Final task BOLLYWOOD, HOLLYWOOD, NOLLYWOODIn an interview, a Bollywood or Nollywood actress or actor reflects on how her or his cinema is linked to Hollywood.Option one: After watching an interview of a Nollywood actress or actor, you write an article for your school newspaper (180 words)Watch one of the videos about a Nollywood celebrity. Write your article reporting the interview. Present the Nollywood celebrity and his or her point of view. Explain how he or she represents Nollywood and the link he or she makes with Hollywood. Make references to other movie industry and actors.Option two: The interview of an actor. You are a Bollywood actor or actress interviewed by a journalist to present your latest film.Imagine the name of the person you embody and information about her or him. Be ready to make references to movies from other cultures and people you studied. Say a few words about the film being promoted. The Bollywood actor or actress will give her or his message, express her or his opinion on Bollywood and Nollywood cinema. The journalist will ask questions but also give her or his opinion about Bollywood and Nollywood cinema.Option three: You are an inspiring Bollywood or Nollywood actor or actress. Imagine and record an audio or video application to send to a director in order to get the lead role in a feature film. ................

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