
Mrs. Burbrink

Information Communications & Technology Course Syllabus

2015 2016 One Semester Course

Texbook: MS Office 2003, Introductory Concepts, Shelly Cashman Series

Welcome to ICT 1. The design of the course is to introduce students to the physical components and operation of computers. Technology is used to build students decision-making and problem solving skills.

All students are strongly recommended to join BPA to compete in computer events.

|Functions of Technology |

|Week 1 |

|Standards: |

|8.1,8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7 |

|Weeks 2-5 MS Word, Document Processing |

|Students design documents by using complex features of software to develop advanced |

|documents that are user-friendly |

|Standards: 2.4, 2.3, 2.1, 2.2, 7.1 |

|Weeks 6-9 MS Excel |

|Students apply concepts of spreadsheet software to organize and manipulate data by |

|creating formulas and functions; edit and label chart components, applying relative, |

|absolute, mixed call references, merge and link worksheets/ workbooks. |

|Standards: 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, , 7.1 |

|Week 10 MS Access, |

|Creating and Using a Database, create tables, forms and queries |

|Standards: 5.1, , 7.1 |

|Weeks 11-12 Internet Tools |

|Student establish communication and collaboration skills using the internet and |

|social media by constructing basic HTML 5 coding |

|Standards 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, , 7.1 |

|Weeks 13-17 MS PowerPoint |

|Create a variety of multi-media presentations |

|Standards: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, , 7.1 |

| Week 18 Final Project |

|Students will create an e-portfolio that will integrate technology to arrange |

|materials and solve problems efficiently. |

|Standards: All standards for the semester |


We will cover the chapters to the left during the semester. However, some chapters may take longer than others. Therefore a definitive time schedule is not listed.

Assignments will encompass: vocabulary, concept reviews, and projects.

Points will be assigned for in-class labs and homework. Assignments, quizzes and tests will also be assigned point values. The grading scale is based on percent taking total points accumulated divided by total points possible during the nine weeks and semester.

Grading Scale:

|93-100 A |83-86 B |73-76 C |63-66 D |

|90-92 A- |80-82 B- |70-72 C- |60-62 D- |

|87-89 B+ |77-79 C+ |67-69-D+ |0-59 F |

Cheating VS Teamwork:

You will always be encouraged to help your fellow students on assignments. That is called teamwork in the “real world”.

Copying or turning in another person’s work, performing any part of a task for them, or helping your fellow student during an exam or quiz is called cheating.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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