
Name: ____________________________ Date: ______________________

6th Grade Social Studies

Final Project- Dancing Through The Decades

For this project, your class will be assigned a decade from history that we have not studied yet. After researching different aspects of that decade, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that will give an accurate and interesting summary of your decade.

PowerPoint Format:


o Explain TWO conflicts that occurred in your decade using two or more PowerPoint slides (for each conflict). Pictures should be included as well.


o Explain TWO defining events that occurred in your decade using two or more slides (for each event). Pictures should be included as well.


o Explain TWO technological advances occurred in your decade using one or more slides (for each technological advance).

o Be sure to include pictures of the technology you discuss.


o Explain why TWO people were very important in your decade using one or more slides (for each person).

o Be sure to include pictures of the people you discuss.


▪ Fads and Fashion

• Using at least 2 PowerPoint slides for each topic, explain how and why the fads or fashion trends started. In addition, include pictures or bring in objects that show your fad or fashion trend.

▪ TV and Movies

• Using at least 2 PowerPoint slides for each topic, include a brief summary of the movies/show, important stars in the movie, and a school appropriate clip (2 minutes or less).

▪ Music and Books

• For books: Using at least 2 PowerPoint slides, include a quote or passage from the book, picture of the cover, and brief summary.

• For music: Using at least 2 PowerPoint slides, explain when the musician or band debuted, genre of music performed, and two popular songs.

Other Requirements:

➢ All slides must be put in your own words

➢ Presentation is complete and fully rehearsed the day it is due

➢ Each category (conflicts, important events, technology, important people, culture) must have at least one video clip that is two minutes or less.

➢ All group members must be present the day project is presented

➢ Each person reads at least TWO slides during the presentation

➢ Each group member fulfills his/her role to the best of their ability

➢ Members of the group must dress in clothing appropriate to their decade on the day of their presentation.


➢ Students can bring in objects, pictures, or artifacts from the time period

Due date: JUNE 14, 2013

Social Studies A (1970s): PRESENTING ON MONDAY, JUNE 17TH

Social Studies B (1990s): PRESENTING ON TUESDAY, JUNE 18TH

List of Topics by Decade

|1970s |1980s |


|End of Vietnam Conflict |Cold War ends |

|Watergate |Iran-Contra |

| | |


|Nixon eases Cold War Tensions |Fall of the Berlin Wall |

|Camp David Accords |Extreme Islam in the Middle East |

| | |


|Computers |World Wide Web |

|Cellular Phones |Apple Macintosh |

| | |


|President Gerald Ford |President Ronald Reagan |

|President Jimmy Carter |Mikhail Gorbechev |

| | |


|bell bottoms |neon |

|afros |leg warmers |

|beatniks |teased hair |

|etch-a-sketch |shirt twisties |

|sea monkeys |hair banana clips |

|lava lamps |slap bracelets |

|feathered “Farrah Fawcett” hair |mullets |

| | |


|All in the Family |Alf |

|Partridge Family |Growing Pains |

|Good Times |The Cosby Show |

|Mary Tyler Moore |Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |

|Rocky |Back to the Future |

|Star Wars |Ghostbusters |

|Jaws |Ferris Bueller’s Day Off |

| | |


|Jackson 5 |Michael Jackson |

|KISS |The Bangles |

|Bruce Springsteen |Bon Jovi |

|Donna Summer |Madonna |

|Where the Sidewalk Ends, by Shel Silverstein |Matilda, by: Roald Dahl |

|The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss |The Babysitter’s Club Series, by: Ann. M. Martin |

|Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt |Hatchet, by: Gary Paulsen |

|Sideways Stories from Wayside School, by Louis Sachar |The Hardy Boys Series, by: Franklin W. Dixon |

| | |

| | |

|1990s |2000s |


|Persian Gulf War |Disputed Election of 2000 |

|Unrest in Eastern Europe |War on Terror |

| | |


|Soviet Union Collapses |September 11th terrorist attacks |

|End of Apartheid |2008 election |

| | |


|Cloning |Smartphones (the VERY first ones) |

|DVD |iPod |

| | |


|President Bill Clinton |Osama Bin Laden |

|President George W. Bush |Hurricane Katrina |

| | |


|The Macarena |Flared jeans |

|Tickle-Me-Elmo |Sketchers |

|Bowl Cut |Crocs |

|Tomogatchi |Oversized sunglasses |

|Wide-Leg Jeans |Uggs |

|Hypercolor Shirts |Online slang (omg, brb, tmi) |

|“Grunge” Fashion |Livestrong bands |

|Pokemon |Robotic/Nano pets |

| |Youtube |

|TV & MOVIES: | |

|Saved by the Bell |TV & MOVIES: |

|Fresh Prince of Bel Aire |Men in Black Series |

|Beverly Hills 90210 |Harry Potter Series |

|Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago? |High School Musical Series |

|Forrest Gump |Remember the Titans |

|Jurassic Park |American Idol |

|Apollo 13 |The Office |

|Titanic |SpongeBob Squarepants |

| |Survivor |


|Nirvana |MUSIC & BOOKS: |

|Britney Spears |Black Eyed Peas |

|New Kids on the Block |Good Charlotte |

|Green Day |Jonas Brothers |

|Mariah Carey |Justin Timberlake |

|Harry Potter Series, by J.K. Rowling |Miley Cyrus |

|The Giver, by Lois Lowry |Twilight Saga, by: Stephanie Meyer |

|Oh the Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss |Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series, by: Jeff Kinney |

|Maniac Magee, by Jerry Spinelli |The Book Thief, by: Markus Zusak |

| |Hoot, by: Carl Hiassen |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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