




3.03 Evaluating Web Sites

WEBSITE #1 Name of the Website:      

URL Address:      

For each of the following questions, Put an X under one of the three columns on the right—Yes, No, or N/A

and type an answer to the first four questions below:

| | |YES |NO |N/A |

|1. |User is able to quickly determine the basic content of the site | | | |

| |What is it about?       | | | |

|2. |User is able to determine the intended audience of the site | | | |

| |Who is the audience?       | | | |

|3. |The author of the website is clearly identified | | | |

| |What is the author’s name?       | | | |

|4. |Latest revision date is provided | | | |

| |When was it last revised?       | | | |

|5. |Does the page lead you to some other good information (links)? | | | |

|6. |Links to other sites are working properly | | | |

|7. |The information in the site is easy to understand | | | |

|8. |The content is free of bias or bias can be easily detected | | | |

|9. |Grammar and spelling is correct | | | |

|10. |I would use this site in a research paper | | | |

WEBSITE #2 Name of the Website:      

URL Address:      

For each of the following questions, Put an X under one of the three columns on the right—Yes, No, or N/A

and type an answer to the first four questions below

| | |YES |NO |N/A |

|1. |User is able to quickly determine the basic content of the site | | | |

| |What is it about?       | | | |

|2. |User is able to determine the intended audience of the site | | | |

| |Who is the audience?       | | | |

|3. |The author of the website is clearly identified | | | |

| |What is the author’s name?       | | | |

|4. |Latest revision date is provided | | | |

| |When was it last revised?       | | | |

|5. |Does the page lead you to some other good information (links)? | | | |

|6. |Links to other sites are working properly | | | |

|7. |The information in the site is easy to understand | | | |

|8. |The content is free of bias or bias can be easily detected | | | |

|9. |Grammar and spelling is correct | | | |

|10. |I would use this site in a research paper | | | |

WEBSITE #3 Name of the Website:      

URL Address:      

For each of the following questions, Put an X under one of the three columns on the right—Yes, No, or N/A

and type an answer to the first four questions below:

| | |YES |NO |N/A |

|1. |User is able to quickly determine the basic content of the site | | | |

| |What is it about?       | | | |

|2. |User is able to determine the intended audience of the site | | | |

| |Who is the audience?       | | | |

|3. |The author of the website is clearly identified | | | |

| |What is the author’s name?       | | | |

|4. |Latest revision date is provided | | | |

| |When was it last revised?       | | | |

|5. |Does the page lead you to some other good information (links)? | | | |

|6. |Links to other sites are working properly | | | |

|7. |The information in the site is easy to understand | | | |

|8. |The content is free of bias or bias can be easily detected | | | |

|9. |Grammar and spelling is correct | | | |

|10. |I would use this site in a research paper | | | |


Which of the above three websites was the easiest to navigate, provided the best and most current information, and was the most informative? Rate them on a scale of 1 to 3 with 1 being the least informative, 2 being average, and 3 being the best of the three websites.

Websites I Visited My Rating—1, 2, 3





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