The Outsiders – Movie Worksheet

Name: _________________________________________

The Outsiders – Movie Worksheet

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While watching the movie, write down at least five similarities and five differences between it and the novel we read in class.

When we are finished watching the movie, you will be asked to review it. You will need details and examples from the movie to support your opinions. Respond to the following questions in as much detail as possible. Note: You may choose to write on this for your final essay so put some thought and effort into your notes.

What I think of ‘The Outsider’ Movie……

What did you like about the movie? Explain why (refer directly to events, acting, music, etc.)





What was bad about the movie? Explain why (refer to events, acting, music, etc.)





Do you think the movie represented the murder scene as well as the book did? Justify your answer.







Which of the actors/actresses did a good job and who didn’t?





Compare and contrast the ending of the novel and the ending of the movie. Which was more effective the novel or the movie? Why?






What did you enjoy more, the movie or the novel? Why?






RATING SYSTEM: Give the movie a score. You can do grades (A,B,C,D,F+ or -), stars (*** out of *****), numbers (3 out of 5) or something totally original… just don’t use “thumbs up” or “thumbs down.”

What not to write: It was a good movie. I liked it. The actors did a good job. Parts of it were kind of cheesy but not too bad. Overall it was fine.


I give the movie:


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