home. What best explains Dina's experience?29.Sasha believes that getting a “buzz” from drinking alcohol is “no big deal.” As a student of psychology, what evidence can you provide that it is a big deal?30.What are stimulants?31.Caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, and amphetamines are classified as:32. What does cocaine do?33.Know some facts about caffeine.34.Nicotine is similar to what other substance?35.In the past 35 years the number of adults who smoke or chew tobacco has:36.What are Amphetamines?37.Drugs that excite neural activity and speed up body functions are called:38.Chuck regularly drinks 3 cups of coffee in the morning. His roommate, Jim, usually drinks one cup. One morning they discovered the coffee maker is broken. Without their morning coffee, you can predict that:39.Austrian physician Sigmund Freud prescribed cocaine as a treatment for depression. What convinced him to stop this practice?40.Shortly after Marguerite ingests a drug she feels restless, agitated, and very alert. Her blood pressure increases and she experiences a loss of appetite and insomnia. Most likely Marguerite has used what type of substance?41.Amphetamine abusers have been known to take doses 10 times the amount that would be lethal for a first-time user. Explain why this is true.42.What is a major difference between methamphetamine and crack cocaine?43.LSD users can be dangerous to themselves and others because:44.What are the effects of hallucinogens?45.Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). is categorized as a:46.Know some facts about Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).47.An “acid trip” is most closely associated with what psychoactive drug?48.Visual distortions, detachment from reality, and panic are most associated with:49.Which substances are categorized in the same drug category as LSD?50.Which psychoactive drug is not produced in a laboratory?51.Which psychoactive drug is most associated with “rave” dances?52.With moderate use, which hallucinogenic drug can cause permanent brain damage, loss of memory, and verbal skills?53.After ingesting a small dose of a psychoactive drug, Carol experienced vivid visual hallucinations and felt as if she were separated from her own body. Carol most likely experienced the effects of:54.When Albert Hoffman accidentally ingested this drug he reported that he was “seized by a peculiar sensation of vertigo…[and] objects…appeared to undergo optic changes.” Which drug is Hoffman known for first synthesizing?55.After ingesting a small dose of this drug, Ali began to experience visual hallucinations, vertigo, and restlessness. Ali most likely ingested:.56.After taking a small dose of this drug Darva began to feel like the walls in her apartment were “breathing.” Also, as she moved her hand in front of her face she could see a light tracing after her hand. It is most likely that Darva is experiencing the effects of:57.After ingesting a small dose of a psychoactive drug, Amy felt terrified and panicked as she believed the paint on her walls was turning into demons. Amy is most likely experiencing the effects of:58.Gerald belongs to the Native American Church. As a part of the religious ceremonies Gerald ingests peyote. As a result Gerald experiences vivid mental images, heightened sensory experiences, and a loss of a sense of reality. Based on his experiences, peyote is most likely included in which drug category?59. List the most popular hallucinogenic drugs. 60.Meg loves to go out at night and dance. Her friends ask her to go to a “rave,” which she has never been to before. When she arrives, she is offered ecstasy and refuses because she is afraid of the physical consequences. Meg is right to be fearful; ecstasy is known to:61.What are the effects of THC?62.Marijuana is categorized as a:63.When smoked, marijuana will do what?64.Know some facts about marijuana.65.The behavioral effects of marijuana are most similar to low doses of which substance?pared with LSD, marijuana produces what type of experience?67.What is the active ingredient in marijuana?68.The effects of the active ingredient in marijuana include:69.Marijuana users can take smaller subsequent doses to induce another “high” feeling because:70.Describe the long-term cost physical cost of using marijuana?71.If the behavioral effects of marijuana are similar to those of low doses of alcohol, why isn't marijuana categorized a depressant in this textbook?72.If marijuana has a mild hallucinogenic effect, why isn't it categorized with the psychedelic drugs?73.In the text, which two drugs are associated with permanent brain damage?74.Which is a chemical substance that alters perceptions and mood by interfering with neurotransmitter function and also causes mild hallucinogenic experiences?75.How does the psychoactive drug marijuana differ from nicotine?Essay1.You are trying to help your school administrators design a program that would help lessen drug abuse at your school. Describe and explain some suggestions you would make. In your essay, be sure to answer the following questions: ? Which are the most dangerous drugs that the program should focus on? ? According to current statistics, which drugs are the most likely to be abused by high school seniors? ? What role do peer groups play in prevention of drug abuse? ? How does education about drugs affect drug use? Essay1.You are trying to help your school administrators design a program that would help lessen drug abuse at your school. Describe and explain some suggestions you would make. In your essay, be sure to answer the following questions: ? Which are the most dangerous drugs that the program should focus on? ? According to current statistics, which drugs are the most likely to be abused by high school seniors? ? What role do peer groups play in prevention of drug abuse? ? How does education about drugs affect drug use? Essay1.You are trying to help your school administrators design a program that would help lessen drug abuse at your school. Describe and explain some suggestions you would make. In your essay, be sure to answer the following questions: ? Which are the most dangerous drugs that the program should focus on? ? According to current statistics, which drugs are the most likely to be abused by high school seniors? ? What role do peer groups play in prevention of drug abuse? ? How does education about drugs affect drug use? Essay1.You are trying to help your school administrators design a program that would help lessen drug abuse at your school. Describe and explain some suggestions you would make. In your essay, be sure to answer the following questions: ? Which are the most dangerous drugs that the program should focus on? ? According to current statistics, which drugs are the most likely to be abused by high school seniors? ? What role do peer groups play in prevention of drug abuse? ? How does education about drugs affect drug use? Essay1.You are trying to help your school administrators design a program that would help lessen drug abuse at your school. Describe and explain some suggestions you would make. In your essay, be sure to answer the following questions: ? Which are the most dangerous drugs that the program should focus on? ? According to current statistics, which drugs are the most likely to be abused by high school seniors? ? What role do peer groups play in prevention of drug abuse? ? How does education about drugs affect drug use? ................

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