Powershell else if syntax


Powershell else if syntax

PowerShell scripts can make decisions using a concept known as conditional logo. ?, ? ? ? Suppose in your mind, you have developed a PowerShell script for a specific task. However, depending on one or more conditions, an operation can have many alternative actions. In this case, the declarations of the PowerShell Se - Else are quite assailed. Today, you will discover the IF-Else conditions, you are working and your use in PowerShell. Let's show the ways you can use PowerShell if - more to add conditional logic handling to your scripts. So, let's start this journey! What are the conditions if - Else in PowerShell? The IF-ELSE condition is used to run a code block based on specific conditions that need to be true. You can also add more than one direction to your script. In addition, an Else block can be set to perform if all conditional declarations are false. Syntax of the IF-ELSE structure in PowerShell here is the syntax of the IF-OLE condition: if (expression) {? "// execute this part when the expression is true}} {?" // Perform this part when the expression is false} first of all, the program will check the IP condition; If it is ? ? ? ? Accordingly, if all the conditions "if they are" false ", the advance program for the" more "block and will execute your code block. Operation of the IF-ELSE condition in PowerShell There are three possible declarations in the IF-Conceptual Declarations: the IF condition is placed in the round brackets after the ? ? ? , ? "If a curly supports {} is part of the program this will be run if the condition is true. You can add a block plus if you want to check several conditions. Else-Declar Not test no condition. The declaration present within the body of the other part will be executed if all conditions are false. Performing a simple IF-Else condition In PowerShell: Let's start this section running a simple condition. For this, we have to create a PowerShell script. Open your Windows PowerShell ISE and create a new file. Now add the following code to the Your script. We saved the file as ~ ? testfile2.ps2? ? , you can name it as you wish. $ Number = 5 if ($ Number -GT 4) {$ Number ? ? bigger than 4 "} The above script i It will check if the value of the variable "$ ? " number is larger than 4. If this condition is true, the output will print the declaration "$ Number It is larger than 4 "in your PowerShell. In the other case, if the condition tends to be false, then no operation will be carried out because we do not add any conditions of ? TM ? "Ensise here. As we define the value "number of $ ~ ? " as ? TM "? ? ? ", which is larger than ? 4 ?, which makes our ~ ? oe if ? s . The Script below the data will print "$ number is greater than 9" when the condition placed in the block "if it is". If contrary, it will show "$ Number not greater than 9 ", running the block" this time ". Remember, we are already assigned the value of $ 8 ? " to our variable $ Number. Here, here, ? ? ? "-Gt? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8 IF ($ Number -GT 9) {$ Number is greater than 9 "}} {$ number is not greater than 9"} in the scenario mentioned above, the ? TM It's false. Thus, the script will execute the statement present in the ? ? ? ? ? oeHe Your program needs to test nested conditions, IF-it can handle if-else multiple or if / them if / them counties as well. Let's demonstrate this concept using an example. Suppose you want to test any user entry based on several conditions. To do this, set your conditions with the help ELSE declarations. Add as many more - if the blocks are required. We create a script to test the fruit name entered by the user. ? ? ? ? "read-host ? ? will take the user input and store it in the variable of fruit ? ? ? s" 1. ? here ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "- ne ? ? ? ?" n? ? o ~ ? ? ? -EQ ? ? ? ? ? s We define three conditions separately in the "Sea" block declaration and the other in the "Else-If" block. If none of the specified conditions are true, the PowerShell will run the declaration block "this time." While ($ Fruit "x") {? " } Admivo ($ Fruit -EQ 'Strawberry') {? ? I have a strawberry '} Elseif ($ Fruit -EQ' Passing ') {? ? ?I have a pessagem?} - Sorry, your Fruit inserted is not in the list ? ?}} Save this ? ? ? ?" testfile2.ps1 ? ? ? ? script and run it. You will be asked to enter any fruit name. Enter a fruit of your choice. The program will take your entrance and combine it with the additional conditions in the ? ? ? "and ? ? ? ?. "Whenever you insert a fruit name that does not match the definite condition, the script will perform the" Dessertion "block, printing" Orry, your fruit inserted is not In the "on your PowerShell screen list. Conclusion As part of the flow control in any program and script, each programming language and script has some type of capacity to perform a conditional operation using an instructions IF-HE. The PowerShell is also able to perform conditions if - else. This post covered the fundamentals of SE / ELSE / more if conditional declarations in PowerShell. Now you can use the IF-ELSE Instruction to create conditional logic and direct your scripting operations based on the execution of conditions. Search notes: the IF declaration conditionally does or does not Performs a set of other instructions. To CO c, the keys are always necessary (even if only a statement is controlled by the IF declaration). A simple statement is performed only a set of instructions if the conditional condition is true. IF (Cond) {statement [statement]} an IF ? 00 | Else Declaration Perform a statement of declaration if the condition is true and another set of instruction is not true. If (Cond) {statement [statement]}}} {declaration]} Simple {$ Expr_True} Else {$ Expr_False} Instructions can be abbreviated With the Ternarial Operator ($ Cond $ EXPR_T: $ Expr_F). The Ternario operator was introduced with PowerShell 7. IF, ELERSIF ?, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? COND_N) and performs the body of the first condition that is true. If no condition is true, the body will be performed. The body is optional. IF (COND_1) {declaration [Declaration]} Elseif (Cond_2) {statement [statement] Else {statement [statement]} A condition is denied with the operator -not: IF (-not Cond) {declaration [statement]} -Not can be abbreviated with the exclamement point ( !), Thus, the following code fragment is equivalent to the previous: if (! CAR) {statement [statement]} If the return value of a cmdlet needs to be denied, the cmdlet must Being in the parseses: If (Test-Path $ txtfile)) {WRITE-SPAIN "$ txtfile There is no"} Instruction IF can evaluate in a value that can be, for example, assigned to A variable. $ Val = if (2 -gt 1) {'yes'} else {'no'} comparison and tag operators. PowerShell supports standard conditional standard operators, much like many programming languages. This allow certain functions or commands to be executed in particular circumstances. With one if the commands within the brackets ({}) are executed only if the conditions within the IF (()) are answered $ test = "test" if ($ test "test") {Write- Host "If we conducted"} You can also do something else. Here, the more commands are If IF conditions are not met: $ test = "test" if ($ test -Eq "test2") {{{ "If the condition met"}} {write-host "if the condition is not reached"} or an ELSEIF. One more runs commands if conditions if conditions are not met and the highest conditions are met: $ test = "test" if ($ test -EQ "test2") {Write- Host "If the condition reached"} elsef "-Eq" test ") {write-host" ifelse Conditive "} Observe the cmdlet use above - eq (equality) and not = or == as many others Languages make for Equality. PDF - Download PowerShell of Grass, we'll see how PowerShell works Logious. Let's look at some basic examples to understand how the PowerShell Se-Elseif - more works with scripts and work images . Since we understand the IF-ELERSIF BASIC, we can expand the scope of the line with the help of various IF-EleELERS instructions. Go to: PowerShell if declarations. PowerShell Else, Aches. CONCLUSION. POWERSHELL If you say: the condition if you have a condition followed by scripts. The scripts must be performed when the condition is true. But in this moment Mos consider the different types of parseses used ? ?

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