Each night you should be reading for 20 - 30 minutes

Each night you should practice your multiplication tables 0 – 12 for 10 - 20 minutes. You should recite them aloud, practice flash cards, play an online game with them, and/or complete practice mad minute tests. An adult should test you on your facts each evening and sign the column to show that you did your work for that day. When you have passed your multiplication facts quizzes you may use this time to work on a Math Challenge!

|Day and Date |Amount of Time Studied | |

| | |Facts I Focused On |

| | |Example: 9 addends (_ +9) |

|Monday | | |

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|Tuesday | | |

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|Wednesday | | |

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|Thursday | | |

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|Friday | | |

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|Saturday | | |

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|Sunday | | |

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