
ASIA UNIT TESTName _________________________________1. Which statement is NOT true? A. Asia is home to approximately 60% of earth’s human population. B. Asia’s mountains are higher than any mountains on earth. C. The longest river on earth flows through Asia. D. Other than Antarctica, the Gobi Desert of Asia is the coldest on earth.____2. Which Asian country is not an archipelago? A. The Maldives B. Japan C. Indonesia D. Sri Lanka____3. The highland climate is the predominate climate of A. Turkmenistan B. Nepal C. Taiwan D. Turkey____4. Typhoons are a major threat for A. Lebanon B. Bangladesh C. Iran D. Yemen____5. The steppe climate is the predominate climate in A. Mongolia B. Oman C. Myanmar D. Hong Kong____6. Significant, rugged terrain is found in significant portions of all these Asian countries except A. Afghanistan B. Israel C. China D. Bhutan ____7. Most of Asia is located in the A. Tropics B. Eastern Hemisphere C. Arctic D. Indian Ocean____8. Which city is NOT among the 10 largest cities in the world? A. Jerusalem B. Jakarta C. Tokyo D. Shanghai _D__9. Cherry trees, Mt. Fuji, and Honshu are associated with A. China B. India C. Thailand D. Japan____10. Which country would likely be the most sparsely populated? A. Indonesia B. Yemen C. Japan D. South Korea ____11. Agriculture is an important economic activity in all these countries except A. Singapore B. Iraq C. India D. China____12. The United Arab Emirates is a wealthy country primarily because of its A. crude oil B. proximity to the Strait of Hormuz C. ties to Islamic terrorism D. gold mines____13. Which country and its predominate religion is incorrectly paired? A. Iran—Islam B. India—Hinduism C. Israel—Christianity D. Japan—Shintoism ____14. The most widely practiced religion in Asia is A. Islam B. Buddhism C. Christianity D. Hinduism____15. Turkey is often referred to as a ‘secular Islamic state’ because A. its citizens are Shia Muslims C. its government and religion are conducted separately B. Turks do not openly pray 5 times a day D. no one in Turkey worships Muhammad____16. In which country has a heavy religious influence NOT contributed to the poverty of its citizens? A. Iran B. India C. Afghanistan D. Taiwan____17. Which statement is not true concerning the Caste System as practiced in India for centuries? A. Caste System rules dictate the class of people from which your spouse must come. B. The Caste System tends to keep wealthy people rich and poor people poor. C. Hard work and education allow people to improve their standing under the Caste System. D. Economic progress and poverty are negatively affected by the Caste System.____18. Asian nations that enjoy vibrant economies have all the following in common: A. strong militaries C. trade agreements with the United States B. major industries run by the government D. free market/capitalist economic systems ____19. Which is MOST important in developing a vibrant economy? A. abundant mineral resources C. hardworking, educated people B. low population density D. polytheistic religious practices____20. Countries that mix government and religion are often marked by A. repression of citizens C. high population density B. booming economies D. high crime rates ____21. In which country would citizens enjoy the most personal freedom? A. Afghanistan B. Israel C. Iran D. Syria____22. In which country would you find the highest standard-of-living among its citizens? A. Afghanistan B. Israel C. Iran D. Syria____23 The ‘4 Little Dragons’ or ‘Asian Tigers’ prove A. that countries must have an abundance of natural wealth to have a vibrant economy B. that densely populated countries cannot have a vibrant economy C. that governments of wealthy countries must have control of important industries D. that creative, educated, hardworking people can build vibrant economies with few resources ____24. Men tend to dominate society in A. Muslim countries B. Buddhist countries C. countries with vibrant economies D. Israel____25. For many Asians ‘nirvana’ and ‘karma’ are A. political terms B. religious terms C. economic terms d. cultural terms ____26. Which statement about Asian religion is NOT true? A. Buddha and Confucius are regarded as very wise men by millions of Asians. B. Muhammad is regarded as a prophet from god by millions of Asians. C. Asian religions fail to teach that there are consequences for one’s actions. D. Most Asians do not believe in a risen savior that they depend on for salvation.____27. Which Asian country produces a major portion of the world’s supply of tea? A. Vietnam B. Saudi Arabia C. Kazakhstan D. Sri Lanka____28. Deserts, oil, and Islam are hallmarks of A. Central Asia B. Indo China C. the Orient D. the Middle East____29. The Suez Canal, Bosporus, and Strait of Hormuz are strategic locations because A. they are located along extremely important world transportation routes B. they are located near and controlled by Islamic countries C. these narrow waterways could easily be blocked, halting a large share of world trade D. all these statements are true regarding these strategic locations____30. ‘Cradles of Civilization’ developed in Asia largely because of A. the availability of water and a favorable climate B. the varied patterns of weather and topography C. the religious nature of early inhabitants of Asia D. all of these are factors in the development of early Asian civilizations____31. Which major world religion was not ‘born’ in the Middle East? A. Judaism B. Buddhism C. Christianity D. Islam ____32. Which statement about famous Asians in NOT correct? A. Tensing Norgay was the first Asian to reach the summit of Mt. Everest. B. Mao Zedong was the leader of the Russian Communist Revolution last century. C. Gandhi used salt as the catalyst to overthrow British power in India. D. Saddam Hussein was the repressive ruler of Iraq who was overthrown by the U.S. military.____33. Which Asian nations are current adversaries of the United States? A. Russia, Israel, Iraq, and Turkey C. China, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Iran B. India, North Korea, Iran, and Indonesia D. North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, and EgyptMatch these cities with an item in the right column. ____34. BeijingA. major oil refining center____35. MeccaB. world’s largest container shipping port____36. JerusalemC. rendezvous city for scaling Mt. Everest____37. SingaporeD. home of the Forbidden City____38. TokyoE. special district Chinese city with the most skyscrapers____39. KathmanduF. Wailing Wall and Dome of the Rock location____40. KabulG. Largest city on earth ____41. Hong KongH. Grand Mosque location____42. Shanghai I. at times the headquarters of the Taliban Vocabulary:____43. desalinationA. a ring-shaped coral reef or island____44. ChromiumB. land capable of sustaining agriculture____45. AtollC. the best outcome for immigration into the USA____46. IsthmusD. a narrow body of water connecting 2 large bodies of water____47. StraitE. process of making fresh water from sea water____48. ArableF. east and southeast Asia____49. OrientG. Central Asian ‘shiny’ mineral resistant to rust____50. RefugeeH. a narrow body of land separating 2 bodies of water____51. Assimilation I. one forced from a country due to war, persecution, or disaster BONUS: Identify the following. EXAMPLE: FBI—Federal Bureau of Investigation (1 pt. each)PLO __________________________________________________________WMD _________________________________________________________OPEC _________________________________________________________PRC __________________________________________________________ UAE __________________________________________________________UNESCO _______________________________________________________ESSAY QUESTION: Write your response on the back of this paper. (12 pts)North and South Koreans come from the same stock. They share a common language and common geographic features. As presently constituted, they began their histories at the same time—following the Korean War in the 1950s. Yet, these two countries are extreme opposites in many ways. Write a paragraph in which you discuss key differences, especially form of government, government leadership, and economic system. Provide an explanation of the CAUSES and EFFECTS of these differences. Make sure that I can read your writing. Use complete sentences with appropriate punctuation. ................

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