
June 2018 - Sample Conversations

Initial Call

Isaiah 46:10

Publisher: People have a lot of ideas about how to know what's going to happen in the future. But what's your opinion? How can we know what the future holds?

Householder: I guess if I wanted to know about the future, I'd probably go to a fortuneteller.

Publisher: [thinking to himself] How should I handle this? Should I point out that fortune-telling is condemned in the Bible? Although that's true, I want to maintain common ground and keep the conversation going. What can I say to acknowledge his viewpoint and build on it?]

Which Approach Would Work Best?

• Actually, fortune-telling is a dangerous practice that is condemned in the Bible.

• No, that's wrong. The answer I was looking for is...

✓ Fortune-telling is popular these days, although most would acknowledge that it's not always reliable. But did you know that there is Someone who has foretold the future with 100% accuracy?

Publisher: Fortune-telling is popular these days, although most would acknowledge that it's not always reliable. But did you know that there IS someone who foretold the future with 100% accuracy?

Householder: No. What do you mean?

Publisher: Notice what the Author of this ancient book says. Ben, would you please read Isaiah 46:10?

Publisher #2: OK. It says: "From the beginning, I foretell the outcome and from long ago, the things that have not yet been done."

Publisher: Thank you. According to this verse, what's the Author of the Bible able to foretell "from long ago"?

Householder: It says: "the things that have not yet been done."

Publisher: That's right. And his prophecies are 100% accurate. May I ask, are you familiar with the Bible and its prophecies?

Householder: No. My grandmother used to read the Bible but I've never looked at it much.

Publisher: Well, I'll tell you what. The next time I'm here, let's consider some Bible prophecies that we're seeing fulfilled today. My name is John. May I ask yours?

Householder: My name is Carl.

Publisher: Carl, let me show you how you can download a free copy of the Bible from our website.

First Return Visit

Matthew 24:6, 7, 14

Publisher: Hi, Carl. In case you don't remember, my name is John. Nice to see you again.

Householder: You too, John. I've been reading the Bible since you helped me download it.

Publisher: That's great! You may remember that last time I was here, we left off with the question, What Bible prophecies are we seeing fulfilled today?

Householder: Yeah, I remember that.

Publisher: Well, there are many we could examine. But as a start, let's take a look at a few verses here in Matthew Chapter 24. For example, notice what the Bible foretold in verses 6 and 7.

"You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another."

Do we see any of these things happening today?

Householder: Definitely. Wars, food shortages, earthquakes. Sounds like reading the headlines of the newspaper today, doesn't it?

Publisher: It does. And yet, this prophecy was recorded hundreds of years ago. The Bible also foretold positive developments that we're seeing, as well as what would happen afterwards. Notice what we read in verse 14. Ben, would you please read that?

Publisher #2: OK. It says: "And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."

Publisher: Thank you. According to this verse, what would be preached in all the inhabited earth? Did you notice?

Householder: "Good news of the Kingdom?"

Publisher: That's right. And what will happen after the good news is preached?

Householder: "The end will come."

Publisher: Exactly. That is, the end of all the bad things that Jesus mentioned earlier in his prophecy. Of course, that leads to the question, what will happen after "the end"? Why don't we discuss the Bible's answer next time we visit?

Householder: I'd like that.

Second Return Visit

Revelation 21:4

Publisher: So the question is, What will happen after the end? The Bible gives us part of the answer here at Revelation 21:4. Ben, would you like to read the verse please?

Publisher #2: Sure. "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away."

Publisher: Thank you. What in these words especially jumps out to you?

Housholder: "Death will be no more."

Publisher: That's quite a promise, isn't it. Do you mind if I ask, why did that statement stand out to you?

Housholder: Well, my grandfather just passed away not long ago.

[Shown on the screen] How has the householder opened a window into his thinking, and how might the publisher respond in an appropriate way?

Publisher: I'm really sorry to hear that. It must be tough.

Housholder: Thank you, it is.

Publisher: The Bible shows that it's not wrong to grieve. And it gives us hope for the future... [fade out, then back in] That's how we know that God will bring an end to death. But where will this prophecy be fulfilled? Will it be in heaven or on earth? I'd be happy to show you the Bible's answer when we get together again.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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