
2010 and 2011 Testimonials based on IndustryASSOCIATIONSVince understood the challenges of our industry.?He used this information to tailor his message so that it was meaningful to our members. He did a magnificent job in engaging the audience, motivating and keeping everyone's attention. Also, his preparation and follow-up were more than what was expected. Vince is a dynamic speaker who motivates the room with his energy and his story.? Fabulous presentation!Sally Schopmeyer 2010-2011 President, Building Service Contractors Association (12.28.10)Vince, Thank you for representing us at the Building Service Contractors Association International annual meeting and great connecting with you in person. As I hear of any things coming up for Diversey or outside I will surely keep you in mind. I heard a lot of positive feedback from your presentation. Of course now everyone is emailing me looking for you books. I look forward to staying in touch…John Ravaris – VP Corporate Accounts, Diversey, Inc. (11.27.10)Hi Lawrence,I can still not believe how great Vince was.? My family loved him.? I heard several people comment that this was the best event that they had been to.? I agree.? All due to Vince, he was so uplifting. Jackie and I would like to send him a thank you.?Thanks for arranging Vince.Dana Hamilton – Attendee, Legacy Brain Foundation (5.4.10)To Whom it May Concern,As Education Chair for our Young President's Organization chapter, my role was to find educational resources that were engaging and substantive. YPO audiences can be difficult to please because they've seen it all and done it all. Although they are hungry for information, meeting their high standards is a challenge. Vince Poscente, Olympian and New York Times bestselling author, spoke to our group and exceeded our expectations. His entertaining style and inspiring story were coupled with powerful leadership and performance tools. In a world that is going faster, Vince Poscente showed how to simplify the business of life through alignment, agility and aerodynamics.?Finally, we were impressed with Vince Poscente's extra time before, during and even after our event. He spent the time to learn about our specific challenges, integrated his discovery into the context of his talk and then spent the rest of the day with our members.Jose Maroto – President and CEO, Mayca Food Service (4.28.10)Dear Vince, It was a very great pleasure to listen to you speak on Monday at the NYSCOSS conference in Albany, New York. ?Your message was incredible and did not fall on deaf ears. ?I will take your message to heart and try and live by it. It was also, by the way, my great pleasure to sit with you at breakfast and chat about the various things we discussed, disengagement of complainers and entitlement, health care, etc. Thank you for making a difference in my life Vince! Charles W. Walters - Superintendent of Schools, DeRuyter Central School District (1.13.10)COMMUNICATIONS / ENTERTAINMENT / MEDIAAny speaker that starts his presentation standing on a chair, re-living his Olympic Speed Skiing past, has me from the word "Go!" Vince is engaging, energetic, and entertaining. The perfect combo for delivering a profound message with impact and clarity. I will never forget this presentation (in 2005 to the Cable Advertising Bureau), and especially how he brought it all home and made it relevant to our lives and our businesses. Well done sir. Joe Biondi - Comcast Spotlight (3.28.11)Vince I find your stories informational, motivational and, indeed, inspirational. As a former Global Head & Executive Officer of Motorola, Merrill, Lockheed and McDonnell Douglas, I am often with people with whom I share your material. Always a favorable reaction. Michael G. Winston – Executive (7.21.10)DIRECT SELLINGDear VinceYour 2008 presentation got me to Star Leader status plus a trip to Barcelona, Spain with Silpada. Your 2010 talk helped me turn the corner to understanding 'my' direct selling business. For this, I thank you!Jill Thompson - Star Leader, Silpada Designs (10.22.10)Vince,I saw you speak at the Silpada Leadership Conference in Chicago.? You were a pleasure to listen to again.?I saw you speak in Kansas City a?couple of years and ago and I thought you were one of the best speakers I have ever heard.?I always like listening to athletes since I was one myself.?I still consider myself still an athlete at 52!?I teach PE and I have told your speed skiing story several times. I want you to know that one of the reasons I wanted to qualify for the Leadership conference was to hear you speak again.? I want to thank you for your inspiring words.?Thanks again for a wonderful experience!Debbie Brodbeck - Star Leader Representative, Silpada Designs (3.3.10)EDUCATIONDear Vince,I have been in my industry for over 35 years… you were one of the best speakers we have ever heard.Nancy Korneliusen, ACSR Foley Agency Inc. (11.18.10)Hi Vince, Just thought I would send a quick note to let you know that I enjoyed your motivational event at Pittsford Central School District's Orientation Day on 9/7. You touch people's lives and make them think about how necessary it is to keep on going, to try your best even though you might fail.Rosemary Sanfilippo – Secretary, Allen Creek Elementary School (9.27.10)Vince,People are still talking about how much they enjoyed and learned from your talk last week.?? It was a real home run and helped to start the school year with energy and optimism.? I sent the 70-second eBrief to all staff last week.?I intend to use the lessons from the Age of Speed in our strategic planning process.? It gives us common language and a way to think about our reactions to change and to the world around us.? Perfect.Mary Alice Price - Superintendent, Pittsford ISD (9.13.10)Good Afternoon,I am a faculty member at Pittsford Central School District in Pittsford New York. Mr.?Poscente presented at our opening meeting of the school year this week. He was outstanding. I was personally touched by his "messages" on many different levels. I am sure Mr.?Poscente is very busy with travel and engagements but if you could forward this to him I would greatly appreciate it.Dear Mr. Poscente,Your presentation to our school district this week was outstanding. I took away so?many ideas and suggestions through the power of words that you shared. I am anxious to translate this to my high school students at Pittsford Sutherland throughout the school year. Thank you so much! Thank you for your time in reading this e-mail and for your enthusiastic, motivating, optimistic message?to initiate?our 2010-2011 school year. Sincerely,Barbara Jacobson - Faculty, Pittsford ISD (9.9.10)FOODVince is one of a select few speakers that I have asked to do a return presentation for my group. He is an entertaining, high-energy speaker who delivers great content in an easy-to-understand message. He prepares in advance by learning about my needs and the audience, and crafts his presentation to deliver key corporate messages in a way that they will be received well by the audience. His follow-up is great as well, and both I, and many event attendees, subscribe and regularly read his weekly Full Speed Ahead blog. He's definitely one of the best speakers out there. Randall Oliver - Director Corporate Communications, Smart & Final Stores (3.15.11)FINANCIAL SERVICES & BANKINGI know Vince hears this all the time but we have had nothing but positive feedback about his presentation. ?He helped us develop a lot of Raving Fans at our client event - absolutely incredible!Terry Jannsen CPA, CFP – President and CEO, Jannsen Financial Services (5.19.11)Hey Vince,I am a financial advisor with 1st Global.? You spoke at our annual meeting last year.? I just got back from this year’s annual meeting in San Antonio.?The speakers this year were good, but I don’t think there are any that I will take the time to read all their books and their weekly eBriefs like I have with you.? I like your style and your topics are almost always of interest to me.? I would like to think that you get a lot of positive feedback.? I hope you won’t be too busy for one more. Thanks for what you do.Jay B. Barclay, CFP? Financial Advisor, DCS Wealth Advisory Services (11.18.10)I stepped into the back of the room filled with 500+ attendees just to listen to Vince for a moment. I stood there engaged for over an hour. He was extremely entertaining, funny and his story was heartfelt. I walked out of that room energized and motivated.Lisa Carpenter – Executive Assistant to the President, 1st Global (6.11.10)FRANCHISES or CHAINSDear Vince, Thank you for your presentation. Your presentation was 'right on' for what we needed. ?Thank you and hope you are blessed every day of your life like we are. Bob Funk - CEO and Founder, Express Employment Professional Services (2.27.11)Hey Vince,YOU are a main reason why I made the “People’s Choice - Most Influential Real Estate Leaders.” Impressive long-term impact since I saw you speak six years ago, back in 2004 at Star Power for Realtors.Tricia Andreassen (10.29.10)Vince , Thank you for the excellent presentation to our clients at the annual Forum on Moving in Chicago. As many of our clients are in the human resource sector of industry I believe your presentation would be of value to the Human Resource Professional Association here in Canada, which we are a member and a major sponsor. Your experience and presentation certainly focused in on many HR issues and challenges. This is the second time I have attended your sessions and it is a definite learning experience. Sincerely, Bob Clark - President, Atlas Canada (4.26.10)Vince,Unbelievable talk you put on for us at the Certa Pro Painters conference in Vegas. I am still telling people the little quips and quotes you used during you talk. Relevant and meaningful, your story helps me keep things in perspective.??Thanks again,??Andrew Hoyt – Owner (Franchisee), Certa Pro Painters (1.22.10)GOVERNMENT Vince, Thank you so much for some quick medicine – laughter. You provided us great pleasure then and still continue to do so now.? It just goes to show that you never know who you will impact or how.Juanita Metzler -?Convention Sales Manager, Travel Lane County Oregon (9.1.10)HOSPITALITY/ENTERTAINMENTVince brought the energy, business intellect and showmanship to electrify, engage and motivate each staff member during our week long company meetings. He doesn't just show up and present the typical generic presentation but spent the quality time in getting to know our company, its vision and people. If you are looking to build an emotional connection between your strategy and staff....Vince should be your top choice! John Cawley - Chief Operating Officer, Music World Entertainment (3.14.11)HEALTHCAREDear Vince,I still remember the positive, uplifting feelings I had after leaving a talk you gave to a large group of Abbott employees in Orlando about 5 years ago. ?I remember putting the gold dot on my phone---somewhere I would see countless times in a day. ?I remember the goal I set for myself. ?I am glad to say that I accomplished that goal. The phone has changed with technology. The dot is long gone. ?However, the positive images you created with your passion and words remains Kelly Dalsey - Territory Manager, Abbott Laboratories (11.24.10)Dear Vince,I very much enjoyed your presentation at the TAHC & H conference last August. ?Your topic about rude idols is so true!? Registered Nurses have a saying that we “eat our own”.? Older RN’s are so hard on new nurses?because that is how they were treated as well.? I try very hard to mentor anyone who reaches out to me and try to lead by example.?Keep up the great insights!Kasey Floyd BSN,RN – Administrator, Memorial Hospital Home Health Agency (11.18.10) Vince,The Sales Reps really enjoyed your talk, but more importantly they were able to apply some takeaways.The conversations were around..."Do what the competition is not willing to do." I also discussed with my kids your book and the fact that the mind can only contain one thought at a time...that there is a battle between positive and negative thoughts and we have the power to choose no matter the circumstances.Blaine Stephenson – Account Representative, Medtronic (6.23.10)Hi Vince.?Just got in survey results from our leadership summit and think you'll find them gratifying (84% 5/5, 11% 4/5, 4% 3/5, 1% 2/5)… certainly confirms for me that bringing you in was an EXCELLENT fit!Gale Rothwell - Sr Director HR, CT/NM/Cleveland site, Imaging Systems, Philips Healthcare (5.6.10)INSURANCE Vince, You did a magnificent job. ?All I had to do was introduce you, but thank you. ?Be well and also continued success for you. ?Thanks again for a GREAT presentation.Jim Conlon - Vice President Agency, Security Mutual Life Insurance (5.10.11)MANUFACTURINGAt our Asia Pacific Convention 2011 in Beijing, China we had high expectations and you by far exceeded them. Great, just great!Jayanth Bhuvaraghan - EVP South Asia, Middle East, South and East Africa, Essilor International (5.25.11)Hi Vince,My name is Chris Quinn and you did a keynote for us (3M Canada) at last year’s sales conference. This one?really hit home for me and helped put things into perspective in my own life in regards to acquiring my?desired goals.? Thank you for that and I wish you continued success with your career!Chris Quinn – 3M Canada (9.13.10)Beth, I just need to tell you how fabulous Vince was! OMG, he had 360 people, traditionally hard to move, on their feet several times! He was funny, engaging, emotionally charged and delivered a great message. Reviews have been phenomenal! Thank you!Cathie Clare Hastings CTSM – Mgr Exhibits, Events & Displays, Corp Mktg Comm, 3M Canada (4.8.10) Vince,Thanks again for being part of our 2010 Focus Meeting. ?I heard a lot of great things from the team after your presentation. ?They really “had fun.” I’ve already quoted some of your stuff in my presentation today!David Lingafelter – President, Moen Incorporated (1.13.10)?PRODUCTION COMPANIESVinceYou did a fantastic job and I heard many?positive comments after your session.? Your clear direction made our life easy - looking forward to working with you again soon!? Thanks again for the books you gave to our production team.Christie Henry – Producer, Image Technologies Corp. (2.26.11)Hi Vince,Vince, the Vistex event went great last week! ?Thanks for your patience leading up to the event and for ultimately, hitting it out of the park! ?It was great to finally see your talk for myself, I’ve got a couple of clients that I’m going to pitch you to right away. Thanks again for all your hard work on the Vistex event!Ron Blackmore – President, NextLevel Productions & TalentPROFESSIONAL SERVICES (ACCOUNTING; CONSULTING; MARKETING; STAFFING)Vince -Great meeting you and thank you for doing a terrific job.?I’m looking forward to circling up as our paths will surely cross again.Charles Wetzel – President, Buxton-Business Analytics (1.7.11)Thank you for a wonderful, hilarious, impactful presentation this morning.? I'd be the blonde lady that was laughing very loud up front - to your right! I always enjoy a creative way of explaining the road to success. Thanks so much, it was truly enjoyable.Mary Floros -?Senior Manager, Trade Operations,?Sara Lee FoodserviceYou spoke volumes to me!? Life is difficult - especially being a single parent of an only child and trying to get enough hours in the office, which happens to be an hour away from where I live.? I loved your words of wisdom!Kelley Craven - Manager of Relocation Services, Harris Teeter, Inc. (7.21.10)Hi Vince,Long time no talk.?As I am running toward the finish line in my life and career I find so many of your principles are just what is needed when one wants to prevent “hitting the wall.” Thank you again, Vince.? I hope we get to work together again somewhere in the future. Warmest personal regards,Floyd Wickman – Master Sales Trainer (7.3.10)Thank you, Vince.?Your story really connected with our entire company.?In 2009, individually we didn't all meet our initial goals, and as a company we certainly did not either.? What we did accomplish in 2009 was perseverance and viability, and we never quit in our pursuit of perfection.?As individuals and as a company, we grew up, we matured, and we learned more about ourselves, and the strength of our character, than we ever had before.? Vince, the good news is... we liked what we saw when we took that long hard look in the mirror on January 1, 2010. Thank you for sharing your Olympic journey with us.? You are a champion, and your family witnesses it everyday.?Michael P McHale - Regional Territory Manager, Tropics Region – Florida, Puerto Rico, & U.S.V.I. (3.4.10)Hello Vince,Thank you for speaking to me and my Sales colleagues from LexisNexis on Thursday of this week.?I found your message unique and inspirational. My take away from my time with you to challenge myself to everyday to do what my completion is not willing to do.? Thank you for that perspective and insight plus positively impacting my life.Michael Spurlin - Client Manager, LexisNexis (2.12.10)MEDICAL / PHARMACEUTICALVince- Our employees continue to be energized by your presentation last month – and that is a valuable commodity these days!?Your catch phrases have become part of our vocabulary in daily discussions, “the elephant buzz” being the most popular.Jean Alfieri SPHR – Director Human Resources, Nexgen Pharma (2.3.11) TECHNOLOGY (Services, Software and Hardware)Vince's preparation, energy, and story were just what our company needed to launch 2011. He was entertaining and did a great job of getting the room excited and engaged. His ability to relate and capture his audience were just what we were looking for. I absolutely would recommend him to any organization! Rachel Howard - Buxton (3.26.11)Excellent presentation and awesome dialog. I really appreciate all you did for us at the conference last week.Rob Anderson – Sales Development Manager, Micron Technology (10.19.10) ................

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