
What Happened – Disney’s America ScriptIntroHello people of the internet and welcome to What Happened Episode 1.The Walt Disney one wanted to invest in a park in northern Virginia. This park was to be called Disney’s America.(Show Logo)This theme park was about to be built. We will get in to why it wasn’t later. We all know that the whole Disney Company was made by Walt Disney (Disneyland, Disney World, laughograms etc.) The man that came up with this idea was the then CEO Michael Eisner(no longer CEO). We all know that he was a guy that came up with great ideas. He also bought ABC and Espn when he was with the company. He wanted to make all the theme parks bigger and better. He was very competitive. When universal was being built, he went and stood out ide the gates and just stand there. He crated Euro Disneyland, now Disneyland Paris.While Disneyland Paris was being built Disney told the public about Disney America. The park was going to be in manassass, Virginia. The company was already in debt and making another park would no help. Excon the gas company had land that they were going to build a subdivision in the city. With Washington DC being one of the most visited city’s in the nation Disney thought that is would be a good investment.Instead of guests entering in a main street usa they would enter in a crossroads of America. It would be set in the year 1800 – 1850. Instead of have Tomorrowland, Adventureland etc. the park would be set in main things that have happened in the United states history. Instead of having a real hotel there would be shops on the ground floor and hotel rooms on the next floors. This way you could stay in the park. To me on of the most interesting things is that there would be a full-size recreation of a civil war fort. In the main building, there would be a 360 theatre. In the same area, there would be recreations of some of the battles. There would be a classic American theme park and a ww2 reaction of an airfield. This area would feature a simulator of what it would be like. (Soarin) There would also be sound stages to hold presidential debates in. Michael loved the idea of this park. Michael thought that because it is so close to the park that it would act like a tourist attraction.Park goers would spend a couple days at the park then take a Disney bus to Washington DC. The resort was also going to have a 27 whole golf course, campsites, and a Downtown Disney. There would also be a Civil War themed hotel. Now we can get into the reason why the resort was not built. The 1st reason is that the public did not take it well. Since a national battle park was so close, the public would think that the theme park would not be good for the area. 2nd the public did not like the whole idea of traffic in the area. People thought that Disney was trying to corporatize the nation with the name “Disney’s America”. The park would only operate 8 months a year too. With all the hate Disney decided to focus on history instead of a park. Disney then changed the name to “Disney’s American Celebration”. This Idea only lasted 6 weeks. After that Michael Decided to drop the Virginia project.Disneyland also went into play. Michael wanted to turn Disneyland into a resort destination. This means they would need to invest in a second park. Then Disney’s America went to life again. Also nearby Knots berry farm’s went up for sale too. Disney wanted to buy the park and turn it into Disney’s America. Also Distance came into play. Skip to the future and Disney announced that they would build Disney’s California Adventure. In 2009 Disney bought a piece of land in the National Harbor. Disney’s said that this land would not be a park. This piece of land was 15 acers. This was going to be a hotel. Mabey a Disney Vacation Club resort. The land costed 11 million dollars. There was going to be 500 rooms.The land that was going to be the park is now houses.Thanks for watching and Keep it magical.Outro ................

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