
BBW motivational quotes – feel free to discuss any edits with me or it some aren’t good.To laugh at one self is to have good humor.When you stand for something, you automatically stand against something else – expect critics.Develop a thick skin, but keep a tender heart.The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but Waze is faster.Failure is the rite of passage to success.Analyze, but don’t forget your gut feeling.The 7 Wonders of the World pale to the miracle of the human body.The hardest moon for parents to explain to a child is the one viewed through an unlocked bedroom door.Rise at 5 am one day and listen to a new world absent the distractions of day.million nerves enable your eye to see. Forgetting safety glasses one time can lose it all.TIPS FOR MEN ONLY: 1) Learn to notice and compliment her hair when she gets back from the salon ESPECIALLY when she told you she was going there. 2) When she is trying on a few outfit and asks you, “Does this make me look fat?” ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS say, “No.” Just trust me and do it. 3) Buy her flowers for no reason. 4) Compliment her new pair of shoes. 5) Tell her that you like her mani-pedi colors.Electronics is no substitute for time with your children.You remember your teachers, but don’t forget to thank them.The world is flat to those without imagination.Your intuition is there to guide you.Your body developed from a single cell absent instruction manual – that is a miracle.Technology frees, but actually enslaves.FOR HUSBANDS ONLY: Don’t try to win every argument. You might win the battle, but lose the war and be on the couch.Stamina in the gym = stamina everywhere.If milk smells bad, it is bad. You can’t ignore reality.Walt Disney’s first studio went bankrupt before he succeeded. Failure is the rite of passage to success. “Quality time” with your children is as real as unicorns – it’s the amount that counts.If you don’t make time for your children now, they won’t make time for YOU later.Treat your wife like a mistress and your marriage will be stressless.Time is often the best medicine.The young think they direct destiny. The wise know destiny directs them.Harboring an enemy is like living with a virus.Negative people infect like a disease. Avoidance is your immunity.The truth always rises.Facts are no match for others’ personal bias. Save your breath.Believe in yourself so others will.Listen more than you speak – the school of life is never out for those in attendance. You can’t catch gold coins with a closed fist.Hug a lot and you’ll be happier.Holding your loved one’s hand in the hospital after a heart attack increases survival rate.Electronic touch is no substitute for human touch.A hug a day keeps the blues away.Smiling at a stranger has more benefits than frowning at a friend.If you drive with eyes wide open, why would you live your live with eyes half-shut?No child got in trouble for helping. Teach your children to give.Children who write thank you cards yield thank yous to their parents.It is better to hear the truth that hurts then to be blinded by sweet lies.If you are lost man, then get direction from a woman.Abe Lincoln lost three elections before winning the presidency. Failure is the rite of passage to success.You will go far if you fuel your soul.The soul is immortal according to Socrates. So say “I’m sorry” just in case.Beware of a woman scorned and a man whose football team lost.Saying “I’m sorry” after hurting someone’s feeling helps but a crease in the heart still remains.I wouldn’t ask someone to do something that I wouldn’t be willing to do myself.Less is more. Know when to keep your mouth shut.If you ignore what you expose your brain to, then your brain won’t pay attention to you later in life.Those who lead must be willing to follow.If it hurts to give, then give until it stops hurting.Gossip is like cancer. It spreads leaving collateral damage.You are a victim only if you allow yourself to be. ................

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