
DACQ Nationals Prep Packet 4: Tossups

1. This author wrote about Jack Holmes and Roger Shumann in one novel centered on barnstorming, while 3000 troops disobey orders of Zsettslani in another work. In addition to Pylon, he wrote of an aviator who returns home in his first novel, Soldier’s Pay. Other works by this author of (*) A Fable depict Popeye's rape of Temple Drake, a trip to bury Addie Bundren, a biblical retelling through the Sutpen Family, and the narration of Benjy Compson. FTP, name this author of Sanctuary, As I Lay Dying, Absalom, Absalom, and The Sound and the Fury.

ANSWER: William Faulkner

2. Genetically, problems arise from this disorder when caspase-2 cannot cleave loose N-fragments, leading a certain protein to bind with TAF130. Currently, Miraxion uses EPA as an experimental treatment for this disease, whose Westphal variant accounts for just 10% of cases. Characterized by the loss of BDNF, its major symptoms arise from signaling problems with the globus pallidus, and it is linked to the (*) CAG segment of IT15 on chromosome 4. A polyglutamine disease, it is characterized by a trinucleotide repeat expansion and by abnormal muscular movements called chorea. Named for an American physician, FTP, identify this inherited disorder often identified by its middle-age onset.

ANSWER: Huntington's Disease or Chorea (prompt on “Chorea Major”)

3. It can be viewed as the geologic successor of the Yoldia Sea and Ancylus Lake, and and its coastline was the subject of one provision of the Treaty of Stolbovo. Home to Kilpola and Konevets Islands, it is indented by the Valaam Archipelago and fed by the Svir and Vuoski Rivers. A series of truck runs known as the “Road of Life” was conducted over this lake's (*) frozen surface to aid the city of Leningrad during World War II. Separated from the Baltic by the Karelian isthmus, FTP, identify this lake in Northwestern Russia, the largest in Europe.

ANSWER: Lake Ladoga

4. This composer of Central Park in the Dark and the fantasia Jerusalem drew on the environment surrounding his studies under Horatio Parker to create Calcium Night Light, and unsurprisingly his first symphony doubled as a senior thesis. His famed String Quarter No. 1 is also included in his Hawthorne-inspired fourth symphony, while authors like Matthew Arnold and Robert Browning inspired numerous overtures. He also couldn’t finish his (*) Universe Symphony, but did finish works known as The Camp Meeting and The Unanswered Question. FTP, identify this American composer of Three Places in New England and the Concord Hymn.

ANSWER: Charles Edward Ives

5. Two river systems, the Mo Chhu and Drangme Chhu are sourced in its Black Mountains, while Manas and Torsa are among its largest rivers. Kula Kangri is its highest point, while its Gangkhar Puensum in this country is the highest unclimbed mountain in the world. Rivers in the Shiwalik Hills pass into the Duars plains and eventually drain into the Brahmaputra in neighboring India. 1999 saw the lifting of television and internet bans in an effort to raise this country's unique metric of (*) Gross National Happiness. King Jigmeof the Wangchuck family rules, FTP, what “Land of the Thunder Dragon” with capital at Thimphu?

ANSWER: Bhutan

6. This man’s first wife died while trying to seal an envelope. He wrote odes to human remains and his three daughters in “The Skeleton in Armor” and “The Children’s Hour.” This widower wrote of his travels in Outer-Mer: A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea, a subject revived in Hyperion. The love of Ms. Bellefontaine for Gabriel Lajeunesse and a love triangle involving Priscilla Mullins and John (*) Alden inspired his Evangeline and The Courtship of Miles Standish. FTP, name this poet of The Song of Hiawatha who also told of a midnight ride undertaken by Paul Revere.

ANSWER: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

7. He described the importance of “community feeling” in formulating an individual’s social concern in his work Superiority and Social Interest, while he asserted the second born child was a “pace-setter” and the first born child was more likely to fall into substance abuse in his birth order theory. He argued that the primary form of his most famous concept manifests itself in children who feel dependent, while the secondary form of that same concept affects adults who can’t achieve (*) security in his work The Neurotic Character. FTP, name this psychologist, who founded the school of individual psychology and coined the term “inferiority complex.”

ANSWER: Alfred Adler

8. This God inherited the motif of the snake-dragon from Tishpak, and he often wielded a spade along with the power of the four winds, which had been given to him as toys when he was a child. He fathered Nabu, the god of wisdom, and rose to prominence when the Anunnaki begged him to fight a bttle for them, after which he inherited the (*) Tablets of Destiny. The many names of this deity are invoked in the Enuma Elish, and he became the ruler of the pantheon thanks to his position as chief god of Babylon. FTP, identify this Mesopotamian deity who slew the dragon Tiamat.

ANSWER: Marduk

9. Along with Martin del Bosco, the only major character in this play that does not sin is a certain Don. The supposedly pious Friar Bernardine is easily bribed, while Friar Jacomo's habitual need to procure prostitutes is the subject of many jokes. Pilia Borza and Bellamira are poisoned along with the central character's daughter after she ends up in a (*) convent. Matthias and Lodowick kill each other in a duel, but the title figure's revenge is spoiled when Fernenze intervenes after Selim captures a certain locale. Barrabas really can't stand Christians in, FTP, what Christopher Marlowe play set on a Mediterranean island?

ANSWER: The Jew of Malta

10. It is somewhat debated whether or not these entities constitute Penrose processes, since they precede the formation of a certain object. Extremely similar to the Magnetar-produced SGRs, they may be explained by the formation of relativistic jets. Some astronomers claim Eta Carinae could be associated with one of them, though they appear to have a high correlation with (*) high-metal galaxies, the reason why one of these being responsible for the Ordovician-Silurian extinction event is unlikely. Notably detected by BATSE and BeppoSAX, they occur when energy is ejected from the axis of rotation of a massive star collapsing into a black hole. The most luminous events in the universe since the Big Bang, these are, FTP, what flashes of a certain type of electromagnetic radiation?

ANSWER: Gamma Ray Bursts (prompt on just “Gamma”)

11. One of this man's works centers on Lady Frampul and Prudence, who judge a court of love in The New Inn. Fitzdottrel meets Pug to learn magic in his The Devil is an Ass, while other plays include The Case is Altered, Cynthia’s Revels, Eastward Ho, and Epiocene. This author alludes to his vicious stabbing of another man in The Staple of News, and wrote a play in which swindlers Jeremy and (*) Subtle, who engage in a series of amusing cons by claiming the title profession. FTP, identify this English author of Volpone and The Alchemist.

ANSWER: Benjamin Jonson

12. Recruitment for it was aided by the charismatic Jack Ditcher and Ben Woolfolk, and the Frenchmen Charles Quersey and Alexander Beddenhurst signed on to help direct it. Following its primary action, an escape on the Mary was thwarted by a man named Billy. Its principal leader was supposed to have been (*) executed a year earlier, but was saved through a "benefit of clergy" loophole when he was able to recite a Bible verse. The major reason for this event's failure was a massive thunderstorm on the night it was supposed to occur, giving Monroe time to alert the state milita. FTP, name this failed 1800 slave uprising in Virginia.

ANSWER: Gabriel Prosser's Rebellion (accept Gabriel's Rebellion and equivalents)

13. One character on this show, who used to earn a living as a carnival worker, became bitter after his mail-order wife proved to speak too much English. Another joined the Nation of Islam in attempt to get sick leave to go on a cruise, while another dated Craig Pullin, who was revealed to be the Truckee River Killer. In addition to Travis Junior, Raineesha Williams, and (*) Trudy Wiegel, this show features Jim Dangle, who attempts to maintain order among his deputies while wearing short shorts. FTP, identify this Comedy Central show centering around an inept group of police officers in a Nevada city.

ANSWER: Reno 911!

14. When this quantity is determined using the center of mass of an object, one can determine this quantity for other parallel locations on the object using the parallel axis theorem. For a long rod, this quantity is equal to one-twelfth of the product of the rod’s mass times its length squared while for any general object, this quantity is equal to the integral of the (*) radius squared with respect to mass. If this quantity is kept constant, it is equal to the torque divided by the angular acceleration. Symbolized with a capital I, FTP, identify this physics quantity, the rotational analogue of mass.

ANSWER: moment of inertia

15. The role of the spectator, particularly with respect to mixed compassion, is discussed heavily in this work. Propriety, prudence, and benevolence are described as subsections of the “nature” of a certain concept, while its “motives” include reason and self-love. It commented on the four-tiered system used by Francis Hutcheson, the author's mentor at the University of (*) Glasgow. Forming the philosophical basis of the author's more famous 1776 work about economics, FTP, identify this treatise on ethics, written by Adam Smith.

ANSWER: The Theory of Moral Sentiments

16. He is consoled after his exposure by Duncan Macmillan, while earlier Alvin Belknap and Reuben Jephson defend him. He targeted by Governor Waltham, and political pressure forces Burton Burleigh and Orville Mason to frame him. While in Kansas he meets Thomas Ratterer and later seduces Hortense Briggs. His plan to marry (*) Sondra Finchley prompts him to take Roberta Alden out on a lake with murderous intentions, and he ends up executed anyway even though she drowned accidentally. FTP, name this protagonist of Theodore Dreiser's An American Tragedy.

ANSWER: Clyde Griffiths

17. Eukaryotic ones are classified as 80S while the 70S prokaryotic ones and those belonging to mitochondria and plastids are very similar in size and structure and are thought to share an evolutionary relationship. The parts of these are synthesized in the nucleolus and are exported through the nuclear pores into the cytoplasm where they fuse into subunits. While most of them are considered (*) “free” and reside suspended in the cytoplasm, many of them can also be found bounded to rough endoplasmic reticulum. Aiding in the process of translation, FTP, identify these organelles, the sites where amino acids are assembled into polypeptide chains.

ANSWER: Ribosome

18. Early works addressed topics such as "Optimizing the Rate of Saving" and "Labour Allocation in a Cooperative Enterprise," while Identity and Violence is more recent. He is also known for his studies of inequality, which along with his experiences as a child, lead to his writing of a work subtitled "An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation." The author of Poverty and (*) Famines, he won the 1998 Nobel Prize in Economics. He may be best known for disproving Arrow's Impossibility Theorem and writing Collective Choice and Social Welfare as part of his work in the field of Welfare Economics. FTP, identify this modern Indian-born economist.

ANSWER: Amartya Sen

19. A very tiny savior is found in this artist's Marriage Feast at Cana, while two paintings of his depicting some rather unpleasant things happening to Jesus are titled Ecce Homo! A cycle of his works includes Terrestrial Paradise, Hell, Ascent of the Blessed and The Fall of the Damned. He showed the removal of a flower in his The Extraction of the Stone of Madness, country life in his (*) Haywain Tryptich, and an owl hanging in a tree in his Ship of Fools. His best-known work shows a hellish landscape juxtaposed with a bountiful paradise. FTP, name this early dutch painter of The Garden of Earthly Delights.

ANSWER: Hieronymus Bosch (or Jeroen Anthonissen van Aken)

20. This man was forced to rely on the Control Faction after the disastrous 2-26 incident saw the murder of many of his country's leaders in an effort to give more power to this figure. He was paranoid about the machinations of his brother Chichibu, which led him to agree to the Liason Conferences, and he was the focal point for most of the ideas of Kita Ikki. His reign is known by the term (*) Showa and his execution was expressly protested by SCAP Douglas MacArthur, though he was forced to renounce his divinity. FTP, identify this long-reigning Emperor of Japan who held the position during World War II.

ANSWER: Hirohito (accept Emperor Showa before mentioned)

DACQ Nationals Prep Packet 4: Bonuses

1. This novel ends with Maureen chasing an unidentified helicopter across the plains. FTPE,

[10] The titular servant of this novel helps the Smales family escape from a devastating civil war by bringing them to his native village.

ANSWER: July’s People

[10] This South African author wrote July’s People.

ANSWER: Nadine Gordimer

[10] Antonia Mancebo is the mistress of the title character of this novel, the wealthy South African industrialist Mehring.

ANSWER: The Conservationist

2. Bonus: They lie to the East of the East China Sea. FTPE:

[10] Identify these islands, also called Nansei, that stretch from Kyushu to Taiwan.

ANSWER: Ryuku Islands

[10] Fox, Rat, and Near island belong to this other pacific chain, which was the site of the only actual ground fighting in the United States during World War II.

ANSWER: Aleutian Islands

[10] Yet another Pacific archipelago comprises this nation with capital at at Honiara, which saw the Battle of Guadalcanal.

ANSWER: Solomon Islands

3. Bonus: FTPE, name these Nazis who were not present at the Nuremberg Trials:

[10] This "Angel of Death" fled to Brazil and was only identified via his remains in 1992.

ANSWER: Josef Mengele

[10] This architect of the holocaust escaped to Brazil, only to be captured by Mossad agents and convicted and hung on fifteen criminal charges in 1962.

ANSWER: Adolf Eichman

[10]This propaganda minister for the Nazi party managed to escape the Nuremberg War Trials by committing suicide in a bunker in 1945.

ANSWER: Joseph Goebbels

4. Bonus: Identify these fun-filled personalities from the Epic of Gilgamesh, FTPE:

[10] After Gilgamesh oppresses his people and makes them build a giant wall without food or sleep, they prey to the gods for salvation. Instead, they send this big, hairy hobo, who promptly becomes Gilgamesh's best friend.

ANSWER: Enkidu

[10] This only man to survive the great flood is sought out by Gilgamesh in his pursuit of immortality.

ANSWER: Utnapisthim

[10] This giant demon guards the Cedar Wood and gets the living shit kicked out of him by Enkidu and Gilgamesh. He's also brothers with Pazuzu, the demon from the exorcist, which is just cool.

ANSWER: Humbaba

5. Bonus: His plays include an adaptation of Carson McCuller’s The Ballad of the Sad Café and Tiny Alice. FTPE:

[10] Name this American Playwright of Everything in the Garden and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? ANSWER: Edward Albee

[10] Albee’s first work was this one-act absurdist play about Peter and Jerry, centered around the titular Bronx institution.

ANSWER: Zoo Story

[10] This Albee play details the spurious conversation between the titular group of females labeled A, B, and C.

ANSWER: Three Tall Women

6. Bonus: Identify these potential vice presidential candidates, FTPE:

[10] This ex-Navy Secretary under Reagan switched parties and defeated racial slur-spouting George Allen and has a strong reputation with conservatives, although from time to time he suggests violence against his opponents.

ANSWER: James “Jim” Webb

[10] Although his selection as John McCain's running mate might upset economic conservatives, this Arkansas governor and former preacher has developed a deeply dedicated grass roots network. And he's not fat anymore!

ANSWER: Mike Huckabee

[10] This Independent New York City mayor has the added plus of being a New York politician whose family has never been gripped by a horrible sex scandal. His billion-dollar fortune would be unlikely to help any democrat to appeal to working class voters, however.

ANSWER: Michael Bloomberg

7. Bonus: Answer these questions about the composition of internal energy, FTPE:

[10] This form of energy is simply defined as the amount of energy necessary for one kilogram of a substance to change phase.

ANSWER: Latent Internal Energy

[10] This form of internal energy of a system is associated with the kinetics of the molecules within the system, such as rotation or vibration.

ANSWER: Sensible Internal Energy (or Heat)

[10] This is the sum of latent and sensible energy. As its name implies, it is the portion of a system's energy that increases with heat, and can more generally refer to any energy produced by heat.

ANSWER: Thermal Energy

8. Bonus: Giacomo Balla's Abstract Speed + Sound is a prime example of this artistic movement, whose manifesto was written by Filippo Marinetti. FTPE:

[10] Identify this largely Russian and Italian artistic movement which celebrated man's industrial triumph.

ANSWER: Futurism

[10] Perhaps ths most famous futurist is this Italian painter of The Lancers and the States of Mind series, who created the bronze sculpture Unique Forms of Continuity in Space.

ANSWER: Umberto Boccioni

[10] This famous Russian suprematist dabbled in Futurism by designing some truly wacky sets for the Cubo-Futurist opera Victory over the Sun.

ANSWER: Kazimir Malevich

9. Bonus: Answer the following about things that bear the name “Oxford,” FTPE:

[10] Though sometimes named after Edward Pusey, the Oxford movement to legitimize the Anglican Church was better known by this name, reflecting their fondness for publishing long documents about why they were so right.

ANSWER: Tractarian Movement

[10] Edward Oxford's attempt to assassinate this individual, along with the actions of Daniel M'Naghten three years later, led to revolutionary changes in the English legal system's definition of insanity. She reigned over England for much of the 19th century.

ANSWER: Queen Victoria

[10] Simon de Montford led a group of barons and members of parliament forcing this British monarch to accept the Provisions of Oxford.


10. Bonus: In addition to the titular provision, this work declares that a stipend of five hundred pounds per month is necessary for a woman to write fiction. FTPE:

[10] Identify this work collected from a lecture series by a member of the Bloomsbury Group which declares that the best writer would have an androgynous mind.

ANSWER: A Room of One's Own

[10] This author of The Waves, To the Lighthouse, and Mrs. Dalloway wrote A Room of One's Own.

ANSWER: Virginia Woolf

[10] This Virginia Woolf protagonist lives numerous lifetimes running around the world raising all kinds of shenanigans, including switching his gender.

ANSWER: Orlando

11. Bonus: Answer these questions about vector fields:

[10] This vector operation that is defined as the cross product of a vector field with the corresponding partial derivatives of its components can return the magnitude and direction of the rotation of said vector field.

ANSWER: curl or rot

[10] A variation of the fundamental theorem of calculus, this theorem states that a line integral on a closed curve can be solved by performing a surface integral of the curl of a vector function F dotted with its normal vector.

ANSWER: Stokes’ Theorem

[10] This man’s namesake vector operation takes the sums of the second partial derivatives of each of a vector field’s components. If that sum is equal to zero, then that field is also said to satisfy this man’s Equation.

ANSWER: Pierre-Simon Laplace

12. Bonus: It is often considered the third primary Yana, or major vehicle, of Buddhism. FTPE:

[10] Identify this belief system, notably spread by Padmasambhava, which is often contrasted with Theravada and Mahayana.

ANSWER: Vajrayana or Mantrayana or Tantric or Esoteric or Tantrayana Buddhism (or the Diamond Vehicle)

[10] Tantric Buddhism is most often associated with this geographic area, itself often associated with the Dalai Lama.


[10] Though the Kangyur and Tengyur texts are most influential in Tantric Buddhism, this more general Buddhist canon is also studied. Its name means “three baskets” and the most famous example may be the Pali Canon.

ANSWER: Tripitaka

13. Bonus: Answer these questions about a gas law, FTPE:

[10] Gay-Lussac actually had a second gas law named after him which stated that the ratios between the volumes of combined gases and the product can be expressed in small whole numbers. It is more commonly know by this name.

ANSWER: Law of Combining Volumes

[10] This law was fundamental to the development of the study of the calculations of the measurable relationships between reactants and products, more often then not referred to using this term.

ANSWER: Stoichiometry

[10] Gay-Lussac’s law led to the development of this principle stating that at the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of gas contain the same number of molecules. It is named for an Italian chemist who also has a pretty famous number.

ANSWER: Avogadro’s Law

14. Often called the laughing philosopher, he held that the void cannot be equated with true emptiness. FTPE:

[10] Identify this Greek thinker, who proposed that all matter was made up of indivisible units, laying the original basis for atomic theory.

ANSWER: Democritus

[10] Democritus's ideas informed the statement that “nothing comes from nothing,” made by this namesake of a Platonic dialogue whose On Nature contrasts the Way of Truth with the Way of Opinion.

ANSWER: Parmenides

[10] Democritus was a student of Leucippus, one of many natives of this Greek city state, which gave its name to a school associated with Anaximander, Anaximenes, and Thales.

ANSWER: Miletus (accept Milesian School)

15. Its first piece, The Savage State, depicts a mostly untouched wilderness with the beginnings of a settlement off to the right. FTPE:

[10] Name this series of paintings whose last piece, Desolation, shows the crumbling remains of a city.

ANSWER: The Course of Empire

[10] The Course of Empire was created by this artist of The Departure and The Oxbow.

ANSWER: Thomas Cole

[10] Thomas Cole is depicted hanging out with William Cullent Bryant in this painting by a fellow Hudson River School artist.

Answer: Kindred Spirits

16. Bonus: Demonstrate superior CANADA knowledge and answer these questions about the Canadian music industry, FTPE:

[10] A startlingly large number of Canadian music awards have gone to this group, noted for albums like Watoosh! and 666.

ANSWER: Billy Talent

[10] This band receives significantly more US airtime than Billy Talent, due to hits like “Never Too Late,” “Animal I Have Become,” and “I Hate Everything About You.”

ANSWER: Three Days Grace

[10] The Canadian music awards bear this name, which also denotes a 2007 teen pregnancy movie starring Ellen Page and Jennifer Garner.


17. The title character of this novel hires Romilayu as a guide and he befriends King Dahfu of the Wariri tribe during his sojourn in Africa ,FTPE:

[10] Name this novel.

ANSWER: Henderson the Rain King

[10] This novelist wrote Henderson the Rain King, and described the failed actor Tommy Wilhelm living in the Hotel Gloriana in Seize the Day, and he also penned The Adventures of Augie March.

ANSWER: Saul Bellow

[10] Moses, the title character of this Bellow novel, gets his second divorce from Madeleine and has a relationship with Ramona.

ANSWER: Herzog

18. Bonus: Identify these battles featuring a certain French dude, FTPE:

[10] Though Napoleon won this September, 1812 battle, Kutuzov's decision to withdraw with his army intact proved the turning point in France's invasion of Russia.

Answer: Borodino

[10] Things were looking grim for Napoleon at this June 1800 battle against forces under Michael von Melas until Louis Desaix showed up to bail his ass out. It basically knocked the Austrians out of Italy.

Answer: Marengo

[10] Napoleon was defeated for good at this 1815 battle against Wellington and von Blucher. If you only know one battle involving Napoleon, it's time to answer that one.

Answer: Waterloo

19. FTPE, name these nineteenth century American poets.

[10] This poet of Telling the Bees wrote about an old woman who patriotic woman who stood up to some angry confederates in Barbara Frietchie.

ANSWER: John Greenleaf Whittier

[10] This writer’s only novel is Tiger Lilies while the poems “Sunrise,” and “Marshes at Glynn” are found in his most famous work “Hymn to the Marshes.”

ANSWER: Sidney Lanier

[10] He was the first editor of Atlantic Monthly, and his satire The Biglow Papers was inspired by his disdain for the recruiting methods for the Mexican American war.

ANSWER: James Russell Lowell

20. Bonus: It was formulated and set forth in the book Unua Libro. FTPE:

[10] Identify this proposed “universal language” whose name is derived from “one who hopes.”

ANSWER: Esperanto

[10] Esperanto was the brainchild of this linguist and possible drug addict.

ANSWER: L. L. Zamenhoff

[10] Esperanto has six letters with diacritical marks, including Ŭ (read: ooh-brevay), which comes from this language spoken commonly in Minsk.

ANSWER: Belarussian


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