

|Contents |Page |

| | |

|Welcome |4 |

|About this Handbook |5 |

| | |

|What You Need To Know… | |

|I. About Games Workshop | |

|Our Mission |6 |

|Values Statement |6 |

|Ten Commandments of Customer Service |6 |

|A Closer Look at Games Workshop |7 |

|A Brief History of Wargaming |7 |

| | |

|II. About Your Employment | |

|Employment at Will |8 |

|Equal Employment Opportunity |8 |

|Accommodation of Disabilities |8 |

|Workplace Harassment |9 |

|Initial New Hire Period |10 |

|Categories of Employment |11 |

|Employment Classifications |11 |

|Performance Evaluations |11 |

|GW Tenure |12 |

|Length of Service Awards |13 |

|Resignation and Termination of Employment |13 |

| | |

|III. Standards of Conduct | |

|Work Rules |14 |

|Theft Policy |15 |

|Use and Care of Equipment and Supplies |16 |

|Attendance and Punctuality |16 |

|Business Ethics |17 |

|Confidentiality |18 |

|Conflicts of Interest |18 |

|Computer & Software Policy |19 |

|E-Mail / Voicemail / Internet Policy |20 |

|Publication of Company Information |22 |

|Problem Solving Process |23 |

|Constructive Discipline Policy |23 |

|Contents |Page |

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|IV. Health and Safety | |

|Health and Safety |24 |

|Alcohol & Drug Free Workplace |25 |

|Smoke Free Workplace |28 |

| | |

|V. Your Pay | |

|Time Records |29 |

|Pay Periods and Paychecks |29 |

|Overtime |30 |

| | |

|VI. Time Off From Work | |

|Paid Time Off (PTO) |31 |

|PTO Blackout Period |32 |

|Holidays |32 |

|Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) |33 |

|Leave of Absence |34 |

|Compassion Leave (for Bereavement) |36 |

|Jury Duty |37 |

|Military Leave |37 |

|Inclement Weather / Emergency Closings |38 |

| | |

|VII. Benefits | |

|Company Benefits |39 |

|Pension |39 |

|Share Save |39 |

|Employee Discount |40 |

|Employee Assistance Program (EAP) |40 |

|Educational Assistance / Tuition Reimbursement |41 |

|Continuation of Benefits (COBRA) |42 |

| | |

|Acknowledgment of Receipt of Handbook |43 |

| | |

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Welcome to Games Workshop USA!

As an employee of Games Workshop, you have joined a different, dynamic, and exciting company culture. Games Workshop has consistently produced tabletop gaming miniatures and a host of publications to go with them for over 25 years. Games Workshop is the undisputed leader in its market and consistently recruits new hobbyists across the whole world. Like its product, Games Workshop is truly unique. Part of that uniqueness comes from the commitment of Games Workshop and its employees to the hobbyists we serve.

We look for these traits in employees: a fantastic work ethic, a sense of pride in the company and personal achievement, and an ability and willingness to accept responsibility if things don’t go well. The will to win drives all businesses. As a company, we pride ourselves on viewing every member of staff as a “driver” – not a passenger – and on asking regularly for ideas on how to improve our business.

If you are reading this book, you have proven to us that you possess these key attributes.

Games Workshop’s commitment to you, the employee, is to do our best to provide you with a safe, motivational, and consistent work place to grow and develop as an individual and as an employee. Games Workshop has a nearly limitless horizon when it comes to growth and development, and it is important to us that our employees feel the same way about their roles within the company. We realize that many people spend as much or more time on the job than they do any other activity in their lives. We want that time to be well spent, energizing, and exciting. We are determined to make this a fantastic place to work.

To make that happen and ensure success, Games Workshop asks employees to conduct themselves with three important principles in mind.

First, we ask our employees to conduct themselves with Honesty, Courage, and Humility at all times. We call these the Graces, and they are the personal standards to which all the employees of Games Workshop hold themselves. Second, we ask all Games Workshop employees to do their best to behave with Consistency, Clarity, Firmness, Fairness, Openness, and Integrity. Third, we ask our employees to do their utmost to be Cheerful, Confident, and Passionate about this, the best of all possible jobs.

These principles are full of strong words. To hold them in esteem everyday is more than a mission statement to us. It is the very nature of the company itself. The good news is that all of the employees that work here are dedicated to helping each other work to these high principles. Never hesitate to put up your hand and ask for help. Someone will be there. That’s an important part of our culture too.

The money that fuels our company, pays our salaries, and provides our benefits comes from Games Workshop hobbyists. These individuals and the trade accounts that sell our products are our customers, and they must come first. No matter what your position with Games Workshop, please remember that having the best possible customer service is vitally important to us. Please make it the top priority in the day-to-day decision processes that will make up your job.

Our strongest assets at Games Workshop are not our products, our many manufacturing facilities, or our Hobby Centers. Our strongest assets are the employees who work hard daily to bring a wonderful hobby to life for many, many people of all ages, creeds, and countries. They are part of a great community that Games Workshop nurtures and encourages like the parents and siblings of a family.

Welcome to the Games Workshop family.

About This Handbook

This handbook is solely intended for employees of Games Workshop America, Inc. and Games Workshop Retail, LLC, hereinafter known as Games Workshop. Additionally, employees working in the U.S. from affiliated companies are also expected to follow the guidelines set forth in this handbook, unless otherwise set forth in a service agreement.

We have prepared this handbook to help orient you to some of Games Workshop’s basic organizational policies and procedures. No single document can anticipate every issue that may arise during employment. We intend this handbook to serve only as a helpful guide.

Nothing in this handbook is a contract or creates a contract for continued employment, or is a guaranty of benefits. No statement of any person, whether in writing or otherwise, shall constitute a contract or guaranty of employment, unless stated in a written agreement expressly authorized by the General Manager or designee.

Games Workshop reserves the right to change, delete, or add to any of the policies, procedures, benefits, rules, or any other item in this handbook at any time with or without advance notice. Furthermore, as need arises, Games Workshop reserves the right to respond to each situation in the manner it feels best serves the interests of fairness and responsible business management.

In the event that you do not understand any provision of this handbook or any other employee communication, you are urged to personally inquire with the Human Resources Department for explanation or clarification.

The current version of this handbook supersedes all prior versions of this handbook and all employment policies that exist to date.

I. About Games Workshop

Our Mission

• To make the Games Workshop hobby available to every potential hobbyist in North America.

• To keep it cool and exciting. To maintain the passion and enthusiasm that makes it all fun.

• To make Games Workshop a place where everyone feels valued.

• To look after our customers because without them there is no hobby.

• To build for the long-term by putting quality --- of our games, models and our service --- first.

Values Statement

At Games Workshop we do business with honesty that allows us to work in harmonious, trusting and mutually beneficial relationships, we display courage to stick to the plans and convictions we have, with actions carried out with humility in understanding that everything we do is for the good of the company, and thereby good for our customers, colleagues and shareholders.

Ten Commandments of Customer Service

All employees are responsible for forwarding the Mission and Goals of Games Workshop by understanding the needs of those they serve. Each employee and customer will be treated in a dignified manner with honesty and respect. Employees will subscribe to the organization’s commitment to quality service. The Ten Commandments of Customer Service is the basic framework of the expectations Games Workshop has for all its employees, they are:

• Acknowledge all people who enter the shop.

• Be aware of customers and their behavior.

• Show enthusiasm and be cheerful.

• Be attentive and listen carefully to customer needs.

• Promote the hobby.

• Establish a rapport with the customer.

• Display an in depth knowledge of company products.

• Maintain high standards of personal appearance and hygiene.

• Ask questions to obtain the best information concerning customer needs.

• Show courtesy.

A Closer Look at Games Workshop

Games Workshop’s goal is to design and manufacture the best model soldiers in the world for sale everywhere in the world. Games Workshop wants to be a company of which we can all be proud, based on our collective and concerted efforts.

A Brief History of Wargaming

Recreational Wargaming originates at the turn of the century thanks to Baden Powell and H.G. Wells. It moves to being played on the tabletop in the late 1940’s. By the early 1960’s Airfix leads a colorful cast of small companies who provide the opportunity to collect soldiers and play tabletop & board wargames. In the 1970’s fantasy wargaming using fantasy miniatures gains popularity thanks to J.R.R. Tolkien’s novels. Around this time Dungeons & Dragons is created in the U.S. and is imported to the U.K. by Steve Jackson & Ian Livingston, who co-found Games Workshop. The team of Jackson & Livingston incorporates Games Workshop in 1979. They also forge an alliance with Bryan Ansell & Citadel Miniatures. The game Warhammer first appears in 1982.

In the early 1980’s Bryan Ansell assumes full control of the business and has a turnover of $1.5 million. Around this time the US operation opens. In 1987 Warhammer 40,000 first appears. Along with its Space Marine miniatures it becomes an instant best seller.

In the early 1990’s Tom Kirby completes a management buyout of the company. At this point GW had a turnover of $15 million with 27 UK shops plus a small underdeveloped US operation. The new management team sets the course for the future by standardizing the product, introducing a big box format of Warhammer & Warhammer 40K, having new releases on a weekly basis, and holding two major game releases every year.

Games Workshop is still working towards increasing growth in the UK and beyond through Retail, Trade, & Mail Order and internationalizing the company. The future for you and Games Workshop is really whatever you make it. The Company will grow and you can grow with it. We expect you to give 100% effort and commitment. In return, we will give opportunities to develop and be part of a great future. It’s our people who make our company what it is!

II. About Your Employment

Employment At Will

Each and every employee is part of Games Workshop by choice, both by the choice of the employee and the choice of Games Workshop. Your employment relationship with us is “at will,” which means that either you or Games Workshop may terminate your employment at any time and for any reason, even after successful completion of the ninety (90) day initial new hire period, discussed later in this handbook.

Equal Employment Opportunity

We are an equal opportunity employer. We recruit, hire, train, pay, promote, discipline and terminate our employees, and administer our personnel policies, without regard to race, color, religion, creed, age, sex, national origin or ancestry, marital status, status as a veteran, status as a qualified handicapped or disabled individual, sexual orientation, or any other impermissible factor, in accordance with applicable laws.

Accommodation of Disabilities

Games Workshop will conform to the requirements and regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and all applicable state and local laws. Individuals with disabilities may be entitled to an accommodation in the workplace. If you believe you are such an individual, please communicate that information in writing to Human Resources. We will attempt to work with you to accommodate your needs, as well as our work requirements.

If you have any questions regarding the application of these laws to your situation, you may discuss them confidentially with Human Resources. Any information regarding a disability will be kept confidential to the extent possible.

Workplace Harassment

We are committed to providing a work environment that is free from harassment based upon gender, race, religion, color, national origin, age, marital status, physical disability, sexual orientation or any other reason.

Sexual harassment is a form of workplace harassment that includes any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or any other verbal, physical, nonverbal or visual communication or conduct of a sexual nature, when submission to that conduct or communication is requested to obtain some job benefit, or when the conduct creates an intimidating, hostile or otherwise offensive work environment. You must not engage in unwelcome sexual touching, offensive comments, slurs, jokes, remarks, gestures, or the display of sexually oriented or offensive pictures.

Sexual harassment is unlawful whether it involves harassment by a co-worker, by a supervisor or manager, or by persons doing business with or for the Company. It is unlawful whether it involves members of different sexes or members of the same sex. An employee can be a victim of sexual harassment even if he or she has not suffered an adverse job action.

All supervisors or managers are responsible for preventing employees within their department from being the subject of any form of harassment and for reporting any incidents of harassment within their department. All employees are responsible for avoiding any behavior which is harassing and for complying with this policy.

We will take immediate and appropriate action once we become aware of a possible workplace harassment situation. This includes a timely, fair and thorough investigation of any report of harassment. Games Workshop cannot take corrective action with regard to impermissible workplace harassment unless it knows such a problem exists. Therefore, any employee who believes he or she has been discriminated against or harassed on the job, or any employee who is aware of discrimination against or harassment of another, must report it as soon as possible.

Ordinarily, you should make a written report to your supervisor. However, if you are dissatisfied with the results achieved through your complaint, or you are reluctant to present the matter to your supervisor, you should contact Human Resources.

Games Workshop will promptly investigate all incidents that are reported, and confidentiality will be preserved to the extent practicable. Games Workshop will take and document whatever corrective action is appropriate under the circumstances. The violation of Games Workshop’s harassment policy can lead to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

Games Workshop will not retaliate against any employee for reporting in good faith a violation of this policy, or for participating in an investigation conducted by the Company or by a federal or state enforcement agency. Any attempt at retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. If you feel you have been retaliated against, you should report to the personnel listed above.

Initial New Hire Period

This period encompasses the initial (90) days after the date of hire, transfer, or promotion. The initial new hire period is an important time for employees and Games Workshop because it allows you the opportunity to assess whether Games Workshop fits your career goals. This period also allows Games Workshop to determine whether your employment or promotion appears to satisfy our present needs.

In most cases, this period will last for 90 consecutive calendar days from the date of hire, transfer, or promotion, but it can be extended or reinstated at any time at the sole discretion of Games Workshop. It is also possible that your employment might end at your option, or ours, before the end of this period. Near the end of the period, your supervisor will discuss your performance with you.

Categories of Employment

A normal work week at Games Workshop is 40 hours per week. A normal work week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday.

A full-time employee is appointed to a position that regularly works 30 or more hours during a normal work week. A person appointed to a full-time position is generally entitled to enroll in our Company benefit package.

A part-time employee is appointed to a position that regularly works less than 30 hours during a normal work week. A person appointed to a part-time position is usually not entitled to company benefits.

Employment Classifications


Exempt employees are not covered by overtime payment provisions as legislated by state and federal laws. Exempt positions generally include executive, professional and administrative.


Non-exempt employees occupy positions where federal and state laws regulate working conditions and compensation (i.e., eligibility, overtime pay). These positions include secretarial, clerical, maintenance, some sales, some production and other similar occupations.

Decisions concerning position classifications (including approval to change a job classification) are made by Human Resources.

Performance Evaluations

Your performance will be evaluated periodically during your employment with Games Workshop. The purpose of the Performance Appraisal Process is to provide an opportunity for staff and their supervisors to discuss performance, objectives, and training needs.

The Performance Appraisal process begins with you completing a Self-Appraisal detailing specific accomplishments you have made during the evaluation period. The Self-Appraisal also provides you a chance to let your supervisor know your career goals. While you are completing the Self-Appraisal, your supervisor will complete an Appraisal Record evaluating your performance during the evaluation period.

You and your supervisor will meet to discuss both documents. Any changes will be made and the final signed Performance Appraisal Package will be placed in your personnel file.

The types of reviews during your employment with Games Workshop that may or may not be required include, but are not limited to: initial new hire (90) day review, annual reviews, transfer reviews, promotion reviews, and or merit reviews.

GW Tenure

The employee's original hire date is the date which the employee was first hired with Games Workshop or any of its affiliated companies. This date will be used to calculate an employee's length of tenure, and is therefore also the employee's GW Tenure date.

Unless there are any exceptions, as noted below, the employee's GW Tenure date will be used to determine if an employee is eligible for any GW Length of Service awards.

A break in service is considered any time period for which an employee is not employed by Games Workshop or its affiliated companies. Should an employee be terminated (regardless of the termination being voluntary or involuntary) and re-hired, the break in service is the time between their termination date and date of re-hire.

If the break in service is determined to be exactly six months or less, the employee's GW Tenure date will revert back to his/her original hire date. If the break in service is determined to be more than six months, the employee's GW Tenure date will be set to his/her date of re-hire.

Example 1: John Doe began employment on 6/5/2002, terminated employment on 10/25/2003, and was re-hired on 2/3/2004

John's GW Tenure Date is 6/5/2002

Example 2: John Doe began employment on 6/5/2002, terminated employment on 10/25/2003, and was re-hired on 5/3/2004

John's GW Tenure Date is 5/3/2004

Length of Service Awards

Games Workshop respects loyalty from its employees and the Company rewards hard work, dedication and length of service at several milestones in a person’s career with us.

Types of rewards will be decided each year and will consist of service and performance awards.

Resignation and Termination of Employment

You are always free to end your employment with Games Workshop at any time with or without notice. However, because the nature of our business is customer driven, we request that you notify your supervisor in writing of your resignation at least two weeks before your final day of work. Your supervisor will notify Human Resources. Games Workshop reserves the right to release the employee at the time of notification, or any time thereafter.

It is your responsibility to return any Games Workshop property to your supervisor before your last day worked. This includes items such as cell phones, tools, keys, files, laptops, company credit cards, computer disks and documents (including copies) or any other items either assigned or provided to you.

All financial debts you may have with Games Workshop need to be satisfied prior to your last day worked. Subject to your written authorization, any outstanding debt owed by you to Games Workshop will be deducted from your final paycheck. Also, any leftover paid time off (PTO) balances will be paid out to you.

Information regarding company benefits and an Exit Interview survey will be mailed to your home address.

III. Standards of Conduct

Work Rules

General rules of behavior are necessary to protect our health and safety and maintain a productive and pleasant work environment. These standards of conduct are not intended to cover all discipline problems, but to establish guideline for the conduct of employees.

The following conduct will be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including immediate discharge without prior counseling, depending on the severity of the offense.

• Failure to perform the duties of your job as required or assigned. Failure or refusal to carry out orders or instructions.

• Unsatisfactory work performance. Failure to meet job performance standards.

• Failure to fulfill the responsibilities of the job to an extent that might or does cause injury to a person, or damage to or loss product, equipment, facilities or other Games Workshop property.

• False, fraudulent or malicious statements, actions or omissions of information involving another employee, customer or other person involved with Games Workshop.

• False, fraudulent, or malicious statements or misleading omissions of information provided to or requested by Games Workshop, whether oral or written, or refusal or failure to provide such information in a timely manner.

• Falsifying Company records, reports or documents, including, but not limited to employment application information and Company time records.

• Unauthorized use, removal, theft or damage of Games Workshop property, or property belonging to an employee, independent contractor, or customer.

• Threatened or actual physical violence.

• The use profane or abusive language.

• Carrying any weapon onto Company property.

• Bringing onto Company property, or being under the influence of, or having possession of any intoxicant, even if you are off duty. This includes consuming any form of narcotic, depressant, stimulant, hallucinogen, or any mind or perception altering drug or substance, whether illegal or not, between the time when your work day ends. This also includes being under the influence of, consuming, or having possession of any narcotic or other drug listed above while on Company business off Games Workshop. The only exceptions are prescription drugs taken under the direction of a physician.

• Illegal gambling or disorderly or immoral conduct while on Company premises or business.

• Selling product at discounted rates without prior approval.

• Using employee discounts for product purchased by a non-employee.

• Engaging in unlawful, indecent, immoral conduct on or off Company property which affects your job, other employees, or Games Workshop’s reputation or goodwill in the community.

• Harassment of other employees, including but not limited to verbal or physical conduct or unwelcome advances regarding or based on sex, race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, religion, creed, martial status, veteran status, disability, or otherwise in violation of applicable law.

• An arrest, the filing of a disorderly person or criminal complaint, or the return of an indictment against or conviction of an employee for any alleged wrongful activity.

• Failure to observe fire and safety policies and regulations.

• Failure to report a serious incident, accident or injury on the job.

• Disclosure of confidential financial, administrative, or new product information without prior authorization.

Theft Policy

Games Workshop has a ZERO tolerance policy regarding theft of any kind. This includes both Games Workshop employees and its customers. It is the policy of Games Workshop to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, all persons suspected of theft.

Employees: The following conduct will be grounds for immediate termination:

• Theft, stealing, or unauthorized removal of any Games Workshop product, property or money

• Misuse of Employee Discount

• Selling of Games Workshop product on eBay or any unauthorized re-seller

• Misuse of the Direct Order Point System

• Non-disclosure of known theft activity to appropriate authorities


1. Immediately upon identification of theft, all employees are responsible for notifying their immediate supervisor. Supervisors/Hobby Managers must immediately contact their Regional Manager (if applicable) and the Human Resource department.

2. On site Supervisors are responsible for immediate intervention. This includes meeting with the suspected employee, collecting all Company property and sending the employee home, pending investigation

3. With the assistance of the HR department, the Supervisor will interview all persons with potential knowledge of the incident(s), and document these findings on an Incident Report Form. The completed Incident Report Form must be faxed to the HR Department before close of business the same day.

4. If theft is confirmed, the employee will be contacted by the Human Resources Department, and terminated immediately. The police will be contacted and charges will be filed. Theft will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Non-Employees/Customers: If a non-employee is observed stealing, immediate intervention should be attempted. This includes confrontation and disruption of theft activity, when possible. A visible review of products and paid receipts should be made by the Manager. If theft is confirmed, the police should be contacted immediately and an Incident Report Form should be completed (see Incident Reporting Procedures in Employee Handbook). Theft will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Use and Care of Company Equipment and Supplies

Some of our employees may use or have access to Company product, tools, equipment, and supplies. These items remain the property of Games Workshop. They are to be used only for Company business and must not be removed from Games Workshop property. Games Workshop will not tolerate stealing or outside selling of Company product, property or supplies.

If something is not working as it should, or is scheduled for maintenance, please bring the matter to your supervisor’s attention immediately.

Attendance and Punctuality

Games Workshop is dedicated to providing high quality on a regular basis. To meet this commitment, we need you on duty whenever you are scheduled to work. It is your responsibility to be prompt and regular in your attendance. You are expected to:

• be present at work on all scheduled work days and report to work on time; and

• remain at work until the end of your scheduled workday, or in the event you are scheduled to work overtime, until you are released form overtime by your supervisor

When you know about a planned absence from work (for example, for vacation time or medical appointments) you should notify your immediate supervisor at least 72 hours (3 business days) in advance and obtain approval for the absence. We expect you to give your supervisor as much notice as possible in these situations so that our staffing needs are met.

When advanced notice is not possible (because of sudden illness or emergency), you must call your immediate supervisor (or his/her designee) on the first day of absence, but no later than your normal start time. Give the reason for your absence and the date and time you expect to return to work. Contacting your supervisor is your responsibility. Having someone else call your supervisor is only acceptable in emergency situations.

If you are absent for more than one day without advanced approval, call your supervisor daily to report your status and update anticipated return to work information. Supervisors may adjust or waive this requirement. Employees who are absent from work for three or more consecutive days without calling to report the absence may be terminated from employment based on job abandonment.

You must notify your supervisor when you are running late for work, and give your expected arrival time. Chronic lateness may result in disciplinary action. Deductions for lost time may be made.

Frequent unscheduled absences before/after weekends or holidays are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Chronic or excessive absenteeism of any kind, including lateness or early departure from work, regardless of the reason, is a violation of our standards of conduct and subjects the employee to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Business Ethics

Games Workshop’s successful business operation and reputation is built upon the principles of fair dealing and ethical conduct of our employees. Our reputation for integrity and excellence requires careful observance of the spirit and letter of all applicable laws and regulations, as well as a scrupulous regard for the highest standards of conduct and personal integrity.

Games Workshop’s continued success is dependent upon our customers' trust and we are dedicated to preserving that trust. Employees owe a duty to Games Workshop, its customers, and shareholders to act in a way that will merit the continued trust and confidence of the public.

Games Workshop will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expects its employees to conduct business in accordance with the letter, spirit, and intent of all relevant laws and to refrain from any illegal, dishonest, or unethical conduct.

In general, the use of good judgment, based on high ethical principles, will guide you with respect to lines of acceptable conduct. If a situation arises where it is difficult to determine the proper course of action, the matter should be discussed openly with your immediate supervisor and, if necessary, with Human Resources for advice and consultation.

Compliance with this policy of business ethics and conduct is the responsibility of every Games Workshop employee. Disregarding or failing to comply with this standard of business ethics and conduct could lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


You must keep all information, documents, manuals, forms, files and records and all copies thereof regarding any aspect of the Company’s business, its procedures, and its customers confidential. Employees who have access to confidential material may be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement as a condition of employment or continued employment. Employees who improperly use or disclose trade secrets or confidential business information will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Conflicts of Interest

Employees have an obligation to conduct business so as to avoid actual or potential conflicts of interest. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide general direction so that employees can seek further clarification on issues related to the subject of acceptable standards of operation. Contact Human Resources for more information or questions about conflicts of interest.

Transactions with outside firms must be conducted within a framework established and controlled by the senior management of Games Workshop. Business dealings with outside firms should not result in unusual gains for those firms. Unusual gain refers to bribes, product bonuses, special fringe benefits, unusual price breaks, and other windfalls designed to ultimately benefit either the employer, the employee, or both. Promotional plans that could be interpreted to involve unusual gain require specific executive-level approval.

An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when an employee is in a position to influence a decision that may result in a personal gain for that employee or for a relative as a result of Games Workshop's business dealings. For the purposes of this policy, a relative is any person who is related by blood or marriage, or whose relationship with the employee is similar to that of persons who are related by blood or marriage.

No "presumption of guilt" is created by the mere existence of a relationship with outside firms. However, if employees have any influence on transactions involving purchases, contracts, or leases, it is imperative that they disclose to an officer of Games Workshop as soon as possible the existence of any actual or potential conflict of interest so that safeguards can be established to protect all parties.

Personal gain may result not only in cases where an employee or relative has a significant ownership in a firm with which Games Workshop does business, but also when an employee or relative receives any kickback, bribe, substantial gift, or special consideration as a result of any transaction or business dealings involving Games Workshop.

Computer and Software Policy

Games Workshop makes available personal computers and computer software for employees to use for Company business only. The computers, computer equipment, computer software, and all files, data, and data communications contained therein are the property of the Company. Employees are not permitted to remove any computer hardware or software from the premises, unless expressly authorized to do so, and are expected to take care of this property when using it.

The Company purchases and licenses the use of various computer software for business purposes and does not own the copyright to this software or its related documentation. The Company respects and abides by copyright laws and licensing agreements relating to software and data. Unless authorized by the software developer, the Company does not have the right to reproduce such software or use it on more than one computer. Employees are not permitted to duplicate copyrighted software, and may not install on a computer owned or supplied by the Company any software not provided by or specifically authorized by the Company. Employees should not install any software on a computer for which the Company does not have a license. The installation of unauthorized programs may be destructive of data, other software, or the communication capabilities of our computers.

Employees are prohibited from downloading or retrieving to any computer owned or supplied by the Company any software, copyrighted data, or other material for which he or she has not obtained permission to download or retrieve from the General Manager or assigned designee. In addition, employees should not store any personal information on the office hard drives.

Employees are not permitted to provide access to Games Workshop’s systems to any unauthorized parties. Employees further may not give out their personal passwords, access codes, or log in procedures or misrepresent their identity in electronic communications.

Consistent with its right of ownership, the Company reserves complete discretion to periodically monitor, view, retrieve, and possibly disclose all files, data, and data communications on its computer systems, including, but not limited to, word processing documents that have been composed or placed on the system. You should have no expectation that such files, data, and data communications will be private.

The Company has the right to audit its company equipment for business purposes or to observe adherence to this policy. The Company also has the sole right to consent to a search or discovery of its computer systems. Employees should notify their immediate supervisor or any member of management upon learning of any violations to this policy. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

E-Mail / Voicemail / Internet Policy

Games Workshop maintains voicemail and e-mail systems, as well as Internet access, as part of its communications facilities. The Company wishes to promote an environment of open, honest communications and encourages employees to use their own good judgment to regulate the content of e-mail, voicemail and Internet communications. However, these systems are provided solely for use in conducting the Company’s business. The voicemail and e-mail systems and the data stored on them are, and remain at all times, the property and records of the Company. The Company’s property right extends to all voicemail, e-mail, and Internet messages and communications that are created, sent, and received on these systems.

Consistent with its right of ownership, and to ensure compliance with its policies, Games Workshop reserves complete discretion to periodically monitor, retrieve, and possibly disclose stored voicemail, e-mail, and Internet data, including messages and information which have been composed, sent, or received on the systems. The purposes for such monitoring include, but are not limited to, assuring continuity of service during employee absences and supervising operations, security, and use of the systems.

Because voicemail, e-mail, and Internet use are subject to Company monitoring, you should have no expectation that any voicemail, e-mail, or Internet message or communication will be private or will not be reviewed by the Company. The confidentiality of any message should not be assumed even if the message is erased because it is still possible for the Company to retrieve and read the message. Further, the use of passwords for security does not guarantee confidentiality. All passwords must be disclosed to the Company or they are invalid and cannot be used. The Company reserves the right to access, override, or change passwords. In addition, the Company also maintains the sole right to consent to a search or discovery of its computer and telephone systems.

Although voicemail, e-mail, and Internet messages and communications are subject to Company monitoring and disclosure, such communications should be treated as confidential by other employees. Messages should be accessed only by the intended recipient, and employees must be specifically authorized to retrieve or read any messages not addressed to them.

Games Workshop strives to maintain a workplace free of harassment and sensitive to the diversity of its employees. Therefore, consistent with its anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies, the Company prohibits the use of the Internet and the voicemail and e-mail systems in ways that are illegal, disruptive, or offensive to others or harmful to morale.

For example, e-mail, voicemail, and the Internet shall not be used to view, transmit, store, or display vulgar, profane, insulting, or offensive messages or sexual comments, or remarks that are derogatory or harassing on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or any other category protected under applicable state or local law. Other prohibited use includes, but is not limited to, the viewing, storage, display, or transmission of ethnic slurs, racial comments, or off-color jokes or sexually explicit images, messages, and cartoons.

While very limited personal use of e-mail and the internet is permitted, employees are reminded that all such transmissions on Company equipment are recorded and that excessive or inappropriate use is not permitted. The systems shall not be used to send (upload) or receive (download) copyrighted materials, including software, trade secrets, or similar materials external to the Company without prior authorization from the Company.

All messages communicated on the Internet must have the sender’s name attached; no messages may be transmitted under an assumed name. Users may not attempt to obscure the origin of any message, and users may not use any password or identity other than those belonging to or issued to that specific user.

You should notify your immediate supervisor or any member of management upon learning of a violation of this policy. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

Publication of Company Information

The following constitutes Games Workshop’s policy with regard to the publication of information about the company in any public forum, including Internet web blogs or diaries, personal websites, chat or message boards, radio, television, newspaper, or magazine interviews, advertisements, or articles, or any other public media outlet:

Maintaining good public relations is a top priority for Games Workshop and the company’s public image is very important. As an employee of Games Workshop, you are a representative of the company and things you do may be attributed to the company even if unintentional. Therefore, we ask that whenever you conduct yourself in public, in whatever manner or through whatever forum, keep in mind the fact that you are an employee of Games Workshop.

With respect to the publication of information concerning Games Workshop, it is the policy of the company that the publication of information about the company by any employee must be approved by the company before it is published. Publication of information can take many forms, including Internet web blogs or diaries, personal websites, chat or message boards, radio, television, newspaper, or magazine interviews, advertisements, or articles, or any other public media outlet. All of these forms are covered by this policy. All requests for approval

shall be made to the Head of Sales Promotions. Approval will be granted or denied in the sole discretion of management.

To the extent you are asked to respond to an inquiry from a media outlet please direct the inquiry to the Head of Sales Promotions. All company sanctioned responses to media outlet inquiries are to come from that department.

Failure to adhere to this policy with regard to the publication of information about Games Workshop may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Problem Solving Process

Games Workshop prides itself on communication between employees and supervisors. Management values constructive suggestions and are available to you to help solve work related problems.

If the problem involves another employee, try to work out the problem individually, in a calm and nonviolent manner. If no resolution occurs, ask for a conference with your supervisor to discuss the problem. In the event your supervisor does not or cannot resolve the problem you may ask for a meeting with the next level of management or a Human Resource representative.

Complaints and problems must be presented for discussion and resolution in a timely manner; otherwise, it will be understood that you do not choose to contest an action taken by the Company regarding this matter. Remember that in order for us to help you solve a problem, you must tell us the problem exists. Be as specific as possible so that it is clearly understood by all concerned. This procedure is your access to management; be sure to use it when you need it.

We recognize that you may prefer not to discuss certain matters such as personal problems within your own department or with your supervisor. Under those circumstances, you could utilize the independent Employee Assistance Program (EAP), or take the matter directly to Human Resources.

Constructive Discipline Policy

When employee misconduct occurs, Games Workshop will take steps to correct the situation and prevent further occurrences. The Company’s approach to constructive discipline may vary depending on the circumstances and the severity of the offense. Prior misconduct, along with your job duties, your seniority, and your overall work record with the Company will be considered.

In order of severity, discipline can take the following forms:

• verbal counseling

• written warning

• suspension from work, not to exceed five work days (without pay)

• suspension subject to immediate discharge (without pay)

• immediate discharge

The use of the constructive discipline before termination of employment is left to the discretion of Games Workshop. Any or all of these steps may be omitted as the Company considers appropriate. By establishing this constructive disciplinary policy, Games Workshop does not waive or limit its right to discharge employees with or without notice. The Company’s decision in every case is final and binding in all concerned.

IV. Health and Safety

Games Workshop is committed to managing a safe workplace for all our employees, customers, visitors, and contractors. Our obligations can only be met by ensuring that all employees, and those with specific job-related duties, carry out their individual responsibilities regarding health and safety.

Everyone within Games Workshop has a responsibility to ensure that reasonable care is taken of the health and safety of yourself and others who may be affected by your actions at work. It is important that you co-operate and assist the Company in complying with duties and requirements on health and safety matters as imposed by relevant statutory provisions with the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). It is important that all safety hazards and potential hazards and defects, however minor, are reported to your immediate supervisor or the Health and Safety Manager.

Anyone found working to their own or others’ personal detriment, in disregard of Games Workshop’s Health and Safety Policy or other procedure, could be held personally responsible in law and may be subject to disciplinary proceedings which may lead to their dismissal.

On the Job Accidents / Injuries:

Games Workshop requires employees to follow the health and safety procedures and regulations for the jobs they are performing. All on-the-job accidents, injuries, illnesses and exposure to infectious communicable diseases should be reported immediately. Workplace incidents, no matter how small or minor, MUST be reported to the appropriate supervisor and the Human Resource Department.

Emergency Procedures:

In the event of an emergency, please contact the appropriate authorities and your manager immediately. Details can be found in the Health & Safety Policy, contact your manager for further information.

Hazardous Materials:

Games Workshop maintains a written hazard communication policy in areas that use hazardous chemicals. It includes a formal inventory of those chemicals; informs and trains employees on the nature of the chemicals through signs, labels, and material safety data sheets. This policy complies with applicable State and Federal OSHA laws. This policy is available at all Games Workshop locations for review by employees.

Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace Policy

Games Workshop is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, free of the problems associated with the use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol. The Company acknowledges that employees should be encouraged to voluntarily obtain treatment for substance abuse before it surfaces as a workplace discipline problem.

Games Workshop desires to avoid unnecessary intrusion into the private lives of our employees. Therefore, this policy seeks to protect employee privacy and confidentiality. We sincerely believe that the goals of this policy should include education, prevention and rehabilitation, in addition to giving Games Workshop the means to effectively deal with conduct that can affect everyone’s safety.

Games Workshop prohibits employees from possessing, being under the influence of, using, consuming, transferring, selling or attempting to sell any form of controlled substance at any time: (1) anywhere during working hours or while on Company business and (2) on or in property, buildings, premises, vehicles or equipment owned, leased, occupied or otherwise used by the Company, whether or not during Company hours or on Company business.

Games Workshop also prohibits the use of alcohol or controlled substances at any time in any place that could or does adversely affect your job performance or the safety or security of Company property or the property of other employees.

This policy does not prohibit employees from taking prescribed medication under the direction of a physician, provided that the prescribed medication does not impair job performance or threaten your safety, security or property, or that of the Company or other employees. The use of prescribed medication in a manner that is inconsistent with the directions of a physician is not exempt from Games Workshop’s general prohibitions on substance abuse. This policy also does not prohibit the responsible consumption of alcohol at approved Company-sponsored social gatherings and the like.

Games Workshop also expects all of its employees to comply fully with any request or instruction in the course of an investigation under this policy. An employee’s refusal to consent to a requested test or search, or the failure to cooperate with any lawful direction by a supervisor in an investigation under this policy, shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action up to and including discharge, as the Company deems appropriate.

Testing Policy:

As part of Games Workshop’s efforts to enforce its Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace Policy, Games Workshop reserves the right to conduct medical or other inquiries, tests and examinations which are job related and consistent with business necessity. These inquiries, tests and examinations will be conducted at the company’s expense and may include breath, hair, urine and other tests to determine the presence of alcohol and/or controlled substances in the body or any form of substance abuse. These inquiries, tests and examinations will be completed in accordance with applicable laws, including, without limitation, provisions governing the confidentiality of results.

Games Workshop will have testing conducted privately at its cost off premises by a certified medical clinic or testing facility selected by the company.

If an employee tests positive for alcohol or drugs, a second test of the same sample will be conducted to assure accuracy. Only if both tests are positive will the employee be considered to have violated this policy. In appropriate cases, the company may also make arrangements for a third test at the employee’s expense at an approved toxicology laboratory or medical clinic. All reports of alcohol or drug screening will be used only for the purpose of administering this policy and for making employment decisions, except to the extent disclosure is required or permitted by law.

Games Workshop reserves the right to conduct inquiries, tests and examinations in the following manner in accordance with applicable laws:

1 -- Pre-Employment

Prior to employment, all applicants are required to sign a release stating that if the applicant is offered employment, they will undergo a physical examination and/or a drug screen. The release also states that acceptance of employment is contingent upon negative results of the drug and/or alcohol screening test. If you should begin work prior to receiving the results of the drug test and those results prove positive, your employment will be terminated. By signing the release, you further acknowledge that you may be required to submit to a similar exam or screening during the course of your employment.

2 -- On the Job

a) Post-Accident: Any incident occurring while on company business that results in injury to an employee or other employees and/or damage to company property, including vehicles, will require a drug and/or alcohol test. Failure to report any accident immediately after its occurrence is a violation of company policy and may result in disciplinary action.

b) Reasonable Suspicion: Games Workshop will also conduct testing if there is a reasonable basis to suspect that an employee is in violation of this policy. For purposes of this policy, “Reasonable Suspicion” means any set of facts or circumstances that would lead a reasonable person to suspect that an employee is in violation of this policy. The company ordinarily will make an effort to have a second supervisor or other member of management confirm a supervisor’s initial determination of reasonable suspicion.

c) Other Situations: From time to time other situations may arise in which Games Workshop may deem it proper to test employees even though the situation under which the testing arises does not involve those situations listed above. Games Workshop reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to test employees where it deems appropriate.

Rehabilitation Options for Substance Abusers:

Games Workshop recognizes that early treatment is the key to rehabilitation for substance abusers. Therefore, Games Workshop encourages employees who believe they have a problem involving substance abuse to voluntarily request help. If you believe you have a substance abuse problem, the Company will provide you a referral list of substance abuse professionals from whom you can seek assistance. It is up to you to contact the substance abuse professionals and follow guidelines for treatment.

If you are enrolled in the Company health plan, a portion of your rehabilitation costs may be covered under the plan. Any costs not covered under the plan are your responsibility. Please consult the Summary Plan Description of the health insurance plan for specific information.

If you request a leave of absence for the purpose of undergoing treatment by a substance abuse professional, you must do so prior to the commission of any act that would be subject to disciplinary action pursuant to this policy.

If you take time off to seek treatment from a substance abuse professional, you may be eligible to return to regular duty with the Company without reduction of status or seniority.

You may return to work only upon the following conditions:

1. You submit to the Company a certificate, satisfactory to the Company, issued by a licensed healthcare practitioner or substance abuse professional, stating that you are now fully able to return to work.

2. You sign a statement acknowledging that your employment (upon return from treatment by a substance abuse professional) is conditional upon remaining drug/alcohol free.

Smoke Free Workplace

Games Workshop is committed to providing a healthy workplace and to promote the wellbeing of its employees. As required by law and also motivated by our desire to provide a pleasant work environment for our employees, the following smoking policy has been adopted and shall apply to all employees of Games Workshop.

This Smoke-Free Workplace Policy applies to: all areas of buildings occupied by company employees, Games Workshop-sponsored off-site conferences and meetings, owned or leased company vehicles, visitors (customers, contractors and vendors) to the premises, and all temporary employees.

Employees and visitors who wish to smoke must therefore leave the building and use only designated areas outside which have appropriate smoking waste disposal receptacles. Employees are permitted to leave the building to smoke only during scheduled break times. Employees who violate this smoking policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including immediate discharge.

V. Your Pay

Time Records

Games Workshop keeps time records for all non-exempt employees. Each employee is expected to accurately report time worked. Time records should be submitted by every non-exempt employee reporting the following information:

• Hours worked during the pay period; and

• Time off and paid leave used during the pay period.

For Hobby Center staff, the till is the time keeping system.

Every employee should document time off by completing and submitting to payroll a leave request form. These forms are used to document a request for leave in advance as well as approved time off after an unscheduled absence. Hobby Center Managers are to complete a Payroll Adjustment form for their staff. All other employees must complete a Request for Paid Leave/Absence Report. The forms must be signed by your immediate supervisor.

Pay Periods and Paychecks

Revised 02.10.06

Games Workshop has a 14 day pay period. The pay period begins at 12:01 AM Monday morning and ends at 12 midnight on Sunday. Pay day for each pay period occurs on the next Friday after the end of the pay period.

Paychecks are distributed on Fridays. If a payday falls on a holiday, paychecks will be distributed a day earlier. Employees can choose from two ways to obtain their paychecks:

• Have paychecks direct deposited to the employee’s bank accounts.

• Have paychecks mailed directly to the employee’s home via regular first class mail.

Employees can view their earning statements and W2 forms 24 hours per day, 7 days per week using ADP iPayStatements. Contact Human Resources for more information.


Overtime is time worked in addition to an employee’s regularly scheduled hours during a work cycle. Non-exempt employees are eligible to receive overtime pay at a rate of one and one-half times their regular pay for time worked in excess of 40 hours per workweek. Exempt employees are not eligible for overtime.

Games Workshop will also observe any applicable local or state laws with respect to the calculation of overtime.

Before overtime is worked, the employee must have approval from his or her supervisor. Overtime is considered a condition of employment, and refusal to accept it when reasonable notice has been given is cause for discipline, up to and including termination. At the supervisor’s discretion, an employee’s work schedule may be adjusted during a workweek to avoid overtime.

Approved paid absences, including but not limited to PTO, holiday leave, FMLA, military leave, jury and witness duty, funeral/bereavement leave, and voting time off, are not counted as time worked for the purposes of computing overtime.

Games Workshop does not allow accrual of compensatory time by exempt or non-exempt employees.

VI. Time Off From Work

Paid Time Off (PTO)

Eligibility: Paid time off (PTO) is available to full-time staff who normally work 30 or more hours per week. PTO can only be used after you have successfully completed your 90-day initial new hire period.

Accrual: The rate of which PTO is earned is determined by the employee's length of service. PTO calculations are based on a normal workday of 7.5 hours. Full-time staff working a different schedule than the normal workday will have their PTO calculated on a pro-rata basis. Over-time hours or any other premium pay are not counted in the calculation. *Non-exempt employees are entitled to overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40, and are compensated accordingly. Because Exempt employees are not eligible for overtime pay, Games Workshop has taken this into account and has adjusted PTO calculation for Exempt employees. Please refer to the schedule below.

Requesting PTO: As a courtesy to the Company and your co-workers, we ask that you schedule your requests for time off as far in advance as possible. Please refer to the Time Records section of this handbook for guidance on how to go about requesting PTO.

Maximum Accrual & Carry Over: You may accrue up to 75 hours of your annual allotment. If you reach this cap, accrual of PTO time will cease. This cap will remain until your balance is less than 75 hours

Cessation of Employment: Upon separation of your employment, you are entitled to receive payment for unused accrued PTO.


|Years of Service |Non-Exempt Positions |Exempt Positions |

|Zero through year 1 |4.650 hours accrued each pay period up to 75 hours maximum |5.175 hours accrued each pay period up to 75 hours |

| |balance. |maximum balance. |

|Year 2 & 3 |5.175 hours accrued each pay period up to 75 hours maximum |5.775 hours accrued each pay period up to 75 hours |

| |balance. |maximum balance. |

|Year 4 & 5 |5.775 hours accrued each pay period up to 75 hours maximum |6.375 hours accrued each pay period up to 75 hours |

| |balance. |maximum balance. |

|Year 6 & 7 |6.375 hours accrued each pay period up to 75 hours maximum |6.900 hours accrued each pay period up to 75 hours |

| |balance. |maximum balance. |

|Year 8 & 9 |6.900 hours accrued each pay period up to 75 hours maximum |7.500 hours accrued each pay period up to 75 hours |

| |balance. |maximum balance. |

|10+ years |7.500 hours accrued each pay period up to 75 hours maximum |8.100 hours accrued each pay period up to 75 hours |

| |balance. |maximum balance. |

PTO Blackout Period - Hobby Centers

Due to the nature of our business, PTO is NOT permitted by any Hobby Center employee between December 1st through January 15th.

Holidays - Hobby Centers

Games Workshop is a retail business and therefore the needs of our retail customers determine the days our retail stores must be staffed. This policy identifies holidays for Hobby Center employees and the basis of compensation paid for working during holidays.

The following is a list of holidays for which Hobby Centers will be closed. Full time non-exempt employees will be paid a full day for these days:

• Easter Day

• Thanksgiving Day

• Christmas Day

Below is a list of holidays for which the Hobby Centers will most likely be open. All non-exempt employees will be paid time and a half for hours worked on these days:

• New Year’s Day

• Memorial Day

• Independence Day

• Labor Day

Holidays -- Non-Hobby Center Staff

For staff that do not work in the Hobby Centers, Games Workshop provides an average of 12 paid holidays each calendar year. You must be a full-time, active employee to receive holiday pay. A schedule of chosen holidays is published each year, and is subject to change at the discretion of the General Manager. The following days are generally observed, plus two holidays assigned each year by GW:

President's Day Thanksgiving

Good Friday Day after Thanksgiving

Memorial Day Christmas Eve

Independence Day Christmas Day

Labor Day New Year's Day

Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)

You may be eligible for family and medical leave if you have worked for Games Workshop for at least twelve (12) months and have worked at least 1250 hours during the twelve-month period immediately before seeking this leave. If you satisfy these requirements, you may be eligible to take up to 12 weeks of family and medical leave during our “family and medical leave year” on a continuous, intermittent or reduced leave schedule basis. Family and medical leave may be available for you in the following circumstances:

1. For the birth of a child to you or your spouse;

2. For the adoption of a child by you or your spouse;

3. When it is medically necessary for you to care for a child, spouse or parent with a serious health condition;

4. When medically necessary because of your own serious health condition.

5. Changes to the FMLA implement two important new military family leave entitlements for eligible specified family members: 

(1) Up to 12 weeks of leave for certain qualifying exigencies arising out of a covered military member's active duty status, or notification of an impending call or order to active duty status, in support of a contingency operation, and

(2) Up to 26 weeks of leave in a single 12-month period to care for a covered servicemember recovering from a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty on active duty. Eligible employees are entitled to a combined total of up to 26 weeks of all types of FMLA leave during the single 12-month period.


Your family and medical leave year will begin on the day you first take family and medical leave and ends one year later. For example, if you first use family and medical leave on September 14, your family and medical leave year will begin on that date and end on September 13, the following year.

Before you may take any unpaid family and medical leave, you must use all your accrued but unused sick and vacation leave. Paid leave used in this manner will be counted as part of your 12 weeks of family and medical leave. If you qualify for salary continuation pursuant to the STD program, the period during which your salary is continued will also be counted as part of your 12 weeks of family and medial leave.

Thereafter, you will be permitted to take any remaining leave for which you are eligible on an unpaid basis up to the maximum of 12 weeks in a family and medical leave year. Any time you take off from work as an accommodation for a disability under the Americans with Disabilities

Act, or that is the result of a workplace injury or illness covered by workers’ compensation that constitutes a serious health condition, will also be counted as part of your twelve (12) weeks of family and medical leave.

Where your need for family and medical leave is foreseeable, you must provide us notice of your intent to take the leave at least thirty (30) days before the leave is to begin. Where the need for leave is not foreseeable, you must provide us with notice of your intent to take the leave as soon as practicable. Failure to provide us with timely notice can result in a denial of your request for leave until thirty (30) days after appropriate notice has been given.

When you make a request for family and medical leave, we will require certification that the leave is necessary on a form that will be provided to you. We reserve the right to verify this certification by obtaining alternate medical opinions at our expense and in our discretion. We also reserve the right to require recertification of the need for the leave during the leave period as well as reports on your status and intention to return to work.

When your family and medical leave ends, we will require you to obtain appropriate certification that you are able to resume work as a condition of your return to work. Failure to provide us with timely certifications or reports as requested can result in a delay in the authorization to take the leave or its cancellation.

Unless otherwise covered, your health and certain other benefits will continue while you are out on family and medical leave. If you are paying a portion of these benefits, you must make arrangements with our Human Resources Department to continue payments during any extended periods of leave. Additionally, you will not accrue any annual and sick leave benefits while you are out on leave.

When you return from family and medical leave, you will be placed in the job you had when you began your leave or in a substantially equivalent position. Please remember that you must supply us with the required certification before you will be permitted to return to work.

Our family and medical leave policy complies with federal laws and regulations as well as other applicable laws which provide for certain obligations and restrictions on both you and the Company. We cannot detail all of these provisions here. If you believe you may be entitled to a family and medical leave, please contact your supervisor or our Human Resources department for further information and the appropriate forms.

Leave of Absence

A leave of absence (LOA) is defined as an unpaid approved absence from work for a specified period of time for medical, parental, military or personal reasons. This policy deals with taking a personal leave of absence. See other LOA policies for military or FMLA leave.

If an employee finds that he/she must be out of work for more than three days, he/she should contact the Human Resources department to determine if a LOA may be necessary.

The maximum amount of LOA time an employee is allowed to take in any combination of LOAs is 18 weeks in a 12-month time period measured backward from the date an employee begins a leave of absence (rolling period).

LOAs will start on the date of request or date of need; therefore, not after the exhaustion of paid time-off (PTO). While on LOA, an employee must contact the Human Resources department at least every 30 days. Failure to contact HR every 30 days may result in voluntary termination. Failure to return to work upon the expiration of LOA or refusing an offer of reinstatement for which the employee is qualified will also result in voluntary termination.

Required Documentation: All requests for a LOA must be made on a "Leave of Absence Request" form and submitted to the immediate supervisor. (This form can be obtained from Human) An employee must provide 30 days’ advance notice when the need for the leave or absence is foreseeable; for instance, if medical treatments or other events are planned or known in advance. If the leave of absence is not foreseeable, the employee must provide notice to his or her immediate supervisor as soon as practicable.

Approval: Both the immediate supervisor and the Human Resources manager will review the request. The immediate supervisor will notify the employee as to whether the request was approved and Human Resources will provide notice if the leave is being designated as FMLA leave. A leave of absence will not be granted to allow an employee time off to seek employment elsewhere or to work for another employer. Employees who begin employment elsewhere while on LOA, except military reserve duty, are considered to have quit voluntarily.

Job Benefits: Games Workshop will pay its portion of the cost of the employee's benefits including health, dental, life and disability insurance benefits while an employee is on LOA. The employee must continue to pay his or her portion of the benefits which may be made by payroll deductions (when applicable) or by check which must be submitted to the Human Resources department each pay period unless other arrangements have been made. If the employee fails to pay his or her portion of the benefits for more than 30 days, the employee's coverage(s) will be terminated and he/she will be offered COBRA to continue benefits excluding life and disability insurance.

While on LOA, employees are required to use any accrued PTO benefits until returning to work or the PTO bank has a balance of five days. (See paid time-off policy.) After being absent from work for five consecutive work days (or seven calendar days), full-time employees may be eligible to receive short-term disability benefits, provided the necessary forms have been completed and submitted to the Human Resources department.

No benefits will be accrued while an employee is on LOA. Except as otherwise provided by law, time spent on a leave of absence, except for military reserve duty, will not be counted as time employed in determining an employee's eligibility for benefits that accrue on the basis of length of employment.

Job Protection and Returning to Work after a Personal LOA: Upon the expiration of personal leave, the employee may be returned to his or her former position if available. If the employee's position is not available, the employee may be offered another available position for which he/she is qualified. If no position is available when the employee is able to return to work, the employee will be terminated and may apply for the next available position.

Compassion Leave (for Bereavement)

Once employees successfully complete their 90 day initial new hire period, they will become eligible for leave of absence with pay at his or her normal rate for a maximum of up to three scheduled work days occasioned by the death of an immediate family member.

Immediate family members include: spouse, significant other, fiancé, children, parents or guardians, grandparents, brothers, sisters, and your spouse’s parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Documentation for the bereavement leave must be submitted to Human Resources.

Jury Duty

Time off for jury duty is granted to all employees as required by applicable laws. Regular employees scheduled to work at least 20 hours each week are granted time off with pay for jury duty.

If you are called for jury duty, you must notify your supervisor immediately and provide a copy of subpoena, jury certificate, or court order, before leave can be granted. When you return from jury duty, you must present any court documentation to your supervisor.

Games Workshop reserves the right to request a postponement of jury duty service from the court if the employee’s absence causes a hardship to the Company. This request for postponement can only be requested by executive management.

Employees on jury duty are expected to work on regularly scheduled work days when court is not in session or if excused from jury duty in time to return to work for at least one-half of their regularly schedule work day, but no case less than two hours.

Jury duty pay is based on the number of hours the individual normally is scheduled to work per each day absent, and does not count as hours worked for purposes of overtime pay.

Military Leave

An employee who joins the United States armed forces is eligible for leave for a period of up to five (5) years. This policy also applies to employees who are active members of military reserve units and who are required to participate in periodic reserve duties. If you request this leave, you must notify the Human Resources Department as soon as the plans become definite, and provide a copy of your orders.

Your health benefits will continue for you and your covered dependents for up to thirty-one (31) days of leave. The Company will continue to pay premiums for you, but you must continue to pay for coverage for any dependents. Payment for covered dependants must be made in advance. For leave in excess of thirty-one (31) days, continued health benefits will be offered under COBRA provisions.

You are eligible for reinstatement with the Company after returning from leave, provided you were honorably discharged. You must apply for reinstatement between one (1) and ninety (90) days following discharge, depending on the length of military service.

Inclement Weather/ Emergency Closings

Because Games Workshop is a national company each business region is in charge of its own closing procedure. Contact your supervisor for area closings or procedural details. If it’s not an official GW Closing Day and you can’t make it in, you will be required to use paid time off (PTO) for absences of half a day or more. Keep your supervisor apprised of your situation – whether you can’t make it to work, if you’ll be in late, etc.

VII. Benefits

This section of your handbook summarizes the various benefits available to Games Workshop employees. A more detailed description of your benefits may be found in contracts and other Plan documents. Copies of the various Plan documents, Summary Plan Descriptions and policies are available for review from Human Resources.

In the event of a conflict of language or interpretation between the official Plan documents (including the Summary Plan Descriptions) and the summaries in this handbook, the terms of the official Plan documents will govern. The terms of the Plan are subject to change at any time without advance notice. Please see the plan documents for more detail on these Plans.

Company Benefits

All full time employees, who regularly work 30 hours per week, are eligible to enroll in Company benefits on the first day of the month following thirty (30) days of employment. The Company benefits package includes: Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, Basic Life & AD&D, Short Term and Long Term Disability, and Flexible Spending Accounts. Additional details regarding these benefits and enrollment will be provided to you by Human Resources.


At the end of 90 days of employment, you may enroll in Games Workshop’s 401(k) plan during the next open enrollment period. The plan provides a company match portion depending on your contribution level. Matching dollars are subject to a vesting schedule, but your contributions are always 100% vested. Further details are provided at the time of eligibility.

Share Save

All employees who have completed one year of service, as determined by the plan, are eligible to participate in Games Workshop's Share Save Scheme (employee stock purchase plan). Further details are provided at the time of eligibility.

Employee Discount Program

Games Workshop encourages employee participation in the hobby. GW offers discounts on its merchandise to all its employees. Details for the discount are provided to employees each year.

It is Games Workshop’s policy to restrict unauthorized use of its employee discount policy and such cases will be subject to disciplinary action as the situation warrants.

Also, a complimentary issue of White Dwarf magazine will be given to you for your use every month.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Games Workshop has established an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to provide professional, confidential assistance for any type of personal problem. The program is designed to encourage early employee awareness of such problems and to offer assistance at the earliest opportunity.

Employees are responsible for their performance and for taking constructive action to resolve any personal problem that affects or threatens to affect their on-the-job behavior. Employees are encouraged to seek assistance through the EAP on their own, before performance has been negatively affected.

The Employee Assistance Program provides a confidential, professional resource for assistance in resolving personal problems. This confidential program is administered by an independent consulting and service firm.

Eligibility for the EAP program includes:

• All full-time and regular part-time employees

• Employees covered under Cobra

• Employees on military leave

• Members of employee household

• Benefit eligible dependents (dependents in active military service are excluded)

Educational Assistance/Tuition Reimbursement

The Games Workshop Educational Assistance/Tuition Reimbursement Program provides financial help to employees who are interested in continuing their professional and personal development. The employee must have completed one year of full-time employment prior to the starting date of the class for which you want reimbursement.

Reimbursement will be made for courses taken at an accredited college or university. Only courses required for a work-related degree are eligible for reimbursement. Non-degree courses that are job related will be considered for assistance on a case-by-case basis. Courses are judged for approval based on the growth opportunities course completion would offer the employee and the benefit which would result to Games Workshop.

The program reimburses 100% of expenses as long as the participant earns a grade of “C” or better. The maximum reimbursement is $2,500 per calendar year. Costs associated with tuition, books, and program fees will be considered reimbursable under the program as long as valid receipts are provided.

Prior to receiving reimbursement a complete tuition reimbursement form must be submitted to Human Resources. Authorizations from both an immediate supervisor and Human Resources are required in order for the form to be considered complete. Reimbursement will occur as per standard Company expense procedures.

Continuation of Benefits (COBRA)

Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, better known as COBRA, if an employee terminates employment with the company, the employee is entitled to continue participating in the company’s group health plan for a prescribed period of time, usually 18 months. (In certain circumstances, such an employee’s divorce or death, the length of coverage period may be longer for qualified dependents.) Games Workshop COBRA coverage is not extended to employees terminated for gross misconduct.

If a former employee chooses to continue group benefits under COBRA, he/she must pay the total applicable premium plus a 2 percent administrative fee. Coverage will cease if the former employee fails to make premium payments as scheduled, becomes covered by another group plan that does not exclude pre-existing conditions or become eligible for Medicare.

Continued coverage must be elected within 60 days after group health coverage ends or an enrollment form is received, whichever is later. There is an additional 45 day period to pay back premium.

It is the responsibility of employees, spouses and dependent children to contact Games Workshop in the event of divorce or if a child is no longer qualified for dependent coverage. Please remember that spouses continue to be covered under the normal health plan provisions during periods of legal separation.

If continued coverage is elected the employee, spouse or dependants must pay the full cost of coverage. Coverage will end if premiums are not paid. Continued coverage may end if the employee, spouse or dependants become eligible for coverage under another group health plan or Medicare.

For detailed information or questions on COBRA, employees are requested to check with the Human Resources Department.

Acknowledgement of Receipt of Handbook

I,__________________________________________________, acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Games Workshop Employee Handbook and understand that I am responsible for knowing its contents. I further understand that this Handbook constitutes only a summary of benefits and an overview of some of the guidelines related to work rules and other Company policies and practices, and that all Company rules, policies, practices, wages and benefits, regardless of whether they are contained in this handbook, may be unilaterally changed, amended, modified, reduced or discontinued by the Company at any time, in its sole judgment and discretion. To the extent that I am already an employee of Games Workshop, I understand that the contents of this Handbook replace and supersede any policies presently in existence as embodied in prior employee handbooks of the Company. I understand that nothing in this handbook or in any other Company policy or practice in any way creates an express or implied contract of continued employment or a guarantee of any benefit. I agree that my employment is at-will and for no definite duration, that I can terminate my employment with the Company at any time, with or without cause or notice, and that the Company reserves the right to do the same.

________________ __________________________________________________

Date Employee

________________ __________________________________________________

Date Witness


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