
Mehrdad Pourfathi, Ph.D. (408) 838-3506 | mehrdad@ | in/mehrdadpourfathi | mehipour | Permanent ResidentProfessional SummaryPost-doctoral scholar with expertise in digital signal and image processing, algorithm development and medical imaging, seeking an opportunity to use 12 years of highly collaborative experience to improve healthcare in the medical device industryEducationPh.D. | Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA May 2019M.Sc. | Electrical Engineering, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA Aug 2011B.S. | Electrical Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Sep 2007Skills And ExpertiseProgramming: Python, R, MATLAB, Git, C/C++, Bash, SQL, VHDLSignal Processing: Statistical Signal Processing, Adaptive Filters, FIR and IIR Filters, PCA / ICA, Wavelets, Spectral AnalysisImage Processing: MRI/CT/Ultrasound image Reconstruction, Segmentation, Registration, Denoising, CompressionData Science: Regression Analysis, Linear and Multivariate Models, Bayesian Analysis, Machine Learning AlgorithmsMathematics: Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Calculus, Differential EquationsData Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, Leaflet, Adobe IllustratorLanguages: English, FarsiExperienceUniversity of Pennsylvania |Philadelphia, PA Post-doctoral Fellow, Perlman School of Medicine, Department of Radiology Jun 2019 — CurrentResearch Fellow, Perlman School of Medicine, Department of Radiology Sep 2011 — May 2019Project: Assessment of lung inflammatory diseases with integrated imaging techniquesImplemented MRI acquisition protocols in C/C++ that resulted in publications in MRM, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging and Nature Scientific Reports.Created wavelet denoising, FIR and IIR filtering and spectral/temporal analysis pipelines in MATLAB and Python to reconstruct MRI data into quantitative functional and metabolic maps to differentiate diseased lung tissue.Analyzed MRI and CT data using hypothesis tests, logistic regression, k-means clustering, Bagging and Random Forests in R and Python to use imaging data to classify and differentiate diseased and healthy species, leading to publications in Nature Scientific Reports, NMR in Biomedicine and American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.Collaborated with biologists to establish relationship between immunohistochemistry and imaging features. Worked closely with anesthesiologists and radiologists towards clinical translation of this molecular imaging technology, which will be presented in American Thoracic Society Annual Conference in May 2020.Awarded $10m in research funds from NIH to expand research goals and purchase equipment.San Jose State University | San Jose, CAResearch Assistant, Biomedical Engineering Department Jan 2010 — Aug 2011 Developed an ultrasound strain imaging algorithm in MATLAB using cross-correlation analysis and non-linear filtering of spatial-temporal data to detect and track thermal ablation therapy in prostate cancer with 1-mm spatial resolution.Devised a data-centric ICA algorithm in MATLAB that led to more effective noise reduction and separation of twin fetal and maternal ECG signals, leading to publication in International Journal of Computer Science.Micro-Modje Industries | Tehran, Iran Research and Development Engineer Sep 2007 — Jan 2009Designed a bit-rate adaptation module in VHDL to synchronize MPEG-II frames of multiple video channels for streaming via an OFDM transmitter.Developed embedded TCP/IP and HTTP protocols in C/C++ for a remote supervision and control of the above transmitter over the internet. Additional ExperiencePenn Center for Innovation | Philadelphia, PA Technology Fellow Jun 2018 — May 2019Determined patentability of over 30 technology portfolios developed by UPenn faculty.Formed commercialization strategies to market technologies to industry partners.Envoy at Home | Philadelphia, PA Technical Specialist Aug 2018 — Apr 2019Devised a scaling strategy for an AI-based caregiving technology for dementia patients.Prepared a funding proposal for further development and a phase I trial.Additional Research ProjectsHyperpolarization of 129Xe using Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) for Pulmonary Imaging (Research Project at UPenn)Devised sample preparation methods to efficiently produce highly polarized 129Xe for pulmonary imaging using DNP.Created fitting models and de-noising tools in MATLAB to assess molecular structure from spectral data. Performed numerical simulations using linear and non-linear differential equations and boundary conditions in MATLAB to predict changes in molecular structure from temporal changes in spectral line-shape.Awarded $2.5m of research and equipment funding and publications in JMR and MRM.Molecular Imaging of Liver Tumors using MRI to Monitor Tumor Response to Therapy (Collaborative Project at UPenn)Implemented MRI acquisition techniques in C/C++.Developed denoising, filtering and reconstruction pipelines in MATALB.Awarded $2.5m of funding to expand research aims and publication in the Journal of Hepatology.Audio Signal Processing (Digital Signal Processing Class Project)Analyzed the characteristics of vowels and consonants in utterances using a spectrogram analysis in MATLAB.Assessed the effect of de-emphasis Filters on different utterances.Effects of Quantization in Digital Filters (Digital Signal Processing Class Project)Examined the effects of Quantization on different realizations of digital IIR in MATLAB.Investigated filter characteristics and stability in time and frequency for various realizations.RF Wireless Telecommunications (B.S. Thesis)Modeled a fading channel and simulated a Rake receiver in MATLAB using an LMS adaptive filter.Generated learning curves to assess SNR vs. channel complexity during the learning process. AwardsFull award list available on my website: awards/American Thoracic Society Scholarship, ATS (May ’20, ’18, ‘17)Summa Cum Laude Award, Pendergrass Symposium, UPenn (Jun ’19, ‘18)Molecular & Cellular Imaging Presentation Competition, 3rd place, ISMRM (May ‘19)Educational Stipend, ENC (’12)Notable services to IEEE-SJSU chapter (’10)Best Student Paper Award, WCECS (’10)Selected Publications (4/24) Full publication list available on my website: publications/M Pourfathi, et al., “Lung Metabolism and Inflammation during Mechanical Ventilation; An Imaging Approach”, Scientific Reports, Feb 2018 (link)M Pourfathi, et al. In-vivo Imaging of the Progression of Acute Lung Injury Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Pyruvate, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Jan 2017 (link)M. Pourfathi, et al., “Low-temperature dynamic nuclear polarization of gases in frozen mixtures”, The journal of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, October 2015 (link)M. Pourfathi, et al. ‘Propagation of Dynamic Nuclear Polarization across the Xenon Cluster Boundaries: Elucidation of the Spin-Diffusion Bottleneck’, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, July 2013 (link) ................

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