Tennis Steps to Success - Human Kinetics

Badminton: Steps to Success, 2E

Test Questions and Answers

The Sport of Badminton


To decide who will serve first at the beginning of a match,

a. flip a coin

b. spin a racket

c. toss and hit a bird in the air

d. any of the above

When the server’s score is an even number, he or she serves from

a. the right court

b. the left court

c. the center of the court

d. whichever side he or she prefers

Player A serves, and the shuttle touches the net before going over the net. Player B lets the shuttle fall, and it lands in the proper service court. As a result,

a. player A scores a point

b. player B scores a point

c. the point is replayed

d. the game is over


A serve that hits the top of the net but continues into the proper court is a legal serve. True.

During the serve in a singles game, the side alley is in bounds and the back alley is out of bounds. False: During the serve in singles, the side alley is out of bounds and the back alley is in bounds. During the serve in doubles, the side alley is in bounds and the back alley is out of bounds.

In doubles, both partners get a chance to serve. False: The serving team’s score determines which partner serves, but only one of the partners serves until the team loses the serve.


A badminton court for singles play is ____ feet long and ____ feet wide. (44, 17)

Between games, players get a rest period of ____ minutes. (2)

Each game is played to ____ points. To win a match, a player must win ____ out of ____ games. (21, 2, 3)


Explain briefly when and how points may be scored in badminton. In rally point scoring, points are scored whenever a fault is committed. Any failure to return an opponent’s shot during a rally or any illegal action during play constitutes a fault.


Trace the Olympic history of badminton and write a summary of your findings; include profiles of key players.

Step 1 Racket Handling and Footwork


The forehand grip is sometimes referred to as

a. the traditional grip

b. the pistol grip

c. the handshake grip

d. both b and c

e. none of the above

When a player is in the ready position, the racket is

a. down by the player’s side

b. head up in front of the player’s body and slightly to the backhand side

c. in backswing position

d. parallel to the floor

When your opponent is hitting a shot, you should

a. watch the bird leave your opponent’s racket

b. focus on your opponent’s upper-body movements

c. move around on the court

d. anticipate where the bird will go


To get within reach of the bird, good footwork requires shuffling or sliding your feet into a position to hit. True.

Proper badminton footwork requires you to reach for the shuttle with your dominant arm and leg to save time and to aid in a fast recovery. True.

The backhand grip is identical to the forehand grip. False: In the backhand grip, the thumb is straight up and down on the top left-hand bevel of the handle.


For a step-close step, the _________________ foot is the pivot foot and the _________________ foot is the leading foot. (nondominant, dominant)

Recover to _________________ after every return. (midcourt)

Between returns during a rally, the racket should be held _________________. (up and in front of the chest)


Describe the ready position. Hold your racket up in front of your body, and hold your off hand and arm up for balance. Stand in a waiting position with your feet square or in a slightly up-and-back stance. Bend your knees slightly, with your weight distributed evenly on the balls of your feet.


Write a brief description of each type of footwork covered in step 1: the step-close step, the shuffle step, the sashay step, and the three-step return to midcourt. Include game situations in which each type of footwork would be used.

Step 2 Serve


The __________ serve is the basic singles serve.

a. long

b. short

c. flick

d. drive

The serve should be delivered

a. with an overhand hit

b. with an underhand delivery and contacted below the waist

c. as high as is comfortable for you to reach

d. with your racket face even with your racket hand

For the short serve,

a. stand closer to the short service line

b. bring your racket back in backswing position

c. cock your hand and wrist

d. all of the above


It is legal to strike the bird above your waist while serving. False: The racket must make contact with the shuttle below your waist.

The doubles service court consists of the same area as the singles service court. False: The doubles service court is shorter and wider than the singles service court.

In doubles, the return of serve should be directed toward either side alley near midcourt. True.


In doubles, the ______, ________ serve is used most often. (short; low)

As you release the shuttle for a long serve, your weight shifts from your ______________ foot to your ______________ foot. (back; front)

The drive serve is usually directed at the opponent’s ______________. (backhand)


Describe the rules that pertain to serving in badminton, specifically identifying where the shuttle is contacted and the position of the hands and the feet. Both feet must remain in contact with the floor while serving. The shuttle must be delivered with an underhand hit below the waist, and no part of the head of the racket may be above the racket hand at contact.


Serve four sets of five birds each to your opponent’s forehand court. The first five should be long singles serves executed with a forehand underhand delivery. The second five should be short serves executed with a backhand delivery. The next five should be flick serves, and the last five should be drive serves. Repeat the same sequence to your opponent’s left court for a total of 40 shots.

Step 3 Forehand and Backhand Overhead


An effective stance for the forehand overhead stroke is

a. square

b. sideways to the net

c. open

d. facing the net

Overhead strokes are usually made

a. from the front half of the court

b. from the back half of the court

c. from the sideline

d. during the serve

The backhand overhead stroke

a. should never be used

b. saves time and energy

c. is impossible to disguise

d. takes too much effort


Wrist snap provides most of the power for all overhead strokes. False: The rapid rotation of the forearm provides most of the power. There is little or no wrist snap.

All four basic badminton shots can be delivered from the forehand or backhand side with an overhead stroke. True.

The forehand overhead stroke can be used as an offensive shot or a defensive shot. True.


Contact with the shuttle should be made at the ____________ point of the overhead swing. (highest)

The ____________ grip should be used for both forehand and backhand overhead strokes. (handshake)

When hitting an overhead shot, turn ____________ to the net. (sideways)


List three common mistakes made on the overhead stroke. Three common mistakes are allowing the bird to drop too low before contact, failing to shift your weight during the stroke, and failing to rotate your forearm on contact.


Write three to six sentences describing the strategic differences between the forehand overhead shot and the backhand overhead shot.

Step 4 Clear


The clear is a return that

a. allows you time to recover

b. is hit high and deep

c. is effective in singles play

d. requires your opponent to retreat to his or her backcourt

e. all of the above

During the forehand clear, contact the shuttle

a. behind your head as the shuttle descends

b. as soon as the shuttle goes over the net

c. in front of your body and as high as possible

d. none of the above

When clearing near the net, use

a. an underhand stroke

b. an overhead stroke

c. either an underhand or an overhead stroke


For a forehand clear, turn so that you are parallel to the net. False: Turn your shoulders and pivot at the waist so that you are sideways to the net.

For a clear, make contact with the shuttle as soon as possible. True.

The clear is best executed with a frying pan grip. False: The frying pan grip limits power. Use a handshake grip.


The forehand clear should be hit from a __________ hitting stance. (sideways)

When executing the backhand overhead clear, the __________ should lead the racket up until contact is made with the shuttle. (elbow)

The flight pattern of the defensive clear is __________ and __________. (high, deep)


Briefly discuss the mechanics of the overhead clear stroke in badminton. The overhead clear begins in a sideways hitting position. The stroke is a throwing motion developed by rapid upper-body rotation followed by an upward extension of the dominant arm. The stroke contacts the approaching shuttle slightly in front of the body with the elbow leading the racket head at contact. The shuttle is hit in a high and deep trajectory to the opponent’s backcourt.


Write a description of the advantages of the clear and how the clear is used during competition.

Step 5 Drop Shot


The drop shot should

a. be hit to suggest that a clear or smash is about to be hit

b. be stroked or blocked rather than patted

c. use exactly the same grip, footwork, body position, and backswing described

for the overhead clear

d. be contacted farther in front of the body than the clear and be directed


e. all of the above

The most important characteristic of a good drop shot is

a. its slow flight

b. its deception

c. its downward angle

d. its lack of arm speed

e. none of the above

To get in position to hit a backhand overhead drop shot,

a. face the net and lift your racket overhead

b. turn your shoulders and pivot at the waist so that you are sideways to the net

c. turn to the back of the court and look over your shoulder

d. none of the above


The drop shot is hit upward with force. False: The drop shot is directed downward and is blocked rather than hit with power.

A good drop shot should be executed with a square stance facing the net. False: Turn your shoulders and pivot at the waist so that you are sideways to the net.

An underhand drop shot should be used near the net. True.


The worst characteristic of the drop shot is its ____________. (slow flight)

The underhand drop shot at the net should be hit as ____________ as possible. (soon)

A ____________ drop shot makes the shuttle flip or gyrate over the net. (tumble)


Describe how to execute an overhead forehand drop shot with deception. Use the same grip, footwork, body position, and backswing as you would for the overhead clear. The intention is to suggest that a clear or smash is about to be delivered. The difference lies in the racket speed. The shuttle is contacted farther in front of the body and directed downward. Tilt the face of the racket forward to create a more downward angle. If the drop shot is deceptive enough, it can be an outright winner.


Briefly describe the mechanics of executing an underhand backhand drop shot.

Step 6 Smash


A key advantage of the smash is that

a. you have a lot of time to set up the shot

b. it is hit from deep in the backcourt

c. it can be hit steeply over the net, giving the opponent little time to return it

d. none of the above

A good overhead backhand smash should resemble

a. an overhead clear

b. an overhead drop shot

c. a backhand drive

d. a and b only

e. all of the above

The primary difference between an overhead forehand smash and an overhead clear or drop shot is

a. racket speed

b. grip

c. body position

d. footwork


The racket face is angled downward during a smash. True.

The steeper the smash, the more effective it will be. True.

The sooner and higher you contact the shuttle, the faster and steeper the smash will be. True.


A smash that is not angled downward is usually less _____________. (effective or successful)

The rapid upper-body rotation during the overhead smash adds both _____________ and _____________. (power; deception)

The scissoring action of the legs propels you toward _____________. (centercourt)


Describe two advantages of using a handshake grip for a smash. First, because there is less time to react between exchanges, using an all-purpose handshake grip eliminates the need to change grips. Second, the grip allows for more complete, vigorous forearm rotation and thus more power.


Briefly define the mechanics of the half smash.

Step 7 Drive


The backhand grip and the backswing for the backhand drive

a. place the racket parallel to the floor, palm down

b. place the racket parallel to the floor with your racket arm flexed and the elbow


c. both of the above

During a forehand drive, as your racket arm swings forward, transfer your body weight

a. to your dominant foot

b. to your nondominant foot

c. forward

d. backward

e. none of the above

Drives may be played

a. crosscourt

b. down the sidelines

c. both of the above


The drive is a flat stroke that sends the bird in a horizontal path across the net. True.

Learning drive shots provides a chance to practice footwork. True.

The drive can be hit effectively with more or less power. True.


The stroking motion of the forehand drive is similar to a _____________ throwing motion. (sidearm)

The racket face should be _____________ when it comes in contact with the shuttle. (flat)

Reach for the shuttle with your dominant arm and leg, crossing your feet only on the _____________, not on the _____________. (backhand; forehand)


Explain briefly why a less powerful drive is particularly valuable in doubles play. If the shuttle is contacted below knee level with excessive speed, it will travel upward as it goes over the net and will continue to rise as it carries into the opponent’s court, giving him or her the advantage. You do not want to hit the shuttle up to your opponent, so a less powerful drive that reaches its peak at the net and descends from there to midcourt is particularly valuable. Most of the time, this shot should be directed down the sidelines in the alleys.


Return two sets of 20 birds each hit to your forehand side by a practice partner and then return two sets hit to your backhand side (for a total of 40 shots). For the first 20 shots, use a handshake grip from a sideways hitting position near midcourt, and return with forehand drives. For the second 20 shots, use a thumb-up backhand grip from a sideways hitting position near midcourt, and return with backhand drives.

Step 8 Advanced Techniques


The ability to camouflage your shots is a very important skill. To be deceptive, all overhead strokes should

a. look the same

b. disguise which shot is coming

c. win the rally outright or force a weak return

d. be executed with the same preparatory movements

e. all of the above

During an advanced technique, which of the following is not part of the execution of all overhead strokes?

a. Shift your weight.

b. Rotate your upper body.

c. Arch your back.

d. Meet the shuttle by flexing your arm.

e. Scissor your legs for more power.

In the reverse brushed serve,

a. the feathers are contacted first

b. the shuttle is held in the nonracket hand with two or three fingers inside the

feathered skirt

c. the shuttle is contacted above the waist

d. none of the above


The fast drop gives your opponent a different look—almost a change-up effect. True.

All overhead strokes should look the same until contact with the shuttle is made. True.

The most important aspect of concealing a shot is rapid arm extension. False: It is upper-body or shoulder rotation.


Executing an around-the-head shot correctly requires a high degree of shoulder __________. (flexibility)

The higher platform for initiating the jump smash and the jump drop shot creates a greater __________of attack, and the shuttle reaches the floor __________. (angle; faster)

For the sliced crosscourt drop shot, hit across the shuttle from __________ to __________, much like the slice serve in tennis. (left; right)


How does the fast drop shot differ from the basic overhead drop shot? Instead of falling straight down from a lack of speed as it reaches the net, the fast drop shot travels deeper into the opponent’s court and is quicker, similar to a well-angled smash.


Explain why trick shots are sometimes effective.

Step 9 Tactics and Strategies


Which of the following is the best option for returning a long singles serve by a right-handed opponent from the right court?

a. an attacking clear to your opponent’s backhand side

b. a fast drop shot straight ahead

c. a fast crosscourt drop shot

d. any of the above

e. none of the above

If you or your partner lifts or clears the shuttle to your opponents, you should

a. shift to a side-by-side position

b. shift to an up-and-back position

c. stay where you are

d. both charge the net

e. none of the above

Short-arming the stroke—hitting the shuttle too close to the upper body—causes

a. a penalty

b. a loss of power on the stroke

c. a loss of deception

d. all of the above

e. b and c only


The ability to sustain a rally is key to successful singles play. True.

Rally point scoring seems to favor a more highly skilled player. False: Rally point scoring seems to favor a lesser-skilled player.

Never change a winning strategy; always change a losing strategy. True.


To be successful in singles play, beginners must _______________________________. (learn to sustain a rally)

Your ability to execute numerous shots accurately and consistently is referred to as _______________________. (stroke production)

Before the serve in doubles, the server and receiver are in ________ positions, and their partners are in ________ positions. (up; back)


What are the best methods for returning a long singles serve? From the right court, hit an attacking clear to the opponent’s backhand side, a fast drop shot straight ahead, or a fast crosscourt drop shot. From the left court, hit an attacking clear straight ahead down the opponent’s forehand side, an attacking clear crosscourt, or a fast drop shot straight ahead to the opponent’s forehand side.


Observe another player in action and write a summary of that player’s strengths and weaknesses. Based on your evaluation, develop a game plan as if you were going to play him or her.

Step 10 Doubles Play


Because rally point scoring makes it possible to score on every point, the serve should be

a. accurate and consistent

b. aggressive and deceptive

c. high and deep

d. none of the above

What are the safest choices for returns in men’s, women’s, and mixed doubles play?

a. clears and drops

b. clears and smashes

c. smashes and drops

d. half-court returns and drives

e. drops and drives

Shift to a side-by-side formation when

a. your team is serving

b. your team is forced to lift or clear the shuttle

c. both of the above

d. none of the above


In doubles play, try to direct the bird downward if possible. True.

In doubles play, a long high serve is the best serve. False: In doubles play, a low short serve is the best serve.

In doubles play, the up-and-back position is most often used at the beginning of each rally and when a team is on defense. False: It is used at the beginning of each rally but primarily when the team is on offense, not defense.


In doubles play, the server must play ______________ toward the net and prevent the opponents from returning a short serve with a ______________. (aggressively; drop shot)

The ______________ system consists of you and your partner rotating from an up-and-back position to a side-by-side position, depending on whether you are on offense or defense. (rotational)

On a successful doubles team, the partners ______________ each other and ______________ well. (trust or complement; communicate)


What is the ultimate purpose of every shot in doubles play? The ultimate purpose of every shot is to cause your opponents to lift the shuttle to you or your partner.


In doubles play, partners are often required to rotate from an up-and-back position to a side-by-side position and back again. Briefly describe the circumstances that determine this transition.

Step 11 Conditioning


Which of the following exercises would be beneficial for aerobic conditioning?

a. push-ups

b. stretches

c. distance running

d. sprints

e. resistance training

Which of the following exercises would be beneficial for anaerobic conditioning?

a. sit-ups

b. stretches

c. distance running

d. sprints

e. pull-ups

Which of the following is a benefit of warming up before playing badminton?

a. preventing injury

b. improving performance

c. improving stroke production

d. increasing speed

e. improving shot selection


Flexibility refers to the range of motion around a joint. True.

Overspeed training is an example of aerobic exercise. False: It is an example of anaerobic exercise.

Weight training develops both muscular strength and muscular endurance. True.


A sprain is an injury to a ________________. (ligament)

Muscle cramps during training and competition may be the result of ________________. (dehydration)

Although stretching increases ________________, it does not seem to improve ________________ or ________________. (flexibility; strength; performance)


List 11 movement and reaction conditioning drills that can be done together as a circuit.

1. Drive and push drill inside small rectangle

2. Endurance and strength

3. Defensive and offensive drills

4. Explosive movement

5. Drop and clear

6. Change-of-direction shuttle run

7. Two-on-one defense

8. Two-on-one offense

9. Three-on-one defense

10. Side smash with cross return

11. Side around-the-head with cross return


With the help of your coach, trainer, or instructor, design a weekly conditioning program that includes all the components of a good badminton fitness program: muscular strength and endurance, aerobic and anaerobic training, and flexibility.


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