
Lit Circle Novel Projects

CHOOSE 1 or 2 of the following to complete. Note that the more difficult ones will generate higher grades. For instance, one cannot get higher than a B with a silver, higher than an A- with a Gold but complete marks with a Platinum. You may choose 2 of any combination of Silver/Gold to be able to get full marks with excellent projects.

Name__________________ Date___________________


|Make cartoons for the book or a chapter (at |Write a >14 line poem that describes all the |Write or adapt a full song for a character |

|least 5 panels in full color with text). This |major plot details and character struggles |(perform). Include a one paragraph explanation|

|should reveal some element of internal |throughout the novel. Use devices. |as to why this song is appropriate for the |

|character struggle. | |character. |

|Create a trivia game with trivia from the |Draw a detailed scene or collage of key events;|Make a soundtrack for the book by choosing at |

|novel. Use Jeopardy or "Who wants to be a |symbols etc. from the book. Your drawing will |least 5 popular songs. For each song, explain |

|Millionaire" template, or preapprove another |be scored based on how much detail as well as |in at least one paragraph why you chose this |

|one with your teacher. |quality of work is included. Make sure you |song and how it relates to the events and/or |

| |somehow show who the people are in your |characters in this book. Design an album cover|

| |pictures. |for it, with song words, analysis and symbols |

| | |on each flap and a cover page. |

|Write a “Dear Abby” column with questions from|Pretend you are a newspaper reporter and write |Write and film a movie trailer for your book |

|a character asking for advice and your answers|an article for a particular scenario or |or adapt one from scenes from another film. |

|as Dear Abby (each should be at least ½ a |injustice (an expose) in your story. |Must be high quality to be considered |

|page, well researched). | |Platinum. |

|Write on an experience you've had that was |Become a character and write a diary with at |Write a new chapter to the end of the novel OR|

|like something that happened in the book. |least 3 entries. Respond to specific events |a chapter of what you think should have |

|Should be at least ½ typed page. First, |from the novel and how you feel about them. |happened that's missing in the middle of the |

|briefly describe the event in the book, and |Write in the voice of the character. Create a |book. This should be at least 3 or 4 pages and|

|then write about what happened to you as if |journal cover that reflects them. |in the style of the novel. |

|you were an author. | | |

|Make a timeline of events in the book; make |Imagine your book is being turned into a |Make playing cards for all |

|sure your timeline includes AT LEAST 10 events|movie-who would play each character? Cast at |important/interesting characters. On the |

|with a 2 sentence description and a small |least 4 character (explain in a short paragraph|front of each piece have a picture and general|

|picture or clipping describing each event. |why you chose that actor) and tell where you |ranking scheme you create. On the back |

| |would film the movie and why that is a good |include personal and/or historical |

| |spot. |information, their motivation, special skills |

| | |etc. Give your cards a title like "Magic: the|

| | |Gathering" |

To receive full marks, your projects must meet all the criteria above, and show that thoughtful effort and creativity was put in. Note that not every criteria in the rubric may apply to your project choice, but most should.

Student Name _______________ Period ____

Lit Circle Study Performance Scale

| |Not Yet Meeting Expectations |Meeting Expectations |Fully Meeting Expectations |Exceeding Expectations |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |

1 1+ 2- 2 2+ 3- 3 3+ 4- 4

I I C- C C+ B B B A A

Work habits: G Work handed-in on time / All work completed / Obvious effort evident

S Work slightly late / Most assignments completed / Some effort evident

N Work handed-in late / Assignments incomplete or missing / Minimal effort evident


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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