SI of East Contra Costa Installation of Officers

SI of Napa Installation of Officers

July 12, 2013

Debbie, thank you for accepting the office of President for the 2013-2014 club year, and asking me to serve as your installing officer; I am honored to be a part of this special occasion.

Soroptimist International of Napa had a great year; you held another very successful Lobster “Toss” style dinner, gave $7,700 to local community programs and much more. You have many good deeds to be proud of.

As your club ends the year, it is an excellent time to thank the 2012-2013 board for a productive year of leadership. You supported region, federation, and international projects; honored special members and had many good times together. Will the outgoing officers please stand. Let’s give them a round of applause for their dedication, leadership and hard work. Thank you, you may sit down.

Debbie’s theme this year is “Together Each Achieves More (TEAM)”.

Great theme, considering our new vision as an organization – shaping the future of Soroptimist through increased collective impact, in other words – TEAMWORK. Baseball, now there’s a team sport where individuals excel producing team wins. Let’s take a look this evening at Soroptimist International of Napa’s FIELD OF DREAMS. All of you have a part to play to ensure that your 2013-2014 club year is a huge success. On this field of dreams I see the officers (managers and technical support) and the membership, the players (the most important part of any team).

It will take the energy of the entire club (TEAM) to help Debbie keep YOU at the top of the SOROPTIMIST standings. Let’s begin by introducing you to the scouts, score keepers, coaches and manager.

Delegates – Debbie Goodman, Carol Smith & Roxy Phillips

Debbie, Carol and Roxy, you will serve as club delegates. While DELEGATES are not voting members of the board, they do represent the club (TEAM) at district meetings and region conferences. To you is given the responsibility of voting on behalf of all your members, speaking for their concerns and, most important, bringing back complete information concerning all Soroptimist matters that affect your club and its members. It is therefore your duty to be informed about matters on which a vote is to be taken and to know how your club members feel about it – informed, not instructed. Much like TEAM SCOUTS who travel and gain valuable information that will assist the team, you will meet and network with Soroptimist from all of the six districts which make up Founder Region. Keep copious notes when you attend these important meetings so you can report back complete information to your club. I present you with these sunflower seeds, because no team scout would be caught on the road without them.

Do you accept the responsibilities of this position? Thank you, you may go back to your seats.

You see before you the team dugout…first up:

Immediate Past President – Diana Short

You shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors, ready to do it all – you are the outfield instructor, infield instructor, catching instructor and baserunning instructor – because you have probably done it all as the Immediate Past President.

Do you accept the responsibilities of your position? Thank you, please have a seat in the dugout.

Directors – Senior Director Leigh Krieger & Junior Director Kathy DeMaggio

Leigh and Kathy you are the Directors of your club. You are the first and third base coaches who signal and direct the batters and runners. You are the go between the membership (PLAYERS) and the board (the MANAGERS) ensuring there is clear communication. Additionally, as a director, you act as the greeter or assign a greeter for club meetings and events.

Do you accept the responsibilities of your position? Thank you, please have a seat in the dugout.

Treasurer Tamie Frasier & Assistant Treasurer Colleen Soares

Tamie and Colleen your club has given you their vote as treasurer and assistant treasurer. Like the scorekeepers of a game, who are in charge of numbers and facts, attention to detail is very important. Good records are a must. The bottom line IS the score at the end of the game.

Treasurer Tamie, you shall maintain accounting records of the club; on a weekly basis monitor all receipts of funds and deposit them in the financial institutions as authorized by the board of directors (with the exception of the Merchandise committee activities); monitor the financial reports of the Merchandise committee; pay authorized bills; act as an ex-officio member of the finance committee and keep your board and membership (THE TEAM) informed through brief monthly financial reports.

Assistant Treasurer Colleen, you shall collect all club funds – except the Merchandise committee; provide receipts when requested by members (teammates); submit weekly reports to the treasurer, maintain a membership roster; complete and forward all membership forms to the region and federation (requesting appropriate checks for payment from treasurer Tamie); count cash received at the attendance table and serve as a point of contact for the facility where your club meetings and activities are held.

Do you both accept the responsibilities of your position? Thank you, please have a seat in the dugout.

Secretary Christy Hotard

Christy (aka – Bobby Darin), you were elected Secretary of the club (TEAM). You are the BULLPEN COACH, you are responsible for the team’s success through communication to the players / batters / runners / scouts / scorekeepers and manager. As such you will send out notices and handle all the club/team correspondence. A willing secretary can take much of the load from the president (MANAGER), build good will and understanding and enhance the club/team image. Additionally, you are the custodian of the club/teams permanent records. You will take the minutes at business and board meetings, and keep track of the recommendations of the board. You must write your records with clarity and facts. Your words will carry your clubs/teams achievements throughout history. Speaking of history, you shall prepare a Club Historian’s book for the club president.

Do you accept the responsibilities of your position? Thank you, please have a seat in the dugout.

Vice President Cheryl Payan

Cheryl, you were elected by your club to the office of Vice President – You are the Hitting Coach. The hitting coach works with players to improve their technique and form to make sure they have the skills to fully participate in the game. As vice-president you will supervise the program of service areas and chair the Service Projects Committee. And if both the President and President-elect are unavailable to play, you will step in and fulfill their duties.

Do you accept the responsibilities of your position? Thank you, please have a seat in the dugout.

President-elect Andi Knowlton

Andi, you were elected by your club to the office of President-elect. You are the Bench Coach. The bench coach is like the assistant manager (president-elect), the second in command, you will offer situational advice and be ready to take over the duties of manager; mid game if necessary. You will arrange the programs for meetings pertaining to the program service area, which is extremely important because forward-looking, interesting programs will have a great bearing on the success of your club/team year. You also have the responsibility of supervising your team’s technical committees as you prepare for the office of president. Most importantly be a confidant to President Debbie and assist her with anything she needs.

Do you accept the responsibilities of your position? Thank you, please have a seat in the dugout.

Scorekeepers and Coaches I present each of you with these very important game day supplies:

• Bracelets that say either: Game On!, Play Ball!, Go For It! or Bring Your A Game!, because the proper attitude is critical to a successful team.

• Baseball trading cards, because trading and sharing information can only lead to a winning season.

• Bouncy baseballs to always have fun.

• Bubble gum, something to chew on for “bad calls”. Remember, THINK be for you speak.

• A Baby Ruth candy bar, for an instant energy boost – they contain 4 grams of protein!

• And, CRACKER JACKS, because it isn’t a game without them.

President – Debbie Goodman

Debbie you were elected by your club to serve as President. You are the team manager. As a baseball manager controls matters of team strategy and team leadership, you must direct and conduct the business of your club, preside at all meetings of your club and board, set the policy of the club as directed by your board, appoint all committees unless otherwise provided by your club bylaws or in a motion authorizing the committee; and be an ex officio member of these committees. Additionally, you shall appoint a parliamentarian for the term of your office. Debbie, your club members (teammates) know that you possess the qualities of leadership; wisdom, patience and understanding. Your leadership should be a draw to bring in new club/team members. You have the most responsibility of all – you must set the starting line-up(committees) to ensure club success. You must set the vision of where this club (TEAM) is going and how it will arrive.

I present you with this baseball tub to bring with you each meeting (game). It contains additional game day supplies to award to your team’s most valuable players, or just to give a boost when needed, a whistle to call your meetings to order, a baseball writing pen and baseball thank you notes. Thank you notes, because acknowledging a contribution to the team means so much!

Your pen has “It’s Outta Here!” written on it, indicating that your club year will be a home run.

Do you accept these responsibilities?

Officers, I ask each of you to pledge to do your best to carry out the requirements of your respective offices. I challenge you to be tolerant, give praise and encouragement, listen, understand, share yourself – most of all have vision for your club/teams future.

As the steering force of your club THE TEAM, your duties are as numerous and diverse as you. By being individuals who serve together and compliment each other, you bring your own special talents to your club. By the end of the season, I know that you will be at the TOP of the SOROPTIMIST Founder Region League standings.

I now declare these officers duly installed for the 2013-2014 club year to the offices for which they were elected.

Club members, I mean team mates, I know you will pledge your very best in supporting your new officers, I mean manager, coaches, scorekeepers and scouts. I offer you this quote from Phil Jackson (I know a basketball coach – but this is good)…

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”



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