I. Vocabulary(每題3分,共30分。)

1. The boy looked f r to me. He seemed to be my junior high school classmate.

2. A e is very important to Jane, so she spends one hour deciding what to wear every morning.

3. “Impossible Is Nothing” is Adidas’ c y slogan.

4. Linda is in a good m d today. She talks to everybody with a smile on her face.

5. By going to Emily’s every family gathering, John feels more i d in Emily’s life.

6. The singer’s concert attracted an a e of 30 thousand people.

7. Ann’s father is very g e when he reads the bedtime story. His soft sound lets her fall asleep very quickly.

8. Timmy’s sudden move scared the kitty, so it ran away.

(A) scary (B) frightening

(C) unexpected (D) boring

9. Gina has longed to travel around the world for a long time.

(A) wished (B) delayed (C) quit (D) rejected

10. “Nobody” is one of the most popular dancing tunes from a Korean (韓國的) pop group.

(A) lyrics (B) melodies (C) expressions (D) idioms

II. Grammar(每題3分,共15分。)

1. The tree in my garden has grown so .

(A) be tall (B) tally (C) at tall (D) tall

2. The students feel about the potluck on Sunday.

(A) excitement (B) excite (C) excited (D) excitedly

3. Ethan’s voice sad when he heard about the news.

(A) listened (B) sounded (C) heard (D) tasted

4. The mother looked at her son because he was very naughty.

(A) angry (B) angrily (C) to be angry (D) as angrily

5. Jeff’s help, I finished my assignment very easily.

(A) With (B) Use (C) On (D) Besides

III. Speaking(每題3分,共6分。)

1. Paula: Hey, Quincy. I’m going to take part in the singing contest. Would you like to do it, too?

Quincy: Oh, no.

Paula: Come on. You might win NT$3,000.

(A) I can carry a tune very well. (B) Please sign me up.

(C) It’ll be fun. (D) I have terrible stage fright.

2. Theo: Kevin and I love music very much. We are planning to form a band.

Barbara: Wow! That’s cool. I love music, too.

Theo: Wonderful! We still need a singer. Want to join us?

Barbara: Hooray!

(A) Don’t worry. (B) Give me a break.

(C) Count me in. (D) Enjoy yourself.

IV. Cloze(每題3分,共15分。)

The Carpenter’s “Close to You” is beautiful, simple, and easy to sing. The first few lines 1. like this: Why do birds suddenly 2. every time you are near? Just like me, they long to be close to you. Why do stars 3. down from the sky every time you walk by? Just like me, they long to be close to you. The tune is very easy to remember. 4. we hear the song, we feel relaxed and comfortable. If it is used in a commercial, people may want to buy the product to 5. the feeling in the song.

1. (A) sing (B) go (C) see (D) get

2. (A) appear (B) attack (C) appeal (D) attract

3. (A) shine (B) fall (C) sit (D) flow

4. (A) Before (B) Just (C) So (D) As

5. (A) assign (B) seem (C) experience (D) bring

V. GEPT Reading(每題3分,共9分。)


1. The purpose (目的) of this poster is to .

(A) invite students to a party

(B) ask students to give money to the poor

(C) invite students to take part in a contest

(D) get students to watch a show

2. When will the talent show take place?

(A) Nov. 10th (B) Dec. 11th (C) Dec. 25th (D) Dec. 31st

3. What might be seen at this event?

(A) A student plays the violin.

(B) A teacher teaches a lesson.

(C) A doctor checks a patient.

(D) A child collects money.

VI. Sentence Structure(每題5分,共20分。)

1. Tina looks nice in that dress.(劃線部分用a superstar替換並改寫句子)

2. [pic]

3. in/easily/hot weather/sour/goes/Milk

4. long/All/the girls/to be/close to/the cute boy

VII. Blank Filling(每格1分,共5分。)

1. 黃色常與外向的個性聯想在一起。

The color yellow is often an outgoing personality.

2. 主廚Richard在這家餐廳扮演舉足輕重的角色。

Chef Richard an in this restaurant.

VIII. Bonus Questions(每題5分,共10分。)

1. 中翻英:感人的音樂使得這部電影變得生動。

2. 簡答題:Why do many TV commercials use old songs as background (背景) music?

(參考字彙:tunes, lyrics, get stuck…)






TV Commercial Music

*musical instrument n. [C] 樂器;performer n. [C] 表演者

You’ll Be The Next Superstar!

Sign up for this year’s Talent Show by Sunday, Nov. 10th via e-mail at superstar@ or call Mrs. Robinson at (02)2257-9803.

The show will be held two weeks before Christmas holidays at school’s Open Plaza. You may sing, dance, play musical instruments*, or even tell a joke! The best two performers* will win NT$5,000 each. What are you waiting for? Sign up now!

Tina looks like a superstar in that dress.

With a rope, the brave man saved the child from drowning in the lake.

Milk goes sour easily in hot weather.

All the girls long to be close to the cute boy.

The touching music brought/brings this movie to life.

參考答案:Because the catchy tunes and simple lyrics of the old songs often get stuck in people’s heads.



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