
Marketing Your Event at Adelaide Fringe 2020! This guide has been designed to help you put your best foot forward when communicating your event to audiences at the 2020 Adelaide Fringe. It is by no-means definitive, and none of the guidelines here are hard-and-fast rules, they’re just a starting point for putting together your marketing plan. Contained in this guide is: An introduction to the Adelaide Fringe Team A quick run through of your marketing mixA TL;DR section of key takeawaysKey dates to keep in mindThings to think about when designing your advertisingThe Adelaide Fringe Team: The Adelaide Fringe team consists of many departments who exist to support the venues, artists, and events, and attract audiences in Adelaide each year. As an open access arts festival, Adelaide Fringe has a clear ethos not to promote one venue or event over another. However, we work hard on promoting the Adelaide Fringe as a whole, getting people excited about the overall festival, using a mixture of traditional and contemporary marketing tools, and leading them to places where they’re able to discover your work. While we’re not able to promote your event for you, we are available to offer personalised advice. Both the Artists, Venues and Events team and the Marketing, Brand and Business Development team are happy to take your calls and emails and will help in any way that we can. Get in contact with us here: Artists, Venues and Events: artists@.auMarketing: marketing@.au Ticketing: ticketing@.auWe: Work year-round to put systems and processes in place to make participating in Adelaide Fringe as easy as it can be. Develop audiences of Fringe and arts lovers through year-round programs like Fringe Membership. Execute a full marketing strategy, driving people to the website, box offices and venues to find your show. This includes the printed guide/s, online advertising, print advertising and outdoor advertising which takes over the city and is seen on trams, bus stops, buses and street banners.Foster partnerships with external stakeholders, including our Principal Partner BankSA, whose support of the festival allows us to grow and develop while supporting venues and artists. Work with government bodies such as the Government of South Australia and Arts SA, who provided Adelaide Fringe with the funding to be the first Fringe in the world to support artists by abolishing inside charges. Fundraise for initiatives such as the Artists Fund, which raises money for grant to assist emerging artists participate in Adelaide Fringe.Run the official Adelaide Fringe website, which attracted over 2.8 million website views in 2019.Run various social media platforms to promote the overall festival, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, as well as managing a database of over 125,000 eNewsletter subscribers. Adelaide Fringe has the largest Facebook following of any South Australian arts organisation with over 91,000 likes. Execute interstate and international marketing strategies to grow audiences and awareness of Adelaide Fringe, including an activation on the ground at Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Provide opportunities to assist artists in finding audiences such as participating in Fringe on Tour, Fringe in the Mall, and opening night events. The Basics of Promoting Your Show: Marketing is about the 4 P’s. This is called the ‘marketing mix’ and is a crucial tool to help you understand and plan to successfully communicate your show to audiences. Place – the physical space that you perform in. Venue Marketing. Check whether your venue offers any promotion or PR services, and ask them to connect you with other artists within the venue. Communicate with them regularly and check whether they do any venue specific marketing or promotion, and whether they have social channels or email databases that they would be willing to promote your show on. Ensuring their venues are full benefits both of you, so explore all ways you can work together!Connect with Artists in your Venue. Can you flyer the seats in their show and allow them to do the same for yours? Consider giving each other a shout out or mention at the end of your show – audiences are very susceptible to word of mouth and if they enjoyed a show, they’re likely to trust a recommendation. The Space Itself. Before entering into an agreement, check that the space you’re being offered is fit for your needs. If it isn’t within the city, is it easy for audiences to get to? Will the space itself be fit for your purpose in terms of size, production availability, rigging? Mention to the show if you require set-up time before your show because that might affect the scheduling of prior shows. Market in your Area. If you have limited budget, market nearby your venue with posters, flyers, a letterbox drop, etc to catch nearby audiences. The convenience of not having to travel far may help turn locals into audience members. Also target like-minded businesses near your area. For example, if your show involves dance, you could target nearby dance schools with discounts or other deals. Perhaps you could offer a workshop in exchange for inclusion in their eNewsletters?Want to know the best locations for ticket sales conversions for your show and maximise your marketing activity? Use this handy rundown of Adelaide’s top postcodes for Fringe ticket purchases segmented by genre to help target the audience profile to suit your show!Adelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions TOTAL TRANSACTIONSRanking PostcodeSuburb15000Adelaide25159Aberfoyle Park35062Springfield45022Grange55067Norwood65045Glenelg SouthAdelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions CABARETRanking PostcodeSuburb15000Adelaide25067Beulah Park35159Aberfoyle Park45045Glenelg South55022Grange65082ThorngateAdelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions CHILDRENSRanking PostcodeSuburb15000Adelaide25051Blackwood35061Unley45159Aberfoyle Park55022Grange 65063EastwoodAdelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions CIRCUS & PHYSICAL THEATRERanking PostcodeSuburb15000Adelaide25067Beulah Park35022Grange 45159Aberfoyle Park 55045Glenelg South65062SpringfieldAdelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions COMEDYRanking PostcodeSuburb15000Adelaide25159Aberfoyle Park 35045Glenelg South45022Grange 55067Beulah Park65062SpringfieldAdelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions DANCERanking PostcodeSuburb15000Adelaide25159Aberfoyle Park 35062Springfield45031Mile End South55022Grange 65067Beulah ParkAdelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions EVENTSRanking PostcodeSuburb15000Adelaide25038Plympton 35024Fulham45022Grange55082Thorngate65158Hallett Cove Adelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions FILM & DIGITALRanking PostcodeSuburb15070Payneham25031Mile End South35086Oakden45000Adelaide 55009Allenby Gardens65019Semaphore Adelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions INTERACTIVERanking PostcodeSuburb15000Adelaide25031Mile End South35067Beulah Park45022Grange55043Marion 65062SpringfieldAdelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions MAGICRanking PostcodeSuburb15000Adelaide25159Aberfoyle Park35022Grange45067Beulah Park55045Glenelg South65063EastwoodAdelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions MUSICRanking PostcodeSuburb15000Adelaide25062Springfield35159Aberfoyle Park45067Beulah Park55045Glenelg South65022GrangeAdelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions THEATRERanking PostcodeSuburb15000Adelaide25067Beulah Park35062Springfield45063Eastwood55061Unley65034Kings ParkAdelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions VISUAL ART & DESIGN Ranking PostcodeSuburb15092Modbury25022Grange35000Adelaide45033Richmond55125Golden Grove 65007BromptonAdelaide Fringe 2019 top 6 SA postcodes by FringeTIX transactions Workshops Ranking PostcodeSuburb15000Adelaide25006North Adelaide 35031Mile End South45069St Peters 55061Unley65062SpringfieldPromotion – the communication of your event to potential audiences. Consistency Is Key. The same image should be used across all advertising, social media, guide images, flyers, posters, etc. This means you have to ensure that the images that you use are of a high enough quality to be blown up as large as you will require them – generally at least A2 or A3 size for posters. This applies to all small details too: logos, colours, fonts etc. Although you have to provide an image for the Fringe Guide well in advance, it’s important this is also consistent with your planned marketing of the show.Audience Touchpoints. A marketing touchpoint refers to any time a customer comes into contact with communication for your show. There are different stages in any buying process: information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and post-process behaviour. Your marketing should aim to influence audiences at all stages. The more a customer interacts with a show, the more likely they are to consider them when evaluating their choices. Advertising in the guide is a great way to communicate with people directly as they are searching for shows and evaluating the alternatives, and will help to make your show stand out from the other 1,300 + show listings.For example, a customer sees your poster in a few windows in the city. They pick up an Adelaide Fringe program, where they see your ad and/or your show listing within the Guide, and recognise the consistent imagery. They then go online, see your online ad and/or show listing with an image consistent with your poster, guide ad, and social media advertising. Simply put, consistency sells!Join Forces with other Artists. Think about ways you can work with artists to reach new audiences, and save time and money. Connect with other artists at your venue and print double sided flyers, promote each other’s shows on stage or ask to flyer the chairs of their event, and allow them to do the same. Say Hi! Making yourself available after your show to take pictures with the audience can also be a way to encourage audiences to post about you on social media. In the 2019 Adelaide Fringe audience survey, 92% of people said that a recommendation from a friend of family member was influential (with 58% saying it was very influential), making it the single most important attribute to an audience member. Email Databases. If you have presented at Adelaide Fringe in the past, you may be able to access your ticket-buyers data and promote yourself directly to them! This data can be accessed through the AVR system.Reviews. Make the most of any positive reviews by not only sharing them on your social media (and encouraging your venue to do the same!), but by printing select quotes and/or star ratings and stapling them to posters and flyers. Price – this one speaks for itself! Price Types. There are many price types to consider during the Adelaide Fringe. These include the BankSA customer 25% discount, Fringe Membership 25% discount, HalfTIX, BankSA Take a Friend For Free, Schools Program, and BankSA Support Act. Each has different benefits and reaches different audiences – make sure to familiarise yourself with these and see which suits you best. Information on all price types can be found within the Artists Magazine or in the Opportunities section of AVR. Fringe Membership – Reach a dedicated audience of over 25,000 Fringe Members. There are many ways for you to engage with our Fringe Membership program. By adding an allocation of 25% discount for Fringe Members, not only will you attract these Fringe Members, but you also then open up additional promotional opportunities. These include advertising in the weekly e-newsletters and on the Adelaide Fringe website, offering a special giveaway to Fringe Members, directly promoting yourself at one of our Members events, or meet this diverse art loving audience in the Fringe Member’s lounge at the BankSA Fringe Corner Box Office during opening hours.Ticketing Promotions. The Adelaide audience is highly reliant on word of mouth when deciding which show they want to see, and ticketing promotions can be a great way to start word of mouth with audiences early on. Fringe Membership has a dedicated audience of arts lovers, and you can offer discounts to them through the Weekly eNewsletter. You don’t have to offer a bucket-load of tickets - even a few double passes allocated for a promotional price will mean your show is included in lots of additional collateral. Demographics. Young people tend to be more influenced by price, so consider the demographic of your show when setting your price. Also think about the average price of a Fringe Show and what people will be prepared to pay. Check out previous Adelaide Fringe Guides, available on our website, if you’re not sure. Product – this is what you present to audiences. Indicators of Quality. As an intangible good, and not something an audience is able to hold or look at before a show, people will look for indicators of quality. This may include word of mouth from friends or relatives, reviews in publications or online, and the venue you’re presenting in. Even the quality of promotional material can influence how your show is perceived before it is seen. Work Your Best Angle. Each show has something unique or an interesting angle. As much as mass-marketing is important, and can be effective if you’re communicating in the right way, it can be very expensive. With small budgets, consider niche options and think about how you can target audiences that might have an interest in your type of show. For example, if your show has a literature element, get in touch with libraries, book clubs, etc. Perhaps you could offer them a couple of tickets to giveaway through their channels in return for some promotion? Always check the size of their databases and get an agreement in writing, even if it’s just via email. Get Organised. There are many elements of putting together your show, but marketing cannot be a last minute thought. Use a calendar to visually plan out all elements of your event at Adelaide Fringe, from the registration, to your social media content, and don’t forget to plan when you need to have accommodation locked in by. Remember, laying the ground work is important. If you’re traveling to Adelaide Fringe from interstate or overseas, be sure to start early. Start running social media advertising months before you arrive to drum up interest, or research and get in contact with like-minded businesses in Adelaide who might be keen to partner with you or help promote your show. That way, when you step off the plane for Fringe 2020, you’ll be prepared! TL; DRWe know you’re busy, so although we recommend reading the full guide for the best chance at being successful in Adelaide, if you don’t have the time, here’s the “too long; didn’t read” key takeaways: Consistency is KEY. Images, fonts, colours – audiences should be able to easily recognise your advertising no matter which medium they see it on. Get organised - Fringe can be a crazy time, and especially if you’re on the festival circuit, marketing your show can be a bit of a last minute thought. However if you start early and formulate a real marketing plan and schedule, this can be applied in different variations to all festivals around the world (although each one will have their own unique aspects, and audiences in different cities and countries often have different purchasing behaviour).There is a lot going on during Fringe, so you need to maximise the ‘touchpoints’ you have with a potential audience member: the number of times someone sees communication related to your show. This means you need to invest in a variety of platforms – posters, flyers, guide advertising, online advertising, and again – keep all elements consistent. It doesn’t matter how many times someone views your marketing if they can’t quickly and easily associate it with previous communications. Word of mouth is the biggest driver of ticket sales in Adelaide. Work hard to fill your first couple of shows, and connect with your audiences so they talk about you to friends, family and colleagues. Consider extra opportunities such a Fringe in the Mall spots to increase your exposure. Collaborate with your venue and other artists to maximise your exposure and reach. You can give shout outs to other artists at the end of your show, and they can return the favour. Remember, word of mouth will be one of your most powerful tools. And lastly, and most importantly: Adelaide Fringe staff are here to help you, so if you have any questions we are here to lend a hand and make your Adelaide Fringe experience successful! Don’t hesitate to drop us an email, or come along to any of the free sessions we hold before and during the Fringe!Key Dates – mark these in your diary! May 16: Artist Fund Applications OPEN May 29: World Congress Registrations OPEN June 12: Venue Registrations OPENJune 12: Artist and Info Session at The MillJune 17: Artist Fund Applications CLOSEJune 26: Artist and Info Session at Ruby Red FlamingoJune 27: Poster LaunchJuly 3: Artist and Info Session at Marion Cultural CentreJuly 4: Artist and Info Session at Holden Street TheatreJuly 17: Artist and Info Session at Beachside Wine Bar & Restaurant August 1: Event Registrations OPEN August 1: Advertising Sales OPEN Adelaide Fringe Guide Fringe by Day GuideOnline Advertising Hot Fringe Shows in The AdvertiserFringe MembershipAugust 1: Honey Pot Artist Opt In OPENAugust 5: Deadline to be included in Rolling On-Sale Round 1August 7: Rolling On Sale Round 1August 21: Rolling On Sale Round 2September 4: Rolling On Sale Round 3September 18: Rolling On Sale Round 4October 2: Rolling On Sale Round 5October 16: Rolling On Sale Round 6October 30: Rolling On Sale Round 7November 13: Rolling On Sale Round 8August 31: World Fringe Congress Bursary Applications CLOSESeptember 3: Meet the Venues at Plant 4 BowdenSeptember 25: Event & Venue Registrations CLOSEOctober: World Fringe Congress Program AnnouncedOctober 3: Honey Pot Industry Registrations OPEN November 5: StandOUT Marketing and Media Session November 26 & 27: BankSA Pre-Sale ON SALE November 28: 2019 program launch and full program ONSALE December 13: Honey Pot Artist Registrations CLOSE February 14: Opening Night of Adelaide Fringe 2020!February 14: World Fringe Congress BEGINSFebruary 18: World Fringe Congress FINISHESMarch 15: Closing Night of Adelaide Fringe 2020!Creating your advertising: 1. Who are you targeting??Think about who your core audience is and the best way to speak to them.2. What kind of show is it??Are people likely to know who you are, or do you need to tell them? Think about adding a tagline or a bit of (short, snappy) information to explain what your show is, or a short quote from a previous review. People are being blasted with advertising throughout Adelaide Fringe, don’t make people go searching for information. 3. Include show details – Make sure you include the name of the show exactly as it appears in the Adelaide Fringe Guide and on the website. Other details to include might be venue, dates and times. 4. Use readable fonts?– And in a size that works for the size of the advert. Font on a poster should be large enough to read as you’re walking past, font for an ad in the guide can be slightly smaller for people stopping on the page to read. 5. Don’t overcrowd your online banner ad?– The simpler a website banner ad is the easier you can communicate the right message to your audience - your ad will click through to your event listing, so only use the info required to hook them in. ?6. Use high quality photos?– and keep it consistent across all your mediums. You may think it’s not important to have a high res photo for your guide picture, but ideally that small picture in the guide will also be used for your poster, and online advertising, flyers, etc. 7. Use consistent colours?– You want to ensure people recognise your ads across all mediums; posters, online, flyers etc. Using consistent colours, photos and fonts will help people remember and find your show again. 8. Results – your click-through is an important metric, however it is not the only way to measure the success of your ad. TV spots have a 0.05 percent response rate?and billboards have a lower 0.03 percent response rate, so it’s as much about exposure as it is click through, and customers often need several touch points (times that they have been exposed to your ad) before taking notice of it. ................

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