|1. |ACTIVE SOLAR THERMAL INDUSTRY |International |TP Bokhoven |Rue Abbe Cuypers 3, 1040 |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |GROUP - ASTIG |organisation of |Tel:+32 2 741 24 49 Fax:+32 2 |Brussels, Belgium | |

| | |leading solar thermal|734 79 10 | | |

| | |industries in Europe |astig1@http: | | |

| | | |// | | |

|2. |ASIAN AND PACIFIC CENTRE FOR |Assists Asia -Pacific |N Srinivasan |Post Box 4575, Qutab |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY - APCTT |countries in transfer |Tel:+91 11 6966619 Fax:+91 11 |Institutional Area, New Delhi | |

| | |of renewable energy |6856274 postmaster@ |110016, India | |

| | |technologies |http: // | | |

|3. |ASIAN INSTITUTION OF TECHNOLOGY |Information services |Lilia R Austriaco |Regional Energy Resources |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |on energy planning, |Tel: + 66 2 524 5866 Fax:+66 2 |Information Centre - RER, Asian| |

| | |energy conservation |524 5870 enreric@ait.ac.th |Institute of Technology (AIT) | |

| | |and renewable energy | Box 4, Klong Luang , | |

| | | |ers/reric |Pathumthani 12120,Thailand | |

|4. |ASIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY |Teaching, research, |Prof. SC Bhattacharya Tel:+66 2|Energy Program,PO Box4, Klong |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |training and testing |524 5440 |Luang,Pathumthani | |

| | |in renewable energy |Fax:+66 2 524 5439 |12120,Thailand | |

| | |technology |epcoord@ait.ait.ac.th | | |

| | | |http: Ep.ait.ac.th | | |

|5. |CLIMATE ALLIANCE OF EUROPEAN |Alliance of 900 |Isabel Schmittknecht |European Secretarial, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |CITIES |European cities |Tel: + 49 69 70790083 Fax: +49 |Galvanistr 28,60486 Frankfurt | |

| | |committed to reduce |69 703927 |am Main,Germany | |

| | |their CO2 emissions |europe@ | | |

|6. |CMG INTERNATIONAL ENERGY |Provides technical and| |9619 W Bexhill Drive, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |CONSULTANCY |general information |Tel:+1 301 942 8826 |Kensington, MD 20895,USA | |

| | |and advisory services|Fax: + 1 707 897 8311 | | |

| | |on international |cmgm@ | | |

| | |renewable energy | | | |

| | |subjects | | | |

|7. |COGEN EUROPE |European association |Dr. Simon Minett |98 Rue Gulledelle, 1200 |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |for the promotion of |Tel:+ 32 2 772 82 90 Fax:+32 2 |Brussels,Belgium | |

| | |cogeneration |772 50 44 | | |

| | | |simon.minett@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|8. |COMMISSION ON SCIENCE AND |International |Tajammul Hussain |House # 55 Street # 3, F-6/3 |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTANABLE |intergovernmental |Tel : +92 51 9204892 Fax: +92 |Islamabad,Pakistan | |

| |DEVELOPMENT IN THE SOUTH- COMSATS|organisation working |51 9216539 info@.pk | | |

| | |for science and | | | |

| | |technology led | | | |

| | |development | | | |

|9. |EC-ASEAN COGEN PROGRAMME |A business catalyst |Michael Pennington |Asian Institute of |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |for Euro-Asian clean |Tel: + 66 2 524 5399 |Technologi,KM42, Phaholyothin | |

| | |energy projects |Fax: +66 2 524 5396 |Highway, Klongluang pathumthani| |

| | | |cogen@ait.ac.th |12120,Thailand | |

|10 |EUROHEAT AND POWER/UNICHAL |International |Sabine Froning |Avenue du Diamant 26, 1030 |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |association for |Tel:+ 32 2 740 21 10 Fax:+32 2 |Bruxelles, Belgium | |

| | |combined heat and |740 21 19 info@ | | |

| | |power, heat producers,|http:/ | | |

| | |distributors and | | | |

| | |industries | | | |

|11. |EUROPEAN BIOMASS |Promoting biomass |J M Jossart |Place Croix du Sud 2, BP |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |ASSOCIATION-AEBIOM |throughout Belgium |Tel:+32 10 473455 Fax:+32 10 |11,1348 Louvain la | |

| | | |473455 jossart@ecop.ucl.ac.be |Neuve,Belgium | |

|12. |EUROPEAN PHOTOVOLTAIC INDUSTRY |Promoting ,marketing |Dr. Murray Cameron |Avenue Charles-Quint 12, Po Box|INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |ASSOCIETION- EPIA |and acting as advisors|Tel: +32 2 465 9162 |14, 1083 Brussels, Belgium | |

| | |to organizations on |Fax:+ 32 2 46 82430 | | |

| | |solar electricity |epia@epiÕ . | | |

| | | | | | |

|13. |EUROPEAN RENEWABLE ENERGY |European Association |Karel Derveaux |26 rue du TrÕne, 3001 Leuven, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |CENTERES AGENCY EEIG-EUREC AGENCY|of R and D centres in |Tel: +32 2 513 83 10 |Belgium | |

| | |the field of renewable|Fax: +32 2 502 92 84 | | |

| | |agency |derveaux@eurec.be | | |

| | | | | | |

|14. |EUROPEAN SMALL HYDROPOWER |Promoting and lobbying|Henri Baguenier |Rue Du Trone 26,1000 Brussels, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |ASSOCIATION - ESHA |group for small hydro |Tel: + 32 2 546 19 45 Fax: |Belgium | |

| | |in the European Union |+32 2 546 19 47 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |elsopenche/ | | |

|15. |EUROPEAN WIND ENRGY ASSOCIATION |Promotes the use of |Vicky Pollard |Rue du Trone 26, B-1040 |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |wind energy though |Tel: + 32 2 546 1940 |Brussels, | |

| | |lobbying for the wind |Fax: + 32 2 546 1944 |Belgium | |

| | |industry at European |ewea@ | | |

| | |and International |http: // | | |

| | |level | | | |

|16. |EUROSOLAR EUROPÄISCHE |Independent non-profit|Irm Pontenagel |Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 11, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |SONNENENERGIE-VEREINIGUNG EV |organisation for the |Tel: + 49 2 28 362373 Fax: + |53113 Bonn, | |

| | |promotion of renewable|49 2 28 361279 inter- |Germany | |

| | |energies |office@ http: | | |

| | | |// | | |

|17. |GREENPEACE INTERNATIONAL |International based |Karl Mallon |Energy Solutions |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |environmental |Tel: +31 20 523 6222 Fax: +31|Unit,Keizersgracht 176,1016 DW | |

| | |organisation |20 523 6200 |Amsterdam, | |

| | | |karl.mallon@ams. |Netherlands | |

| | | | | | |

|18. |GREENPEACE-AISTRALIA |International |Gareth Walton |GPO Box 3307, Sydney, NSW 2001,|INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |environment |Tel: + 61 2 9261 4666 Fax: + |Australia | |

| | |organsation, campaigns|61 2 9261 4588 | | |

| | |on climate change, |greenpeace@au. | | |

| | |toxins, nuclear and | | | |

| | |biodiversity | | | |

|19. |HELIO INTERNATIONAL |Independent |Helene Connor |Sustainable Energy Watch, 56 |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |International network |Tel: + 33 1 42 24 51 48 |rue de Passy, 75016 Paris, | |

| | |of leading |Fax:+33 1 42 24 86 33 |France | |

| | |energy-environment |helio@helio- | | |

| | |experts analyzing | | |

| | |energy policies and |org | | |

| | |sustainable | | | |

| | |development | | | |

|20. |IEA GREENHOUSE GAS PROG |Intentional |Dr. Paul Freund |CRE Group,Stoke Orchard, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |organisation |Tel: + 44 1242 680753 Fax: +|Cheltenham GL52 4 RZ, | |

| | |researching abatement |44 1242 680758 |UK | |

| | |of greenhouse gas |paul@ieagreen.demon.co.uk | | |

| | |emissions | | | |

|21. |IEA HEAT PUMP CENTRE |Analysis studies, |Jos Bouma |PO Box 17, 6130 AA Sittard, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |workshops, brochures, |Tel:+ 31 46 4202 236 Fax:+ |Netherlands | |

| | |journal, answering |31 46 4510 389 | | |

| | |inquiries on heat |hpc@ | | |

| | |pumps and related | | | |

| | |technologies | | | |

|22. |INSTITUT TECHNIQUE EUROPĚEN DU |International, |Frederic Douard |28 buolevard Gambetta,BP 149, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |BOIS ENERGIE - ITEBE |training, technical |Tel:+33 3 84 47 81 00 Fax:+33 |F-39004 Lons le Saunier Ceex, | |

| | |publishing and |3 84 47 81 19 salons@ |France | |

| | |technical assistance | | | |

| | |for wood fuels and | | | |

| | |energy | | | |

|23. |INTERNATIONAL COGENERATION |Energy industry |Peter Loffler |rue Gulledelle 98, 1200 |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |ALLIANCE ICA |association for the |Tel: + 32 2 772 26 11 Fax: + |Brussels, | |

| | |promotion of |32 2 772 25 08 |Belgium | |

| | |cogeneration and |ica@ | | |

| | |localized energy | | | |

| | |production | | | |

|24. |INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT ENERGY |IDEA is a trade |John Fiegel |125 Turnpike Road Suite 3, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |ASSOCIATION -IDEA |association |Tel: +1 508 366 9339 |Westborough, MA 01581-2841, | |

| | |representing the |Fax: + 1 508 366 0019 |USA | |

| | |district heating, |idea@ | | |

| | |cooking and | | | |

| | |cogeneration industry | | | |


| |IEA/OECD |established November |Tel:+33 1 40 57 67 50 Fax: + 33|9 rue la Fēderation, 75739 | |

| | |1974 within the |1 40 57 67 59 |Paris Cedex 15, France | |

| | |framework of OECD to |koch@ | | |

| | |implement | | | |

| | |international energy | | | |

| | |programmes; the 25 | | | |

| | |member countries | | | |

| | |established | | | |

| | |international | | | |

| | |co-operation on | | | |

| | |renewable energy | | | |

|26. |INTERNATIONAL ENERGY FOUNDAION |Non political, non |Dr. MA Muntasser |PO Box 83617,Tripoli, Libyan |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |governmental, non |Tel: + 218 21 33 31822 Fax: + |Arab Jamahiriya | |

| | |profit foundation in |218 21 33 31832 | | |

| | |energy and environment|iefmuntasser@ | | |

| | |with international | | | |

| | |membership | | | |

|27. |INTERNATIONAL GEOTHERMAL |Non-profit, |Ruggero Bertani |c/o Erga Gruppo ENEL,Via A |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |ASSOCIATION - IGA |non-governmental, |Tel: + 39 50 535891 |Pisano120, 56122 Pisa, | |

| | |European Union partner|Fax: + 39 50 535893 |Italy | |

| | |for renewable energies|igasel@enel.it | | |

| | | |. | | |

| | | |uk/geosci/igahome.htm | | |

|28. |INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENERGY|Academic research |Eugene D Cross |Faculty of Law, PO Box 9520, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |LAW |institute providing |Tel: + 31 71 527 7723 Fax: + 31|2300 RA Leiden, | |

| | |advice on energy law |71 527 7509 |Netherlands | |

| | |and regulation |e.d.cross@law.leidenuniv.nl | | |

|29. |INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF |Research, training, |Francois Billiard |177 Bd Malesherbes,75017 Paris,|INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |REFRIGERATION |promotion and |Tel:+33 1 42 27 32 35 | | |

| | |dissemination of |Fax: +33 1 47 63 17 98 |France | |

| | |refrigerator science |iifiir@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|30. |INTERNATIONAL PEAT SOCIETY |Non-profit |Raimo Sopo |Vapaudenkatu 12, 40100 |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |organisation promoting|Tel: +358 14 3385440 Fax: +358 |Jyväskylä, | |

| | |international |14 3385410 |Finland | |

| | |corporation on the |ips@peatsociety.fi | | |

| | |research and wise use | | | |

| | |of peat and peatlands | | | |

|33. |INTERNATIONAL UNION OF ARCHITECTS|International working |Ruth Lahav |Work Programme on Architecture |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |-UIA |group of experts on |Tel:+972 2 561 0066 |and Energy, PO Box 8543,91083 | |

| | |architecture, energy |Fax: +972 2 563 8324 |Jerusalem, | |

| | |and environmental |Ir-arch@.il |Israel | |

| | |issues | | | |

|34. |ITDG |International |Tel: + 51 4475127 |Av Jorge Charez 275, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |technical cooperation |Fax:51 4466621 |Maraflores,Lima, | |

| | |oranisation; research,|postmaster@.pe |Peru | |

| | |use and dissemination | | | |

| | |of appropriate | | | |

| | |technologies | | | |

|35. |OBSERVATOIRE DES ENERGIES |Provides consulting |Yves-Bruno Civel |146 rue de l'Universitě, 75007 |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |RENOUVELABLES- OBSERV'ER |services and publishes|Tel:+ 33 1 44 18 00 80 Fax:+33|Paris, | |

| | |the economic |1 44 18 00 36 |France | |

| | |barometers on |observ.er@wanadoo.fr | | |

| | |renewable energies | | | |

|36. |OECD |Agency, Nuclear Energy|Tel: + 33 1 45 24 15 98 Fax:+33|2 rue Andrě Pascal, 75775 Paris|INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |Agency and |1 45 24 78 76 sales@ |Cedex 16, France | |

| | |Organisation for | | | |

| | |Economic Co-operation | | | |

| | |and Development | | | |

|37. |PREINSULATED PIPE GROUP -PPG |Promoting the use of |Kurt Feldtfos |Danmarksgade 11 1 sal t h, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |European technology to|Tel:+45 7020 2544 |DK-7000 | |

| | |the market for |Fax: + 45 7020 3544 |Denmark | |

| | |district heating; |euhp@post4.tele.dk | | |

| | |further offices at | | | |

| | |Avenue de Tervuren, | | | |

| | |1050 Brussels, Belgium| | | |

|38. |PV GAP SECRETARIAT |Promote and maintain |Richard Kay |c/o IEC Central Office,3 rue de|INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |quality standards and |Tel: +41 22 919 0216 Fax: +41 |Varembě, Box 131, CH-1211 | |

| | |certification |22 919 0300 |Geneva 20, | |

| | |procedures for PV |rk@iec.ch |Switzerland | |

| | |products and systems |http:// | | |

|39. |SCIENTISTS FOR GLOBAL |Independent |Kate Maloney sgr@gn. |PO Box 473, Folkestone CT20 |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |RESPONSIBILITY |organisation promoting| |1GS, | |

| | |the responsible use of| |UK | |

| | |science and technology| | | |

|40. |UNATED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT | |Tel:+1 212 906 5155 Fax:+1 212 |Energy and Atmosphere |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |PROGRAMME | |906 5148 minoru.takada@|Programme,304 East 45th | |

| | | | |Street,9th Floor, New York, NY | |

| | | | |10017, USA | |

|41. |UNATED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND |Assist member |Pranesh C Saha |Energy Resources Section, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND |countries in the wider|Tel:+ 66 2 288 1546 |Environment and Natural | |

| |THE PACIFIC-ESCAP |dissemination of |Fax: +66 2 288 1059 |Resources Development Divi, UN| |

| | |renewable energy |saha.unescap@ |Building, Rajdamnern | |

| | | | 10200, Thailand | |

| | | |rgy | | |

|42. |WISE INTERNATIONAL |World information |P de Ryk |PO Box 59636,1040 LC Amsterdam,|INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |services on energy, |Tel: + 31 20 612 63 68 Fax:+31 | | |

| | |focus on nuclear |20 689 21 79 |Netherlands | |

| | |energy. Magazine |wiseamster@antenna.nl | | |

| | | | | | |

|43. |WORLD BANK |Energy strategy, |Karl Jechoutek |F2K-146, 1818 H Street |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |management assessment |Tel:+ 1 202 458 2872 |NW,Washington, DC 20433, | |

| | |and financing | |USA | |

|44. |WORLD ENERGY CONCIL |Founded in 1923, |Gerald Doucet |5th Floor Regency House,1-4 |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |multi-energy non |TeL:+44 20 7734 5996 Fax: + 44|Warwick Street, London W1B 5LT,| |

| | |governmental |20 7734 5926 |UK | |

| | |organisation active in|info@ | | |

| | |100 countries | | | |

|45. |WODLD HEALTH ORGANISATION |Solar energy for |Michel Zaffran |Via Appia, 1211 Geněve 27, |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| | |health in rural areas |Tel: + 41 22 7912111 |Switzerland | |

| | |of developing |Fax: +4122 791 4193 | | |

| | |countries, vaccine |zaffranm@who.ch | | |

| | |refrigeration, |http:// who.ch | | |

| | |lighting etc | | | |

|46. |WORLD RENEWABLE ENERGY |WREN is a network of |Prof. AAM Sayigh |147 Hilmanton, Lower |INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION |

| |NETWORK-WREN |worldwide |Tel:+ 44 118 961 1364 Fax: + 44|Earley,Reading RG6 4HN, | |

| | |Organisations |118 961 1365 |UK | |

| | |promoting |asayigh@netcomuk.co.uk | | |

| | |environmentally safe | | | |

| | |and economically | | | |

| | |sustainable renewable | | | |

| | |energy | | | |

|47. |FAC SCIENCIAS AGRARIAS |Biomass energy |Dr. Leonor Carrillo |Microbiology, Alberdi 47, PO |ARGENTINA |

| | |training for |Tel: + 54 388 4221547 Fax: + 54|Box 576, 4600 Jujuy | |

| | |post-graduates and |388 4221547 | | |

| | |agricultural |lcarrillo@.ar | | |

| | |microbiology for | | | |

| | |pre-graduates | | | |

|48. |INERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY|Renewable energy |Dr. Graceiela Lesino | |ARGENTINA |

| |- ARGENTINA NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +54 387 4255 489 | | |

| | | |lesino@ciunsa.edu.ar | | |

|49 |ABRE AL SOL |Cocinas y calefones |Susana Mazzolli |Av Santa Fe 1159 3 “F” Posatal |ARGENTINA |

| | |solares |Tel/Fax: +54(11)4815-2999 |Code 1059 | |

| | | |mazzolli@wamani. | | |


| |SOCIETY - AUSTRALIA NATIONAL |Renewable energy |Fax: + 61 2 9311 0004 | | |

| |BEREAU |projects |anzses@unsw.edu.au | | |

|51. |ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGY |Non-profit environment|Tel:+61 3 9388 9311 Fax:+61 3 |PO Box 2001, Lygon Street |AUSTRALIA |

| |ASSOCIATION ATA |group which promotes |9388 9322 ata@.au |North, East Brunswick, Victoria| |

| | |renewable technology | |3057 | |

| | |to the domestic user | | | |

|52. |ANZSES LTD- AUSTRALIAN AND |Social and economic |George Hardy |PO Box 1140,Marouba,NSW 2035 |AUSTRALIA |

| |ZEALAND SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY |development through |Tel: + 61 2 9311 0003 Fax: + 61| | |

| | |the sound utilisation |2 9311 0004 | | |

| | |of solar energy |anzses@unsw.edu.au | | |

|53. |AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND SOLAR |RE activity |Bill F Parker |Solar Progress,Box 322,Mount |AUSTRALIA |

| |ENERGY SOCIETY | |Tel: +61 8 9371 6373 |Lawley 69229, Australia | |

| | | |Fax: + 61 8 9471 7945 | | |

| | | |renew@.au | | |

| | | | | | |

|54. |RENEW MAGAZINE |Promotes |Kulja Coulston |Publications, |AUSTRALIA |

| | |sustainable/renewable |Tel: +61 3 93889311 Fax:+ 61 3 |PO Box 2001, | |

| | |technology like solar,|93889322 ata@.au |Lygon St North, | |

| | |wind, solar hot water,| |Brunswick | |

| | |microhydro th the | |East, | |

| | |domestic user | |VIC 3057 | |

|55. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Prof. Dr. Erich Panzhauseer | |AUSTRALIA |

| |SOCIETY - AUSTRALIA NATIONAL |projects |Fax: +61 2 9311 0004 | | |

| |BEREAU | |kstield@email.archlad.tuwien.ac| | |

| | | |.at | | |

|56. |SUSTAINABLE ENERGY INDUSTRY |Policy development; |J Danid Abba |PO Box 411, Dickson,ACT 2602 |AUSTRALIA |

| |ASSOCIATION (AUSTRALIA) LTD |liaison; |Tel:+ 61 6 230 0271 Fax: +61 6 | | |

| | |representation of |230 0273 seia@.au | | |

| | |member's interests to | | | |

| | |government | | | |

|57. |UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES |Centre specialising in|Tel: +61 2 9385 4018 Fax: +61 2|Centre for Photovoltaic |AUSTRALIA |

| | |photovoltaic research |9662 4240 |Engineerin, Sydney, NSW 2339 | |

| | |and training | | | |

|58. |UNIVERSITY OF THE NOTHERN |Focus on research of |Keith Presnell |Centre for Energy |AUSTRALIA |

| |TERRITORY |appropiate |Tel: +61 8 8946 6883 Fax:+ 61 |Research,Darwin,Northern | |

| | |applications for |8 8946 6993 |Territory 0909 | |

| | |sustainable energy |keith.presnell@ntu.edu.au | | |

| | |technologies | | | |

|59. |WODLD SOLAR CHALLENGE |Biennial solar car |Chris Selwood |2001,South Australian Tourism |AUSTRIA |

| | |race across the |Tel: +61 8 8463 4690 Fax:+61 8|Commission,GPO Box 1972, | |

| | |Australian continent |8305 01 75 wsc@.au |Adelaide 5001 | |

| | | | | | |

|60. |ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT ERNEUERBARE |Consulting and design |Ing Warner Weiss Tel:+43 3 112|Feldgasse 19,8200 Gleisdorf |AUSTRIA |

| |ENERGIE |in solar thermal, |588617 | | |

| | |photovoltaics, |Fax:+43 3 112 588618 | | |

| | |transparent insulation|office@aee.at | | |

| | |and biomass | | | |

|61. |AUSTRIAN BIOFUELS INSTITUTE |Professional |Werner Korbitz Tel:+43 1 |Graben 14/2,PO Box 97, A-1014 |AUSTRIA |

| | |support service |53456-33 Fax:+43 1 53456-38 |Vienna | |

| | |for profitable |werner-koerbitz@biodiesel.at | | |

| | |production of | | | |

| | |biodiesel and | | | |

| | |bioethanol | | | |

|62. |BIOENERGY AUSTRIA |Association of top | |Postfach 208,1013 Vienna |AUSTRIA |

| | |performing Austrian |Tel:+43 1 470 12 25 | | |

| | |companies; developing |Fax:+43 1 470 12 25 info@iec.at| | |

| | |system solutions for | | | |

| | |bioenergy that work | | | |

|63. |ENERGIEVERWERTUNGSAGENTUR-EVA |Non-profit GONGO; |Christian Rakos Tel:+43 1 586 |Linke Wienzeile 18, 1060 Wien, |AUSTRIA |

| | |studies, services, |15 24 Fax:+43 1 586 94 88 | | |

| | |information and |rakos@eva.wsr.ac.at | | |

| | |policy-design | | | |

|64. |FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY |Responsible for energy|Franz Meister |Spittekauer Lande 5, 1090 Wien,|AUSTRIA |

| | |policy in Austria |Tel:+43 131304 55 02 Fax:+43 |Austria | |

| | | |131304 54 00 | | |

|65. |IHS KAERNTEN |Renewable energy use, |Dr. Reinhard Madlener Tel:+43 |Institute for Advanced Studies,|AUSTRIA |

| | |bioenergy systems, |463 592150 Fax:+4346359215013 |Domgasse 5, 9010 Klagenfurt | |

| | |energy use and |info@carinthia.his.ac.at | | |

| | |greenhouse gas | | | |

| | |abatement | | | |

|66. |JOANNEUM RESEARCH |Contract research in |Josef Spitzer |Institute of Energy |AUSTRIA |

| | |energy efficiency, |Tel:+ 43 316 876 1338 Fax:+43 |Research,Elisabethstrasse 5, | |

| | |renewable energy and |316 876 1320 |A-8010 Graz, Austria | |

| | |environmental effects |josef.spitzer@joanneum.ac.at | | |

| | | | | | |

|67. |O Ö ENERGIESPARVERBAND |Regional energy agency|Christiane Egger |Landstraβe 45,4020 Linz |AUSTRIA |

| | |with the aim of |Tel:+43 73265 844380 Fax:+43 | | |

| | |promoting energy |73265844383 office@esv.or.at | | |

| | |efficiency and then | | | |

| | |use of renewable | | | |

| | |energy sources | | | |

|68. |ÖSTERREICHISCHER |Supporting and |Franz Urban |Museumstraβe 5, 1070 Wien |AUSTRIA |

| |ENERGIEKONSUMENTEN-VERBAND-ÖEKV |promoting activities |Tel:+43 1 523 75 11 Fax:+43| | |

| | |which serve the |1 526 36 09 oekv@netway.at | | |

| | |members and defined | | | |

| | |groups of trade and | | | |

| | |industry | | | |

|69. |ÖSTERREICHISCHES STATISTISCHES |The Austrian central |Robert Alden |Energy Statistics, Hintere |AUSTRIA |

| |ZENTRALAMT |statistical office |Tel:+43 1 7 11280 Fax:+ 43 |Zollamtsstaβe 2B, 1033 Wien | |

| | |providing information |1711 287323 | | |

| | |on energy and |robert.alder@oestat.gv.at | | |

| | |emissions | | | |

|70. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Publishes newsletters,|Prof. M Husssain Tel:+880 2 81 |Dhaka University,Phisics |BANGLADESH |

| |SOCIETY -ISES BANGLADESH |holds conferences, |5940 Fax:+880 2 861 5583 |Department, Dhaka 1000 | |

| | |seminars and |dumail@du. | | |

| | |exhibitions on | | | |

| | |renewable energy | | | |

|71. |SUSTAINABLE RURAL ENERGY PROJECT |Sustainable Rural |MD Tarik-UL-Islam |Local Governmental Engineering |BELGIUM |

| | |Energy Project has |Tel:+880 2 81 19138 Fax:+880 |Department - LGED, Lqed Bhagan,| |

| | |been taken up to |2 81 13144 tarik@ |Agargaon,Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh| |

| | |promote renewable | | | |

| | |energy in Bangladesh | | | |

|72. |APERE |Association for the |Michel Huart |Rue Royale 171, 1210 Bruxelles |BELGIUM |

| | |promotion of renewable|Tel:+32 212187899: Fax: | | |

| | |energy |+32212192151 apere@skynet.be | | |

| | | | | | |

|73. |BELCOGEN |Project of ENERGIK, |Dr. Ir Staf Spaepen Tel:+32 3 |1116 St Bernardsesteenweg, 2460|BELGIUM |

| | |the association of |827 57 30 Fax: +32 3 289 01 40 |Hoboken | |

| | |energy and |wel@village.unet.be | | |

| | |environmental industry| | | |

| | |in Flanders and | | | |

| | |Brussels | | | |

|74. |EUROPEAN ISLANDS ENERGY AND |Help develop projects |Vicky Argyraki |200 rue Engeland,1180 Brussels |BELGIUM |

| |ENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK - ISLENET |in islands; circulate |Tel:+32 2 3750281 Fax:+32 2 | | |

| | |information; |3750281 vargyraki@skynet.be | | |

| | |communicate to the EU | | | |

|75. |INSTITUT WALLON ASBL |Information and |Didier Goetghebuer Tel: +32 81 |Boulevard Frere Orban 4, 5000 |BELGIUM |

| | |training in RUE and |25 04 80 Fax: +32 81 25 04 90 |Namur | |

| | |renewable energy |iwallon@iwallon.be | | |

| | | | | | |

|76. |ISES - BELGIUM |Renewable energy |A Gillet |Belgian Division of ISES - |BELGIUM |

| | |auditing designing; |Tel: +32 10 84 07 52 Fax: +32|International, 66 rue du | |

| | |bioclimatic |10 24 19 33 |Centry, 1390 Grez Duiceau | |

| | |architecture; heat | | | |

| | |pumps designing; | | | |

| | |consultancy | | | |

|77. |KU LEUVEN |University electrical |Achim Woyte |Department EE/ESAT - ELEN, |BELGIUM |

| | |energy group, research|Tel: +32 16 32 1020 Fax: +32 |Kardinaal Mercierlaan 94, | |

| | |and development and |16 32 1985 |B-3001 Leuven | |

| | |education |gerda.derijt@esat.kuleuven.ac.b| | |

| | | |e | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |elen | | |

|78. |UNIVERSITĒ LIBRE DE BRUXELLES |Research centre; |Walter Hecq |Centre for Economic and Social |BELGIUM |

| |(CEESE -ULB) |environmental and |Tel: +32 2 650 33 77 Fax: +32 |Studies on the Envi, 44 Avenue | |

| | |energy audits; |2 650 46 91 whecq@ulb.ac.be |Jeanne, 1050 Brussels | |

| | |environmental impack | | | |

| | |studies; modelling | | | |

|79. |VITO |Involved in waste to |Luc Pelkmans |Boeretang 200, B - 2400 Mol |BELGIUM |

| | |energy, bio - fuels, |Tel: +32 14 335800 Fax: +32 14 | | |

| | |CHP |321185 kretzscj@vito.be | | |

| | | | | | |

|80. |VLAAMSE INSTELLING VOOR |Contract research and |JG |Boeretang 200, B - 2400 Mol |BELGIUM |

| |TECHNOLOGISCH ONDERZOEK VITO |services in energy, |Kretzschmar | | |

| | |environment and |Tel: +32 14 33 58 00 Fax: +32 | | |

| | |materials |14 32 11 85 | | |

| | | |jan.kretzschmar@vito.be | | |

| | | | | | |

|81. |WORLD RENEWABLE ENERGY NETWORK |Promotion of |AC Gillet |66 rue du Centry, B - 1300 Grez|BELGIUM |

| | |renewable, world-wide |Tel: +32 10 840952 Fax: +32 10|Doiceau | |

| | |organiser of world |24 19 33 | | |

| | |renewable energy | | | |

| | |congresses | | | |

| |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Andre Gillet | |BELGIUM |

| |SOCIETY- BELGIUM NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +32 10 24 19 33 | | |

| | | |atelier.d@skynet.be | | |

|82. |INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING GROUP |-Cabinet de Formation |Hounzangbe Frederic |03 BP 1 3 0 1,Cotonou, 03 |BENIN |

| |(ICG) SARL |audit intere, externe |Tel: (229) 3026 56 (229) | | |

| | |Expertise Comptable et|91 38 23 | | |

| | |Conseil en Gestion |Fax: (229) 33 31 88 | | |

| | |Etude de Faisabilite |hounzangbe/frederic@yahoo.fr | | |

| | |diagnostigue | | | |

| | |-Formation en | | | |

| | |Technique Manageriale | | | |

|83. |FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF CEARA -UFC |Research group in the |Mr. Paulo Cesar Marques de |Grupo de |BRAZIL |

| | |field of renewable |Carvalho Tel:+55 85 288 9586 |Processamento de | |

| | |energy |Fax:+55 85 288 9574 |Energia E Controle, | |

| | | |carvalho@dee.ufc.br |Departamento de Eng | |

| | | | |Eléctrica, Caixa Postal | |

| | | | |6001, Fontaleza – | |

| | | | |CE 60455-760 | |

|84. |INSTITUTO DE DESENVOLVIMENTO |NGO based on the |Armando Leite Mendes de Abreu |Renewable energy, Rua Dr Josẻ |BRAZIL |

| |SUSTENTÀVEL E ENERGIAS RENOVAVEIS|concept of the |Tel:+55 85 271 1692 |Furtado 1480, Cambeba, | |

| |IDER |sustainable |Fax:+55 85 271 1975 |Fortaleza Ceara 60822-300, | |

| | |development |ider@.br | | |

|85. |WINROCK INTERNATIONAL |Non - for - profit |Osvaldo Soliano Tel:+55 71 |REPSO, Av Luis Tarquinio Pontes|BRAZIL |

| | |organisation dedicated|3791759 Fax:+55 71 |258 BI A, s/108 Vilasdo, | |

| | |to improve quality of |3791759 mail@.br |Atlantico - Laauro, De Freitas | |

| | |life in rural areas | |- BA 212 700-000 | |

|86. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERY |Renewable energy |Prof. Waheeb E. Alnaser | |BAHRAIN |

| |SOCIETY- BAHRIAN NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +973 68 25 82 | | |

| | | |waheeb@sci.uob.bh | | |

|87. |INTENATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY|Renewable energy |Dr. Anna Dobrinova Penkin | |BULGARIA |

| |- BULGARIA NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +359 2 951 5265 | | |

| | | |adiss@ | | |

|88. |BULGARIAN FOUNDATION FOR ENERGY |Promotes the |Konstantin Krahtov |1B Strumitza Street, 1000 Sofia|BULGARIA |

| |EFFICIENCY |effectiveness of the |Tel: +359 2 981 88 08 Fax:+359 | | |

| | |production and energy |2 981 88 08 eef@techno-| | |

| | |consumption in | | | |

| | |Bulgaria | | | |

|89. |ATLANTIC WIND TEST SITE |Wind energy testing |Carl Brothers |RR 4 Tignish,North Cape, PEL |CANADA |

| | |and development; |Tel: +1 902 882 2746 |C0B 2B0 | |

| | |consulting computer |Fax:+1 902 882 3823 | | |

| | |modelling, project |info@awts.pe.ca | | |

| | |management 057 | | | |

|90. |CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR |Association to promote|Bill Eggertson |435 Brennan Avenue, Ottawa, |CANADA |

| |RENEWABLE ENERGIES |feasible applications |Tel: +1 613 728 0822 Fax:+ 1|Ontario K1Z6J9 | |

| | |of renewable energy in|613 728 2505 info@renewables.ca| | |

| | |Canada | | | |

|91. |CANADIAN SOLAR INDUSTRIES |Trade association for |A Pritchard |250-2415 Holly Lane,Ottawa, |CANADA |

| |ASSOCIATION - CANSIA |photovoltaic, solar |Tel:+1 613 736 9077 Fax:+ 1|Ontario K1V 7P2 | |

| | |water and solar air |613 736 8938 info@cansia.ca | | |

| | |technologies | | | |

|92. |CANMET ENERGY DIVERSIFICATION |One of Canada's |Tel:+1 450 652 4621 Fax:+1 |Renewable Energy and Hybrid |CANADA |

| |RESEARCH LABORATORY CEDRL |federal laboratories |450 652 5777 |Systems, 1615 Lionel -Boulet | |

| | |devoted to energy |business@cedrl.mets.nrcan.gc.ca|Boulevard, Varennes, Quebec J3X| |

| | |efficiency and | |IS6 | |

| | |alternative energies | | | |

|93. |DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY |Research; solar water |Tel:+1 902 494 3299 Fax:+1 |DalTech,PO Box |CANADA |

| | |heaters, solar pumps |902 423 6711 peter.allen@dal.ca|1000,Halifax,Nova Scotia B3J | |

| | |and heat exchangers | |2X4 | |

|94. |DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES |Canadian national team|Michel Lamanque Tel:+1 613 947 |Energy Technolgy Branch -CADDET|CANADA |

| |CANADA |contact of the CADDET |3812 Fax:+1 613 947 1016 |Energy Efficienc, 580 Booth | |

| | |energy efficiency |mlamanqu@nrcan.gc.ca |Street, 13th Floor, Ottawa, | |

| | |network | |Ontario K1A 0E4 | |

|95. |EARTH ENERGY SOCIETY OF CANADA |Trade association to |Bill Eggertson |130 Slater Street, Suite 1050, |CANADA |

| | |promote ground-coupled|Tel:+1 613 230 2332 Fax:+1 613 |Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2 | |

| | |(GeoExchange) heat |822 4987 info@earthenergy.ca | | |

| | |pumps in Canada | | | |

|96. |MEMERIAL UNIVERSITY |Research on |Dr. Neil Bose |Ocean Engineering Research |CANADA |

| | |atmospheric icing of |Tel:+1 709 737 8805 Fax:+1 |Centre, Faculty of Engineering | |

| | |wind turbines and |709 737 2116 |and Applied Science, St Jonn's,| |

| | |wind/diesel systems | |Newfoundland AΒ 3Χ5 | |

|97. |MINISTĔRE ENERGIE RESSOURCES |Government agency for |Mr. Donald Maltais |5700 - 4 Ε Avenue Quest, |CANADA |

| |QUEBEC |energy resources in |Tel:+1 418 643 4561 Fax:+ 1 418|Charlesbourg, Quebec G1 H 6R1 | |

| | |Quebec |643 8337 | | |

| | | | | | |

|98. |NATURAL RESOURCES CANADA |National research |Jean - Claude Cloutier |Canmet Energy Diversification |CANADA |

| | |laboratory in energy |Tel:+1 514 652 4621 Fax:+1 |Research Laboratory, 1615 | |

| | |efficiency and |514 652 5994 |Lionel Boulet Boulevard, | |

| | |renewable energy |jeclouti@nrcan.gc.ca |Varennes, Quebec J3X 1S6 | |

| | | | | | |

|99. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Terry White | |CANADA |

| |SOCIETY- CANADA NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax:+1 613 234 2988 | | |

| | | |sesci@cyberus.ca | | |

|100. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Prof. Yan Laguang | |CHINA |

| |SOCIETY - CHINA NATIONAL BEREAU |projects |Fax:+ 86 10 6201 2880 | | |

| | | |bseri@public3..cn | | |

|101. |INTERNATIONAL NETWORK ON SMALL |International |Tong Jiandong |PO Box 202,136 Nanshan Road, |CHINA |

| |HYDROPOWER - IN-SHP |organisation on small |Tel:+ 86 571 7070070 |Hangzhou 310002 | |

| | |hydropower and |Fax:+86 571 7023353 | | |

| | |renewable energy |hic@mail.hz. | | |

| | | | | |

|102. |CORPODIB |Corporation |David Cala Hederich |Av. 15 No.106-50. Of. 401 |COLOMBIA |

| | | |Tel/Fax: | | |

| | | |057-1-6293421/3185/0371 | | |

| | | | | | |

| |JEUNESSE TOUT AZIMUT |Lutte Contre La |Armal Ghisian |25, Rue Manianga Talangat, EP |CONGO |

| | |Fauverete |+(242)28 66 90 |50 | |

| | | |jounessetoutazimut@yahoo.fr | | |

|103. |FEDERATION NATIONALE DES PAYSANS,|Combattre les |Pierre Patrick Mukadi Kaningu |01, Croisement By Pass/ |CONGO |

| |ARTISANS ET TRAVAILLEURS RURAUX |Injustices, la misere,|Tel: +(243)99 89 024 |Echangeur, Lemba/Kinshasa, | |

| | |la pauvrete et la |Fax: +(243)89 45 630 |Postal Code 477 | |

| | |faim, bref, le sous - |Fenapa41@yahoo.fr ou | | |

| | |developpement |fenapa2000@yahoo.fr | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|104. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Prof. Shyam S.Nandwani | |COSTA RICA |

| |SOCIETY - COSTA RICA NATIONAL |projects |Fax:+506 2601 197 | | |

| |BURUEA | |snandwan@una.ac.cr | | |

|105. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Ljubomir Miscevic Fax:+ 385 1 | |CROATIA |

| |SOCIETY - CROATIA NATIONAL BUREAU|projects |42 24 24 soltech@zg.tel.hr | | |

|106. |CROATIAN SOLAR ENERGY ASSOCIATION|Renewable energy |Bernard Frankvic |Vukovarska 58,51000 |CROATIA | |

| | |sources; journal |Tel:+ 385 51 675 801 |Rijeka, Hrvatska | | |

| | |publishing; organising|Fax:+385 51 675 801 | | | |

| | |the congress 'Energy |huse@rijeka.riteh.hr | | | |

| | |and Environment' | | | | |

|107. |ENERGY INSTITUTE |Promoting of efficient|Laszlo Horvath Tel:+385 1 61 25|‘Hrvoje Pozar' Ltd, Ulica |CROATIA |

| | |energy technologies, |598 Fax:+385 1 61 18 401 |grada Vukovara 37,PP 141, 10000| |

| | |rational use of energy|hpetric@eihp.hr |Zegreb | |

| | |and renewable energy | | | |

| | |sources | | | |

|108. |RUDJER BOSKOVIC INSTITUTE |Photovoltaic |Dr. Natko Urli |Bijenicka 54,PO Box 1016, 10000|CROATIA |

| | |consultancy, design |Tel:+385 1 468 0251 |Zagreb | |

| | |and testing an solar |Fax:+385 1 468 0084 | | |

| | |thermal collectors and| | | |

| | |concentraters | | | |

|109. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCITY|Renewable energy |Dr. Despina Serghides Fax:+ 357| |CYPRUS |

| |- CYPRUS NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |2 49 49 53 | | |

| | | |d.k.serghides@.cy | | |

|110. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Dr. Ladislav Michalicka Fax:+ | |CZECH REPUBLIC |

| |SOCIETY - CZECH REPUBLIC NATIONAL|projects |42 2 242 27 836 ladmich@post.cz| | |

| |BUREAU | | | | |

|111. |EKOWATT THE RENEWABLE ENERGY AND |RE and EE consultants;|Jiri Beranovsky |Praha, Bubenská 6, 170 00 Praha|CZECH REPUBLIC |

| |ENERGY EFFICIENCY CENTRE |auditing planning, |Tel:+ 42 2 6671 0245 Fax:+42|7 | |

| | |feasibility, training,|2 6671 0248 ekowatt@ekowatt.cz | | |

| | |policy and analysis | | | |

|112. |SLUNICKO |Public |Karel Murtinger Tel:+42 38 741 |U Cihelny 5, 370 06 Ceske |CZECH REPUBLIC |

| | |consultancy/informatio|2272 karelmu@hbu.cas.cz |Budejovice | |

| | |n service in solar | | | |

| | |energy, renewable | | | |

| | |energies and energy | | | |

| | |conservation | | | |

|113. |TECHNOLOGY CENTRE ASCR |Organisation for |Daran Panacek Tel:+42 2 203 |OPET CR Division, Rozvojova |CZECH REPUBL |

| | |promotion of energy |90712 Fax:+42 2 209 22698 |135, 165 02 Praha | |

| | |technologies, |panacek@tc.cas.cz | | |

| | |technology transfer | | | |

|114. |AERø ENRGI- OG MILJøKONTOR |Information, guided |Henrik Knudsen |Vestergade 64, 5970 Aerøskøbing|DENMARK |

| | |tours, local energy in|Tel: +45 62 52 1587 Fax: +45 | | |

| | |remote areas and |62 52 27 31 | | |

| | |island energy | | | |

|115. |BRANCHEFORENINGEN FOR DECANTRAL |Danish trade |Henrik Lilja |Handverksradet, Amaliegade 31, |DENMARK |

| |KRAFTVARME |organisation for |Tel: +45 33 93 2000 |1256 Copenhagen K | |

| | |small-scale |Fax: +45 33 32 01 74 | | |

| | |cogeneration |Lilja@hrv.dk | | |

| | | | | | |

|116. |DANISH BOARD OF DISTRICT HEATING |Organisation informing|Lars Bobilsen |Gredesensvej Indgang 3, 2600 |DENMARK |

| |-DBDH |and communicating the |Tel: +45 43 99 50 69 |Taastrup | |

| | |principles of Danish |Fax: +45 43 99 50 69 | | |

| | |district heating | | | |

|117. |DANISH INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT |Contact for contracts |Jean Paul Laude |Ministry of Foreign Affairs, |DENMARK |

| |ASSISTANCE - DANIDA |and purchases between |Tel: +45 33 92 00 00 |Asiatisk Plads 2, 1448 | |

| | |Denmark and developing|Fax: +45 33 92 07 90 |Copenhagen K | |

| | |markets overseas |jealau@um.dk | | |

|118. |DANISH ORGANISATION FOR RENEWABLE|Memebership |Tel:+45 86760444 Fax: +45 |Dannebrogsgade 8A, 8000 Aarhus |DENMARK |

| |ENERGY |organization with 3000|86760544 ove@orgve.dk |C | |

| | |members; international| | | |

| | |cooperation programs | | | |

|119. |DANISH TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE |Testing, approval, R |Erick Scheldon |Solar Energy Centre Denmark,PO |DENMARK |

| | |and D of active , |Tel: +45 7220 2460 Fax: +45 |Box 141, DK-2630 Tåstrup | |

| | |passive, PV solar |7220 2469 | | |

| | |system |info@ | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |m | | |

|120. |DANISH WIND TURBINE MANUFACTURERS|Organisation |Soren Krohn |Vester Voldgade 106, DK -1552 |DENMARK |

| |ASSOCIATION |representing Danish |Tel: +45 3373 0330 Fax: +45 |Copenhagen | |

| | |wind manufacturers |3373 0333 danish@windpower.dk | | |

|121. |EUROPIAN INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENT|Know-how centre for |Vibeke Nielsen |Dalgas Alle 1, 7400 Herning |DENMARK |

| |ENERGY - EIEE |energy from renewables|Tel: +45 99 26 83 80 Fax: +45 | | |

| | |and fossil fuels |99 26 83 70 eiee@inet.uni2.dk | | |

| | | | | | |

|122. |FOLKECENTR FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY |Technology transfer, R|Preben Maegaard |Kammersgaardsvej 16, 7760 Hurup|DENMARK |

| | |and D, training, |Tel: +45 97 95 66 00 Fax: +45 |Thy | |

| | |consultancy, wind, |97 95 65 65 | | |

| | |biomass, solar, |energy@folkecenter.dk | | |

| | |integrated systems, | | | |

| | |ecology | | | |

|123. |FORUM FOR ENERGY AND DEVELOPMENT |Non-governmental |Line Schiermacher |Blegdamsvej 4B, 2200 Copenhagen|DENMARK |

| |- FED |umbrella organisation |Tel: +45 35 24 77 00 |N | |

| | |nourishing dialogue |Fax: +45 35 24 7717 | | |

| | |and cooperation |inforse@ | | |

| | |between energy | | | |

| | |organisations | | | |

|124. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Information about |Torben Esbensen |Mollegade 54-56, 6400 |DENMARK |

| |SOCIETY - ISES EUROPE |solar energy |Tel: +45 73 423 100 Fax: +45 |Sonderborg | |

| | |throughout Europe |73 423 101 esb.sdb@esbensen.dk | | |

|125. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Torben Esbensen | |DENMARK |

| |SOCIETY - DENMARK NATIONAL BUREAU|projects |Fax: +45 7342 3101 | | |

| | | |torben.esb@esbensen.dk | | |

|126. |DOMINICA CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION|Actively engaged in |Henry Shillingford Tel:+ 809 |PO Box 109, Roseau |DOMINICA |

| | |promoting appropriate|7674484098 Fax:+809 | | |

| | |technology for |767448 4334 domcona@cwdom.dm | | |

| | |sustainable | | | |

| | |development | | | |

|127. |BEHERA SOCIETY FOR SCIENCE AND |Electrical Field and |Mohammad Kandil |18 shaarawy street, loran. |EGYPT |

| |TECHNOLOGY (BESST) |Electrical Energy |kandil@ |Alexandria | |

| | |Conservation Projects | | | |

|128. |EGYPTIAN SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY |Manufacturers of wind |M Mahmoud |PO Box 487, Dokki |EGYPT |

| | |turbines for water |Tel: +20 2 345 2850 | | |

| | |pumping; 6 - 100m |Fax:+20 2 556 1236 | | |

| | |depth |eses@.eg | | |

| | | | | | |

|129. |SOLAR AND SPACE RESEARCH |Photovoltaic testing |Prof. MA Mosalam Shaltant |National Research Inst of |EGYPT |

| |DEPARTMENT |in outdoors |Tel: +2025560046x335 Fax:+20|Astronomy and Geophysics, | |

| | |conditions, PV - |2 554 8020 |Helwan,Cairo | |

| | |hydrogen application |mamshaltout@frcu.eun.eg | | |

| | |and water pumping | | | |

|130. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Dr. Hisham El-Agamawy | |EGYPT |

| |SOCIETY |projects |Fax: + 202 345 2850 | | |

| | | |eses@.eg | | |

|131. |ESTONIAN PEWER AND HEAT |Energy legislation, |Rein Hanni |Vilmsi Street 53, 10147 Tallin |ESTONIA |

| |ASSOCAITION |training, |Tel: +372 6 009351 | | |

| | |international |Fax: +372 6 009832 | | |

| | |relations and projects|epha@online.ee | | |

| | | | | | |

|132. |RENEWABLE ENERGY CENTRE TAASEN |Advice and consultancy|Tonu Lausmaa |3 Tööstuse, 10413 Tallinn |ESTONIA |

| | |in renewable energy |Tel: +372 6 726 690 | | |

| | |systems and energy |Fax: +372 6 726 690 | | |

| | |saving technologies |tlausmaa@teleport.ee | | |

|133. |AGRIFOOD RESEARCH FINLAND |Biomass and biofuels |Jukka Pietila |Agricultural Engineering |FINLAND |

| | |research, measurement |Tel: +358 9 224251 |Research, Vakolantie 55,FIN - | |

| | |of performance, |Fax: +358 9 2246210 |03400 Vihti | |

| | |emissions of furnaces |firstname.surname@mtt.fi | | |

| | |and engines | | | |

|134. |ASSOCIATION OF FINNISH PEAT |Privite organisation |Raimo Sopo |Kuokkalantie 4, 40520 Jyväskylä|FINLAND |

| |INDUSTRIES |promoting the |Tel: +358 14 677 399 Fax: | | |

| | |production and |+358 14 677 405 | | |

| | |utilisation of peat in|raimo.sopo@furveliitto.fi | | |

| | |Finland | | | |

|135. |FINNISH SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY |Organisation of |Christer Nyman |PO Box 3, FIN - 06151 Porvoo |FINLAND |

| |(AURINKOTEKNILLINEN YHDISTYS) |companies and |Tel: +358 400 458790 Fax: | | |

| | |individuals active in |+358 19 543209 | | |

| | |solar energy |aurinko.yhdistys@avenet.fi | | |

| | | | | | |

|136. |FINNISH WIND POWER ASSOCIATION |Promoting wind energy |Juha Kiviluoma |PL 846, 00101 Helsinki |FINLAND |

| |(SUOMEN TUULIVOIMAYHDISTYS) |throughout Finland; |Tel: +358 9 192 941 63 Fax:| | |

| | |publishes a |+358 40 771 6114 | | |

| | |periodical, |tuuli@tuulivoimayhdistys.fi | | |

| | |'Tuulensilmä' | | |

| | | |i | | |

|137. |HELSINKI UNIVERITY OF TECHNOLOGY |Assesses the impact of|Prof. Peter Lund |Advanced Energy Systems, PO Box|FINLAND |

| | |new Finnish energy |Tel: +358 9 451 3218 Fax: |2200, 02015 Hut | |

| | |system |+358 9 451 3195 | | |

| | | | | | |

|138. |VINDKRAFTFÖRENINGGEN RF (THE |NGO promoting the use |Herbert Βυholm |PO Box 124,65101 Vasa |FINLAND |

| |FINNISH WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION) |of wind energy in |Tel: +358 6500 862886 Fax:| | |

| | |Finland |+3586 312 8882 | | |

| | | |hdyholm@pp.qnet.fi | | |

|139. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Perti Konttinen | |FINLAND |

| |SOCIETY - FINLAND NATIONAL BEREAU|projects |Fax: +358 9 451 3195 | | |

| | | |isessuomi@hut.fi | | |

|141. |ADEME - CENTRE DE PARIS VANVES |Promotion of |Jean Louis Bal |27 rue Louis Vicat, 75015 Paris|FRANCE |

| | |sustainable |Tel: +33 1 47 65 22 27 | | |

| | |development, waste |Fax: +33 1 47 65 21 60 | | |

| | |minimisation, | | | |

| | |pollution and noise | | | |

| | |prevention | | | |

|142. |AMORCE |Association of local |Nicolas Garnier |10 quai Sarrail, 69006 Lyon |FRANCE |

| | |authorities and |Tel: +33 4 7274 09 77 Fax: +33 | | |

| | |professionals |4 7274 03 32 | | |

| | | |amorce@amorce.asso.fr | | |

|146. |CLUB DES UTILISATEURS DE |Non profi association |Alain Ringnet |14 rue des Champs, 53250 Madre |FRANCE |

| |PHOTOPILES |which aims to promote |Tel: +33 2 43 08 57 11 Fax:| | |

| | |PV energy and systems |+33 2 43 08 57 11 | | |

| | | |alan.ringnet@wanadoo.fr | | |

|147. |COMITE DE LIAISON DES ENERGIES |Multi - discipline |Jean -Pieere Trillet |2B rue Jules Ferry, 93100 |FRANCE |

| |RENOUVELABLES - CLER |organisation working |Tel: +33 1 55 86 8000 Fax:|Montreuil | |

| | |in the areas of |+33 1 55 86 8001 | | |

| | |bioclimatic |jeanpierre.trillet@ | | |

| | |architecture, biomass,| | | |

| | |earth building , micro| | | |

| | |hydro, photovoltaics, | | | |

| | |solat thermal and | | | |

| | |wind, coordinating the| | | |

| | |activities of 60 | | | |

| | |associations | | | |

|148. |COMITE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE |An association of HVAC|JB Hoffmann |Domaine de Saint - Paul, 78470 |FRANCE |

| |DES INDUSTRIES CLIMATIQUES - |companies offering R |Tel: +33 1 30 85 20 31 |Saint - Remy -les - Chevreuese | |

| |COSTIC |and D and training in |Fax: +33 1 30 85 20 38 | | |

| | |the fields of wood | | | |

| | |combustion, biomass, | | | |

| | |cogeneration, energy | | | |

| | |management | | | |

|149. |ECOLE DES MINES DE PARIS/ARMINES |Research and education|Bruno Peuportier |Centre d’Energique – CENERG, 60|FRANCE |

| | |in solar energy and |Tel: +33 1 40 51 91 51 |Bd St Michel, 75272 Paris Cedex| |

| | |the environment |Fax: +33 1 46 34 24 91 |06 | |

| | | |peuportier@cenerg.ensmp.fr | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |eng.html | | |

|150. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Andre Sauze | |FRANCE |

| |SOCIETY- FRANCE NATIONAL BUREAU |project |Fax: +33 3 8824 1490 | | |

| | | |hug@ensais.u-strasbg.fr | | |

|151. |THE GAMBIA RENEWABLE ENERGY |Trained Technicans in |Bah F.M. Saho |Director of Energy Office of |THE GAMBIA |

| |CENTRE |Renewable Energy |Tel: (220)200050/919585 |the President State House | |

| | |Systems |Fax: (220)227034/223718 |Banjul, Postal Code NIL | |

| | | |energy@qanet.gm | | |

| | | |/bahsaho@ | | |

|152. |NGO "GREEN EARTH" |Renewable energy |Alexandre Grdzelidze; Dodo |4v Mazniashvili |GEORGIA |

| | |projects |Kereselidze |Str. Tbilisi -380002 | |

| | | |Fax: +995 32 958420 | | |

| | | |meladzen@ | | |

|153. |YES COUNTRY NETWORK GEORGIA |Renewable energy |Nugzar Meladze; Kakha Nadiradze|4v Mazniashvili |GEORGIA | |

| | |projects | |Str. Tbilisi -380002 | | |

| | | |Fax: +995 32 958420 | | | |

| | | |meladzen@ | | | |

|154. |NATIONAL ENERGY NGO COALITION |Renewable energy |Nugzar Meladze; |4v Mazniashvili Str. Tbilisi |GEORGIA |

| | |projects |Prof. Otari Vezirishvili Fax: |-380002 | |

| | | |+995 32 95 84 20 | | |

| | | |meladzen@ | | |

|155. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Nugzar Meladze; Alexandre |4v Mazniashvili Str. Tbilisi |GEORGIA |

| |SOCIETY - GEORGIA NATIONAL BUREAU|projects |Grdzelidze Fax: +995 32 95 84 |-380002 | |

| | | |20 meladzen@ | | |

|156. |ENERGY EFFCIENCY CENRTE GEORGIA |Energy consultancy in |George Abulashvili |Management, 10 Lermontov Str, |GEORGIA |

| |-EEC |energy efficiency and |Tel: + 995 32 941979 Fax: |380002, Tbilisi | |

| | |renewable energy |+995 32 921508 | | |

| | |source development |g_abul@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|157. |ASEW |Association of local |Rosa Hemmers |Volksgartenstraße 22,50677 |GERMANY |

| | |utilities promoting |Tel: +49 221 93 1819 0 Fax: +49|Köln, Germany | |

| | |sustainable energy and|221 931819 9 info@asew.de | | |

| | |water usage |. asew.de | | |

|158. |BERGISCHE UNIVERSITÄT GH |Consultancy in coastal|T Dose |Fachbereich 11 – Civil |GERMANY |

| |WUPPERTAL - BUGHW |engineering and |Tel: +49 202 439 4194 Fax: |Engineering, Pauluskrchstraße | |

| | |hydraulics, numerical |+49 202 439 4196 |7, 42285 Wuppertal | |

| | |and physical modelling|igaw@uni-wuppertal.de | | |

| | | | | | |

|159. |BIOGAS-GRUPPE IN BUNDSCHUH EV |Planning and advice |Ekkehadr Schneder |Schilerstraße 34,80336 München |GERMANY |

| | |for the building of |Tel: +49 89 595393 Fax: +49 |Germany | |

| | |biogas plants in |89 598147 | | |

| | |agriculture | | | |

|160. |BUND DER ENERGIERBRAUCHER EV |Energy consumer |Dr. Aribert Peters |Grabenstr 17, 53619 |GERMANY |

| | |organisation and |Tel: +49 2224 92270 Fax: +49|Rheinbreitbach | |

| | |promoter of Phoenix |2224 10321 dbe.ev@t-online.de | | |

| | |Solar Project | | |

| | | |e | | |

|161. |BUNDESFORSCHUNGSASTAL FÜR |R and D for processes |Dr. P Weiland |FAL- institut für Technologie |GERMANY |

| |LANDWIRSCHAFT |for use in the |Tel: +49 531 596-508 Fax: |und Biosystemtechnik, | |

| | |agricultural |+49 531 596-363 |Bundesallee 50, 38116 | |

| | |community; biomass as |peter.weiland@fal.de |Braunschweig | |

| | |a fuel, energy | | | |

| | |utilization from | | | |

| | |waste, environmental | | | |

| | |management | | | |

|162. |CARMEN EV |Provides information |Dr. Werner Doller |Schulgasse 18, 94315 Straubing |GERMANY |

| | |and support to all |Tel: +49 9421 960 300 Fax: | | |

| | |involved in renewable |+49 9421 960 333 | | |

| | |resources |c.a.r.m.e.n.@t-online.de | | |

| | | | | | |

|163. |DARMSTADT UNIVERSITY OF |Research, education |Markus Scholand |Center for Interdisciplinary |GERMANY |

| |TECHNOLOGY |finance, project |Tel: +49 6151 164113 Fax: |Studies in Technology, | |

| | |management, business |+49 6151 166752 |Hochschulstrasse 1, D - 64289 | |

| | |administration, |scholand@zit.tu-darmstadt.de |Darmstadt | |

| | |consulting, | | | |

| | |sustainable | | | |

| | |development | | | |

|164. |DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR |Training, advice and |Ludwig Klehr |Augustenstraße 79, 80333 |GERMANY |

| |SONNENENERGIE EV-DGS |information about all |Tel: +49 89 52 40 71 Fax: |München | |

| | |forms of renewable |+49 89 52 16 68 | | |

| | |energy |info@dgs- | | |

| | | | | | |

|165. |DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR |The official German |Tilman C Herberg |Environmental Management Water |GERMANY |

| |TECHNISCHE ZUZAMMENARBEIT |implementing company |Tel: +49 6196 791271 |Energy Transport, Das | |

| |GMBH-GTC |for technical |Fax: +49 6196 797144 |-Hammarsköld - Weg 1+2, 65760 | |

| | |cooperation supporting| |Eschborn | |

| | |projects in developing| | | |

| | |countries | | | |

|166. |DEUTSCHE KALTE-UND |Technical/scientific |Irene Reichert |Pfaffenwaldring 10,70569 |GERMANY |

| |KLIMATECHNISCHE FEREIN EV-DKT |association providing |Tel: +49 711 685 3200 Fax: |Stuttgart | |

| | |research in cooling, |+49 711 685 3242 | | |

| | |heating and air | | | |

| | |conditioning; | | | |

| | |cogeneration, heat | | | |

| | |pumps, heat storage | | | |

|167. |DEUTSCHE FACHVERBAND |Association of the |Gerhard Stryi –Hipp |German Solar Energy |GERMANY |

| |SOLARENERGIE-DFS |German solar thermal |Tel: +49 761 2962090 |Association, Bertoldstrasse | |

| | |and photovoltaic |Fax: +49 761 2962099 |45,79098 Freiburg | |

| | |companies |dfs.freiburg@on-line.de | | |

| | | | | | |

|168. |DEUTSCHER WASSERSTOFF-VERBAND EV |Promotion of the |Ulrich Schmidtchen Tel: +49 700|Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 |GERMANY |

| |- DWV |introduction of |49376835 Fax: +4970049376 329|Berlin | |

| | |hydrogen as energy |h2@dwv-info.de | | |

| | |carrier | | | |

|169. |DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM FÜR LUFT-UND |Development of |Dr. Manfred Becker |Solare Energietechnik, Linder |GERMANY |

| |RAUMFAHRT EV-DLR |innovative |Tel: +49 2203 6012479 Fax: +49|Höhe, 51147 Köln | |

| | |technologies in |2203 66900 | | |

| | |aviation, space flight|solare-energietechnik@dlr.de | | |

| | |and energy | | | |

|170. |FACHAGENTUR NACHWACHSENDE |German co-ordinating |Birger Kerckow |Public Relations, Hofplatz 1, |GERMANY |

| |ROHSTOFFE EV-FNR |agency for bioenergy |Tel: +49 3843 6930 - 0 Fax: |18276 Gulzow | |

| | |and renewable |+4938436930102 info@fnr.de | | |

| | |bioproducts | | | |

|171. |FACHINFORMATIONSZENTRUM KARLSRUHE|European host for an |Dr. Kurt Burk |Energy and Environment |GERMANY |

| |GESELLSCHAFT FUR |international network;|Tel: +49 7247 808 351 Fax: +49|Information Services, Hetrmann | |

| |WISSENSCHAFTLICH-TECHNISCHE |execution of energy |7247 808 134 |-Von -Hemholtz - Platz 1, 76344| |

| |INFORMATION |projects |kb@fiz-karlsruhe.de |Eggenstein - Leopoldshafen | |

| | | | | |

|172. |FEDERAL INSTITUTE FOR MATERIALS |Safety and reliability|Dr. Jurgen Lexow |Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 |GERMANY |

| |RESEARCH AND TESTING - BAM |in chemistry and |Tel: +49 30 8104 - 0 Fax: +49|Berlin | |

| | |material technology |30 8112029 info@bam.de | | |

| | | | | | |

|173. |FÖRDERGEMEINSCHAFT |Supporting and |Adi Golbach |Bismarckstrasse 63, 12169 |GERMANY |

| |BLOCKHEIZKRAFTWERKE |producing CHP |Tel: +49 30 79 473670 Fax: +49|Berlin | |

| | |development by |30 79473660 | | |

| | |information activities|fg-bhkw@t-online.de | | |

|174. |FÖRDERGESELLSCHAFT WINDENERGIE EV|Wind energy promotion |Andreas Wagner |Flotowstrasse 41 - 43, 22083 |GERMANY |

| |- FGW |in science, industry |Tel: +49 40 27 809182 Fax: |Hamburg | |

| | |and politics: PR, |+49 40 27 809176 | | |

| | |conferences and |fgw-hh@t-online.de | | |

| | |workshops, research | | | |

| | |activities | | | |

|175. |FORSCHUNGINSTITUT FÜR KERNTECHNIK|Non profit energy R |Peter Holder |Pfaffenwaldring 31, 70550 |GERMANY |

| |UND ENERGIEWANDLUNG EV |and D related |Tel: +49 711 6852137 Fax: +49|Stuttgart | |

| | |engineering and |711 685 2010 | | |

| | |equipment |ike@ike.uni-stuttgart.de | | |

|176. |FORUM FÜR ZUKUNFTSENERGIEN |International dialogue|Matthias Ruchser |Godesberger Allee 90, 53175 |GERMANY |

| | |between industry, |Tel: +49 228 95 955 0 Fax: |Bonn | |

| | |science and politics; |+49228 95 95550 | | |

| | |environmentally |info@zukunftsenergien.de | | |

| | |responsible energy | | | |

| | |policies | | | |

|177. |FRAUNHOFER INSTITUT FÜR |Research into the |Prof. Dr Walter Trosch |Nobelstraße 12, 70569 Studgart |GERMANY | |

| |GRENZFLACHEN UND |anaerobic digestion of|Tel: +49 711 970 4000 Fax:| | | |

| |BIOVERFAHRENSTECHIK |waste water; advice, |+49 711 970 4200 | | | |

| | |testing |info@igb.fhg.de | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|178. |GEOTHERMISCHE VEREINIGUNG EV |Encourage,facilitate |Werner Bussmann |Gartenstraße 36, 49744 Geeste, |GERMANY |

| | |and promote research, |Tel: +49 5907 545 |G | |

| | |development and |Fax: +49 5907 7379 | | |

| | |application of |geothermische-vereinigung@t-onl| | |

| | |geothermal resources |ine.de | | |

| | | | | | |

|179. |GERMAN |Research |Tel: +492203 601-3630; Fax: +49|Program Directorate Energy, |GERMANY |

| |AEROSPACE CENRTE DLR |instituttion;specializ|2203 6014712 |Linder Hohe, Koln D-51147 | |

| | |ed in solar thermal |energietechnik@dlr.de | | |

| | |power plants | | | |

|180. |GERMANISCHER LLOYD |Certification, design |Christian Nath |Wind Energy Department, |GERMANY | |

| | |assessment, |Tel: +49 40 361 49 480 Fax: |Vorsetzen 32, 20459 Hamburg | | |

| | |fabrication and |+49 40361491720 | | | |

| | |commissioning |na@ | | | |

| | |monitoring, testing | | | | |

| | |and periodic surveys | | | | |

|181. |GESELLSCHAFT FÜR PRAKTISCHE |Advice, research and |Dr. -ing W Mauch |Forschungsstelle fur |GERMANY |

| |ENERGIEKUNDE EV |development into |Tel: 49 89 158 12111 Fax:+49 |Energiewirtschaft, Am | |

| | |renewable energy |89 158 12110 gfpe@ffe.de |Blutenanger 71, 80995 Munchen | |

| | |systems | | | |

|182. |INSTITUT FÜR |Research and |Tel: +49 5151 999-0; Fax: +49 |Am Ohrberg 1, 31860 Emmerthal |GERMANY |

| |SOLARENERGIEFORSCHUNG-ISFH |development in solar |5151 999-400 public@isfh.de | | |

| | |energy | | | |

|183. |INSTITUT FÜR |Innovative PV - cells;|Dr. Konrad Schreitmuller |Am Ohrberg 1, 31860 Emmerthal |GERMANY |

| |SOLARENERGIEFORSCHUNG GMBH-ISFH |collector (testing and|Tel: +49 5151 999-0 Fax: +49 | | |

| | |development); swimming|5151 999400 | | |

| | |pool heating, hot | | | |

| | |water preparation, | | | |

| | |inustrial process | | | |

| | |heat; PV (buildings | | | |

| | |and autonomous | | | |

| | |application) | | | |

|184. |INSTITUT FÜR TECHNISCHE |Research in electro - |Claus Voigt |Postfach 800320, D -70503 |GERMANY |

| |THERMODYNAMIK - DLR |chemical energy |Tel: +49 711 6862 509 Fax: |Stuttgart | |

| | |convention and |+49 711 6862712 itt@dlr.de | | |

| | |storage, and solar - | | | |

| | |thermal energy | | | |

| | |conversion | | | |

|185. |INSTITUTE FOR SOLAR ENERGY |Applied research, |Dr Ralf Schwarz |Konigstor 59, D - 34119 Kassel |GERMANY |

| |TECHNOLOGY- ISET EV |pre-industrial |Tel: +49 5617 2940 Fax: +49 | | |

| | |development renewable |5617 294100 | | |

| | |energy systems, |mbox@iset.uni-kassel.de | | |

| | |decentral water | | | |

| | |treatment | | | |

|186. |ÖKO -INSTITUT EV |Consultancy for |Christof Timpe |Postfach 6226,79038 Freiburg |GERMANY |

| | |renewable strategies; |Tel: +49 761 452950 | | |

| | |scenarious; market |Fax: +49 761 475437 | | |

| | |overview solarthermal,| | | |

| | |photovoltaics, solar | | | |

| | |-marketing | | | |

|187. |ÖKO -INSTITUT EV |Research, consultancy |Dr Felix Christian Matthes |Energy and Climate Devision, |GERMANY |

| | |and training |Tel: +49 30 280 48681 Fax: |Novalisstrasse 10, D - 10115 | |

| | | |+49 30 28048688 matthes@oeko.de|Beril Mitte | |

| | | | | | |

|188. |SOLARE BRÜCKE EV |Non - profit |Wolfgang Scheffer |Fraf Von Werdenberg Str 6, |GERMANY |

| | |organisation promting |Tel : +49 8025 7192 |89344 | |

| | |solar energy, |Fax: +49 8025 7195 | | |

| | |especialy solar |solarebruecke@t-online.de | | |

| | |cooking | | | |

|189. |SOLARMOBIL - SOLARPOLIS (R) |European Solar Car |Arno Paulus |Grafestraße 18, 10967 |GERMANY |

| | |Federation ESF |Tel: +49 30 69 508 501 Fax: |Berlin/Kreuzberg | |

| | | |+49 30 508 503 | | |

| | | |solar@berlin.snafu.de | | |

| | | | | | |

|190. |SOLARMOBIL VEREIN ERLANGEN EV |Research and |Christian Duerschner Tel: +49 |Schillerstrasse 54, 91054 |GERMANY |

| | |development, |9131 501 663 |Erlangen | |

| | |information about |Fax: +49 9131 501 663 | | |

| | |solar technologies and|solarmobil@fen-net.de http://| | |

| | |electric vehicles |fen-net.de/solarmobil | | |

|191. |TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN |Active in |Dr. Matthias E Nell |Institut fur Mikroelektronik |GERMANY |

| | |photolovoltaics; |Tel:+ 49 30 314 26803 Fax: 49 |und | |

| | |recearch and |30 314 26804 |Festkoperelektronik-IMF,Sekr J | |

| | |development,training |nell@imf.ee.tu-berlin.de |10,Jebensstrasse 1,D -10623 | |

| | |and information |http:// |Berlin, | |

| | | |mikro.ee.tu-berlin.de/imf-fe | | |

|192. |TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DARMSTADT |Further education and |Dr. F Christoph |Institut für Wasserbau und |GERMANY |

| | |training, research and|Tel: +49 6151 162523 Fax:49 |Wasserwirtschaft,Rundeturmstraß| |

| | |development,design and|6151 162523 |e 1, 64283 Darmstadt | |

| | |consultancy in the |wabau@hrzpub.tudarmstadt.de | | |

| | |field of hydro power | | |

| | | |i/wb | | |

|193. |TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN |Education and |Prof. Dr. Waldfried Plieth |Institut fuer Physikalische |GERMANY |

| | |training, research and|Tel: +49 351 463 4907 Fax: |Chemie und Elektrochemie, | |

| | |development into |+49 351 463 7164 |Mommsenstraße 13 01062 Dresden | |

| | |photovoltaics, |wplieth@cech04.chm.tu-dresden.d| | |

| | |batteries and fuel |e | | |

| | |cells | | | |

|194. |TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MUNCHEN |Interdisciplinary |Dr. Ing. W Russ |Chair Energy and Enviromental |GERMANY |

| | |chair for energy and |Tel: +49 8161713436 Fax: +49 |Technologies, Weihenstephaner | |

| | |environmental |8161714415 |Stieg 22,85350 Freising, | |

| | |technologies for food |mp@eul.blm.tu-muenchen.de |Germany | |

| | |and industry | | |

| | | |n.de | | |

|195. |TUV NORD EV |Technical surveillance|Helmut Varchmin |Anlagentechnik, Bei den Drei |GERMANY |

| | |organisation for |Tel: +49 421 4498 111 Fax: +49 |Pfehlen 41, 28205 Bremen | |

| | |technical problems in |421 4498 188 | | |

| | |renewable energy, |bremen@tuev-nord.de | | |

| | |especially wind energy| | | |

|196. |UNABHÄNGIGES INSTITUT FUR |Renewable energy, |Malte Schmidthals |Greifswald str.4, 10405 Berlin |GERMANY | |

| |UMWELTFRAGEN EV |decentralised energy |Tel: +49 30 428 49930 | | | |

| | |supply, energy savings|Fax: +49 30242800485 | | | |

| | |and environmental |energie@ufu.de | | | |

| | |protection studies | | | | |

|197. |UNION ZUR FOERDERUNG VONOEL UND |Promote sales of |Dieter Bockey |Godesberger Allee 90, 53175 |GERMANY |

| |PROTEINPFLANZEN - UFOP |rapeseed and sunflower|Tel: +49 228 81198226 Fax:|Bonn | |

| | |oil in the areas of |+49 228 8198203 | | |

| | |energy (biodiesel) and|d.bokey@bauernverband.de | | |

| | |chemistry | | | |

|198. |UNIVERSITÄT DORTMUND |Further education and |Dr. HD Kuhl |Lehrstuhl fur Thermobynamik FB |GERMANY |

| | |training, research and|Tel: + 49 231 7552674 Fax: |Chemitechnik, 44221 Dortmund | |

| | |development in |+49 231 7552572 | | |

| | |decentralised energy |kuehl@ct.uni-dortmund.de | | |

| | |supplies | | |

| | | |rtmund.de | | |

|199. |UNIVERSITÄT STUDGART - ITW |Research and testing |Dr. W Heidemann |Institut fur Thermodynamik und |GERMANY | |

| | |on thermodynamics, |Tel: +49 711 6853536 Fax: 49|Warmetechnik, Pfaffenwaldring | | |

| | |heat transfer and |711 6853503 |6, 70550 Stuttgart | | |

| | |solar energy |pm@itw.uni-stuttgart.de | | | |

| | | | | | |

|200. |UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES |Education, training, |Dr. Manfred Schmidt |Fuhrottstraße 10, 42097 |GERMANY | |

| | |research development, |Tel: +49 3583 611676 Fax: |Wuppertal, | | |

| | |consultancy, |+49 3583 611 627 | | | |

| | |certification and |m.schmidt@hs-zigr.de | | | |

| | |continued professional| | | | |

| | |training | | | | |

|201. |UNIVERSITY OF WUPPERTAL |R and D in renewable |Prof. Dr-ing J Verstege |Department of Eleqtrikal |GERMANY |

| | |energy sources; unit |Tel: +49 202 439 2976 Fax:|Engineering, Institute of Power| |

| | |commitment for |+49 202 439 2977 |System Engineering, | |

| | |cogeneration systems |verstege@eev.uni-wuppertal.de |Fuhrlottstrasse 10, 42097 | |

| | | | |Wuppertal, Germany | |

|202. |VERSUCHS-UND LEHRANSTALT FÜR |Research and |Dr. Peter Fischer |Seenstrasse 13,13353 Berlin |GERMANY | |

| |SPIRITUSFABRIKATION UND |development into |Tel: +49 30 45080 - 0 | | | |

| |FERMENTATIONSTECHNOLOGIE IN |alcohol recovery from |Fax: +49 30 4536 -067 | | | |

| |BERLIN - VLSF |biomass | | | | |

|203. |ZAER BAYERN |Development of |Dr. Dipl - Phys Karin Wust |Bavarian Center for Applied |GERMANY |

| | |materials and systems |Tel: 49 931 70564 0 Fax: |Energy Research, Am | |

| | |for efficient energy |+49 931 70564 60 |Hubland,97074 Wurzburg, Germany| |

| | |usage |info@zae.uni-wuerzburg.de | | |

| | | | | | |

|204. |ZAER BAYERN |Energy research, |Felix Ziegler |Energy Conversion and Storage, |GERMANY |

| | |absorption heat |Tel: +49 89329 44210 Fax: |Walter Meissner str.6,85748 | |

| | |pumps/chillers, fuel |+49 89 329 44212 |Garching | |

| | |cells and heat storage|fziegler@physik.tu-muenchen.de | | |

| | | | | | |

|205. |INTETRNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Prof. Dr. Sigrid Jannsen | |GERMANY |

| |SOCIETY – GERMANY NATIONAL BUREAU|projects |Fax: +49 89 52 16 68 | | |

| | | |info@dgs- | | |

|206. |ENERGY FOUNDATION, GHANA |Energy Conservation |Sven Dernedde |Energy Foundation PO Box CT |GHANA |

| | |and Renewable Energy |Christian Biaku |1671 Cantonments, Accra, | |

| | | |Tel: +233 – 215156 10 |Postal Code 233 | |

| | | |Fax: +233 -21 515613 | | |

| | | |sdernedde@ | | |

| | | |cbiaku@ | | |

|207. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Prof. Frederic | |GHANA |

| |SOCIETY - GHANA NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +233 51 60 232 | | |

| | | |foakuffo@.gh | | |

|208. |AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS|R and D, design of |Prof. Spyros Kyritsis |Laboratory of Farm Structures, |GREECE | |

| | |systems for renewable |Tel: +30 1 529 4002 Fax: +30 |Iera Odos 75, 11855 Athens | | |

| | |energy utilisation |1 529 4023 skir@aua.gr | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|209. |CENTRE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY |Main Greek non-profit |Martha Simantoni |19th Km Marathonos Avenue, 190 |GREECE |

| |SOURCES - CRES |organization active in|Tel: +30 1 60 39 900 Fax: |09 Pikermi, Athens | |

| | |all areas of renewable|+30 1 60 39 904 | | |

| | |energy and energy |ktigas@cresdb.cress.ariadne-t.g| | |

| | |efficiency |r | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |ress.html | | |

|210. |HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR |Promotion of |Costas G Thofylactos Tel: + 30 |7 Ioustinianou Str, 11473 |GREECE | |

| |COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER - |cogeneration through |1 8219118 Fax: +30 1 8821917|Athens | | |

| |HACHP |publications, |cgtheo@domi.gr | | | |

| | |conferences and | | | | |

| | |seminars | | | | |

|211. |NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY |Bioresource technology|Prof. Emmanuel G Koukios |Chemical Engineering Department|GREECE |

| |ATHENS - NTUA/BTU |unit (BTU) is a |Tel: + 30 1 77 2 3191 |Devision IV Proce, Zografou | |

| | |research and |Fax: +30 1 77 2 3192 |Campus, 15700 Athens | |

| | |technology unit |koukios@orfeas.chemeng.ntua.gr | | |

| | | | | | |

|212. |TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRETE |Grid interconnection |Kostas Kalaitzakis |Electronics and Computer |GREECE | |

| | |and maximum power |Tel: +30 82137213 Fax: +30 |Engineering, 73100 Chania | | |

| | |tracking |82137213 | | | |

| | | |koskal@electronics.tuc.gr | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|213. |HYDROCONSULT |Water consultants and |Mohammad |GREECE Garden St. P.O. Box |GREECE | |

| | |Management, |Abu Taha |926995 Amman | | |

| | |Environment |Tel: (9626)552377 | | | |

| | | |mm_at2002@ | | | |

|214. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Vassilis Siskos | |GREECE | |

| |SOCIETY - GREECE NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +30 1 6039904/05 | | | |

| | | |eletilen@cresdb.cress.ariadne-t| | | |

| | | |.gr | | | |

|215. |INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE |Energias renovaveis |Presidente da Instituicao |Ministerio dos Recursos |GUINEA | |INDIA |

| |INVESTIGACAO E TECNOLOGIA | |Engenheiro Jose Carlitos lala |Naturais, Bissau,Postal Code | | | |

| |APLICADA (INITA) | |Fax: (245) 222080 (245)222079 |251 | | | |

|216. |CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY |Research |Dr. Diana Urge - Vorsatz |Department of Environmental |HUNGARY |

| | | |Tel: +36 1 327 3021 Fax: |Science and Policy, Nador utca | |

| | | |+36 1 327 3031 envsci@ceu.hu |9, 1051 Budapest | |

| | | | | | |

|217. |HIRDOELECTRICA ATLANTIS |Small Hydro Project |Jose E. Mayes |73 Quinta calle, La ceiba |HONDURAS |

| | |Development and |Tel/Fax: 504 -4433911 | | |

| | |Construction |josemayes@ | | |

|218. |COGEN HUNGARY - MAGYAR KAPCSOLT |Technical and trade |Gyorgy Sigmond |c/o Fotal Rt, Kalotaszeg u 31, |HUNGARY |

| |ENERGIA TARSASR |representation; |Tel: +36 1 463 64 57 |1116 Budapest | |

| | |consultations, |Fax: +36 1 463 60 79 | | |

| | |conferences, | | | |

| | |information, authority| | | |

| | |and utility contacts | | | |

|219. |HUNARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE |Environmental |Gyorgy Mink |Research Laboratory of | |

| |CHEMICAL RESEARCH CENTER |protection, renewable |Tel: +36 1 325 5992 Fax: |Materials and Environmental, |HUNGARY |

| | |energy solar, biomass |+36 1 325 7892 mink@chemres.hu |Pusztaszeri ut 59 – 67, 1025 | |

| | |material science | |Budapest | |

|220. |HIDROELECTRICA ATLANTIS |Small Hyrdo Project |Jose E. Mayes |Pusztaszeri ut 59 - 67, 1025 |HUNGARY |

| | |Development and |TelFax: 504-443-3911 |Budapest | |

| | |Construction |josemayes@ | | |

|221. |INDEPENDENT ECOLOGICAL CENTER |Sustainable |Peter Medgyasszay Tel: +36 1 |Miklos Ter 1, 1035 Budapest |HUNGARY |

| | |communities, |368 6229 Fax: +36 1 250 | | |

| | |environmental |1546 office@foek.hu | | |

| | |education, | | | |

| | |environmentalism of | | | |

| | |applied ecology | | | |

|222. |SZENT ISTVAN UNIVERSITY |Solar thermal, |Prof. Istvan Farkas |Physics an Process Control |HUNGARY |

| | |photovoltaics, wind, |Tel: +36 28 522055 Fax: +36 |Demartment, Godollo Pa'ter K | |

| | |hydro, environment; |28 410804 ifarkas@fft.gau.hu |U1, H - 2100 | |

| | |monitoring, design and| | | |

| | |education | | | |

|223. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Prof. Laszlo Imre | |HUNGARY | |

| |SOCIETY - HUNGAGY NATIONAL BUREAU|projects |Fax: +36 28 41 08 94 | | | |

| | | |ifarkas@fft.gau.hu | | | |

|224. |ORKUSTOFNUN NATIONAL ENERGY |Research , |Benedikt S Steingrimsson |Geoscience Division, Grensaveg |ICELAND | | |

| |AUTHORITY |exploration, sci |Tel: +354 1 569 6000 Fax: |9, 108 Reykjavik | | | |

| | |services and |+354 1 56 88896 bs@os.is | | | | |

| | |feasibility studies in| | | | | |

| | |geothermal hydropower | | | | | |

| | |energy | | | | | |

|225. |ENERGY SOLAR |Solar Based |Kaustubh Shah |1180/7/1,Indraraj Apartments |INDIA |

| | |Applications |+ 91(20)-24027280 |Flat NO. A- 4 | |

| | | |Fax: +91(20)24027281 |F.C Road Shivajinagar, Pune | |

| | | |kaustubh.shah@ |Postal Code 411005 | |

|226. |ACADEMY FOR AGRO - MEDICAL |Development non- |Vijay K Paralkar |Division of non - Conventional |INDIA | |W-275 lll Avenue C - |

| |SCIENCES |convention energy |Tel: +91 7222 37735 Fax: |Energy, Shastri Square, | | |Sector, Anna Nagar West |

| | |park; live |+91 7222 37333 |Dhamangaon (Rly)444709, Dist | | |Extension, Chennai 600 101 |

| | |demonstrations of |vkparalkar@ |Amravati (MS) | | | |

| | |solar, wind, biogas | | | | | |

| | |energy management | | | | | |

| | |systems | | | | | |

|227. |ACTION FOR FOOD PRODUCTION AFPRO |Non - governmental |C Udayashankar |25/1A Institutional Area, |INDIA | |INDIA |

| | |socio - technical |Tel: +91 11 5555412 Fax: |Pankha Rd D - Block, Janakpuri,| | | |

| | |development |+91 11 5500343 afpro@ |New Delhi 110058 | | | |

| | |organisation working | | | | | |

| | |to reduce rural | | | | | |

| | |poverty | | | | | |

|228. |ASSOCIATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY |Non -profit |Ja Patel |c/o Warm Stream,PO Box 22 Anand|INDIA | |Suraj Plaza ll, ll nd | |

| |DEVICES MANUFACTURERS OF INDIA |organisation promoting|Tel: +91 2692 31316 Fax: +91|Sojitra Road, Villabh | | |Floor, Sayajigunj, Vadodara| |

| | |renewable energy |2692 36478 |Vidyanager, Gujarat 388 121 | | |390005 | |

| | | |warm.stream@gnahd..in| | | | | |

|229. |CENTRE FOR ECOLOGICAL SCIENCES - |Research in energy and|Dr. TV Ramachandra |Energy Research Geoup, Indian |INDIA |

| |CES |environment issues |Tel: +91 80 360985 Fax: +91 |Instiute of Science, Bangalore | |

| | | |80 3601428 |560 012 | |

| | | |energy@ces.iisc.ernet.in | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |/welcome.htm | | |

|230. |CENTRE FOR ENERGY STUDIES |Teching, research and |Prof. HP Gang |Indian Institute of Technology,|INDIA | |INDIA | |

| | |consultancy |Tel: +91 6 591249 Fax: +91|Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016 | | | | |

| | |institution |6 591249 | | | | | |

| | | |garghp@ces.iitd.ernet.in | | | | | |

|231. |CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND |Like - minded women |G Vijayalaxmi |Godicheria Post, via |INDIA | |PO Box 44, Phaltan 415523, |

| |DEVELOPMENT - CEAD |activists promoting |Tel: +91 0891 552074 Fax: |Payakaraopeta, Andhra Pradesh, | | |Maharashtra |

| | |strong people |+91 0891 563704 |Visakhapatnam Ds 531126 | | | |

| | |organisations at the |vijaylaxmicead@ | | | | |

| | |village level | | | | | |

|232. |CENTRE FOR RURAL HEALTH AND |Engages in social and |Bennet Benjamin |PO Box No 11, Tirupattur, |INDIA | |INDIA |

| |SOCIAL EDUCATION |environmental |Tel: +91 4179 20042 Fax: +91|Tamilnadu 635601 | | | |

| | |education and women's |4179 20824 | | | | |

| | |self help groups | | | | | |

|233. |CENTRE FOR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY|Inter – governmental |KN Johry |India Habitant Centre, Zone - |INDIA | | |

| |OF THE NON-ALIGNED AND OTHER |organisation of |Tel: +91 11 4645234 |6, 2nd Floor, Lodi Road New | | | |

| |DEVELOPMENT COUNTRIES |developing countries, |Fax: +91 11 4644973 |Delhi 110003 | | | |

| | |also engaged in | | | | | |

| | |promoting renewable | | | | | |

| | |energy technologies | | | | | |

|234. |CENTRE FOR WIND ENERGY TECHNOLOGY|Research and |JPLN Sastry |W – 275 lll Avenue C – Sector ,|INDIA | |INDIA |

| |- C -WET |development, resource |Tel: +91 44 6264059 Fax: +91|Anna Nagar West Extension, | | | |

| | |assessment, testing |44 6206538 |Chennai 600 101 | | | |

| | |and certification of |jplns@md4..in | | | | |

| | |wind turbine generator| | | | | |

| | |systems | | | | | |

|235. |GUJARAT ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY|State agency promoting|Dr. MD Joshi |Suraj Plaza ll, llnd Floor, |INDIA | |INDIA |

| | |renewable energy |Tel: +91 265 363123 |Sayajigunj,Vadodara 390005 | | | |

| | |technologies and |Fax: +91 265 363120 | | | | |

| | |energy conservation |daksha@ad1..in | | | | |

|236. |INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY - |R and D in silicon |Dr. A Subrahmanyam |Departament of Phisics, Madras |INDIA | |Thaper Technology Campus, |

| |IIT |cells and PV systems |Tel: +91 44 445 8671 Fax: |600 036 | | |PO Box 68, Patiala 147 001 |

| | |design, training in PV|+91 44 235 0509 | | | | |

| | | |manu@pallava.iitm.ernet.in | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |b | | | | |

|237. |MINISTRY OF NON - CONVENTIONAL |Government agency for |Shri DK Mittal |Block 14, CGO Coplex, Lori |INDIA | |INDIA |IRELAND |

| |ENERGY SOURCES |the promotion and |Tel: +91 11 436 1830 |Road, New Delhi 110003 | | | | |

| | |development of | | | | | | |

| | |renewable energy | | | | | | |

|238. |NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCEAN |Wave/tidal energy, |Sandip Kumar Ghost Tel: +91 44 |NIOT Campus, Valachery - |INDIA | |INDIA |

| |TECHNOLOGY |ocean thermal energy, |2460064 Fax: +91 44 2460645 |Tambaram Main Road, | | | |

| | |deep sea technology, |sghosh@niot.ernet.in |Pallikaranai, Chennai | | | |

| | |ROV, island | | | | | |

| | |development | | | | | |

|239. |NIMBKAR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH |NGO active in areas of|Dr. Apil Kumar Rajvanshi |PO Box 44, Phaltan 415523, |INDIA | |INDIA |

| |INSTITUTE - NARI |agriculture, renewable|Tel: +91 2166 22396 |Maharashtra | | | |

| | |energy and sustainable|Fax: + 91 216 621328 | | | | |

| | |development |anilrajvanshi@ | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|240. |PLANTERS ENERGY NETWORK - PEN |Market leader in |Dr. C Palaniappan |171/2 MK University Road, |INDIA | | |

| | |installing 4500m2 |Tel: +91 452 858607 |Rajambadi, Madurai 625 021, | | | |

| | |solar collectors for |Fax: +91 452 858607 |Tamil Nadu | | | |

| | |drying |pen@md3..in |Post Box 2, Vallabh Vidyanager,| | | |

| | | | |Gujarat 388 120 | | | |

|241. |SARDAR PATEL RENEWABLE ENERGY |Development |Pragna B Dave |PO Box 2, Vallabh Vidyanagar, |INDIA | |IRELAND |

| |RESEARCH INSTITUTE - SPRERI |technologies and |Tel: +91 2692 31332 |Gujarat 388 120 | | | |

| | |provide services to |Fax: +91 2692 37982 | | | | |

| | |promote the use and |spreri@ | | | | |

| | |application of | | | | | |

| | |renewable energy | | | | | |

|242. |SOCIAL CENTRE FOR RURAL |Development activities|Sunder LaI |Khori - 123101, Rewari |INDIA | |IRELAND |

| |INITIATIVE AND ADVANCEMENT - |for poor, marginal and|Tel: +91 1281 36625 |District, Haryana | | | |

| |SCRIA KHORI CENTRE |disadvantaged people; |Fax: + 91 1274 25 032 | | | | |

| | |Biogas system | | | | | |

|243. |TATA ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE - |Non - for - profit |Dr. RK Pachauri | |INDIA | |IRELAND |

| |TERI |research institute |Tel: +91 11 4627651 Fax: +91|Darbari Seth Block, Habitat | | | |

| | |promoting sustainable |11 4621770 pachauri@teri.res.in|Place, Lodhi Road, New Delhi | | | |

| | |and efficient use of | |110003 | | | |

| | |natural resources | | | | | |

|244. |THAPAR CENTRE FOR INDUSTRIAL |Consultancy, research |Prof. MP Kapoor |Trapar Technology Campus, PO |INDIA | |IRELAND |

| |RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT - TCIRD |and development in |Tel: +91 175 214868 Fax: |Box 68, Patiala 147 001 | | | |

| | |renewable energy |+91 175 212002 | | | | |

| | |systems |director@tcrdcpt.ren.nic.in | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|245. |UNIVERSITY OF PUNE |Teching and research |Prof. MG Takwale |School of Energy Studies, Pune |INDIA | |Glasnevin, Dublin 9 |ITALY |

| | |and development; |Tel: +91 20 5655201 |411007 | | | | |

| | |provides test |Fax: +91 20 5655201 | | | | | |

| | |facilities and | | | | | | |

| | |consultancy services | | | | | | |

|246. |CLIMATE CONTROL RESOURCES (P)Ltd |Training in Solar |Rahul Arora |B – 603 Badhwar Apartments, |INDIA | |ISRAEL |

| | |Finance |Fax: +91-11-24351400 |Sector VI Dwarka | | | |

| | | |rahul@ | | | | |

|247. |YUVA VEDH MANCH AND GRAMIR |Since 1994 YVM is been|Sunil Bhele |Yuva Vedh Manch Singhania |INDIA | | |

| |KALAYAN SANTHA (YOUTH AND RURAL |function in the area |Fax: +9107232 239 637/239 047 |Nagar, Yevatmal, Maharastra, | | | |

| |WELFARE SOCIETY), YEWATMAL |with emphasis on |yuva@nagpur..in |Postal Code 445 001 | | | |

| | |disadvantaged group of| | | | | |

| | |the society and | | | | | |

| | |working in the areas | | | | | |

| | |of sustainable rural | | | | | |

| | |livelihood | | | | | |

|248. |UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTAN |Research and |Dr. Indra Prabh Jain |Centre for Non - Conventional |INDIA |

| | |development in |Tel: +91 141 701602 |Energy Resources,14 Vigyan | |

| | |renewable, hydrogen |Fax: +91 141 701602 |Bhawan, Jaipur 302004 | |

| | |and solar energy |ipjain@jp1..in | | |

|249. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Dr. Arcot Ramachandran | |INDIA |

| |SOCIETY - INDIA NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +91 11 462 1770 | | |

| | | |sesi@teri.res.in | | |

|250. |YAYASAN BINA USANA LINGKUNGAN |Active in promotion of|Yani Witjaksono |Renewable Energy Program, JI |INDONESIA |

| | |renewable enrgy and | |Hang Leklr No 1, Kby Baru, | |

| | |enevironmental | |Jakarta | |

| | |businesses | | | |

|251. |EARTH MAGZINE |The Irish |Lothar Luken |Dromore, Bantry, Co Cork |IRELAND | |

| | |environmental |Tel: +353 28 31853 | | | |

| | |magazine, covering |ewmag@ | | | |

| | |renewables,climate, | | | | |

| | |waste, book reviews | | | | |

| | |etc | | | | |

|252. |EARTHWATCH-FRIENDS OF THE EARTH |NGO campaining for |Gus Worth |7 Upper Camden Street, Dublin 2|IRELAND |

| |IRELAND |environmental |Tel: +353 1 4785100 Fax: | | |

| | |protection; with |+353 1 4762042 | | |

| | |particular emphasis |foeeire@iol.ie | | |

| | |on renewable | | | |

|253. |IRISH ENERGY CENTRE |National contact point|Carmel Nyhan |Renewable Energy Information |IRELAND |

| | |for information and |Tel: +353 2342193 Fax: +353 |Office, Shinagh House, Bandon, | |

| | |advice on renewable |2341304 renewables@reio.ie |Co Cork | |

| | |energy | | |

| | | |.htm | | |

|254. |IRISH WIND ENERGY CENTRE |State agancy |Rita Ward |Glasnevin, Dublin 9 |IRELAND |

| | |responsible for the |Tel: +353 1 836 9080 Fax: | | |

| | |management science and|+353 1 837 2848 | | |

| | |technology programmes,|info@irish-energy.ie http:| | |

| | |the promotion of Irish|//irish-energy.ie | | |

| | |participation in EC | | | |

| | |programmes | | | |

|255. |IRISH WIND ASSOCIATION |Promotes wind power |Ann Curneen |Αrigna, Carrick - On - Shannon,|IRELAND | |JORDAN |

| | |development in Ireland|Tel: +353 78 46072 |Co Roscommon | | | |

| | | |Fax: +353 78 46080 | | | | |

| | | |office@ | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|256. |MEDITERRANEAN ENERGY AND ECOLOGY |Development and |Prof. St Sinatov |PO Box 725, Kiryat - Ono 55000 |ISRAEL | |

| |CENTER |promotion of advanced |Tel: +972 3 5346 447 Fax: | | | |

| | |CHP and CC power |+972 3 5346 447 | | | |

| | |generating |meec@ | | | |

| | |technologies | | | | |

|257. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Dr. Harry Tabor | |IRAEL |

| |SOCIETY - ISRAEL NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +972 4 877 6035 | | |

| | | |meryzse@tx.technion.ac.il | | |

|258. |AGEVE |Non - profit |Beniamino Benato |Lango Divivsione Paubio 4, |ITALY |

| | |organisation for |Tel: +39 45 8036312 |37121 Verona | |

| | |promotion and |Fax: +39 45 8040149 | | |

| | |development of local |ageve@infinito.it | | |

| | |renewable energy | | | |

| | |sources | | | |

|259. |ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA PER LA |Non profit |Guido Baroncini |Via Ugo Bassi 3, 40121 Bologna |ITALY |

| |PROMOZIONE DELLA COGENERAZIONE - |organisation for |Tel: +39 51 23 30 98 | | |

| |COGENA |cogeneration in Italy |Fax: +39 51 65 65 124 | | |

| | | |segreteria@cogena.it | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |a | | |

|260. |CENTRO PER UN APPROPRIATO |Active in renewable |Stoppa Adriana |Via Ceretti 2, 21014 Laveno |ITALY |

| |SVILUPPO TECNOLOGICO - CAST |energy for developing |Tel: +39 332 667082 Fax: |Millo (Varese) | |

| | |countries |+39 332 667082 ascast@tin.it | | |

|261. |ENEA |Research and |Dr. Dario Malosti |CRE Cassaccia, Via |ITALY |

| | |development institute |Tel: +39 6 30483372 Fax: |Anguillarease 301, 00060 S | |

| | |into alternative |+39 6 30486449 |Maria di Galeria (Roma) | |

| | |energy, particularly | | | |

| | |photovoltaics | | | |

|262. |ITALIAN BIOMASS ASSOCIATION - |Promoting non food |Vittorio Bartolelli |Via C Colombo 185, 00147 Roma |ITALY | |

| |ITABIA |used of biomass |Tel: +39 65122792 Fax: +39 | | | |

| | |throughout Italy and |651601202 itabia@mclink.it | | | |

| | |Europe | | | | |

|263. |RENAGRI |Non - profit making |Tel: +39 6 7008896 Fax: +39 |Via T.Grossi 6, 00184 Roma |ITALY | |KENIA |MOROCCO |

| | |assocation promoting |6 7009380 mc9898@mclink.it | | | | | |

| | |the use of biomass and| | | | | | |

| | |renewable energy in | | | | | | |

| | |agriculture | | | | | | |

|264. |UNAPACE |National independent |Francesco de Luca |Via Ombrone 2/G, 00198 Roma |ITALY | |KENYA |

| | |power producer |Tel: +39 6 8537281 | | | | |

| | |association; |Fax: +39 6 85356431 | | | | |

| | |Activities; studies, |francesco.de.luca@unapace.it | | | | |

| | |information, IPP | | | | | |

| | |representation | | | | | |

|265. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Dr. Cesare Silvi | |ITALY | |LEBANON |

| |SOCIETY - ITALY NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +39 06 4424 9243 | | | | |

| | | |info@isesitalia.it | | | | |

|266. |COGEN JAPAN |Non profit |Norihisa Nishide |Japan Cogeneration Center, NKK |JAPAN | |LITHUANIA |

| | |organisation involved |Tel: +81 334335044 Fax: +81|Bulding, Nisni - shinbashi 2 - | | | |

| | |in investigation and |3433 5673 |18 - 2, Minatoku, Tokyo | | | |

| | |research on |bosscgc@mx1.alpha-web.ne.jp | | | | |

| | |cogeneration | | | | | |

|267. |JAPAN GAS ASSOCIATION |Promotion and |Masahiro Kawai |1 - 15 - 12 Toranomon, Minato -|JAPAN | |MALI |

| | |development of gas |Tel: +81 3 3502 0113 Fax: |Ku, Tokyo 105-0001 | | | |

| | |utilities |+81 3 35020370 kawai@gas.or.jp | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|268. |NEW ENERGY AND INDUSTRIAL |Japannese national |Kiyosasu Yamada |NEDO Information Centre, |JAPAN | |MAURITIUS |

| |TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT |team contact of the |Tel: +81 3 3987 9313 Fax: |Sunshine 60 30F, 1 - 1 3 Chome | | | |

| |ORGANISATION |CADDET energy |+81 3 3987 8539 qinf@nedo.go.jp|Higoshi - Ikebukuko, Toshima - | | | |

| | |efficiency and | |Ku, Tokyo 170 -0013 | | | |

| | |renewable energy | | | | | |

| | |networks | | | | | |

| |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Prof. Iwane Fujii | |JAPAN | | |

| |SOCIETY - JAPAN NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +81 3 3376 6720 | | | | |

| | | |jses@pop1.tky. 3web.ne.jp | | | | |

|269. |NATIONAL ENERGY RESEARCH CENTER |National and regional |Malek Kabariti |PO Box 1945, Amman 11941 |JORDAN |

| |NERC |center for applied R |Tel: + 962 6 5338041 Fax: | | |

| | |and D/ services in the|+962 6 5338043 | | |

| | |field of renewables |malekkabariti@.jo | | |

| | | | | | |

|270. |HYDROCONSULT |Water Consultants and |Mohammad Abu Taha |mm_at2002@ |JORDAN | |MEXICO |

| | |Management, |Fax: (9626)5523277 |P.O. Box 926995, Amman Postal | | | |

| | |Environment | |Code 11110 | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|271. |WONI WITU S.H.G. |Agricultural | |Kasyoki |KENYA | |c/o IAV Hassan ll, BP 6202,|

| | | | |P.o box 31,Kithimani, Posal | | |10101 Rabat |

| | | | |Code90124 | | | |

|272. |MINISTRY OF ENERGY, DEPARTMENT OF|Renewable energy |J.N.M Maina |P.o Box 30582, Nairobi Postal |KENYA | |NAMIBIA |

| |RENEWABLE ENERGY | |Tel:+254 –02 330048 |Code 00100 | | | |

| | | |Fax: +254 – 02 240910 | | | | |

|273. |WORLD CORPS KENYA |Youth Training |Joseph Maruti |P.O. Box 21428, 00505, Nairobi |KENYA | |NEPAL |

| | |Programmes I Renewable|Fax: 254-2-2718398 | | | | |

| | |Energy, Information |254-2-2714406 | | | | |

| | |and Communication | | | | | |

| | |Technologies and Small|Maruti@ | | | | |

| | |and Medium Enterpises | | | | | |

| | |Development | | | | | |

|274. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENEGY SOCIETY|Renewable energy |Dr. Seo Taebeom | |KOREA (SOUTH) | |

| |- KOREA (SOUTH ) NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +82 32868 1716 | | | |

| | | |seotb@dragon.inha.ac.kr | | | |

|275. |LABORATOIRE DE PHYSIQUE DES |Scientific research in|Prof. Mohamed Z Zoaeter |Department de Physique, Faculte|LEBANON |

| |MATERIAUX - LPM |photovoltaic materials|Tel: +961 3645 149 Fax: +961 |des Sciences Section l, BP | |

| | |and semiconductors |5800 428 zoaeter@ul.edu.lb |135789, Beyrouth | |

|276. |LITHUANIAN ENERGY INSTITUTE |Prepares background |Sigitas Barkus |Information, 3 Breslaujos, 3035|LITHUANIA |

| | |information for |Tel: +370 7 350 279 Fax: |Kaunas | |

| | |decision makers on |+370 7 351 271 | | |

| | |renewable energy |barkus@isag.lei.it | | |

| | |policy and economics | | | |

|277. |HALLEY MOVEMENT |Advocacy And Research |Kailash Busgopaul |P.O. Box 250 Curepipe |MAURITIUS |

| | | |Fax: +230 674 6504 | | |

| | | |+230 677 8544 | | |

| | | |halley@intnet.mu | | |

|278. |DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AFFAIRS |Renewable Energy |Joseph Kalowekamo |Department of Energy Affairs, |MALAWI |

| | |Engineering |Tel: 265 1 770688 |Private Bag 309 | |

| | | |265 9 219968 |Lilongwe 3,Postal Code: N/A | |

| | | |Fax: +265 1 770094 | | |

| | | |doenergy@ | | |

|279. |GRAT |Non profit |Issa Kamissoko |PO Box 2502, Bamko |MALI |

| | |organisation involved |Tel: +223 21 8463 | | |

| | |with photovoltaics |Fax: +223 21 43 41 | | |

| | | |grat@datatech. | | |

|280. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Prof. Mohd Noh Dalimin | |MALAYSIA |

| |SOCIETY - MALAYSIA NATIONAL |projects |Fax: +60 88 43 39 79 | | |

| |BUREAU | |mohdnoh@ums.edu.my | | |

|281. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Dr. Claudio A. Estrada | |MEXICO |

| |SOCIETY - MEXICO NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +52 73 25 00 18 | | |

| | | |rbb@mazatl.cie.unam.mx | | |

|282. |GRUPO DE ACCION INTER - |Renewable enrgy |Atahualpa Caldera |Priv San Dieguito #16, |MEXICO |

| |DISCIPLINARIA AMBIENTAL AC |consultancy mainly for|Tel: +52 73 18 90 16 |Acapantzingo, Cuernavaca | |

| | |rural sustainable |Fax: +52 73 18 90 16 |Morelos, CP 62440 | |

| | |development |ecaldera@.mx | | |

|283. |UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA |Research and teaching;|Dr. Hernando Romero Paredes |Processes and Hydraulics |MEXICO |

| |METROPOLITANA - IZTAPALAPA |degree courses on |Tel: +52 5804 4644 |Engineering Department, Av | |

| | |renewable and non- |Fax: +52 5804 4900 |Michoacan y La Purisima, | |

| | |renewable energy |hrp@xanum.uam.mx |Iztapalapa | |

| | | | | | |

|284. |GRUPE D'ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES |Research and |Faouzi Senhaji |c/o IAV Hassan ll, BP 6202, |MOROCCO |

| |SUR LES ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES ET|development group for |Tel: +212 7 77 74 43 Fax: |10101 Rabat | |

| |L'ENVIRONNEMENT - GERERE |all aspects of |+212 7 77 58 45 | | |

| | |renewable energy and |senhaji@ | | |

| | |the environment | | | |

| |UNIVERSITY MOHAMMED V |Photovoltaic and wind |Mr Hassan Nfaoui |Physique,Laboratory d'Energy |MOROCCO |

| | |energy services |Tel: +212 37 77 89 73 Fax: |Solaire, Faculty of Sciences, | |

| | | |+212 37 77 89 73 |Rabat BP 1014 | |

| | | |nfaoui@fsz.ac.ma | | |

|285. |REINNAM |Information network |Robert W Schultz | |NAMIBIA | |

| | |dedicated to the |reinnam.project@.na |Tel: +264 61 2072088 Fax: | | |

| | |advancement of | 61 2072088 | | |

| | |renewable energy and |einnam | | | |

| | |energy efficiency | | | | |

|286. |CENTRE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY |Dissemination and |RB Adhikari |Bag Bazar, Post Box 589, |NEPAL |

| | |adoptive research of |Tel: +977 1 278852 Fax:+ |Kathmandu Polytechnic of | |

| | |solar PV and RETS |977 1226976 cre@.np |Namibia, Private Bag 13388, | |

| | | | |Windhoek | |

|287. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Prof. Jagan Nath Shrestha | |NEPAL |

| |SOCIETY - NEPAL NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +977 1 22 38 51 | | |

| | |Dutch association for |ises@isespc..np | | |

| | |the promotion of CHP | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|288. |COGEN PROJECTS |The centre for |Jaap Sukkel |Princenhof Park 15 +18, Postbus|NETHERLANDS | |

| | |expertise in local |Tel: +31 30 691 1844 Fax: |197, 3970 AD Driebergen - | | |

| | |power supply |+31 30 691 1765 |Rijsenburg | | |

| | | |info@cogen.nl | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|289. |DE KLEINE AARDE |Centre for education, |H Perebooms |Sustainable Building, Postbus |NETHERLANDS | |

| | |information and |Tel: +31 411 684921 |151, 5280 AD Boxtel | | |

| | |demonstration of small|Fax: +31 411 683407 | | | |

| | |energy systems |dekleineaarde@pz.nl | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|290. |ENERGIENED |Association of energy |Dr. JM Linthorst |PO Box 9042, 6800 GD Arnhem |NETHERLANDS |

| | |companies; energy |Tel: +31 26 356 22 28 Fax: | | |

| | |generation, transport,|+31 26 442 86 29 | | |

| | |distribution trade and|hkip@energiened.nl | | |

| | |supply | | | |

| | | | | | |

|291. |FME GROEP WINDENERGIE |Dutch trade |H Groenewegen |Boerhaavelaan 40, 2713 HX |NETHERLANDS |

| | |association for wind |Tel: +31 79 353 1362 Fax: |Zoetermeer | |

| | |energy |+31 79 353 1365 we@fme.nl | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |e.htm | | |

|292. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Dutch section of ISES |MG Telle |Bilderdykstraat 7, 4041 XW |NETHERLANDS | |

| |SOCIETY NETHERLANDS - ISES - NL | |Tel: +31 488 481578 |Kesteren | | |

| | | |Fax: +31 343 517019 | | | |

| | | |telle.on-line@worldonline.nl | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|293. |NETHERLANDS ENERGY RESEARCH |The largest |Hans Bais |PO Box 1, NL - 1755 ZG Petten |NETHERLANDS | |

| |FOUNDATION - ECN |independent |Tel: +31 224 564 500 | | | |

| | |organisation for |Fax: +31 224 564520 mo@ecn.nl | | | |

| | |energy research in the| | | | |

| | |Netherlands | | | | |

|294. |NOVEM BV |Information, R and D, |Tel: +31 302 393 493 |PO Box 8242, 3503 RE Utrecht |NETHERLANDS | |

| | |demonstration and |Fax: +31 302 316 491 | | | |

| | |subsidies in energy |info@novem.nl | | | |

| | |conservation and | | | | |

| | |renewable energy | | | | |

| | |energy | | | | |

|295. |NOVEM BV |Netherlands national |Willem van Zanten |International Co - ordination, |NETHERLANDS |

| | |team contact of the |Tel: +31 46 4202 202 Fax: |PO Box 17, 6130 AA Sittard | |

| | |CADDET energy |+31 46 452 8260 info@novem.nl | | |

| | |efficiency and | | | |

| | |renewable networks | | | |

|296. |UTRECHT UNIVERSITY |Research and |REL Schropp |Debye Institute, PO Box 80000, |NETHERLANDS |

| | |development of thin |Tel: +31 30 253 3170 Fax: |3508 TA Utrecht | |

| | |film solar cells |+31 30 254 3165 | | |

| | | |r.e.I.schropp@fys.ruu.nl | | |

|297. |WASTE PROCESSING ASSOCIATION VVAV|Dutch waste processing|A van de Haus |Post Box 19300, 3501 DH Utrecht|NETHERLANDS |

| | |association |Tel: +31 30 2323030 Fax: | | |

| | | |+31 30 2332122 info@vvav.nl | | |

| | | | | | |

|298. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Prof. Dr. Joop Schoonman | |NETHERLANDS |

| |SOCIETY - NETHERLANDS NATIONAL |projects |Fax: +31 317 425 670 | | |

| |BUREAU | |telle.on.line@ worldonline.nl | | |

|299. |AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZELAND SOLAR |Promoting the use of |Tel: +64 4 235 7600 |Solar Action New Zealand |NEW ZEALAND | |

| |ENERY SOCIETY |solar and renewables | |Branch, PO Box 54 223, Mana | | |

| | |in New Zealand | |6230 | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|300. |ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND |An independent |Fiona Weightman |PO Box 388, Wellington |NEW ZEALAND |

| |CONSERVATION AUTHORITY - EECA |government agency |Tel: +64 4 470 2200 | | |

| | |promoting the wise use|Fax: +64 4 499 5330 | | |

| | |of energy | | | |

|301. |NEW ZEALAND WIND ENERGY |Supporting the |Ian Shearer |PO Box 553,Wellington |NEW ZEALAND | |

| |ASSOCIATION |development of wind |Tel: +64 4 473 0612 | | | |

| | |energy in New Zealand |Fax: +64 4 473 0613 | | | |

| | | |shearer@express.co.nz | | | |

|302. |YES NIGERIA COUNTRY NETWORK | |Ajani Olawale James |NYRDC, AREF Operational |NIGERIA |

| | | |Tel: +234803 3014234 +234 1 |headquarters, Lagos State Old | |

| | | |4811840 |Secretariat,Off Oba Akinjobi | |

| | | |Fax: 1 775 924 8259 |Srteet, G.R.A. IKEJA | |

|303. |MACFREXON MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES |Business Management |Edema Alred |Empire Journalis Centre, Suite |NIGERIA |

| | |and Experience in |Tel: +234 84 610205 +234 804 |37, Aweto Complex, (OPP.NNPC | |

| | |Enterprise Development|6105282 |ESTATE NEAR TANK)Rumuokwurushi,| |

| | | |empirejournalism@ |Port Harcourt | |

|304. |CERTER FOR INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE |Foundation for policy |Tel: +47 22 85 87 50 |University of Oslo, PO Box 1129|NORWAY |

| |AND INVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH - OSLO|research in climate |Fax: +47 22 85 87 51 |Blindern, 0317 Oslo | |

| |- CICERO |change and energy |admin@cicero.uio.no | | |

| | | | | | |

|305. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Karl Torstein Hetland | |NORWAY |

| |SOCIETY - NORWAY NATIONAL BUEAU |projects |Fax: +47 73 59 40 83 | | |

| | | |rja@chembio.ntnu.no | | |

|306. |AFGHAN DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION - |Donor funded NGO |Ghulam Jeloni Poal |H # 17F KKK Road, University |PAKISTAN |

| |ADA |implementing |Tel: +92 91 45333 |Town, UPO Box 922, Peshawar | |

| | |multisector integrated|Fax: +92 91 42230 | | |

| | |rural development |afgdevas@psh.brain.pk | | |

| | |projects | | | |

|307. |PAKISTAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH |Biomass and solar |Dr. Munir Ahmad |Farm Machinery Institure, NARC,|PAKISTAN |

| |COUNNCIL |thermal application |Tel: +92 51 9255044 Fax: |PO Nih, Park Road, Islamabad | |

| | |resources in the field|+92 52 9255034 |45500 | |

| | |of agriculture | | | |

|308. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Prof. Dr Nasim A. Khan | |PAKISTAN |

| |SOCIETY - PAKISTAN NATIONAL |projects |Fax: +92 51 47 43 06 | | |

| |BUREAU | |isesps@emenust.sdnpk. | | |

|309. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Dr. Ruperto S. Sangalang | |PHILIPPINES | | |

| |SOCIETY - PHILIPPINES NATIONAL |projects |Fax: +63 2 818 8614 | | | | |

| |BUREAU | |ncedoe@.ph | | | | |

|310. |VIDA – INSTITUTO PARA LA |VIDA has experience in|Arturo Alfaro Medina |Jr. More 353 La Punta, Callao |PERU |

| |PROTECCION DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE |the realisation of |Tel: +051 - 14294768 | | |

| | |projects in |vidaperu@.pe | | |

| | |environmental diverse | | | |

| | |areas of the thematic | | | |

| | |one, education and | | | |

| | |employement | | | |

| | |generation. | | | |

|312. |CENTER FOR RURAL ENVIRONMENTAL |Educational programmes|Tel: +48 13 43 667 90 |PO Box 159, ul Lewakowskiego |POLAND |

| |EDUCATION |for schools all over |Fax: +48 13 43 667 90 |14, 38 - 400 Krosno | |

| | |Poland |fceew@fceew..pl | | |

|313. |EC BREC/IMBER |OPET network member |Krzysztof Gieruski |RES - OPET Poland, ul Reduta |POLAND |

| | |promoting renewable |Tel: +48 58 30 166 36 |Zbik 5, 80 - 761 Gdansk | |

| | |energy in Baltic |Fax: +48 58 30 157 88 | | |

| | |region |ecbrec@me-tech.gda.pl | | |

| | | | | | |

|314. |KOGEN POLSKA |Promotion and |Janusz Ryk |6/14 Krucza, PO Box 184, 00 - |POLAND |

| | |development of |Tel: +48 22 628 23 68 Fax: |950 Warsawa | |

| | |cogeneration in Poland|+48 2 628 69 93 ptze@pol.pl | | |

|315. |POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES |Reseaerch and |Dr. Marek Lipinski |Institute of Metallurgy and |POLAND |

| | |development silicon |Tel: +48 33 8 174 249 |Materials Science/Photovoltaic | |

| | |solarcells |Fax: +48 33 8 174 249 |Laboratory, Krakowska 22, 43 - | |

| | | |mmlipins@imim-pan.krakow.pl |340 Kozy | |

| | | | | | |

|317. |VERDAS BRIGADOJ |Twice monthly |Andrzej Zwawa |Green Brigades Publishing |POLAND |

| | |publication in Green |Tel: +48 12 4222147 Fax: +48|House, Swawkowska 12/24, 31- | |

| | |Brigades Ecologist |12 4222147 zb@zb..pl |014 Krakow | |

| | |Paper; ecology | | | |

| | |movement, books and | | | |

| | |other | | | |

|318. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Dorota Chwieduk | |POLAND |

| |SOCIETY - POLAND NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +48 22 826 9815 | | |

| | | |dchwied@.pl | | |

|319. |AREAM |Energy and environment|Jose Manuel Melim Mendez |Madeira Tecnopolo, 9000 Funchal|PORTUGAL |

| | |policy, renewable |Tel: +351 291 723300 | | |

| | |energy sources and |Fax: +351 291 720033 | | |

| | |rational use of energy|aream@mail.telepac.pt | | |

| | | | | | |

|320. |CENTRO PARA A CONSERVACAO DE |A non profit - |Luis Silva |Estrada de Alfragide, Praceta |PORTUGAL |

| |ENERGIA |organisation created |Tel: +351 1 471 8235 Fax: |1, 2720 - 537 Amadora | |

| | |by the Portuguese |+351 1 471 1316 | | |

| | |Government to promote |e@mail.telepac.pt | | |

| | |the uptake of | | | |

| | |renewable energy | | | |

| | |sources | | | |

|321. |COGEN PORTUGAL |Cogeneration |Manuel Freitas de Oliveira |Rua de Salazares 842, 4149 - 00|PORTUGAL |

| | |promotion, lobbying, |Tel: +351 22 616 81 31 Fax:|Porto | |

| | |technical meetings and|+351 22 6178468 | | |

| | |organisations |cogen.portugal@mail.telepac.pt | | |

|322. |HIDROERG - PROJECTORS ENERGETICOS|Representing the |Antonio Eira Leitao |Rua dos Lusiadas No 9 - 4º |PORTUGAL |

| |LDA |interests of small |Tel: +351 1 3540122 |Dto, 1300 -365 Lisboa | |

| | |hydro systems |Fax: +351 1 3540072 | | |

| | |producers in Portugal |hidroerg@mail.telepac.pt | | |

|324. |RESO/ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES |Research and |Christophe Rat |Research and Devlopment,18 |REUNION |

| | |development, |Tel: +262 67 36 27 |Route de Saint – Francois, | |

| | |information, training |Fax: +262 30 28 94 |97400 Saint Denis, lle de La | |

| | |in the fields of |christophe.rat@wanadoo.fr |Reunion | |

| | |urbanism policy and | | |

| | |building technologies |gie-renouvelable | | |

|325. |ROMANIAN SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY - |Promoting of renewable|Prof. Laurentiu Fara |Physics Department, Bucharest |ROMANIA |

| |SRES |energy technologies by|Tel: +40 1 4119603 Fax: +40|Polytechnic University, 313 | |

| | |ecologically oriented |1 4119962 |Splaiul Independentei, Sector 6| |

| | |marketing |sres@nare.renerg.pub.ro |RO - 77206 Bucharest | |

|326. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Prof. Laurentiu Fara | |ROMANIA |

| |SOCIETY - ROMANIA NATIONAL BUREAU|projects |Fax: +40 1 210 1788 | | |

| | | |sres@nare.renerg.pub.ro | | |

|327. |JSK KUHIZHANOVSKY POWER |Leading Russion |Vladimir Kalakov |19 Leninsky Prospect, Moscow |RUSSIAN FEDERATION |

| |ENGINEERING |institute in solar and|Tel: +7 94 955 3418 |117927 | |

| | |geothermal energy |Fax: +7 95 954 4250 | | |

| | | |vikav@online.ru | |

| | | |net.ru/lge | | |

|328. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Prof. Dmitry S. Strebkov | |RUSSIAN FEDERATION |

| |SOCIETY - RUSSION FEDERATION |projects |Fax: +7 95 170 5101 | | |

| |NATIONAL BUREAU | |energy@viesh.msk.su | | |

|329. |FOUNDATION FOR ALTERNATIVE ENERGY|An independent |Emil Bedi |PO Box 35, 850 07 Bratislava |SLOVAKIA |

| |- SZOPK |national information |Tel: +42 17 63 836984 | | |

| | |centre focusing on |Fax: +42 17 63 836964 | | |

| | |sustainable energy |bedi@ba.telecom.sk | | |

| | | | | | |

|330. |SLOVAK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY |Photovoltaic renewable|Dr. Michal Ruzinsky |Faculty of Electrical |SLOVAKIA |

| |BRATISLAVA |energy resources - |Tel: +42 17 60291 724 Fax: |Engineering Information | |

| | |cells, modules and |+42 17 65420 415 |Technology, Ilkovicova3, SK - | |

| | |systems |ruzinskm@elf.stuba.sk |81219 Bratislava | |

|333. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENEGY SOCIETY|Renewable energy |Prof. Ales Krainer | |SLOVENIA |

| |- SLOVENIA NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +386 61 125 0688 | | |

| | | |akrainer@fagg.uni-lj.si | | |

|334. |CAPE TECHNIKON |Institution for |Prof. Ernst Uken |Research Development, ETU, PO |SOUTH AFRICA |

| | |education |Tel: +27 21 460 3127 Fax: +27|Box 652, Cape Town 8000 | |

| | | |21 460 3887 uken@ctech.ac.za | | |

| | | | | | |

|335. |DEVELOPMENT ACTION GROUP - DAG |Works with communities|Tel: +27 21 448 7886 Fax: |101 Lower Main Road, |SOUTH AFRICA |

| | |on housing and |+27 21 447 1987 dag@wn. |Observatory 7925 | |

| | |development issues | | | |

|336. |MINERALS AND ENERGY POLICY CENTRE|Focuses on policy |Paul M Mathaha |Energy, PO Box 395, Wits 2050 |SOUTH AFRICA |

| | |research, policy |Tel: +27 11 403 8013 Fax: +27| | |

| | |facilitation, capacity|11 403 8023 info@.za | | |

| | |building and | | | |

| | |information | | | |

|337. |UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA |Applications of |Prof. Robin M Crewe |Faculty of Natural and |SOUTH AFRICA |

| | |renewable energy in |Tel: +27 124 02478 |Agricultural Sciences, Pretoria| |

| | |developing countries |Fax: +27 124 03890 |0002 | |

| | | |dean@bioagric.up.ac.za | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |ience | | |

|338. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Marius Willemse | |SOUTH AFRICA |

| |SOCIETY – SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL |projects |Fax: +27 12 804 5691 | | |

| |BUREAU | |frans@sunlec.co.za | | |

|339. |ASSOCIACIO CATALANA DE |Association of Catalan|Joan Brat |Avda Diagonal 453 bis 2 º, |SPAIN |

| |COGENERADORS |compapies,entities and|Tel: +34936220500 |08036 Barselona | |

| | |institutions involved |Fax:+34936220501 | | |

| | |in cogeneration |acatcogen@ | | |

| | |activities | | | |

|340. |ASSOCIACIO DE AUTOGENERADORES DE |Defence and promotion |Ismael Gonzalez |Alcala 85 4 º, 28009 Madrid |SPAIN |

| |ENERGIA ELECTRICA |of cogeneration in |Tel: +34 91 576 30 03 Fax: +34| | |

| | |Spain |91 577 47 10 | | |

|341. |CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE LA ENERGIA |Solar energy training |Raimundo Gonzales |Parque Industrial Pisa, |SPAIN |

| |SOLAR - CENSOLAR |and distance learning,|Tel: +34 954 186200 |C/Comercio 12, 41927 Mairene | |

| | |technical books and |Fax: +34 954 186 111 |del Aljarafe, Sevilla | |

| | |software |censolar@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|343. |INSTITUT CATALA D'ENERGIA - ICAEN|Public organisation |Joan Josep Escobar |Avenue Diagonal 453 bis Atic, |SPAIN |

| | |promoting energy |Tel: +34 93 622 05 00 Fax: +34|08036 Barcelona | |

| | |efficiency, renewable |93 622 05 01 edificιs@icaen.es | | |

| | |energy and rational | | | |

| | |use of energy | | | |

|344. |INSTITUT CERDA |Private, independent, |Jose Luis Rovira | |SPAIN |

| | |non - profit |Tel: +34 93280 23 23 | | |

| | |organisation meeting |Fax: +34 93280 11 66 | | |

| | |the challenges of the |institut.cerda@icerda.es | | |

| | |future | | | |

|345. |SOLAVENT ASSOCIACIO PER A LA |Non profit association|Candido Garcia |Europa Av 174 – 176, |SPAIN |

| |DIFUSIO DE LOS ENERGIES |disseminating |Tel: +34 3 93 5864559 |L’Hospitalet 08907 | |

| |RENOVABLES |information on |solavent@inicia.es | | |

| | |renewable energy such | | |

| | |as cofferences and |t | | |

| | |courses | | | |

|346. |UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA |Gasification and |Dr. Pedro Garcia - Bacaicoa |Grupo de Biomass, Maria de Luna|SPAIN |

| | |pyrolysis of |Tel: +34 976 76 1880 |3, 500 15 Zaragoza | |

| | |biomass/wastes; |Fax: +63 976 76 1879 | | |

| | |gasification plants, |bacaicoa@posta.unizar.es | | |

| | |design, commissioning | | | |

| | |and testing | | | |

|347. |UNIVERSITY OF ZARAGOZA |Biomass and wastes |Pedro Garcia - Bacaicoa |Chemical and Environmental |SPAIN |

| | |use; gasification, |Tel: +34 976 76 1880 |Engineering Department, C/Maria| |

| | |pyrolysis and |Fax: +34 976 76 1879 |de Luna 3, 5001 Zaragoza | |

| | |combustion; design, |bacaicoa@posta.unizar.es | | |

| | |modelling, testing, | | | |

| | |pilot plants and | | | |

| | |analysis | | | |

|348. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Antonio Lopez Pinto | |SPAIN |

| |SOCIETY - SPAIN NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +34 957 218 452 | | |

| | | |rr1lopia@lucano.uco.es | | |

|349. |CENTRE FOR WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT |Womens organisation |Saroja Sivachandran Tel: + 94 |07 Ratnam Lane, off KKS Rd, |SRI LANKA |

| | |tergetted at |21 2454 |Vannarponnai, Jaffna | |

| | |improvement of status | | | |

| | |and alleviation of | | | |

| | |poverty | | | |

|350. |ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION CENTRE |Independent NGO; |Lilanthi Samaraweera Tel: +94 |211 Horana Road, Alubomulla |SRI LANKA |

| | |promotion of public |3434283 | | |

| | |awareness in |Fax: +94 34 854957 | | |

| | |environment and |lilanthi72@ | | |

| | |sustainable | | | |

| | |development | | | |

|351. |INTERMEDIATE TECHNOLOGY |Practical answers to |Rohan Senarath |Energy Division, 5 Lionel |SRI LANKA |

| |DEVELOPMENT GROUP - ITDG |poverty |Tel: +94 1 852149 |Edirisinghe Mawatha, | |

| | | |Fax: +94 1 856188 |Kirulapone, Colombo 5 | |

| | | |rohan@itdg. | | |

| | | | | | |

|353. |BIOALCOHOL FUEL FOUNDATION |Initiative projects |Jan Lindstedt |Box 826, 89118 Oernskoeldsvik |SWEDEN |

| | |with focus on |Tel: +46 660 78722 | | |

| | |bioalcohols for the |Fax: +46 660 54903 info@baff.nu| | |

| | |fuel market | | | |

|354. |FORMAS |Swedish national team |Britt Olofdotter |PO Box 1206, 111 82 Stockhom |SWEDEN |

| | |member of the CADDET |Tel: +46 8 617 7300 | | |

| | |energy efficiency and |Fax: +46 8 653 7462 | | |

| | |renewable energy |byggforskningsradet@bfr.se | | |

| | |networks | | | |

|355. |SERO |Umbrella organisation |Olof Karlsson |Vretlundavagen 36, 731 33 |SWEDEN |

| | |for all kinds of |Tel: +46 221 197 65 |Kopiong | |

| | |alternative |Fax: +46 221 197 65 | | |

| | |energy,4000 members |koping@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|356. |SERO BISTAND / APPROPRIATE |SERO members section |Bengt Thoren |Grindstugan, Degla Gard, 578 91|SWEDEN |

| |TECHNOLOGY OF SWEDEN |bringing iow-cost and |Tel: +46 140 68783 |Aneby | |

| | |suitable technical |Fax: +46 140 68701 | | |

| | |solutions to | | | |

| | |undeveloped countries | | | |

|357. |SLU |R and D, contract |Dr. Bo Hektor |Department of Forest Management|SWEDEN |

| | |research, studies, |Tel: +46 1867 1763 |and Products, Energy Division, | |

| | |economic analysis; |Fax: +46 1867 3800 |PO Box 7060, 75007 Uppsala | |

| | |bioenergy systems |bo.hektor@sh.slu.se | | |

| | | | | | |

|358. |SOLAR ENERGY RESEARCH CENTER - |R and D: domestic |Jill Gertzen |Ekos, Hogskolan Dalarna, 78188 |SWEDEN |

| |SERC |solar teating; CPC |Tel: +46 23 778700 |Borlange | |

| | |reflectors; |Fax: +46 23 778701 jge@du.se | | |

| | |thermophotovoltaics; | | |

| | |PRESIM computer |.html | | |

| | |programme | | | |

|359. |INTERATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY|Renewable energy |Lars Andren | |SWEDEN |

| |- SWEDEN NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +46 31 772 1152 | | |

| | | |jod@vsect.chalmers.se | | |

|360. |ASSOCIATION OF SWISS PRODUCERS |Non -profit |Heinz Schweizer |PO Box 60, 4410 Liestal |SWITZERLAND |

| |AND IMPORTERS OF WOOD HEATING |association promoting |Tel: +41 61 901 35 66 Fax: | | |

| |SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES - SFIH |wood heating |+41 61 901 41 60 info@sfih.ch | | |

| | | | | | |

|361. |ASSOCIATION ROMANDE DES |Non -profit |Isabelle Opan |Case postale 6, 2013 |SWITZERLAND |

| |PROFESSIONNELS DE L'ENERGIE |association of firms |Tel: +41 32 843 49 88 Fax: | | |

| |SOLARE - PROMES |working in the field |+41 32 843 49 85 | | |

| | |of solar energy | | | |

| | |(passive, thermal and | | | |

| | |photovoltaic) | | | |

|362. |BUNDESAMT FUR ENERGIE |Research and |Tel: +41 31 322 56 11 Fax: |Monbijoustrasse 74, CH - 3003 |SWITZERLAND |

| | |development of |+41 31 323 25 00 |Bern | |

| | |innovative and |office@bfe.admin.ch | | |

| | |rational energy use; | | | |

| | |production of energy | | | |

| | |statistics; federal | | | |

| | |government office | | | |

|363. |GLOBOSOL - ASSOCIATION FOR |Provides financial |Bernhard Rudisuhli |Burggasse 18, CH - 132 Muttenz |SWITZERLAND |

| |PROMOTION OF SOLAR TECHNOLOGY |resources for the |Tel: +41 61 462 24 24 Fax: | | |

| | |training of local |+41 61 462 24 24 | | |

| | |workmen in sunny third|globosol@magiconline.ch | | |

| | |world countries | | | |

|364. |INTERESSENVERBAND SCHWEIZERISCHER|Swiss Association for |Hanspeter Leutwiler |BP, CH - 8910 Affoltern - am |SWITZERLAND |

| |KLEINKRAFTWERK - ISKB |small power plants, |Tel: +41 1 776 1101 Fax: +41|Albis | |

| | |hydro and other energy|1 776 1102 iskb@iskb.ch | | |

| | |sources | | | |

|365. |LEEE - TISO |Reliability test |Nerio Careghetti |DCT, SUPSI, 6952 Canobbio |SWITZERLAND |

| | |facility for |Tel: +41 91 940 47 78 Fax: | | |

| | |photovoltaic modules; |+41 91 942 88 65 | | |

| | |documentation and |cereghet@dct.supsi.ch | | |

| | |consultancy centre | | | |

|366. |SCHWEIZERISCHE VEREINIGUNG FUR |Swiss geothermal |Hans Rickenbacher |c/o Buro Inter - Prax, |SWITZERLAND |

| |GEOTHERMIE - SVG |association |Tel: +41 32 341 45 65 Fax: |Dufourstrasse 87, 2502 Bie/ | |

| | | |+41 32 341 45 65 |Bienne | |

| | | |interprax@bluewin.ch | | |

|367. |SOFAS SONNENENERGIE FACHVERBAND |Swiss solar industry |Markus Heimlicher |3000 Bern 16 |SWITZERLAND |

| |SCHWEIZ |association |Tel: +41 31 350 00 07 Fax: +41| | |

| | | |31 352 77 56 sofas@email.ch | | |

| | | | | | |

|368. |SOLAR ENERGY AND BUILDING PHYSICS|National laboratory |Prof. Jean - Louis Scartezzini |Swiss Federal Institute of |SWITZERLAND |

| |LABORATORY |involved in research, |Tel: +41 21 693 45 45 Fax: |Technology, LESO - PB/EPFL, | |

| | |teaching of solar |+41 21 693 27 22 |1015 Lausanne | |

| | |energy applied to |scartezzini@epfl.ch | | |

| | |buildings | | | |

|369. |SUISSE EOLE |Association promoting |Tel: +41 32 932 40 23 Fax: |Centre Info, Cret 108A, 2314 La|SWITZERLAND |

| | |solar energy |+41 32 931 18 68 |Sagne | |

| | | |contact@suisse-eole.ch | | |

| | | | | | |

|370. |UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG |Further education |Dr. Gerhard Schneider Tel: +41 | |SWITZERLAND |

| | |courses for adults |26 300 7342 Fax: +41 26 300 | | |

| | | |4728 gerhard.schneider@unifr.ch| | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|371. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Markus Heimlicher n+1@email.ch | |SWITZERLAND |


| |BUREAU | | | | |

|372. |KARAGWE DEVELOPMENT |Design installation |Mzumbe Musa |Solar Training Facility (KSTF),|TANZANIA |

| |ASSOCIATION-KARADEA |and maintenance of |Tel : +225 66 22541 |PO Box 299, Karagwe - Kagera | |

| | |solar system |Fax: +225 66 22541 | | |

|373. |THE SOLAR INNOVATIONS OF TANZANIA|Non – profit |Ruth Shija |PO Box 12809, Dar es Salaam |TANZANIA |

| | |organisation promoting|Tel: +255 51 668721 | | |

| | |use of renewable |sonet@ | | |

| | |energy with emphasis | | | |

| | |in solar energy | | | |

|374. |TANZANIA TRADITIONAL ENERGY |Business/community |Estmi HN Sawe |PO Box 32794, Dar es |TANZANIA |

| |DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT |coalition involved in |Tel: +255 51 700771 Fax: |Salaam,Tanzania | |

| |ORGANISATION |promotion of renewable|+255 51 74400 | | |

| | |energy systems |tatedo@ | | |

|375. |COUNCIL ON RENEWABLE ENERGY IN |Cross – fertilization |Pho Muangnalad |SERT, Naresuan University, |THAILAND |

| |THE MEKONG REGION - CORE |of experience to |Tel: +66 55 26 1067 Fax: +66 |Phitsanulok 65000 | |

| | |enhance and conserve |55 26 1208 sert@nu.ac.th | | |

| | |the environment | | | |

|376. |DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DEVELOPMENT |Investigation, |Amnuay Thongsathitya |Bureau of Energy Study Research|THAILAND |

| |AND PROMOTION |development, |Tel: +66 2 221 1853 Fax: +66 2 |and Development Division, 17 | |

| | |supervision of energy |224 0914 |Rama 1, Kasatsuk Bridge, | |

| | |production, |amnuay@c.c.dedp.go.th |Bangkok | |

| | |distribution, | | | |

| | |utilization and | | | |

| | |conservation | | | |

|377. |THE ENERGY CONSERVATION CENTER OF|Energy efficiency |Chirasak Boonrowd Tel: +66 2 |108 Bangkok Thai Tower Building|THAILAND |

| |THAILAND -ECCT |consulting, biomass |642 7090 Fax: +66 2 642 7099 |9th Floor, Rangnam Road | |

| | |energy feasibility |ecct@mozart.inet.co.th |Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400 | |

| | |study, energy audit | | | |

| | |and training | | | |

|378. |NSTDA |Conducting research |Porponth Sichanugrist |Energy and Cleaner Technology |THAILAND |

| | |and development on |Tel: +66 2 644 8150 |Center, 73/1NSTDA building, | |

| | |science and technology|Fax: +66 2 644 8029 |Rama VI Road,Rajthevi,Bangkok | |

| | | |porponth@nstda.or.th | | |

| | | | | | |

|380. |JEUNES VOLONTAIRES POUR |Organization and |M. Akpawu Kudjo |37, 218th street, Akossombo, |TOGO |

| |L’ENVIRONMENT (JVE)YOUNG |Training |Tel/Fax: 228- 9902728 |Sokode Postal Code 80470 | |


|381. |REGIONAL WOOD ENERGY DEVELOPMENT |Regional project for |Duke Koopmans |Mansion, Phra Atit Road, |THAILAND |

| |PROGRAMME IN ASIA |promoting sustainable |Tel: +66 2 280 2760 Fax: +66 |Bangkok 10200 | |

| | |wood energy, forestry |2 280 0760 | | |

| | |energy and related |rwedp@ | | |

| | |sectors | | | |

|382. |SOLAR ENERGY RESEARCH AND |Research and |Prof. Wattanapong Rakwichian |Naresuan University, |THAILAND |

| |TRAINING CENTRE - SERT |development into solar|Tel: +66 55 26 1067 |Phitsanulok 65000 | |

| | |and photovoltaic |Fax: +66 55 261067 | | |

| | |energy |sert@nu.ac.th | | |

| | | | | | |

|383. |CLEAN ENERGY FOUNDATION |Promoting clear energy|Prof. Demir Inan |Ataturk Bulvari No 221, |TURKEY |

| | |use |Tel: +90 312 468 5300 Fax: |Tubitak, Kavaklidere 06100, | |

| | | |+90 312 427 2127 |Ankara | |

| | | |temev@.tr | | |

| | | | | | |

|384. |COGEN ASSOCIATION |Promoting of |Ozkan Agis |Balmumca Barbaros, Bulvari |TURKEY |

| | |cogeneration systems |Tel: +90 212 275 8359 Fax: |Behar Sokak Karanfil, Apt No | |

| | | |+90 212 288 2614 |2/11, 80700 Besiktas Istanbul | |

| | | |ozkanagis@ | | |

|385. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Osman Iihan | |TURKEY |

| |SOCIETY - TURKEY NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |Fax: +90 312 287 8431 | | |

| | | |eie@tr-.tr | | |

|386. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Dr. Viktor Vasylyev | |UKRAINE |

| |SOCIETY |projects |Fax: +38 572 435 952 | | |

| | | |vvs@land.kharkov.ua | | |

|387. |CENTRE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY AND |Renewable energy and |Wilson Okaka |Public Awareness, PO Box 29, |UGANDA |

| |ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME |environmental |Tel: +256 41 349220 Fax: |Kyambogo, Kampala | |

| | |education training, |+256 41 345597 | | |

| | |consultancy and public| | | |

| | |awareness campaigns | | | |

|388. |NATIONAL YOUTH ORGANISATION FOR |4 Qualified Staff in |Mugume Robert |Box 8 Kasese, Kampala |UGANDA |

| |DEMOCRACY (NAYODE) |Environment Science / |Tel: 256 – 77 893992 Fax: 256| | |

| | |Renewable Energy |– 75 686718 | | |

| | | |kcs@utlonline.co.ug | | |

|389. |INTEGRATED RURAL DEVELOPMENT |Rural energy |Samuel Bagabo |PO Box 10596, Kampala |UGANDA |

| |INITIATIVES |technologies |Tel: +256 41 534995 Fax: | | |

| | | |+256 41530050 irdi@uol.co.ug | | |

| | | | | | |

|390. |ADAS |The leading UK |Chris Stansfield |Headquarters,Woodthorne, Wergs |UK |

| | |research and |Tel: +44 845 7660085 Fax: |Road, Wlverhampton WV 6 8TQ | |

| | |consultancy |+44 1902 693227 | | |

| | |organisation to |customerservices@adas.co.uk | | |

| | |land-based industries | | | |

|391. |THE ASSOCIATION PARLIAMENTARY |Cross party group for |Alice Marlow |4 th Floor, 35 Grosvenor |UK |

| |RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY |politicions and |Tel: +44 20 7 2335887 Fax: +44|Gardens, London SW 1W 0BF | |

| |GROUP - PRASEG |industry stakeholders;|20 7 6309122 praseg@chpa.co.uk | | |

| | |Promotion of | | | |

| | |sustainable energy | | | |

| | |issues in UK | | | |

| | |parliament | | | |

|392. |ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRICITY |Trade association |Nicola Steen |1 st Floor, 17 Waterloo Place, |UK |

| |PRODUCERS |representing producers|Tel: +44 20 7 930 9390 Fax:+44 |London SW1Y4AR | |

| | |large and small in all|20 7 930 9391 | | |

| | |technologies |enquiries@ | | |

|393. |ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS OF |Manufactories |Robert A Wheadon |PO Box 1714,Andover SP 11 6 SL |UK |

| |POWER GENERATING SYSTEMS - AMPS |association of engine |Tel: +44 1264 365367 Fax: | | |

| | |drive internittent and|+44 1264 362304 | | |

| | |prime power electrical|mail@.uk | | |

| | |generating systems | | | |

|394. |ASTON UNIVERSITY - BIO-ENERGY |Thermal biomass |Prof. Tony Bridgwater Tel: +44 |CEAC, Aston Triangle, |UK |

| |RESEARCH GROUP |convection processes |121 359 3611 Fax: +44 121 359|Brimingham B4 7ET | |

| | |for fuels and |6814 a.v.bridgwater@aston.ac.uk| | |

| | |chemicals | | | |

|395. |BEAMA |Represents the |Jean Fillinghan |Westminister Tower, 3 Albert |UK |

| | |interests of the |Tel: +44 20 7 793 3024 Fax: |Embankment, London, SE1 7SL | |

| | |British |+44 20 7 7933054 | | |

| | |electrotechnical and |info@.uk | | |

| | |allied manufacturers | | | |

|396. |BRITISH ANTARCTIC SURVEY |Research institute; |Devid M Blake |Technical Services, Madingley |UK |

| | |develops and installs |Tel: +44 1223 22 14 77 Fax: |Road, Cambrige CB3 0ET | |

| | |renewable energy |+44 12233541730 | | |

| | |systems in Antarcica |d.blake@bas.ac.uk | | |

| | | | | | |

|397. |BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR BIO FUELS|Brings together those |Peter Clery |Curlew Court, Guys Head Road, |UK |

| |AND OILS |with an interest |Tel: +44 1406 350220 Fax: |Sutton Bridge, Spaldind Lincs | |

| | |liquid biofuels |+44 1406 350252 |PE12 9QQ | |

| | |(biodiesel and |babfo@pclery.freeserve.co.uk | | |

| | |bioethanol), acts as | | | |

| | |information exchange, | | | |

| | |and lobbies government| | | |

| | |for greater | | | |

| | |recognition of the | | | |

| | |advantages of biofuels| | | |

|398. |BRITISH BIOGEN |The Tdade Association |Nikki Kerrigan |7 th Floor, 63 -66 Hatton |UK |

| | |to the UK Bio Energy |Tel: +44 20 7 8317222 Fax: |Garden, London EC1N 8LE | |

| | |Industry |+44 20 7 8317223 | | |

| | | |info@britishbiogen.co.uk | | |

| | | | | | |

|399. |BRITISH PHOTOVOLTAIC ASSOCIATION |Trade association |Tel: +44 118932 4418 Fax: |The Warren, Bramshill |UK |

| |- PV UK |promoting the use of |+441189737315 |Road,Eversley, Hampshire | |

| | |PV and supporting R |pv-uk@dial. |RG27,0PR | |

| | |and D and market | | | |

| | |development | | | |

|400. |BRITISH WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION |Professional and trade|Nick Goodall |26 Spring Street, London W2 1JA|UK |

| | |association for the UK|Tel: +44 20 7 4027102 Fax: | | |

| | |wind energy industry |+44 20 7 402107 info@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|401. |CADDET - UK TEAM |CADDET- UK team |Mark Thomas |ETSU, Harwell, Oxfordshire OX11|UK |

| | |working to promote the|Tel: + 44 1235 436806 Fax: |0RA | |

| | |UK renewable energy |+44 1235 432331 | | |

| | |industry |mark.thomas@aeat.co.uk | | |

| | |internationally | | | |

|402. |CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY |Carries out research |Neil Runnalls |Maclean Building, Crowmarsh |UK |

| | |on all aspects of |Tel: +44 1491 838800 Fax: |Gifford, Wallingford, Oxon OX10| |

| | |water includind |+44 1491 692424 nrr@ceh.ac.uk |8BB | |

| | |hydropower and water | | | |

| | |quality | | | |

|403. |CENTRE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY |Research, |Allison White |Angela Marmont Renewable Energy|UK |

| |SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY - CREST |demonstration, |Tel: +44 1509 223466 Fax: |Laboratory, Loughborough | |

| | |training and education|+44 1509 610031 |University | |

| | |in renewable energy |A.J.White1@lboro.ac.uk |Loughborough,Leicestershire | |

| | |systems technology | 3TU | |

| | | |nts/el/research/crest | | |

|404. |CLEAR ENERGY FUND |Finance of power |Peter Dunev |33 St James Street, London SW 1|UK |

| | |generation with clean |Tel: +44 20 7930 1030 Fax: +44 |A 1HD | |

| | |and renewable energy |20 7930 1080 | | |

| | | |dunev@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|405. |COMBINED HEAT AND POWER |Professional, |David Green |4th Floor Grosvenor Gardens |UK |

| |ASSOCIATION -CHPA |membership - based |Tel: +44 20 7 8284077 |House, 35/37 Grosvenor Gardens | |

| | |oraganisation working |Fax: +44 20 7 8280310 |London SW1W 0BS | |

| | |to secure the wider |info@chpa.co.uk | | |

| | |use of combined heat | | | |

| | |and power and district| | | |

| | |heating | | | |

|406. |COMMONWEALTH SECRETAIAT |Practical projects |Peter de Groot |Commonwealth Science Council, |UK |

| | |information |Tel: +44 20 7 747 6213 Fax: |45 Gaywood Road, London E17 4QA| |

| | |dissemination and |+44 20 7 8396174 | | |

| | |networking in |peter.degrood@| | |

| | |renewable energy | | | |

|407. |CONFEDERATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY|The forum for the |Gaynor Hartnell |26 Spring Street, London W2 1JA|UK |

| |ASSOCIATIONS - CREA |renewable energy |Tel: +44 20 7 402 9121 Fax:| | |

| | |industry in the UK |+44 20 7 4027107 crea@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|408. |COUNTRY LANDOWNERS ASSOCIATION |Major representative |Oliver Harwood |Stroud, Gloucester Agriculture |UK |

| | |organisation for |Tel: +44 20 7 2350511 Fax: |and Rural Economy Department, | |

| | |landowners in England |+44 20 7 2354696 |16 Belgrave Square, London SW1X| |

| | |Wales |oliverh@.uk |8PQ | |

| | | | | | |

|409. |ENERGY 21 |Educational cherity |Jackie Carpenter |PO Box 154, Stroud, Glousester |UK |

| | |generationg awareness |Tel: +44 1453 752277 Fax: |GL5 4YS | |

| | |and understanding of |+44 1459 752244 | | |

| | |renewable energy |info@.uk | | |

| | | | | | |

|410. |ENERGY CONSERVATION AND SOLAR |A cherity dealing with|John P Thorp |Unit 327,30 Great Guildford |UK |

| |CENTRE - ECSC |energy efficiency and |Tel: +44 207 9221660 Fax: +44 |Street, London SE1 0HS | |

| | |conversation projects |207 7712344 | | |

| | | |energy.ecsc@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|411. |ENERGY FROM WASTE ASSOCIATION |Non -profit making |Tony Hirons |26 Spring Street, London W2 1JA|UK |

| | |trade body promoting |Tel: +44 20 7 402 7110 Fax: | | |

| | |recovery of energy |+44 20 7 4027115 | | |

| | |from waste for |info@.uk | | |

| | |environmental | | | |

| | |protection | | | |

|412. |ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES |Major trade |Dirk Hazell |154 Buckingham Palace Road, |UK |

| |ASSOCIATION |association for the UK|Tel: +44 20 7 824 8882 Fax:|London SW1W 9TR | |

| | |waste management |+44 20 7 8248753 info@| | |

| | |industry | | | |

|413. |EUROWATT |Voluntary association |JG Mordue |Room 8 -4 Gresham House,53 |UK |

| | |reviewing the power |Tel: +44 1923 334144 Fax: +44|Clarendon Road, Watford, | |

| | |industry and |1923 244180 |Hertfordshire WD17 1FR | |

| | |environmental issues | | | |

|414. |EXPORT CREDITS GUARANTEE |Government department |Tel: +44 20 7 512 7887 Fax:|Box 2200, 2 Exchange Tower, |UK |

| |DEPARTMENT - ECGD |providing export |+44 20 7 5127268 |Harbour Exchange Square, London| |

| | |credit insuranace and |help@.uk |E14 9GS | |

| | |export finance | | | |

| | |packages | | | |

|415. |FORESTRY CONTRACTING ASSOCIATION |Trade association for |JB Hudson |Dalfling, Blairdaff, Inverurie,|UK |

| |LTD |forestry contractors |Tel: +44 1467 651368 Fax: +44|Aberdeenshire AB51 5LA | |

| | |with research and |1467 651595 barrie@ | | |

| | |consultancy division | | | |

|416. |FRIENDS OF THE EARTH |Campaigns on local, |Mark Johnston |26 - 28 Underwood Street, |UK |

| | |national and |Tel: +44 20 7 490 1555 Fax: |London N1 7JQ | |

| | |international |+44 20 7 4900881 info@foe.co.uk| | |

| | |environmental issues | | | |

|417. |HERIOT -WATT UNIVERSITY |Environmental research|Colin Bullen |International Centre for Island|UK |

| | |unit of Department of |Tel: +44 18 56 850 605 |Technology, Old Academy, Back | |

| | |Civil and Offshore |Fax: +44 18 56 851349 |Road, Stomness, Orkney KW16 3AW| |

| | |Engineering |library@icit.civ.hw.ac.uk | | |

| | | | | | |

|418. |INDUSTRIAL AND POWER ASSOCIATION |Trade association - |Charles Shields |Brunel Building, Scottish |UK |

| |LTD |members expertise |Tel: +44 1355 272630 Fax: +44|Enterprise Technology Park, | |

| | |encompassing all |1355 272633 |East Kilbride G75 0QD | |

| | |renewable energy |info.ipa@dial. | | |

| | |technologies | | | |

|419. |THE INSTITUTE OF ENERGY |Only UK chartered |Maria Adams |18 Devonshire Street, London |UK |

| | |professional body to |Tel: +44 20 7 580 7124 Fax: |W1G 7AU | |

| | |encompass whole energy|+44 20 7 5804420 | | |

| | |field |info@.uk | | |

| | | | | | |

|420. |INSTITUTE OF WASTES MANAGEMENT - |Professional body for |P Frith |Technical, 9 Saxon Court, St |UK |

| |IWM |the waste management |Tel: +44 1604 620426 Fax: |Peter's Gardens, Northampton | |

| | |industry |+44 1604 621339 |NN1 1SX | |

| | | |technical@iwm.co.uk | | |

| | | | | | |

|421. |INTERMEDIATE TECHNOLOGY |Worldwide consultancy,|Dr. Alison Doig |Schumacher Centre for |UK |

| |DEVELOPMENT GROUP - ITDG |specialists in micro |Tel: +44 1788 661100 Fax: |Technology and Development, | |

| | |hydro, cook stoves, |+44 1788 661101 |Bourton Hall, | |

| | |wind power, and energy|alisond@.uk |Bourton-on-Dunsmore, | |

| | |policy | |Warwickshire CV23 9SD | |

|422. |INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR |Promotes global |Lea Swanson |21 Tavern Quay, Rope Street, |UK |

| |ENERGY CONSERVATION - EUROPE LTD |adoption of energy |Tel: +44 20 7237 6523 Fax: |London SE16 7TX | |

| | |efficiency policies, |+44 20 7237 2462 | | |

| | |technologies and |iiec.europe@dial. | | |

| | |practices | | | |

|423. |NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR |UK association for |Gabrielle Back |Wolverhampton University, |UK |

| |ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION - NAEE |teachers, lecturers |Tel: +44 1922 631200 Fax: |Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD | |

| | |and others concerned |+44 1922 631200 | | |

| | |with education and the| | | |

| | |environment | | | |

|424. |THE NATIONAL CENTRE FOR BUSINESS |Advice to businesses |Mary Parkinson |Peel Building, University of |UK |

| |AND SUSTAINABILITY |regarding |Tel: +44 161 295 5276 Fax: |Salford, Greater Manchester M5 | |

| | |environmental ans |+44 161 295 5041 |4WT | |

| | |social accountability |C.Visco@thencbs.co.uk | | |

| | |performance | | | |

|425. |THE NATIONAL ENERGY FOUNDATION |Offers impartial |Gareth Ellis |NEF Renewables, Davy Avenue, |UK |

| | |advice on renewable |Tel: +44 1908 665555 Fax: |Knowlhill, Milton Keynes MK5 | |

| | |energy to public and |+44 1908 665577 |8NG | |

| | |commerce |gareth@.uk | | |

| | | | | | |

|426. |NATIONAL FARMERS UNION |Practical and policy |Rachel Wright |Agriculture House, 164 |UK |

| | |advice to farmer |Tel: +44 20 7 331 7275 Fax:|Shaftsbury Avenue, London WC2H | |

| | |members; alternative |+44 20 7 3317680 | | |

| | |crop uses working | | | |

| | |group | | | |

|427. |NETWORK FOR ALTERNATIVE |Promotion and |Tam Dougan |c/o Energy and Environment |UK |

| |TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY |development and |Tel: +44 1908 654638 Fax: |Research Unit, Faculty of | |

| |ASSESSMENT - NATTA |critical assessment of|+44 1908 858407 |Technology The Open University,| |

| | |renewable energy |s.j.dougan@open.ac.uk |Miolton Keyness, Buckingamshire| |

| | |technologies | 6AA | |

| | | |natta/rol.html | | |

|428. |OPEN UNIVERSITY |Carries out research |Dr. D Elliott |Energy and Environment Research|UK |

| | |and produces courses |Tel: +44 1908 653335 Fax: |Unit, Walton Hall, Milton | |

| | |on sustainable energy |+44 1908 654052 |Keynes MK7 6AA | |

| | |technology |d.a.elliott@open.ac.uk | | |

| | | | | | |

|429. |ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH |Teading association of|Tel: +44 20 7 5805533 Fax: |British Architectural Library -|UK |

| |ARCHTECTS - RIBA |British architects; |+44 20 7 2551541 |Acquisitions/Periodicals, 66 | |

| | |information and advice| |Portland Place, London W1B 1AD | |

| | |on the use of | | | |

| | |renewables and energy | | | |

| | |efficiency in | | | |

| | |buildings | | | |

|430. |SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNIT - |Academic organisation;|Maureen Winder |Mantell Building, University of|UK |

| |SPRU |world - class |Tel: +44 1273 686758 Fax: +44|Sussex, Brighton, East Sussex | |

| | |multidisciplinary |1273 685865 |BN1 9 | |

| | |research into science |m.e.winder@sussex.ac.uk | | |

| | |and technology policy | | | |

| | |issues | | | |

|431. |SCOTTISH RENEWABLES FORUM |Promotion of Scottish |Dr. Robert Forrest |5 Leighton Avenue, Dunblane FK |UK |

| | |renewable generation, |Tel: +44 1786 825839 Fax: |15 0EB | |

| | |products and services |+44 1786 821133 | | |

| | | |rob.forrest@scottishrenewables.| | |

| | | |com | | |

| | | | | | |

|432. |SCOTTISH SOLAR ENERGY GROUP -SSEG|Promotion of research |Kerr MacGregor |c/o School of Engineering, |UK |

| | |and application of |Tel: +44 131 455 2660 Fax: |Napier University, 10 Colinton | |

| | |solar energy in |+44 131 455 2264 |Road, Edinburgh EH 10 5DT | |

| | |Scotland |k.macgregor@napier.ac.uk | | |

| | | | | | |

|433. |SOLAR TRADE ASSOCIATION LTD |Trade association for |Dr. REH Swayne |Pengillan, Lerryn, Lostwithiel,|UK |

| | |U.K. manufactures and |Tel: +44 1208 873518 Fax: |Cornwall PL22 0QE | |

| | |installers of solar |+44 1208 873518 | | |

| | |equipment | | | |

|434. |SUSTAINABLE CITIES RESEARCH |Interdisciplinary |Elaine Ryder |University of Northumbria, 6 |UK |

| |INSTITUTE |research institute; |Tel: +44 191 227 3500 Fax: |North Street East, Newcastle On| |

| | |research/consultancy |+44 191 227 3066 |Tyne NE1 8ST | |

| | |in policy and |elaine.ryder@unn.ac.uk | | |

| | |environmental impact | | |

| | | |rg.uk | | |

|435. |TIMBER GROWERS ASSOCIATION |Representative |John Gunn |5 Dublin Street Lane South, |UK |

| | |organisation for |Tel: +44 131 538 7111 |Edinburgh EH1 3PX | |

| | |timber growers in the |Fax: +44 131 538 7222 | | |

| | |UK | | | |

|436. |THE UK SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY - UK |NGO promoting the |Christiane Buckle |c/o School of Engineering, |UK |

| |-ISES |wider update of |Tel: +44 1865 484367 Fax:|Oxford Brookes University, | |

| | |renewable energy |+44 1865 484263 |Gipsy Lane Campus, Headington | |

| | |technologies |uk-ises@brookes.ac.uk |OX3 0BP | |

| | | | | |

| | | |s | | |

|437. |UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN |Professionally |Maureen Wattie |Land Economy Department, St |UK |

| | |accredited degrees in |Tel: +44 1224 272357 Fax: |Marys, Aberdeen | |

| | |surveying, planning |+44 1224 273487 | | |

| | |and marine resource |landecon@abdn.ac.uk | | |

| | |management | | | |

|438. |UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD |Passive solar research|Ian C Ward |Building Energy Analysis Unit, |UK |

| | | |Tel: +44 114 2220326 Fax: |Floor 13, The Arts Tower, | |

| | | |+44 114 2720676 |Sheffield S10 2 TN | |

| | | |l.ward@sheffield.ac.uk | | |

| | | | | | |

|439. |UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON |Research and |Dr. AS Bahaj |Sustainable Energy Research |UK |

| | |development in all |Tel: +44 23 8059 2051 Fax: |Group,Civil and Environmental | |

| | |aspects of renewable |+44 23 8067 7519 |Engineering Department, | |

| | |energy systems |bahaj@soton.ac.uk |Southampton SO17 1BJ | |

| | | | | | |

|440. |UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE |Research and |Dr. PA Strachan |Energy Systems Research Unit, |UK |

| | |consultancy; |Tel: +44 141 5482044 Fax: |75 Montrose Building, Glasgow | |

| | |particularly building |+44 141 5525105 | | |

| | |integrated renewables |esru@strath.ac.uk | | |

| | | | | | |

|441. |UNIVERSITY OF SUNDERLAND |University research |R Harrison |Renewable Energy Centre, School|UK |

| | |centre specialising in|Tel: +44 191 515 2845 Fax: |of Sciences, Ryhope Road, | |

| | |techno - economic |+44 191 515 2741 |Sunderland SR2 7EE | |

| | |studies of renewables |bob.harrison@sunderland.ac.uk | | |

|442. |UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND|Consultancy and |Tel: +44 117 9656261 Fax: +44|Faculty of the Built |UK |

| | |training |117 3443002 fbe.entry@uwe.ac.uk|Environment, Coldharbour Lane, | |

| | | | |Frenchay, Bristol BS16 1QY | |

|443. |WALES OPET CYMRU |Free advice on |Jaset Sanders |Dyfi Eco Parc, Machynlleth, |UK |

| | |renewable energy and |Tel: +44 1654 705014 Fax: +44|Powys SY20 8AX | |

| | |rational use of energy|1654 703000 opet@.uk | | |

| | |for the community and | | |

| | |business |html | | |

|444. |WASTE WATCH |NGO representing |Ray Georgeson |Ground Floor, Europa House, 13 |UK |

| | |commerce, industry and|Tel: +44 20 7 253 6266 Fax: |- 17 Ironmonger Row, London | |

| | |local authorities, |+44 20 7 2535962 |EC1V 3QG | |

| | |promoting waste |info@.uk | | |

| | |reduction, reuse and | | | |

| | |recycling | | | |

|445. |WIND DIRECTIONS |Editorial, Hockpitt |Mr. Crispin Aubrey |Official bi - monthly magazine |UK | |

| | |Farm, Nether Stowey, |Tel: +44 1278 732921 Fax: +44|of the European Wind Energy | | |

| | |Brigwater, Somerset |1278 732921 |Association | | |

| | |TA5 1EX |crispinaubrey@ | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|446. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Dr. Jean L.J Rosenfeld Fax: +44| |UK |

| |SOCIETY - UK NATIONAL BUREAU |projects |1865 484 263 | | |

| | | |uk-ises@brookes.ac.uk | | |

|447. |AMERICAN SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY INC|Further the use of |Brad Cllins |2400 Cenrtal Avenue Suite G –1,|USA |

| | |solar and other |Tel: +1 303 443 3130 Fax: +1|Boulder, Colorado 80301 | |

| | |renewable energies |303 443 3212 ases@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|448. |AMERICAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION |Trade association |Randall Swisher |122 C Street NW, Fourth Floor, |USA |

| |- AWEA |representing US wind |Tel: +1 202 383 2500 Fax: +1|Washington, District of | |

| | |industry; publications|202 383 2505 windmail@ |Colombia 20001 | |

| | |available, yearly | | | |

| | |conference | | | |

|449. |ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - ASU |Certified PV testing |Dr. Mani |Photovoltaic Testing |USA |

| | |laboratory for module |Tel: +1 480 727 1220 |Laboratory, 7349 East Unity | |

| | |evolution, IEC/EEE/UL |ptl@asu.edu |Avenue, Mesa, Arizona 85212 | |

| | |qualification | | | |

|450. |CENTER FOR ENERGY AND |Domestic and |Dr. John Byrne |University of Delaware, Room278|USA |

| |ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY - CEEP |international |Tel: +1 302831 8405 Fax: +1 |Graham Hall, Newark, DE 19716- | |

| | |renewable energy |302831 3098 jbbyrne@udel.edu |7381 | |

| | |policy research | | | |

|451. |THE CONSORTIUM FOR PLANT |Companies and |Dr. Dorin Schumacher Tel: +1 |PO Box 20634, St Simons Island,|USA |

| |BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INC |universities working |912 638 4900 Fax: +1 912 |GA 31522 | |

| | |together to fund high |638 7788 cpbr@ | | |

| | |quality research | | | |

|452. |EARTH BUILDING FOUNDATION |Accurate information |PG McHenry |5298 Guadalupe TR NW, |USA |

| | |on earth wall |Tel: +1 505 345 2613 Fax: +1|Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107 | |

| | |building; consultants |505 345 2613 | | |

| | |and educators |info@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|453. |FLORIDA SOLAR ENERGY CENTER - |Energy research |Dr. Jerry Ventre |1679 Clearlake Road, Cocoa, |USA |

| |FSEC |institute of the |Tel: +1 321 638 1000 Fax: +1|Florida 32922 – 5703 | |

| | |Florida state |321 638 1010 block@fsec.ucf.edu| | |

| | |university system | | | |

|454. |GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY |Univesity based |Ajeet Rohatgi |University Center of Excellence|USA |

| | |research and |Tel: +1 404 894 7692 Fax: |in Potovoltaic Research and | |

| | |development facility |+1 404 894 5934 |Education, School of Electrical| |

| | | |, Atlanta, Georgia | |

| | | |rch/UCEP |30332 - 02901679 | |

|455. |GEOTHERMAL HEAT PUMP CONSORT |Information provider |Conn Abnee |701 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, |USA |

| | |on geothermal heat |Tel: +1 202 508 5500 Fax: +1|Washinton DC 20004 - 2696 | |

| | |pump technology |202 508 5222 info@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|456. |GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES COUNCIL |Non -profit 501 (C) |Ted J Clutter |PO Box 1350, 2001 Second Street|USA |

| | |(3) education |Tel: +1 530 758 2360 Fax:+1 |Suite 5, Davis, California | |

| | |association for |530 758 2839 grc@|95617 - 1350 | |

| | |professionals in the | | | |

| | |worldwide geothermal | | | |

| | |community | | | |

|457. |ROCKY MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE |Entrepreneurial NGO |Richard Heede |1739 Snowmass Creek |USA |

| | |that fosters the |Tel: +1 970 927 3851 Fax:|Road,Snowmass, CO 81654 | |

| | |efficient and |+1 970 927 3420 | | |

| | |restorative use of |outreach@ | | |

| | |resources | | | |

|458. |SOLAR ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND |Provides and promotes |Robert A Freling |1775 K Street NW, Suite 595, |USA |

| | |PV for rural |Tel: +1 202 234 7265 Fax: +1|Washington, District of | |

| | |electrification in the|202 328 9512 |Columbia 20006 | |

| | |developing world |solarlight@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|459. |SOLAR ELECTRIC POWER ASSOCIATION |Work with energy |Julia Judd |1800 M Street NW, Suite 300, |USA |

| | |service providers to |Tel: +1 202 857 0898 Fax: +1|Washington DC 20036 – 5802 | |

| | |accelerate |202 223 5537 jjudd@ | | |

| | |commercialization of | | |

| | |PV |rg | | |

|460. |SOLAR ENERGY AND ENERGY |Research and |Dr. D Yogi Goswami Tel: +1 352 |Department of Mechanical |USA |

| |CONVERSION LABORATORY - |development laboratory|392 0812 Fax: +1 352 392 |Engineering, PO Box 116300, 220| |

| |UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA |in solar energy and |1071 solar@cimar.me.ufl.edu |Mechanical engineering | |

| | |renewable energy | |Building, Gainesville, Florida | |

| | |conversion | |32611 - 6300 | |

| | |applications | | | |

|461. |SOLAR ENERGY INDUSTRIES |National trade |Tel: +1 202 628 7745 Fax: |1616 H Street, NW, 8th Floor, |USA |

| |ASSOCIATION |association for all |+1 202 628 7779 info@ |Washington, DC | |

| | |solar businesses and | | | |

| | |related enterprises | | | |

|462. |SOLAR ENERGY INTERNATIONAL |Teach people the |Laurie Stone |PO Box 715, Carbondale, |USA |

| | |practical use of RE |Tel: +1 970 963 8855 Fax: +1 |Colorado 81623 | |

| | |technologies |303 970 8866 | | |

| | | |sei@ | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |ables/sci | | |

|463. |SOLAR INFORMATION CENTER |Educational center for|Tel: +1 541 346 3696 |Department of Architecture, |USA |

| | |renewable energy |sic@darkwing.uoregon.edu |5249 University of Oregon, | |

| | |resources and building|, Orego 97403 -5249 | |

| | |materials |/~sic | | |

|464. |TEXAS RENEWABLE ENERGY INDUSTRIES|Non - profit trade |Russel E Smith |PO Box 16469, Austin, Texas |USA |

| |ASSOCIATION |association/renewable |Tel: +1 512 345 5446 Fax: +1|78761- 6469 | |

| | |energy industry |512 345 6831 r1346@ | | |

| | |promtion and advocacy | | | |

|465. |TUFTS UNIVERSITY |Tufts climate |Sarah Hammond Creighton |Tufts Institute for |USA |

| | |initiative: reducing |Tel: +1 617 627 5517 Fax: +1|Environment, Miller Hall, | |

| | |greenhouse gas |617 627 6645 tci@tufts.edu |Medford, MA 02155 | |

| | |emissions on campus | | | |

|466. |UNIVERSITY OF HAWII |Research institute |Richard E Rocheleau Tel: +1 808|Hawaii Natural Energy |USA |

| | |specializing in |956 8890 Fax: +1 808 956 |Institute, 2540 Dole Street, | |

| | |renewable energy |2336 hnei@hawaii.edu |Holmes Hall 246, | |

| | |research and | 96822 | |

| | |development |I/hnei.html | | |

|467. |UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO |Offers graduate level |Stephen Dent |School of Architecture and |USA |

| | |emphasis in energy |Tel: +1 505 277 2903 Fax: +1 |Planning, Albuquerque, New | |

| | |conscious design |505 277 0076 sddent@unm.edu |Mexico 87131 -1226 | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|468. |UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA |Expert consultation, |John Pavlish |Environmental Research Centre -|USA |

| | |research and |Tel: +1 701777 5268 Fax: +1 |EERC, PO Box 9018, Grand Forks,| |

| | |development on energy |701777 5181 |ND 58202 | |

| | |from biomass |jpavlish@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|469. |UNIVERSITY OF UTAH |Research and |Dennis Nielson |Dosecc Inc, PO Box 58857, Salt |USA |

| | |consulting on |Tel: +1 801 585 9687 Fax: |Lake City, Utah 84 158 - 0857 -| |

| | |goethermal exploration|+1 801 585 5477 | | |

| | |with emphasis on |dnielson@ | | |

| | |drilling using | | | |

| | |specialized rig and | | | |

| | |tools | | | |

|470. |USGIC |Consortium of |Gerald W Huttrer |PO Box 2425 Frisco, Colorado |USA |

| | |Geothermal Energy |Tel: +1 303 668 3465 Fax: |80443 | |

| | |Association members to|+1 303 668 3074 | | |

| | |explore, develop and |ghuttrer@ | | |

| | |produce energy | | | |

|471. |WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY - WSU|Technical/economic |Dr. R Gordon Bloomquist |Energy Program, 925 Plum |USA |

| | |consultancy service; |Tel: +1 360 956 2016 Fax: +1|Street, Olympia, Washington | |

| | |district energy, |360 956 2030 |98504 | |

| | |geothermal and |bloomquistr@energy.wsu.edu | | |

| | |cogeneration, | | | |

| | |software, training | | | |

|472. |WEST TEXAS A AND M UNIVERSITY |Wind/solar research |Dr. Vaughn Nelson |Alternative Energy Institute, |USA |

| | |institute; testing, |Tel: +1 806 651 2295 Fax: +1|PO Box 60248 WT, Canyon, Texas | |

| | |design and training in|806 651 2733 |79016 | |

| | |renewables, primarily |aeimail@mail.wtamu.edu | | |

| | |wind energy | | | |

|473. |WISCONSUN |Promotes mainstream |Mr. Niels R Wolter |7507 Hubbard Avenue, Suite 200,|USA |

| | |applications of solar |Tel: +1 608 831 1127 Fax: +1|Middleton, WI 53562 – 3135 | |

| | |energy systems in |608 836 1290 wolter@ | | |

| | |Winsconsin | | | |

|474. |WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE |Interdisciplinary, |Richard Bell |1776 Massachusetts Avenue, |USA |

| | |non- partisan research|Tel: +1 202 452 1999 Fax: +1 |Washington DC 20036 - 1904 | |

| | |on emerging global |202 296 7365 | | |

| | |environmental issues |worldwatch@ | | |

| | | | | | |

|475. |ENERGY REGULATION BOARD |Regulates the entire |Elijah C Sichone |PO Box 37631, Lusaka |ΖΑΜΒΙΑ |

| | |energy sector through |Tel: +260 1 236002 Fax: | | |

| | |issuance of |+260 1 236003 erb@zamnet.zm | | |

| | |specialised licences | | | |

|476. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY |Renewable energy |Garayi Brian Makokoro Fax: +263| |ZIMBABWE |

| |SOCIETY - ZIMBABWE NATIONAL |projects |4 776 897 | | |

| |BUREAU | |bmakoko@sirdc.icon.co.zw | | |

|477. |SELF HELP DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION |NGO involved in |MT Mutambira |17 Nirvan Road, Hatfield, |ZIMBABWE |

| |OF ZIMBABWE - SHDF |poverty reduction |Tel: +263 572993 Fax: +263 |Harare | |

| | |among the rural and |572933 shdf@pci.co.zw | | |

| | |peri - urban poor | | | |

|478. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCITY|Renewable energy |Prof. Dieter Holm | |AFRICA |

| |- REGIONAL OFFICE |projects |Fax: +27 12 420 3837 | | |

| | | |dholm@scientia.up.ac.za | | |

|479. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCITY|Renewable energy |Dr. Deo Prasad | |ASIA-PACIFIC |

| |- REGIONAL OFFICE |projects |Fax: +61 2 662 4324 | | |

| | | |d.prasad@unsw.edu.au | | |

|480. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCITY|Renewable energy |Pof. Anne Grete Hestnes |c/o NTNU – Gloshaugen Norwegian|NORWAY |

| |- REGIONAL OFFICE |projects |Fax: +47 735 9 5045 |University of Science and | |

| | | |annegret.hestnes@ark.ntnu.no |Technology Alfred Getz vei 3, | |

| | | | |7034 Trondheim | |

|481. |INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCITY|Renewable energy |Dr. Graciela Lesino |c/o INENCO Universidad Nacional|SOUTH AMERICA |

| |- REGIONAL OFFICE |projects |Fax: +54 87 255 489 |de Salta, Calle Buenos Aires | |

| | | |lesino@ciunsa.edu.ar |177, 4400 Saita | |


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