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OC1 Final Exam

From Jeff: Good luck.

1. Multiple Choice: (1pt x 5 = 5 pts)

1. A: Hey Jeff, what will you do this weekend?

B: I will read this weekend. What will you do Risa?

A: I will go running this weekend.

|a. run |

|b. eat ramen |

|c. read |

Jeff will this weekend.

2. A: Hello! My name is Jeff. I like watching TV. What’s your name?

B: Hello! My name is Kaori. I like listening to music. Nice to meet you!

A: Nice to meet you!

|a. listening to music. |

|b. watching TV. |

|c. eating yaki tori. |

Kaori likes

3. A: How is the weather in Hong Kong today?

B: I think there is a flood today.

A: No, there is a typhoon today.

|a. thunder storm |

|b. flood |

|c. typhoon |

There is a in Hong Kong today.

4. A: Hey, there’s a documentary on channel 2 tonight!

B: What time is that on?

A: It’s on at 8:30PM. Did you want to watch?

B: Can we watch the movie at 8:30PM instead?

A: Sure!

|a. documentary |

|b. drama |

|c. movie |

They will watch a tonight.

5. A: Hey Jeff, how many people do you know?

B: Oh I know a lot. About 143, 117 people!

A: Wow!

|a. 152,116 |

|b. 143,117 |

|c. 153,130 |

Jeff knows about people.

2. Short Answer: (2pts x 10 = 20pts)

1. Book Keeping_____________________

2. Partly Cloudy______________________

3. Cousin___________________________

4. Yesterday_________________________

5. Fast Forward______________________

6. Million___________________________

7. Thousand_________________________

8. Rewind___________________________

9. Mute_____________________________

10. Meaning__________________________


3. Filling in the Blank: (3pts x 5 = 15pts)

| | | | |

|Where? |Yesterday |Today |Tomorrow |

| | | | |

|San Francisco, California | | | |

| | | | |

|Sydney, Australia | | | |

1. How is the weather in Sydney today?

(It is / There is a) _______________________________________ today.

2. How was the weather in Sydney yesterday?

(It was / There was a) ____________________________ yesterday.

3. How will the weather be in San Francisco tomorrow?

(It will be / There will be a) ____________________________ tomorrow.

4. What is the high temperature in San Francisco today?

(It is / It was) ________________________ degrees today.

5. What will the low temperature be in Sydney tomorrow?

(It is / It will be) ________________________ degrees tomorrow.

4. True and False: (1pt x 10 = 10pts)

A: Good afternoon Jeff, How’re you today?

B: I’m alright. How was school today Miyu?

A: It was good. And you Jeff?

B: It was so so. Which junior high school did you go to Miyu?

A: I went to Numazu Junior High. What about you Jeff?

B: I went to Nagano Junior High. How big was your school?

A: Oh it was really small. About 500 students!

B: Wow! My school was really big, about 1,700 students.

A: What was your school trip like?

B: We went to Australia on our school trip! It was very hot!

A: That sounds wonderful! We went to Los Angeles for our school trip.

B: Was it hot?

A: No, it was very cold!

B: By the way, do you remember your schedule?

A: Yes! Do you?

B: A little. What class did you have before lunch?

A: I had math before lunch, you?

B: I had English before lunch. What class did you have between second and fourth period?

A: I had History. What class did you have after short home room?

B: I had PE. It was really cold in the morning.

A: Anyways, you want to go get something to eat?

B: Yeah, let’s go!

1. ( ) Miyu had a good day at school.

2. ( ) Jeff had a good day at school.

3. ( ) Jeff went to Nagano Junior High.

4. ( ) Jeff’s junior high school was bigger than Miyu’s.

5. ( ) Miyu’s school went to Los Angeles on their school trip.

6. ( ) Jeff went to Los Angeles on his school trip.

7. ( ) Miyu had math 5th period.

8. ( ) Miyu had history 4th period.

9. ( ) Jeff had English 4th period.

10. ( ) Jeff had PE in the afternoon.

5. Bonus: (1pt x 6 = 6pts)

Fill in the Blanks:

1. Ei Conversation ( Ei ______________ ( ___________ _____________________

(Japanese) (English) (English)

Tell me:

2. Today is _______________________________________________________________

3. Tomorrow is ___________________________________________________________

4. Yesterday was __________________________________________________________

5. The day after tomorrow is _________________________________________________

6. The day before yesterday was ______________________________________________


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