1 - Africa Center, University of Pennsylvania

Africa Quiz

1. What is the goal of the AU (African Union) formerly known as the OAU(Organization of African Unity)?

□ Accelerate the political and economic integration of Africa

□ Feed the growing population

□ Promote peace, security and stability in Africa

□ All of the above

2. What is the MAIN reason why the European settlers were attracted to the plateaus that spread alongside the Great Rift Valley?

□ The plateaus had deep alkaline lakes

□ The plateaus had fertile soil and mild climate perfect for farming

□ There were many exotic animals that you can't find anywhere else

□ The plateaus had most of Africa's mineral wealth

3. Roughly how many languages are spoken across Africa?

□ 500

□ 750

□ 1000

□ 2000

4. How much of the world’s population lives in Africa?

□ 10%

□ 20%

□ 30%

□ 50%

5. What is the official language of Morocco?

□ French

□ Arabic

□ Spanish

6. Which African country is the world’s second largest producer of cocoa?

□ Togo

□ Ghana

□ Chad

□ Ivory Coast

7. The African economy is primarily based on…

□ mining

□ tourism

□ agriculture

□ manufacturing

8. Africa has what percentage of the world's total land area AND what percentage of the world's total population?

□ 10% of land, and 20% of population

□ 20% of land, and 5% of population

□ 15% of land, and 35% of population

□ 20% of land, and 10% of population

9. What African country has the most national parks with its borders?

□ Tanzania

□ Kenya

□ Uganda

□ Namibia

10. Africa produces what percentage of the world's gold and diamonds?

□ 10%

□ 40%

□ 50%

□ All

11. How many people live in Africa?

□ more than 600,000.

□ more than 6,000,000.

□ more than 60,000,000.

□ more than 600,000,000.

12. Africa is the ____________ continent.

□ smallest

□ second smallest

□ largest

□ second largest

13. What is the world's largest desert called?

□ Namib

□ Sahara

□ Kalahari

□ None of the above.

14. The Nile River flows

□ East to West

□ South to North

□ West to East

□ North to South

15. What is Nigeria’s most important export product?

□ kola nuts

□ bauxite

□ oil

□ cacao

16. In Congo most farmers grow crops that are used to feed their families, such as…

□ bananas and cotton

□ yams and cassava

□ coffee

□ palm oil

17. The land area of Africa would fit into the United States a little over 3 times

□ True

□ False

18. Which country has the largest population in Africa?

□ Nigeria

□ Ethiopia

□ South Africa

□ Kenya

19. Which is NOT true about the Sahel region?

□ on the border of desert

□ undergoing desertification

□ having a long drought

□ widely used for growing crops

20. In the Congo most farm corps, household goods, and products of all kinds are transported…

□ on highways

□ by planes

□ by railroad

□ by rivers

21. Africa’s oldest independent country is

□ Egypt

□ Ethiopia

□ Eritrea

□ Djibouti

22. Which of the following is not a crop widely grown by subsistence farmers in West Africa?

□ cassava

□ cotton

□ yams

□ peanuts

23. The largest county in Africa by land area is

□ Mali

□ South Africa

□ Sudan

□ Libya

24. Two major economic activities in Kenya are farming and…

□ mining

□ fishing

□ tourism

□ herding cattle

25. Which country has the largest economy in Africa?

□ Nigeria  

□ South Africa  

□ Kenya

26. Which country has the lowest life expectancy?

□ Chad  

□ Angola  

□ Zambia

27. What country has the highest infant mortality rate?

□ Chad  

□ Burkina Faso  

□ Sierra Leone

28. What country has the most literate population?

□ South Africa  

□ Cote d’Ivoire  

□ Zimbabwe

29. What country has the least telephones (landlines)?

□ Chad  

□ Cameroon  

□ Niger

30. What country uses the most electricity per person?

□ Botswana  

□ South Africa  

□ Kenya

31. Where is it most expensive to start a business?

□ Angola  

□ Ghana  

□ Togo

32. What country has the highest HIV prevalence rate?

□ Swaziland  

□ South Africa  

□ Mozambique

Quiz created by one of our co-sponsors, The African Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania. For more information about Africa go to: africa.upenn.edu

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Answers for Africa Quiz:

1. All of the above. Prof. Alpha Oumar Konare is the chairperson of the AU. The African Union’s headquarters is located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

2. The plateaus had fertile soil and mild climate perfect for farming. Crops grown in that area are dates, potatoes, corn, and many others.

3. 1000

4. 10%

5. Arabic

6. Ghana

7. Agriculture

8. 20% of land, and 10% of population

9. Tanzania

10. 50%

11. More than 600,000,000.

12. second largest

13. Sahara

14. North to South

15. oil

16. yams and cassava

17. True

18. Nigeria

19. Widely used for growing crops.

20. By rivers.

21. Ethiopia

22. cotton

23. Sudan

24. tourism

25. South Africa has the largest economy with a real GDP of $145,338 million. Nigeria is second with a GDP of only $48,766 million.

26. Zambia has the lowest life expectancy of 36 years. Next are Lesotho and Sierra Leone with a life expectancy of 37 years.

27. Sierra Leone has the highest infant mortality rate with 166 per 1,000 live births. The second highest rate is found in Liberia, with 157 per 1,000 live births.

28. Zimbabwe has the highest adult literacy at 90%. Niger has the lowest adult literacy at 17%.

29. Chad and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have the fewest landlines. Chad has less than 1 landline per 1,000 people, and DRC has 2 landlines per 1,000 people. The average for Sub-Saharan Africa is 15 landlines per 1,000 persons. Mauritius and the Seychelles (respectively with 270 and 269 per 1

30. South Africa uses the most electric power per person (3,860.1 kwh per capita), while Ethiopia uses the least electric power per person (25.3 kwh per capita).,000 people) have the most landlines. In 81% of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, there are more mobile phones than landline telephone.

31. In Angola it costs $6,621 to start a business, while in Ethiopia the cost of starting a business is only $74.

32. Swaziland has the greatest HIV prevalence rate, where one out of every four adults has contracted the virus -- 38.8% of people in the 15-49 age group. This is followed by Botswana. Mauritania has the lowest prevalence rate of 0.9%.


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