Microsoft word advanced skills checklist


Microsoft word advanced skills checklist

In many industries, skills and competency checklists are extremely important, as they ensure that all employees meet a minimum ability level. You need your technicians to understand the equipment they fix, for example. Typically, this means that they need to test into some form of core competency around circuitry, networking and pressure systems. One of the most effective ways to test core competency is to use a checklist, though how and when to use these checklists can largely depend on your profession. Skills and competency checklists are an extremely useful management tool when utilized correctly. Large organizations often have these lists available for all of their employees to access. On a small shop-by-shop basis, a manager may add other things to the checklist, but it is typically frowned upon for him to remove things. A basic technical profession checklist might include the following required skills: Displays an understanding of basic electrical circuitry. Able to clearly and effectively communicate with nontechnical staff. Able to prioritize on their own with work orders. Understanding of personal protective equipment (PPE) for their location. Up to date on chemical safety procedures. Understanding of facility's lock-out-tag-out procedures. In more regulated fields, there might be very long checklists that ensure your staff has completed all the annual training that they need in order to do their jobs effectively. Many shops also have individual checklists for specializations to ensure that best practices are maintained. There are always going to be different skill sets that you might need for any given profession. Some of those skills are extremely general, and others are required only for specialists. These example industry samples are not meant to be precise for any given position, so be sure you check with your employer or potential employer to verify. The skills and competency checklist for a construction worker could include any of the following: Ability to carry up to 100 lbs. Ability to accurately measure. Precision welding. Ability to clearly follow directions. Nurses need to be able to handle a multitude of tasks and have certifications up to date that allow them to practice. Every state and hospital network is different. A competency skills checklist sample for a nurse might include: Awareness of PPE. Up to date on incident reporting training. Up to date on blood-borne pathogens training. Strong interpersonal skills. Like construction workers, carpenters should have strong analytical and lifting skills. Most states require that they have some form of license that will need to be updated with the state in which they work. Some checklist skills for a carpenter might include: Able to accurately estimate job time. Strong organizational skills. Understanding of building codes. Aware of city and state permit requirements. Listing your skills on a resume has become more complicated since the application process has become increasingly automated. The layout of your resume is extremely important, and what's considered ideal changes often. What sort of industry you are looking to join can also play a part in how your ideal resume should look. Skilled trades people such as mechanics, engineers or nurses can have a multicolumn section of skills and certifications listed first on the resume. Keep in mind that basic skills may not be worth noting. In the past, saying that you were proficient in Microsoft Word and Outlook was worth putting on your resume. These days, it tends to look a bit out of touch. In general, you should use your resume to highlight your soft skills while you discuss your accomplishments. The resume is a place to list a position held and explain an achievement of which you are proud or that employers might find significant. Your explanation should be a sentence or two and should show that you are able to do the job for which you are applying in the correct way. In many industries, skills and competency checklists are extremely important, as they ensure that all employees meet a minimum ability level. You need your technicians to understand the equipment they fix, for example. Typically, this means that they need to test into some form of core competency around circuitry, networking and pressure systems. One of the most effective ways to test core competency is to use a checklist, though how and when to use these checklists can largely depend on your profession. Skills and competency checklists are an extremely useful management tool when utilized correctly. Large organizations often have these lists available for all of their employees to access. On a small shopby-shop basis, a manager may add other things to the checklist, but it is typically frowned upon for him to remove things. A basic technical profession checklist might include the following required skills: Displays an understanding of basic electrical circuitry. Able to clearly and effectively communicate with nontechnical staff. Able to prioritize on their own with work orders. Understanding of personal protective equipment (PPE) for their location. Up to date on chemical safety procedures. Understanding of facility's lock-out-tag-out procedures. In more regulated fields, there might be very long checklists that ensure your staff has completed all the annual training that they need in order to do their jobs effectively. Many shops also have individual checklists for specializations to ensure that best practices are maintained. There are always going to be different skill sets that you might need for any given profession. Some of those skills are extremely general, and others are required only for specialists. These example industry samples are not meant to be precise for any given position, so be sure you check with your employer or potential employer to verify. The skills and competency checklist for a construction worker could include any of the following: Ability to carry up to 100 lbs. Ability to accurately measure. Precision welding. Ability to clearly follow directions. Nurses need to be able to handle a multitude of tasks and have certifications up to date that allow them to practice. Every state and hospital network is different. A competency skills checklist sample for a nurse might include: Awareness of PPE. Up to date on incident reporting training. Up to date on blood-borne pathogens training. Strong interpersonal skills. Like construction workers, carpenters should have strong analytical and lifting skills. Most states require that they have some form of license that will need to be updated with the state in which they work. Some checklist skills for a carpenter might include: Able to accurately estimate job time. Strong organizational skills. Understanding of building codes. Aware of city and state permit requirements. Listing your skills on a resume has become more complicated since the application process has become increasingly automated. The layout of your resume is extremely important, and what's considered ideal changes often. What sort of industry you are looking to join can also play a part in how your ideal resume should look. Skilled trades people such as mechanics, engineers or nurses can have a multicolumn section of skills and certifications listed first on the resume. Keep in mind that basic skills may not be worth noting. In the past, saying that you were proficient in Microsoft Word and Outlook was worth putting on your resume. These days, it tends to look a bit out of touch. In general, you should use your resume to highlight your soft skills while you discuss your accomplishments. The resume is a place to list a position held and explain an achievement of which you are proud or that employers might find significant. Your explanation should be a sentence or two and should show that you are able to do the job for which you are applying in the correct way. The right skill set can make a difference for job searches. Putting a CV can lay claim to knowing how to use MS Word but few actually have the advanced skills. Professional secretarial duties require high level administrative support. All Secretaries and similar roles need candidates with advanced Word qualifications.Advanced Word skillsAn advanced qualification in MS Word means that a user can:Design and create forms and templates.Design and create electronic forms.Use mail merge to create recipient lists, mailing labels and configure Outlook to send merged emails.Manage large documents by creating master and subdocuments.Create and manage bookmarks, footnotes, endnotes and a table of contents.Use the tracking features of MS Word to enable revision in a documentUnderstand Macros in MS Word and how they work to automate repetitive tasks.Importing, exporting and embedding to/from MS Word to other Microsoft Office programs.These skills, in addition to Basic and Intermediate level operation, are a minimum requirement for a number of professional careers and job openings.What kinds of job require an advanced Word skill qualification?The requirement for advanced training in MS Word is a basic minimum for a number of professional legal support roles as well as academics, PA's and secretarial positions.Legal administration jobs such as legal secretaries, paralegals and PA's require candidates to work with complicated legal documents and formal letters; each having specific structures and complex auditing procedures.The recruitment process for commercial roles for secretaries and PA's also favour candidates that can demonstrate advanced Word skills. Business communications, particularly in larger organisations, extend to the production of large documents across a number of contributors. The ability of an administrator to track these changes and maintain control over such documents is essential.In the academic world, no document could be considered complete without extensive footnotes, endnotes and a robust and reliable indexing structure. Anyone working in this field will need a comprehensive understanding of MS Word in order to complete their duties.As well as legal administration, jobs in marketing, sales and advertising all benefit from this level of training. In fact, few companies offering roles in any kind of administrative work rarely require anything less than an intermediate knowledge of MS Word. Self-employed and entreprenuers can gain from Advanced Skills.How can you get trained to advanced level in MS Word?Your company may offer training so it is a good idea to enquire if this is available, when you are in a job and Word is relevant to your role. If continuous professional development isn't available then you can always invest in taking a course in Advanced MS Word with either an online training partner, part-time course at a local adult learning college or via a local Microsoft Training Partner. Courses usually take two days to complete and cover all of the essentials. It is recommended that you are already trained to an intermediate level before booking a course. Find out about all types of Word Training Courses.

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