
Task 1:?Pre-1950s?Print?Advertising??- Look at some of these other media products from the time.?200-250 WordsWhat audience pleasures do they offer? Why do you think they were popular at this time? What values about gender do they share with your set products?This shows women as maternal. There is a stereotype of the women holding the cleaning product, which show that the women are the 'housewife'. It was stereotypical in this era for the women to stay home and do the chores such as cleaning, and this print is no doubt aimed towards women. The target audience would be women, for their desires and needs. After the War women did start to get some independence, such as the women in the poster 'we can do it' poster created in the War, this gained women some strength and independence, however this power is going backwards from it. Both products sexualise women, however the text on the right shows women as more maternal and the typical housewife. The man was going to divorce her for not making tea correctly, but after using Lipton tea it shows that, that will not happen. The poster on the right highlights that WW2 independence that women gained after going to war. 113030194310Task 2: Viewing and Analysis Task (200-250 words)Film:?His Girl Friday?(Howard Hawks, 1940) – clipAudience pleasures? Why was this popular at the time (link to historical events)? How is gender being represented? What representations are traditional or progressive?The women shows independence by gaining a divorce and talking back towards the man, without being afraid. The man is seen as a typical businessman who wants to re marry his ex-wife, by sending many telegraphs per day and wanting re marry, and work with one another. There is a scene where the women says she doesn’t her ex-husband to be her boss anymore, and this show a positive impact on women stereotype showing her standing her ground. This is a positive impact, considering women did not have a good stereotype on them, they are perceived weak, vulnerable and fragile and she is being represented as not weak nor weak minded. This is progression from what the typical stereotypes of a women is. In the 40s women were only seen to marry, have children and then become a housewife, it is very progressive for the women smoking and telling him she’s leaving this job for another. However, there is a scene where the man is grabbing her and the women has to push him off, telling him to let go, this shows men as forceful. This is living up to the traditional male gender stereotypes. Task 3: Viewing and Analysis Task (200-250 words)?- Watch this clip from the TV show?Mad Men. Though made recently, it portrays American society in the early 1960s.What strikes you as old-fashioned about the way (most) of the men and women behave? Why would this be considered inappropriate in today’s workplace? Mad Men is as much a show about the dramatic changes in women's lives in the 1960s as it is about those men. In this particular scene, it shows women stereotypes as negative, wearing lipsticks. Being excited for the lipsticks and ‘brainstorming’. “just be a pretty little self-grab a lipstick, grab a mirror and sit down. This shows the stereotypes of glam, and beauty that women want to have that beauty. This can show that women only care for their looks. One man said “anyone mind I take off my pants” in front of women putting on lipsticks in front of the men, it shows that women are sexualised, and those men called the women “sweethearts” stereotypical nominations to the women in American 60s. (“How would you feel if your mother was treated this way at work?”) How do you think the way men and women behave (or are expected to behave) has changed in the West since the early 1960s?1918 vs 2018?| Things women were prevented from doing by law a century agoApplying for a credit card or loan in their own nameWorking in the legal profession and civil serviceInheriting and bequeathing property on the same terms as menClaiming equal pay for doing the same work as menProsecuting a spouse for rapeThis is an example that shows the difference between the 40s and 60s plus 21st century, and how far women and men has changed. Both genders would conform to their gender stereotypes which is the man or husband going out to work for the family/wife to come home to the wife having food and helping the husband come and settle down from work each day. It’s said that the man could do whatever he pleases to his wife because they are in marriage bond. However, with times changing, both genders don’t have to conform to their stereotypes. (1 hour)?Task: Comparison to Set Text: Tide Print Advert (100-150 words)In what ways are the representations of men and women similar to those in your set product? In what ways are they different? How might the contexts have in influenced these representations? There is a stereotype of the women holding the cleaning product, which show that the women are the 'housewife'. It was stereotypical in this era for the women to stay home and do the chores such as cleaning, and this print is no doubt aimed towards women. The stereotypes constructed are negative, because it is saying that the women has to clean. As mentioned women were the ones who worked at home, while the men worked outside for the family. It’s a negative stereotype because it is saying that this is a job for women to do. If we had a job that required strength for example in the 20th century, they would have put a man as a central image. As men in this era were known to be the alpha male that went out to get money for the family. They were out doing the work, while women were seen as delicate and couldn't do the work.MILD, SPICY, HOT TASK Review your notesReview your lesson notes and ISP mind-maps alongside the relevant section in the textbook. Is there anything you can add and or amend so that your notes make more sense to you. ................

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