Keyword Research

[Pages:13]Keyword Research: Exactly what cash buyers, motivated sellers, and private lenders are looking for online.

(and how to get in front of them)

52 Keywords + How To Guide

More Traffic. More Leads.

Keywords Are The Foundation Of SEO:

Is SEO Worth It?

You've heard of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and why it's so important if you want to generate leads online. But, my guess is that you are still wondering how SEO works, how to "hack" it so it's something that you can implement easily without being a "techie"... and how it can help you get more leads and do more deals as a real estate investor.

First Off... let's tackle the obvious question that we get a lot.

Is SEO really going to make a difference for me? Is it worth it to spend time and/or money on it?

We get this question a few times a week. People wanting to know if it's something they should really focus on or whether they should just bag it and focus on something else. The answer is... *maybe*.

I say maybe because SEO is only worth as much as the keywords you're trying to rank for. If the keywords (which we'll explain on the next page... and we'll give you our list of effective keywords in this guide) that your site is ranking for aren't getting searched much... or they're getting searched by the *wrong* people... then you're going to be wasting a lot of time.

If the keywords you try to rank your site for are what we call "money terms"... then ranking well for those terms can bring a flood of traffic to your site... and more leads... and hopefully more deals.

So, if you have a strategic plan for which keywords will produce solid leads for you... then YES, SEO can be well worth it. As a real world example... we run a website in the real estate world that gets about 25,000 visits a month... 100% through SEO. We generate about 60 opt in leads a day from it. And it doesn't cost us a dime. Is that something you'd like? Probably.

More Traffic. More Leads.

Keywords Are The Foundation Of SEO:

What Are Keywords Anyway?

So, keywords are really a pretty simple concept. Whenever someone goes to Google (or any other search engine) and types something in that they're looking for... Google delivers search results that it thinks match up to the search term. As an example... if you're looking for a massage therapist in your town... you may go to Google and type in "massage therapists in [your city here]"... or "best massage spa in [your city here]". You get the idea. As far as we're concerned, that whole phrase that you searched... is a "keyword phrase".

Basically, you want to find out what your prospect is actually "Googling" to find the solutions you can provide... and you want to use those exact search phrases as the "keywords" you're trying to rank for on your website.

Relating this to real estate investing... as you'll see in the keyword swipe file in this guide, you can see that the term "investment properties" (200,000 times a month) gets searched many many many times more than "wholesale properties" (4,400 times a month) does by cash buyers. Just a small difference in the first word... means over 195,000 extra people looking up that specific term each month.

That right there illustrates the importance of keywords... and knowing the *right* keywords to try to rank for. After all... it's as much work to rank well for a terrible keyword term as it is to rank well for an effective one... so you might as well rank for ones that give you the most leverage. Right?

So... how do you find which keywords are the ones that will be effective for you?

(head to the next page)

More Traffic. More Leads.

Keywords Are The Foundation Of SEO:

Finding The Effective Keywords

I'd love to say that this step is some hocus-pocus magical formula that only the rich and powerful have access to. But, I'd be lying.

In fact, most of the tools that we use to dig up the keywords we'll be ranking for are 100% free. You just need to invest a bit of time into learning psychology and how people work to really be a kick butt "keyword sleuth".

Here are the tools that we use to do our Keyword Research:

- The FREE Google Keyword Tool - Just type in a word or a phrase... and it'll tell you how many times it's searched each month.

- "Google Search Hack" Method - Basically... Google's "suggested searches" are a goldmine for actual keywords people are typing into Google.

{Check out the video that accompanies this guide to learn how we effectively (and quickly) use those two free tools

to get the best keywords with the best chance of you ranking for them and getting leads from. If you got this guide from a friend... just head over to to get this whole FREE Guide for yourself }

More Traffic. More Leads.

Keywords Are The Foundation Of SEO:

What To Do With The Keywords (with Video)

The last step... and VERY important step (I'd argue getting your keyword strategy down is the most important step... but most overlooked) is to use those darn keywords you just spent time digging up.

This part is simple... but it's the tedious part that most people end up quitting before they see any real results. So, if you tend to quit stuff before you push it all the way through... SEO probably won't be for you (or running any business for that matter). If you don't mind putting in some hard work in exchange for great, long-lasting results... keep on a readin'.

Basically, now you take those keywords you've organized... prioritize the keywords on the ones you want your site to rank well for sure... and other that would be nice. Generally you want to pick one main keyword phrase that you want your website's home page to rank for... then we'll let your "internal pages" (your blog posts, pages on your site, etc.) rank for the other keywords.

As an example, you have a cash buyer website and you do business in Seattle. From the keywords on the next pages you'll notice that lot's of people type in "Investment properties in [city]"... so that would be a safe bet that if you could rank in the top 3 or so results in google for "investment properties in Seattle"... that you'll get leads. Simple right? So, we're going to aim your homepage at ranking for that term.

Check out the videos linked to below to see the next steps in this process (it's easier to explain in video).

The Keywords: Finally Eh?

Yep... we could have just gave you a pdf full of keywords and skipped all of the stuff before this... right? Yep, that's what everyone else usually does. They entice you with something useful... give you something kinda useful (but missing the key parts on how to actually use it)... then you gotta buy the thing that makes it actually useful.

Not here. We'll teach you how to get results... whether you use our lead generation website system or not. These strategies work on our system... and they'll work on most other sites (if the sites are structured for SEO that is).

So, we hope the groundwork we've laid in the previous pages helps you get things straight in your brain... and ready to implement.

The Keywords...

The keywords on the next 3 pages are ones that we dug up after several hours of research. We're not by any means saying that these keyword phrases are THE ONLY ONES you'll want to try to rank for. There's lots of others. These ones are just some of the main ones that can help you get in front of more cash buyers, motivated sellers, and/or private lenders.

You may want to really learn the skill of keyword research yourself, like we taught earlier... so you can be in full control over your SEO destiny... rather than having to be at the mercy to someone else. Heck, it's simple. If you can't do it, give this to your 14 year old neighbor... they'll be able to figure `er out for ya.

So, I'd suggest diving into the keyword phrases and reading them... understand why people are (and aren't) searching certain phrases the way they are. Like... why do twice as many people search "stop foreclosure" vs. "avoid foreclosure"? If you can understand how people think... you'll be an SEO master in no time.

Then, decide which keyword phrases you want to go after for your site. After the keyword "swipes"... there's a page with some "tips" and suggestions that'll help you get the most results out of them.

(go to the next page)

Cash Buyer Keywords:

Motivated Seller Keywords:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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