Music HS Tech - Oregon

Music Standards High School

Music Technology Strand

Anchor Standard 1: Creating-Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

Enduring Understanding: The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence musicians' work emerge from a variety of sources.

Essential Question: How do musicians generate creative ideas?

HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

HS Advanced




1. Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic 1. Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic 1. Generate melodic, rhythmic, and

ideas for compositions or improvisations

ideas for compositions and improvisations

harmonic ideas for compositions and

using digital tools.

using digital tools and resources.

improvisations that incorporate digital tools,

resources, and systems.

Anchor Standard 2: Creating-Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

Enduring Understanding: Musicians' creative choices are influenced by their expertise, context, and expressive intent.

Essential Question: How do musicians make creative decisions?

HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

HS Advanced




1. Select melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic

1. Select melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic

1. Select, develop, and organize multiple

ideas to develop into a larger work using

ideas to develop into a larger work that

melodic, rhythmic and harmonic ideas to

digital tools and resources.

exhibits unity and variety using digital and

develop into a larger work that exhibits unity,

analog tools.

variety, complexity, and coherence using

digital and analog tools, resources, and


Music Standards High School

Music Technology Strand

Anchor Standard 3: Creating-Refine and complete artistic work.

Enduring Understanding: Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the application of

appropriate criteria.

Essential Question: How do musicians improve the quality of their creative work?

HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

HS Advanced




1. Drawing on feedback from teachers and

1. Develop and implement varied strategies to 1. Develop and implement varied strategies

peers, develop and implement strategies to

improve and refine the technical and

and apply appropriate criteria to improve and

improve and refine the technical and

expressive aspects of draft compositions and refine the technical and expressive aspects of

expressive aspects of draft compositions


draft compositions and improvisations.

and improvisations.

Anchor Standard 3: Creating-Refine and complete artistic work.

Enduring Understanding: Musicians' presentation of creative work is the culmination of a process of creation and communication.

Essential Question: When is creative work ready to share?

HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

HS Advanced

2. Share compositions or improvisations that 2. Share compositions and improvisations

2. Share a portfolio of musical creations

demonstrate a proficient level of musical and that demonstrate an accomplished level of

representing varied styles and genres that

technological craftsmanship as well as the use musical and technological craftsmanship as

demonstrates an advanced level of musical

of digital tools and resources in developing

well as the use of digital and analog tools and and technological craftsmanship as well as

and organizing musical ideas.

resources in developing and organizing

the use of digital and analog tools,

musical ideas.

resources and systems in developing and

organizing musical ideas.

Music Standards High School

Music Technology Strand

Anchor Standard 4: Performing-Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.

Enduring Understanding: Performers' interest in and knowledge of musical works, understanding of their own abilities, and the context for a

performance influence the selection of repertoire.

Essential Question: How do performers select repertoire?

HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

HS Advanced




1. Develop and explain the criteria used for

1. Develop and apply criteria to select a varied 1. Develop and apply criteria to select varied

selecting a varied repertoire of music based repertoire to study and perform based on

programs to study and perform based on

on interest, music reading skills, and an

interest; an understanding of theoretical and interest, an understanding of the theoretical

understanding of the performer's technical

structural characteristics of the music; and

and structural characteristics, as well as

and technological skill.

the performer's technical skill using digital

expressive challenges in the music, and the

tools and resources.

performer's technical skill using digital tools,

resources, and systems.

Anchor Standard 4: Performing-Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.

Enduring Understanding: Analyzing creators' context and how they manipulate elements of music provides insight into their intent and informs


Essential Question: How does understanding the structure and context of musical works inform performance?

HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

HS Advanced

2. Describe how context, structural aspects of 2. Describe and demonstrate how context,

2. Examine, evaluate and critique how context,

the music, and digital media/tools inform

theoretical and structural aspects of the

theoretical and structural aspects of the music

prepared and improvised performances.

music and digital media/tools inform and

and digital media/tools inform and influence

influence prepared and improvised

prepared and improvised performances.


Music Standards High School

Music Technology Strand

Anchor Standard 4: Performing-Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.

Enduring Understanding: Performers make interpretive decisions based on their understanding of context and expressive intent.

Essential Question: How do performers interpret musical works?

HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

HS Advanced

3. Demonstrate how understanding the

3. Demonstrate how understanding the style , 3. Demonstrate how understanding the style,

context, expressive challenges, and use of

genre , context, and use of digital tools and genre, context, and integration of digital

digital tools in a varied repertoire of music

resources in a varied repertoire of music

technologies in a varied repertoire of music

influence prepared or improvised

influences prepared or improvised

informs and influences prepared and


performances and performers' ability to

improvised performances and their ability to

connect with audiences.

connect with audiences.

Music Standards High School

Music Technology Strand

Anchor Standard 5: Performing-Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.

Enduring Understanding: To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, evaluate, and refine their performance over time through openness to

new ideas, persistence.

Essential Question: How do musicians improve the quality of their performance?

HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

HS Advanced




1. Identify and implement rehearsal strategies 1. Develop and implement rehearsal strategies 1. Apply appropriate criteria as well as

to improve the technical and expressive

to improve and refine the technical and

feedback from multiple sources and develop

aspects of prepared and improvised

expressive aspects of prepared and

and implement varied strategies to improve

performances in a varied repertoire of music. improvised performances in a varied

and refine the technical and expressive

repertoire of music.

aspects of prepared and improvised

performances in varied programs of music.


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