
Home learning grid for school closure 30TH March 2020Writing ReadingNumberPractise writing all your sounds using cursive handwriting. Circle your best letter in pink and the letter you need to improve on in green. Write your tricky words (I, go, to, the, no, he, me, was, saw, want, his, is) using graffiti, bubble or wiggly writing.Draw a picture of your favourite character from a book you have read. Write one sentence to describe your picture. Remember to include a capital letter and full stop. Online ActivityDownload “Teach Your Monster to Read” (the app is currently free, select “first word” games) Read a book of your choice. Think about the characters in the story. Which character would you like to be and why? Can you read a book and change the ending? Can you draw a picture to reflect this ending? Count a variety of items in your household, i.e. apples in the fruit bowl, pictures on the wall, tins in the cupboard. Which is the most popular item? Which is the least popular item? Make two sets of number cards to 30 then play snap or a matching game. Using your number cards practise sequencing your numbers both forwards and backwards, stopping and starting at different points. Write addition sums to 10. If this is too easy try addition sums to 20!SpellingTalking & ListeningMaths/Numeracy spelling your tricky words “phase 2” sounds.Practise spelling three letter words. Spell words of your choice using paint. Display them around the room. Create a sound bag- choose a sound, collect as many items with this sound then with an adult try to spell out the names of each item you have collected. Online Activity: Register with and listen to an audio book of your child’s choice.Play the shopping game.. (working through your sounds a-z)“ Today I went to the shops I bought an apple.. (Next person) Today I went to the shops and I bought an apple and banana and so on. How far can you get ? Can you beat your score on a different day ? Telling the time – o’clock and half past.Watch clip - a clock using materials of your choice. Test an adult using your new clock, can they read different o’clock times/ half past times?Can you read the clocks around your home? Google famous clocks and recreate your own version of your favourite one. Do you know what happened to the clocks on Saturday night ?Something fun!Problem to solve!IDL Theme/ProjectWhat tickles your tummy? Take some time and have some fun, laugh out loud, dance, be silly, enjoy your family time. :)Create your own word search using words of your choice, (i.e. cat, dog, rat, hat, mat etc) Which family member can find them the fastest? Did you time them? ScotlandRecall three facts previously learned about Scotland. If you could redesign the Scottish flag, what would it look like? Make/ taste something Scottish – Haggis, Shortbread etc. What did you think of it? Explain your reasons why. Religious & Moral EducationModern LanguagesArt/Music/Drama/PEShare the Easter story and discuss Christian’s beliefs of Jesus’ resurrection. Be creative!Suggestions : Make Easter bunny ears, Easter baskets, Paint Easter eggs, Bake an Easter cake, Make an Easter cakeRevise your colours in French. – Draw something of interest that makes you happy. Can you post it on our happy news section of the website?If you need some ideas check out : Listen to and dance along to your favourite song. Drama: Recreate a traditional story (Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Gingerbread Man, The Three Little Pigs) PETake part in a PE session with Joe wicks “The Body Coach” on YouTube. can also catch Joe Wicks each morning live on YouTube at 9am. This is a 30-minute session. Health & WellbeingScience/TechnologiesQuestionsDraw a picture of what makes you happy. Record how you are feeling daily. Coding: Use Scratch Junior to create ananimation of your favourite story or make upyour own story -free app download on iPad or AndroidIf you have any questions, concerns, or if you just want to say hi, please get in touch:P1a: Charlie.gray@duddingston.edin.sch.ukP1b:Sophie.smith@duddingston.edin.sch.uk ................

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