-771277-564543Fran?ais DP 2Grading of assessments will be based on the following: AD = Advanced 90-100%,PR = Proficient 70-89%BA = Basic 60-69% MI = Minimal below 59% O = No evidenceMme KnightNational Board Certification 2003, renewed 2013MS Curriculum & InstructionBS Education, French & Theaterknightt2@milwaukee.k12.wi.usSchool: 414 304-6260???Madame’s retake policy:??You may only retake an assessment if you have previously completed your practice activities??You will have ONE WEEK from the day that your first evidence was returned to your class to retake an assessment??You may only retake an assessment once. ??Anything may be considered evidence! 00Fran?ais DP 2Grading of assessments will be based on the following: AD = Advanced 90-100%,PR = Proficient 70-89%BA = Basic 60-69% MI = Minimal below 59% O = No evidenceMme KnightNational Board Certification 2003, renewed 2013MS Curriculum & InstructionBS Education, French & Theaterknightt2@milwaukee.k12.wi.usSchool: 414 304-6260???Madame’s retake policy:??You may only retake an assessment if you have previously completed your practice activities??You will have ONE WEEK from the day that your first evidence was returned to your class to retake an assessment??You may only retake an assessment once. ??Anything may be considered evidence! 3692525-255270Madame’s websitehttp:/madamechev.00Madame’s websitehttp:/madamechev.-302260224155There are six assessment objectives for the Diploma Programme, level 2 Language B course. Students will be assessed on their ability to:1. communicate clearly and effectively in a range of situations, demonstrating linguistic competenceand intercultural understanding2. use language appropriate to a range of interpersonal and/or cultural contexts3. understand and use language to express and respond to a range of ideas with accuracy and fluency4. organize ideas on a range of topics, in a clear, coherent and convincing manner5. understand, analyze and respond to a range of written and spoken texts?. 6. understand and use works of literature written in the target language of study Students use a variety of approaches to learning to help achieve the highest level of proficiency in French DP, Level 2 Every day you will need:??A red spiral notebook for taking notes in class??A blue spiral notebook for written homework assignments??A 3 ring binder for organizing papers distributed in class??All papers that have previously been distributed??Practice that has been completed for each class??loose-leaf papers??A pencil or blue/black pen and a red pen for corrections??Your textbook and workbook??A commitment to participating in class and practicing outside of class??A commitment to ask for help when you don’t understand?Grading of assessments will be based on the following: AD = Advanced 90-100%,PR = Proficient 70-89%BA = Basic 60-69% MI = Minimal below 59% O = No evidence00There are six assessment objectives for the Diploma Programme, level 2 Language B course. Students will be assessed on their ability to:1. communicate clearly and effectively in a range of situations, demonstrating linguistic competenceand intercultural understanding2. use language appropriate to a range of interpersonal and/or cultural contexts3. understand and use language to express and respond to a range of ideas with accuracy and fluency4. organize ideas on a range of topics, in a clear, coherent and convincing manner5. understand, analyze and respond to a range of written and spoken texts?. 6. understand and use works of literature written in the target language of study Students use a variety of approaches to learning to help achieve the highest level of proficiency in French DP, Level 2 Every day you will need:??A red spiral notebook for taking notes in class??A blue spiral notebook for written homework assignments??A 3 ring binder for organizing papers distributed in class??All papers that have previously been distributed??Practice that has been completed for each class??loose-leaf papers??A pencil or blue/black pen and a red pen for corrections??Your textbook and workbook??A commitment to participating in class and practicing outside of class??A commitment to ask for help when you don’t understand?Grading of assessments will be based on the following: AD = Advanced 90-100%,PR = Proficient 70-89%BA = Basic 60-69% MI = Minimal below 59% O = No evidence-476857-675640Student’s Responsibilities?It is the student’s responsibility to request work which has been missed and to make up missed tests or quizzes (after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays or by appointment) within 1 week of absence. Homework may be made up only if absent on the date of the assignment or the due date. You have homework every night. Students should check Madame’s website or Infinite Campus for daily assignments ?Carelessly done homework or homework not completed to the potential of the student will not be considered practice. Examples: “ I did the first activity in class and I forgot to do the other two at home” or “I didn’t do the back of the sheet.” or when the student fills in the blank with no attempt at accuracy.Good results are based upon steady persistent effort to master the material. We teachers are here to help, facilitate, assist and guide you. But YOU must do the work. The grade you see is the grade you earn. It is a reflection on your effort and learning, not on you as a person. No gifts, no extra work, no extra credit. How can more be done, when the required is not completed?00Student’s Responsibilities?It is the student’s responsibility to request work which has been missed and to make up missed tests or quizzes (after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays or by appointment) within 1 week of absence. Homework may be made up only if absent on the date of the assignment or the due date. You have homework every night. Students should check Madame’s website or Infinite Campus for daily assignments ?Carelessly done homework or homework not completed to the potential of the student will not be considered practice. Examples: “ I did the first activity in class and I forgot to do the other two at home” or “I didn’t do the back of the sheet.” or when the student fills in the blank with no attempt at accuracy.Good results are based upon steady persistent effort to master the material. We teachers are here to help, facilitate, assist and guide you. But YOU must do the work. The grade you see is the grade you earn. It is a reflection on your effort and learning, not on you as a person. No gifts, no extra work, no extra credit. How can more be done, when the required is not completed?-48006064135Parent’s ResponsibilitiesParents are to assure that children have adequate sleep and rest. Check to see that an assignment sheet or agenda is used and that all homework is fully completed. When concerns arise, contact the teacher early; do not wait until it is too late. or 414 304-6260Quiz your children on what they are studying. Ask them to explain it to you. At any age it doesn’t hurt to review. Parents, If you remove your children from school, you are required to inform the school (teachers) a week or more in advance. All missed work must be made up.??00Parent’s ResponsibilitiesParents are to assure that children have adequate sleep and rest. Check to see that an assignment sheet or agenda is used and that all homework is fully completed. When concerns arise, contact the teacher early; do not wait until it is too late. or 414 304-6260Quiz your children on what they are studying. Ask them to explain it to you. At any age it doesn’t hurt to review. Parents, If you remove your children from school, you are required to inform the school (teachers) a week or more in advance. All missed work must be made up.??457200508635000-1341781375934?Student behavioral expectations and consequences:Students are expected to use courteous behavior at all times. Those who conduct themselves in a manner that keeps others from learning will be subject to (including, but not restricted to) the following consequences:Step one: a verbal reminder/warning from MadameStep two: a call home. Please supply contact number here:___________________________Step three: a detentionStep four: a referralI have read the Student behavioral expectations and consequences for French 1Student name (printed)_____________________ student signature_________________Parent name/guardian (printed)______________________ parent signature__________________00?Student behavioral expectations and consequences:Students are expected to use courteous behavior at all times. Those who conduct themselves in a manner that keeps others from learning will be subject to (including, but not restricted to) the following consequences:Step one: a verbal reminder/warning from MadameStep two: a call home. Please supply contact number here:___________________________Step three: a detentionStep four: a referralI have read the Student behavioral expectations and consequences for French 1Student name (printed)_____________________ student signature_________________Parent name/guardian (printed)______________________ parent signature__________________Cheating and copying are unacceptable under any circumstance and will result in a grade of zero on the particular assignment concerned. All work submitted by a student should be the student's own work and his or her alone. Consequently it is forbidden the use of the following resources:* Foreign-language translators (electronic and online)* Published translations (book, electronic and online)* Native-speaking friends, family members, or tutors ................

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