Name: ______________________________________________________________Date:_______ #:_____Use complete sentences if neededWorld War II Webquest: Americans at WarType in the following web address, feel free to look at the images and read the information on World War II 1941-1945 on the timeline 1. Why did America join the Allies during World War II?2. What country attacked the United States on December 7, 1941?Click on Begin3. List the dates of American involvement in World War II:4. How many Americans served in World War II?5. How many Americans died in World War II?Click on Transcript 6. What three countries were trying to expand power and create empires?7. What country was known as the “arsenal of democracy”?8. What new super-weapon did America develop during World War II?Click on Enter the ExhibitClick on Imperial Japan9. What country did Japan invade in 1937?10. What did Japan claim it would stop with its takeover of Asia?11. Who became the prime minster of Japan in 1941?Click on Nazi Germany12. Who was the leader of the Nazi Party?13. What year did the Nazi Party gain control over Germany?14. How did Hitler and the Nazis expand German power across Europe?15. What did the Nazis do to anyone they thought was inferior or undesirable?Click on German MP40 Submachine Gun16. How many MP40 submachine guns did Germany make during World War II?Click on Fascist Italy17. Who became dictator of Italy in 1925?18. What countries did Italy take over in the 1930s?19. Why did Mussolini ally himself with Hitler?Click on Proceed to the Next Section Click on Pearl Harbor20. What day of the week did Japan attack the United States at Pearl Harbor?21. What state is Pearl Harbor located in?22. How many Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor?23. How many Americans were killed and wounded at Pearl Harbor?24. On what day did Congress declare war on Japan?25. What two countries declared war on United States on December 11, 1941?Click on Edward C. Morse’s Purple Heart26. How does a person earn a Purple Heart?27. How many sailors died aboard the U.S.S. Arizona?Click on Proceed to the Next SectionClick on Mobilizing for War28. What were the three major things civilians were asked to do during World War II?29. How many American women worked in factories during World War II? 30. How many planes, tanks, and warships were produced in America during World War II?Click on the Rivet Hammer31. What is a rivet hammer used for?32. Who did Norman Rockwell combine to make “Rosie the Riveter”?Click on Dressing for War33. List some things manufacturers were told they could not use or had to restrict from in the making of clothes:Click on “So They’ll Have Enough34. List three common items the U.S. government rationed during World War II?35. How did some families get extra food?Click on Food Ration Stamps36. Why did Americans need food ration stamps?Click on Hills Brothers Coffee Jar37. How much coffee were American citizens limited to?Click on A Kid’s War38. What did the government encourage kids to do during World War II?Click on Junior Commander Set39. How did toys change during World War II?Click on Hollywood Goes to War 40. How did Hollywood help and support the war effort?Click on American Internment Camps41. What did Executive Order 9066 do?42. How many Japanese and Japanese Americans were placed into internment camps?43. For how long were most Japanese and Japanese Americans held in the internment camps?44. How many German and Italian nationals were placed in internment camps?Click on Man-In-Service Flag45. What did a blue star represent?46. What did a gold star represent?Click on Proceed to the Next SectionClick on “You re in the Army Now”47. Did most Americans join the military during World War II or were they drafted?48. What difficulties did newly joined soldiers face in the military?Click on Notice of Classification49. What was the purpose of the draft board?50. What are two reasons why a male might not be drafted?Click on a Band of Brothers51. How many African Americans served in the United States military during World War II? Click on Proceed to the Next SectionClick on Battle of the Atlantic 52. What was the only way to get American supplies to Europe?53. What are u-boats?54. How many Allied ships would be sunk in the Atlantic Ocean?55. How did the Allies protect merchant ships filled with supplied while they crossed the Atlantic Ocean?Click on “Damn the Torpedoes!”56. Why was serving on a merchant ship so dangerous during World War II?Click on Proceed to the Next SectionClick on Campaign in North Africa57. What country did the Allies decided to focus on defeating first?58. Where did American soldiers first fight the German and Italian Armies?Click on United States Tanker’s Helmet59. To create the tanker helmet, what did the Wilson Company base their helmet design from?Click on the M-1 Rocket Launcher60. What was the M-1 Rocket Launcher commonly called by soldiers?Click on the German “Tellermine” Anti-Tank Mine61. How much weight was needed to make the mine explode?Click on Italian Cul-de-sac62. What Italian island did the Allies invade in July 1943?63. After landing in Italy, how long did it take the Allies to capture Rome?Click on the M3 Submachine Gun64. What was the M3 Submachine Gun nicknamed by American soldiers?Click on Proceed to the Next SectionClick on Storming Fortress Europe65. How did daylight bombing of Europe help the Allied cause?Click on D-Day66. How many ships and planes were used in the D-Day invasion?67. What country were the Allies trying to free with the D-Day invasion?Click on Fighting for France68. After D-Day, how many Allied troops landed in France?69. Who was the overall Allied Forces Commander during and after the D-Day landings?70. How many Allied soldiers were killed in France in the three months after D-Day?Click on the United States M-1 Rifle71. The United States was the only country to enter into World War II with what kind of rifle as standard issue?Click on the United States M1919A4 Machine Gun72. How was the M1919 A4 machine gun an ideal infantry weapon?73. How many M1919 A4 machine guns were made during World War II?Click on U.S Thompson M1 Submachine Gun74. Before World War II, what group made the Thompson submachine gun famous or infamous?Click on Battle of the Bulge75. Where did the Battle of the Bulge take place?76. About how long did the Battle of the Bulge last?77. How many Americans were killed during the Battle of the Bulge?78. To have more soldiers, who did the German Army start forcing into their military units?Click On Towards Berlin79. How many American, British, and Soviets were captured by Germany during World War II?80. How many total people were killed in Nazi concentration camps?81. On what date did Hitler commit suicide?82. What important German city did the Soviets capture to end the war in Europe?83. On what date did Germany surrender?Click on Proceed to the Next SectionClick on Miracle at Midway84. In 1942 what areas of the world did Japan takeover or attack?85. What city did Jimmy Doolittle and his bomber attack on April 18, 1942?86. How was the Battle of Midway an important American victory?Click on Across the Pacific87. How did the United States use captured islands in the Pacific?88. What were island assaults like?89. What nation/island chain did General MacArthur and U.S. Army recapture in 1944?90. When were the Japanese islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa captured by American forces?Click on United States M2 Mortar, 60 mm91. How are mortars supposed to help infantrymen?Click on Browning Automatic Rife92. How did the buffer spring improve the Browning Automatic Rife?93. Who created the Browning Automatic Rife?Click on Flamethrower94. What is inside each of the two tanks on the flamethrower?Click on The Final Blows95. How were most of Japan’s major cities destroyed?96. How many people were killed in Tokyo on March 9-10, of 1945?97. How many troops was America planning on using to invade Japan?98. What two Japanese cities were destroyed by atomic bombs in August of 1945?99. On what date did Japan agree to surrender?100. How many Americans were interned by the Japanese during World War II?101. How were interned Americans treated by the Japanese during World War II?102. What grade would you give the U.S. Government for its handling of World War II? ABCDFPlease explain the grade you gave the U.S. Government for his handling of World War II? World War II Webquest: Americans at War Teacher Answer SheetType in the following web address, feel free to look at the images and read the information on World War II 1941-1945 on the timeline 1. Why did America join the Allies during World War II?To stop Axis militarism and nationalist expansion2. What country attacked the United States on December 7, 1941?JapanClick on Begin3. List the dates of American involvement in World War II:1941-19454. How many Americans served in World War II?16,112,566 served5. How many Americans died in World War II?405,309 diedClick on Transcript 6. What three countries were trying to expand power and create empires?Germany, Japan, Italy7. What country was known as the “arsenal of democracy”?The United States8. What new super-weapon did America develop during World War II?Atomic bombsClick on Enter the ExhibitClick on Imperial Japan9. What country did Japan invade in 1937?China10. What did Japan claim it would stop with its takeover of Asia?Western colonial and imperial influences11. Who became the prime minster of Japan in 1941?TojoClick on Nazi Germany12. Who was the leader of the Nazi Party?Adolf Hitler13. What year did the Nazi Party gain control over Germany?193314. How did Hitler and the Nazis expand German power across Europe?Through war by taking over countries15. What did the Nazis do to anyone they thought was inferior or undesirable?They killed them Click on German MP40 Submachine Gun16. How many MP40 submachine guns did Germany make during World War II?Over a millionClick on Fascist Italy17. Who became dictator of Italy in 1925?Mussolini18. What countries did Italy take over in the 1930s?Ethiopia and Albania 19. Why did Mussolini ally himself with Hitler?To open a parallel war, he wanted to be on the winning sideClick on Proceed to the Next Section Click on Pearl Harbor20. What day of the week did Japan attack the United States at Pearl Harbor?Sunday21. What state is Pearl Harbor located in?Hawaii22. How many Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor?200 planes23. How many Americans were killed and wounded at Pearl Harbor?2,500 killed, 1,000 wounded24. On what day did Congress declare war on Japan?December 8, 194125. What two countries declared war on United States on December 11, 1941?Germany and ItalyClick on Edward C. Morse’s Purple Heart26. How does a person earn a Purple Heart?By being wounded in battle27. How many sailors died aboard the U.S.S. Arizona?1,177 diedClick on Proceed to the Next SectionClick on Mobilizing for War28. What were the three major things civilians were asked to do during World War II?Finance the war, conserve national resources, and produce materials for the war29. How many American women worked in factories during World War II? Six million30. How many planes, tanks, and warships were produced in America during World War II?324, 000 Planes 88,000 Tanks8,800 warshipsClick on the Rivet Hammer31. What is a rivet hammer used for?It fastens pieces of metal together32. Who did Norman Rockwell combine to make “Rosie the Riveter”?19 year old Mary Doyle Keefe and Isaiah from the Sistine Chapel Click on Dressing for War33. List some things manufacturers were told they could not use or had to restrict from in the making of clothes:Natural fibers, limited color choices for clothes, answers will varyClick on “So They’ll Have Enough34. List three common items the U.S. government rationed during World War II?Answers will vary, sugar, gasoline, meat, etc35. How did some families get extra food?Getting extra points for recycling animal fat or having victory gardens Click on Food Ration Stamps36. Why did Americans need food ration stamps?You needed to show that you were allowed to buy the food items Click on Hills Brothers Coffee Jar37. How much coffee were American citizens limited to?1 pound every five weeksClick on A Kid’s War38. What did the government encourage kids to do during World War II?Assist in scarp drives and civil defense effortsClick on Junior Commander Set39. How did toys change during World War II?Toys were usually made out of paper; steel was used in the war effortClick on Hollywood Goes to War 40. How did Hollywood help and support the war effort?Movies full patriotism and moral boosting were created, answers will varyClick on American Internment Camps41. What did Executive Order 9066 do?It placed Japanese and Japanese Americans living in the United States into internment camps.42. How many Japanese and Japanese Americans were placed into internment camps?120,00043. For how long were most Japanese and Japanese Americans held in the internment camps?Up to four years44. How many German and Italian nationals were placed in internment camps?11,000 Germans and 1,600 ItaliansClick on Man-In-Service Flag45. What did a blue star represent?Having a family member in the military during World War II46. What did a gold star represent?It meant you lost a family member in World War IIClick on Proceed to the Next SectionClick on “You re in the Army Now”47. Did most Americans join the military during World War II or were they drafted?Drafted48. What difficulties did newly joined soldiers face in the military?They were overwhelmed and had a short time to learn how to be a soldier, answers will varyClick on Notice of Classification49. What was the purpose of the draft board?To establish what men were and were not qualified for military service50. What are two reasons why a male might not be drafted?Answers will vary, too many children, flat feet, poor educationClick on a Band of Brothers51. How many African Americans served in the United States military during World War II? One millionClick on Proceed to the Next SectionClick on Battle of the Atlantic 52. What was the only way to get American supplies to Europe?By ship on the Atlantic Ocean53. What are u-boats?Submarines54. How many Allied ships would be sunk in the Atlantic Ocean?2,500 ships55. How did the Allies protect merchant ships filled with supplied while they crossed the Atlantic Ocean?Convey system, new weapon systemsClick on “Damn the Torpedoes!”56. Why was serving on a merchant ship so dangerous during World War II?Answers will vary; ships could sink in less than a minuteClick on Proceed to the Next SectionClick on Campaign in North Africa57. What country did the Allies decided to focus on defeating first?Germany58. Where did American soldiers first fight the German and Italian Armies?North Africa (Tunisia)Click on United States Tanker’s Helmet59. To create the tanker helmet, what did the Wilson Company base their helmet design from?A football helmetClick on the M-1 Rocket Launcher60. What was the M-1 Rocket Launcher commonly called by soldiers?A bazooka Click on the German “Tellermine” Anti-Tank Mine61. How much weight was needed to make the mine explode?350 poundsClick on Italian Cul-de-sac62. What Italian island did the Allies invade in July 1943?Sicily63. After landing in Italy, how long did it take the Allies to capture Rome?Nine monthsClick on the M3 Submachine Gun64. What was the M3 Submachine Gun nicknamed by American soldiers?The Grease GunClick on Proceed to the Next SectionClick on Storming Fortress Europe65. How did daylight bombing of Europe help the Allied cause?Germany’s military might was weakenedClick on D-Day66. How many ships and planes were used in the D-Day invasion?7,000 ships and 12,000 planes67. What country were the Allies trying to free with the D-Day invasion?FranceClick on Fighting for France68. After D-Day, how many Allied troops landed in France?Two million69. Who was the overall Allied Forces Commander during and after the D-Day landings?Eisenhower70. How many Allied soldiers were killed in France in the three months after D-Day?37,000 were killedClick on the United States M-1 Rifle71. The United States was the only country to enter into World War II with what kind of rifle as standard issue?A semi-automatic rifleClick on the United States M1919A4 Machine Gun72. How was the M1919 A4 machine gun an ideal infantry weapon?It was light and easy to carry73. How many M1919 A4 machine guns were made during World War II?439,000Click on U.S Thompson M1 Submachine Gun74. Before World War II, what group made the Thompson submachine gun famous or infamous?American GangstersClick on Battle of the Bulge75. Where did the Battle of the Bulge take place?Along the German border near Belgium76. About how long did the Battle of the Bulge last?About a month77. How many Americans were killed during the Battle of the Bulge?20,000 were killed78. To have more soldiers, who did the German Army start forcing into their military units?They started using boys, many under age 16Click On Towards Berlin79. How many American, British, and Soviets were captured by Germany during World War II?94,000 Americans, 200,000 Britons, 5,700,000 Soviets80. How many total people were killed in Nazi concentration camps?11 million81. On what date did Hitler commit suicide?April 30, 194582. What important German city did the Soviets capture to end the war in Europe?Berlin83. On what date did Germany surrender?May 7, 1945Click on Proceed to the Next SectionClick on Miracle at Midway84. In 1942 what areas of the world did Japan takeover or attack?Eastern Asia, Philippines, Australia 85. What city did Jimmy Doolittle and his bomber attack on April 18, 1942?Tokyo86. How was the Battle of Midway an important American victory?It stopped a possible invasion of Hawaii and four Japanese aircraft carriers were sunk. Japan never recoveredClick on Across the Pacific87. How did the United States use captured islands in the Pacific?As airfields and supply hubs88. What were island assaults like?Answers will vary, heavy losses 89. What nation/island chain did General MacArthur and U.S. Army recapture in 1944?Philippines90. When were the Japanese islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa captured by American forces?Iwo Jima was captured in March 1945 and Okinawa was captured in June 1945Click on United States M2 Mortar, 60 mm91. How are mortars supposed to help infantrymen?Close supportClick on Browning Automatic Rife92. How did the buffer spring improve the Browning Automatic Rife?It reduced the recoil making the gun more accurate93. Who created the Browning Automatic Rife?John BrowningClick on Flamethrower94. What is inside each of the two tanks on the flamethrower?One tank has gasoline and the other has compressed gasClick on The Final Blows95. How were most of Japan’s major cities destroyed?Firestorms from American bombers96. How many people were killed in Tokyo on March 9-10, of 1945?100,000 people97. How many troops was America planning on using to invade Japan?Over a million98. What two Japanese cities were destroyed by atomic bombs in August of 1945?Hiroshima and Nagasaki 99. On what date did Japan agree to surrender?August 9, 1945100. How many Americans were interned by the Japanese during World War II?14,000 Americans101. How were interned Americans treated by the Japanese during World War II?Cruel treatment and little food102. What grade would you give the U.S. Government for its handling of World War II? ABCDFAnswers will varyPlease explain the grade you gave the U.S. Government for his handling of World War II? Answers will vary ................

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