MIST 7770

Business Intelligence & Analytics

Tableau / BI Group Project – Fall 2020

For the project, I will request that you analyze either: i) “Global Superstore” dataset (download form course website); ii) or “NFL combine” dataset (download form course website); or iii) any of the Data Sets outlined below (there are many possible categories to choose from). The requirements for the project are to push far into the data in your role as an analyst. Initial in-class assignments are designed to introduce you to Tableau and business intelligence (BI) / dashboard tools. For this project, the goal is to push that level of analysis much further. The requirements for this section entail probing into the data set your team chooses to see what business intelligence you can uncover. The videos outlined on the course website will also provide insight. I leave much of this project up to the insight and creativity of your team (i.e. the analytics consultant). The problems that you will be exploring may pertain to: what products/sectors are under performing?; what variables drive performance levels?; are there issues with certain product lines, products, markets, pricing structures (margins), costs, etc.?. There are multiple avenues that can be undertaken – the question you will probe into are somewhat dependent on the phenomenon captured by the data set you choose. This project should be treated like a typical case study where you’ve been given data and the team needs to examine what problems exist. The grading scheme for this project will be based on the sophistication of your analysis and the overall level of insight derived within your findings which are articulated in your analysis. For this project, you are free to apply any relevant knowledge that you have learned from this class (including guest speakers, cases, etc.) as well as the knowledge that you have accumulated from your education or from your internship, etc.


A. Findings

12 Screenshots with a brief description of your finding for each screenshot (2-4 sentences). Screenshots can consist of a worksheet or dashboard (i.e., combination of worksheet images). Copy and paste into a word document as part of your report – can be included in an Appendix.

B. Strategic Analysis

The analysis should explore problems that may pertain to: What products/sectors are under performing? What correlates with profit or other performance measures? Are there issues with certain product lines, products, markets, pricing structures (margins), costs, etc.? This project includes a strategic analysis of the findings. The project team should provide detailed tactical and strategic recommendations based on the findings. The project team should consider the executive management team of the organization (relevant to your data set) as the recipient of your analysis. A key skill required is to take the analytical findings derived and articulate these findings to a top management audience. In addition, this section will require strategic recommendations regarding the future practices. This will require critical writing skills so that highly technical details are provided succinctly to an executive audience. The quality of the analysis will be based on the sophistication of the analysis and the overall level of insight derived within the findings which are articulated in your analysis. The length of this analysis is to be approximately 3 pages single spaced (3 pages max). TCU Writing Center is not required (not really a fit with this write-up)

The Write-up is due at 12:00 noon on October 19 (Monday)

Data Sets

The project should focus on a singular data set for analysis. You can choose the “Global Superstore” or “NFL Combine Data” that can be accessed on the course website or another dataset of your choice.

Some potentially interesting data sets looking at sports analytics:

(I pulled the “NFL Combine” data set from here – but I also cleaned this data up – the excel spreadsheet posted on the course website is the “cleaned” version.

Tableau Public Resources website .

Best to sign up for a free Tableau Account to have full access

Data sets include the following categories: sports, public data, education, government, science, lifestyle, technology, health, entertainment and business. Each team is welcome to select a data set they are interested in aside from the data sets listed. However, data sets currently being analyzed for another class are not an option (conflict of interest). Please run any questions by me you have with regards to the viability of a particular data set. I would make sure the data set has enough records and variables to conduct a comprehensive analysis (some of the data sets provided below are rather meager while others are very robust). Please note, multiple groups can analyze a particular data set (not a one-to-one assignment).

|Sports |

|FIFA World Cup Match Results |Matchups and results of FIFA World Cup matches from 1930 - 2014. Source: data.world |Dataset |

| | |(xlsx) |

|2018 FIFA World Cup Rosters |Goals, caps, club, and date of birth for players on 2018 FIFA World Cup rosters. Source: data.world |Dataset |

| | |(xlsx) |

|FIFA 18 Player Ratings |17k+ players, 70+ attributes extracted from FIFA 18. Source: |Dataset (csv)|

|ATP Top-Ranked Singles Tennis |Association of Tennis Professionals' (ATP) Men's and Women's top-ranked players from 1973-2018. |Dataset (csv)|

|Players |Source: Wikipedia | |

|Wimbledon Champions |Men's and Women's championship matchups from 1877-2016. Source: Wikipedia |Dataset (csv)|

|Tour de France Statistics |Winner, distance, speed, location, and more about Tour de France since 1903. Sources: Knoema, |Dataset |

| |Wikipedia |(xlsx) |

|Global Sport Finances |The top paying pro sports teams and the top paid athletes via ESPN. |Dataset |

| | |(xlsx) |

|Summer Olympics Medalist Dataset|Every summer Olympic medalist from 1896-2012. Criteria such as home country, event, medal, and gender |Dataset |

| |are included in the data. Courtesy of The Guardian. |(xlsx) |

|NFL stats, 1999-2013 |Offensive statistics and personal information (height/weight/dob/combine info/college/conference) for |Dataset |

| |NFL players from 1999-2013 via pro-football-. |(xlsx) |

|Public Data |

|Airbnb Listings in New |30,478 Airbnb listings in New York City. This data was compiled from Inside Airbnb. |Dataset |

|York City | |(xlsx) |

|FAA Wildlife Strikes, |This is a cleaned table of wildlife strikes from 2000-2015 in the United States. Visit the FAA Wildlife |Dataset |

|2015 |Strike Database which contains records of wildlife strikes reported by airlines, airports, pilots, and other |(xlsx) |

| |sources. | |

|Education |

|University Advancement, Donations, and|This is a table of donations made to Universities in the United States. The donation amounts and |Dataset |

|Giving |locations in this data set are not real as they are intended for training purposes only. |(xls) |

|UK University Research Excellence |The UK 2014 University results via Research For Excellence. REF is the new system for assessing |Dataset |

|Framework Ratings 2014 |the quality of research in UK higher education institutions. |(xlsx) |

| Academic Year 2012-2013 |De-identified data from the first year (Academic Year 2013: Fall 2012, Spring 2013, and Summer |Dataset |

| |2013) of MITx and HarvardX courses on the edX platform via . |(csv) |

|American University Data |The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is the primary source for data on |Dataset |

| |colleges, universities, and technical and vocational postsecondary institutions in the United |(xlsx) |

| |States via the National Center for Education Statistics. | |

|Government |

|Worldwide Undersea Communications |This is a consolidated list of undersea communications cables, last updated in June 2016. Data is |Dataset |

|Cables, June 2016 |from , and a complete change log and listing of cables is on that site as |(zip) |

| |well. | |

|New Zealand: Water Physical Stock |Water is a valuable resource. The New Zealand Government provides information on national and |Dataset |

|Account 1995–2010 |regional water balance (inflows, outflows, and changes in storage size) from 1995-2000. |(pdf) |

|U.S. Construction Spending, by |The Value of Construction Put in Place Survey provides monthly estimates of the total dollar value of|Dataset |

|value and category, 2002-16 |construction work done in the U.S. The survey covers construction work done each month on new |(csv) |

| |structures or improvements to existing structures for private and public sectors. Data provided by | |

| |Enigma.io from the U.S. Department of Commerce. | |

|Consolidated Screening List for |The consolidated screening list is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains|Dataset |

|Export Controls - U.S. |restrictions on certain exports, reexports or transfers of items. Includes entity names, addresses, |(csv) |

| |associated vessels, and dates. Data provided by Enigma.io from the U.S. Department of Commerce. | |

|U.S. Home Sales, 1963-2016 |National and regional data on the number of new single-family houses sold and for sale. Also provides|Dataset |

| |national data on median and average prices, the number of houses sold and for sale by stage of |(csv) |

| |construction, and other statistics. From the U.S. Census, Economic Time Series Indicators. Data | |

| |provided by Enigma.io from the U.S. Department of Commerce. | |

|2016 Presidential Candidate |Records are as of mid May 2016. Data comes from the Federal Election Commission. |Dataset |

|Spending | |(csv) |

|UK Big Lottery Fund since 2004 |Basic grants data from the UK BIG Lottery Fund, for grants made from 2004 onwards, via .uk. |Dataset |

| | |(xlsx) |

|113th US Congress Voting Record |Every vote of the 113th US Congress via the Sunlight Foundation's .There are two |Dataset |

| |sheets, "Bills" contains the vote data whereas "Sunlight Info" contains additional meta data. You can|(xlsx) |

| |join them on "Source URL" | |

|Military Equipment Transfer to |All military equipment transfer requests to local police via the 1033 program from September 2011 to |Dataset |

|Local Police via the 1033 Program |September 2013 courtesy of . |(xlsx) |

|Science |

|CO2 Emissions by London |Estimates of total CO2 emissions by London Borough, as well as emissions per capita of population (spatial |Dataset |

|Borough (2005-2014) |file for Boroughs and excel of emissions), via data..uk and data..uk (spatial). |(zip) |

|Significant Volcanic |A global listing of over 600 volcanic eruptions from 4360 BC to the present via Significant Volcanic |Dataset |

|Eruptions |Eruptions Database. A significant eruption is classified as one that meets at least one of the following |(xlsx) |

| |criteria: caused fatalities, caused moderate damage (approximately $1 million or more), Volcanic Explosivity| |

| |Index (VEI) of 6 or greater, generated a tsunami, or was associated with a significant earthquake. | |

|Global Active Archive of |Global flood events from 1985 to present via Dartmouth Flood Observatory. |Dataset |

|Large Flood Events | |(xlsx) |

|Magnitude 6+ Earthquakes |All recorded earthquakes with a magnitude of 6 or greater from 1900 - 2013 via USGS (United States |Dataset |

| |Geological Survey) |(xlsx) |

|Lifestyle |

|Star Wars Character Details |Details of Star Wars characteristics including weights, hair colour and birth planets via Github. |Dataset (json) |

|Titanic Passenger List |All the known passengers of the Titanic, where they were heading, what cabin they stayed in, and if |Dataset (csv) |

| |they survived or not. | |

|Top Baby Names in the US |The most popular male and female names in each state for each year from 1910-2012 via the Social |Dataset (csv) |

| |Security Administration. | |

|Cat vs Dog Popularity in the US |Population and ownership by household of dogs and cats broken down by state via American Veterinary |Dataset (xlsx) |

| |Medical Association. | |

|Technology |

|Startup Venture Funding |Information about startup companies, investment, and acquisitions via Crunchbase . Use the Companies, |Dataset (xlsx) |

| |Rounds, Investments, and Acquisition sheets. | |

|Mobile OS Usage |What percentage of the market each mobile operating system had from 2008-2014 via StatCounter. |Dataset (csv) |

| |

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| |

|Health |

|Tuberculosis Burden by Country |The World Health Organization estimates the prevalence and mortality of Tuberculosis by country. |Dataset (csv)|

|US County Health Rankings |Ranks US counties on a variety of health factors via Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. |Dataset (csv)|

|Global Burden of disease |Estimates the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors globally and for 21 regions for 1990 and |Dataset (csv)|

| |2010 via IHME (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluations). | |

|Entertainment |

|Eurovision 1998 to 2010 |All the Eurovison entries from 1998 until 2012, including the results of the finals, via the |Dataset (xlsx)|

| |Eurovision Song Contest . | |

|Hollywood's Most Profitable |Title, genre, studio, profitability and ratings for movies released 2007-2012 courtesy of |Dataset (csv) |

|Stories |. | |

|Pokemon Index |Contains attack, defense, speed, and HP stats for all Pokemon numbered 1-718 and their special |Dataset (xlsx)|

| |forms. Via . | |

|Business |

|The 2014 Inc. 5000 |The Inc. 5000 is Inc. Magazine’s annual list of the 5000 fastest growing private companies in the |Dataset (csv)|

| |United States. The list is compiled by measuring each company's percentage revenue growth over a | |

| |four-year period. | |

|Employment Changes in Great |Employment data by industry for 2011 and 2014 by city for Great Britain, courtesy of EMSI, Economic |Dataset |

|Britain by Industry |Modeling Specialists Inc. The 1-digit sheet has data aggregated at the industry level whereas the 2 |(xlsx) |

| |digit sheet has it aggregated at the sub-industry level | |

|Millennial vs Baby Boomer |Employment data in the United States for the millennial and baby boomer generations, broken up by |Dataset (xls)|

|Employment |state, MSA, and industry for 2009-2013. Courtesy of EMSI, Economic Modeling Specialists Inc . | |

Additional Data Sources

Explore other data sets which are publicly available. Don't forget to check that the data is well-structured!

• data.world

• Data is Plural

• UN Data

• Kaggle


• Reddit

• World Fact Book

• UN Environmental Data Explorer

• World Health Organization

• Pitney Bowes

Web Data Connectors

Directly connect to your own data sources that you already use and love! Right-click, copy and paste the link below into Tableau's Web Data Connector to start.

• English Premier League

• Fitbit

• Runkeeper

• Blockspring

• import.io

• USGS Earthquake Data

• Facebook

• Currency Exchange Rates

• UK Street Crime

• Tumblr

• Twitter

• Read about data.world's WDC


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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