
Name _____________________________

Date __________________

Period ________

The American Revolution

Regulars – DBQ

(Document Based Question)

Directions: This DBQ is designed to test your knowledge of the American Revolution as well as your ability to analyze primary source documents. You must answer BOTH Part A and Part B of this DBQ.

Part A – The Scaffolding Questions: Included are 5 documents that address events during the American Revolution. Examine each document carefully, and answer the question or questions that follow.

Part B – The Essay: Using your knowledge of Social Studies and information from 1 more than half of the documents, write an essay that fully completes the task below. Your essay should be written on separate sheets of white lined paper. Each piece of paper should have your name and your teacher’s name on it in the top left hand corner.

Historical Context:

As the eve of the American Revolution approached, colonists from different regions began to unite. They soon developed a common goal: to fight for their rights and liberties against the British. In cities like Boston, and New York, the colonists began to hide weapons and even created militias to use against the British. The shots fired at Lexington and Concord marked the beginning of the American Revolution and shortly thereafter, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence to officially separate the American colonies from British Rule. All the Americans had left to do was defeat the most powerful military the world had ever seen. This was most certainly not an easy task considering the British had many more advantages going into the war compared to the rag tag Continental Army. Motivated by their fight for freedom, the Americans shocked the world, found ways to overcome the odds, and finally defeat the British at Yorktown. The world was about to change and it would never be the same!


Part A – The Scaffolding Questions:

Directions: Analyze the documents and answer the questions that follow each document in the space provided.


1. Who is the person represented by letter A? (1 point)


2. What season of the year is this event taking place during? (1 point)


3. What river are these men crossing? (1 point)


4. What side are these men fighting on? (1 point)



France Enters the War


What major battle convinced France to enter the American Revolution? (1 points) _________________________________________________________________________________

What did France and America agree to become after this battle? (2 points)


What did France agree to give the Americans after this battle? (2 points) _________________________________________________________________________________



A captain in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, Nathan Hale made a famous announcement just before the British executed him for being a spy. Hale served at Boston and then New York, where he volunteered to go behind British lines to gather intelligence. He was captured by the British on September 21, 1776 and immediately admitted that he was spying for General George Washington. British general William Howe ordered the execution of Hale, who was hanged the next day. Although Hale's spying mission ended in failure, his display of patriotism made him a hero among the Americans fighting for independence. He would become a motivation in the American fight for freedom.

"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."

"I am not influenced by the expectation of promotion or pecuniary [money] reward. I wish to be useful, and every kind of service necessary for the public good, becomes honorable by being necessary.”

Who made these two famous statements? (1 point) _________________________________________________________________________________

Because of his execution, what did this person become for Americans fighting in the Revolutionary War? (1 point) _________________________________________________________________________________

Above all else, what is this person along with other Americans fighting for? (1 point) _________________________________________________________________________________

Explain what this person means when he states, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” (1 point)




Although the Americans were greatly outnumbered and outmatched by the British military, they developed specific fighting skills and used the territory to their advantage. The documents below depict how the Americans adapted their fighting style to defeat the British Army.

Picture A:

Picture B: Picture C:

What fighting style is being shown in Picture A? (2 points) _________________________________________________________________________________

What skill do the American soldiers in Picture B and Picture C have? (2 points) _________________________________________________________________________________


As the Revolutionary war dragged on, the Americans gained military support from many other countries. Military leaders from countries like France, Spain, and Germany came to fight on the side of the Americans and brought their expertise to the rag tag Continental Army. The below picture depicts three of the most experienced and skilled leaders of the war who fought on the side of the Americans during the American Revolution.

What American general is represented by letter A? (1 point) _________________________________________________________________________________

What French leader is represented by letter B? (1 point) _________________________________________________________________________________

What German leader is represented by letter C? (1 point) _________________________________________________________________________________


Identify THREE advantages the continental army had during the American Revolution and explain how they used them to defeat Great Britain.

France becomes allies with America. France gives military and naval support to American forces.

Victory at Saratoga proves to France that the Americans can win

Americans defeat British Saratoga

Americans appeal to France for support during the Revolutionary War

France gives American rebels money and supplies but stays neutral

Conflict between France and Britain increases after the French and Indian War

France and Britain in

conflict for many years






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