Full Name



Full Name________________________________________________________________________


|General Education (48 or 49 semester hours) | | |

| | |Professional Education Courses (55 hours) |

|Communication (9 or 10 semester hours) | |_____Education 310:Using Technology Effectively in the Classroom |

|English | |3 |

|_____ English 101 Analysis and Argument or English 101E + English 101L|3/4 |_____ Education 311: Foundations of Instructional Planning & Assessment |

|Analysis and Argument with Extended Studio | |3 |

|_____ English 102 Rhetoric, Genre, and Research | | |

|Speech |3 |_____Education 322 (Foundations in the Instruction |

|____Speech 101 Basics of Oral Communication | |of Reading) (Block A) |

| |3 |3 |

|Social Sciences (9 hours) | | |


|_____Political Science 101 or 103 |3 |PROGRAM REQUIRED BEFORE TAKING: |

| |3 | |

|(Additional 3 hours chosen from economics, geography, political | |_____ Early Childhood 329 (Clinical Experiences in Early Childhood |

|science, sociology, or Honors 250-259.) Course | |Education |

|__________________________ | |3 |

| | |_____ Education 411 Reading and Writing in the Content Areas 3 |

|Humanities (12 semester hours) |3 | |

|Take one History course and one Literature course or honors 260-269. | |Block A |

|_____History: (elective) _____________________________ | |_____Early Childhood 321 (Methods for Teaching & Assessing Primary Math) |

|_____Lit: (In any language elective)________________ | |3 |

|Choose a combination of 6 hours of these courses: | |_____Early Childhood 335 (Teaching Social Studies in Early Childhood Education) |

|____ Art 101, Music 101, Theatre 101 ___________ |3 |3 |

|____ Art 101, Music 101, Theatre 101 ___________ |3 | |

|(Take 2 of 3-Art, Music, Theatre) | |_____Education 324 (Reading Assessment) 3 |

| |3 |_____Education 380: Introduction to Exceptional Students 2 |

|Mathematics (6 semester hours) |3 | |

|_____MATH 170: Introduction to Modern Algebra I | |Block B |

|_____MATH 270: Introduction to Modern Algebra II | |_____Early Childhood 320 (Curriculum for Early Childhood Education) |

| | |3 |

|Natural Sciences (12 semester hours) |3 |_____Early Childhood 336 (Teaching Science in Early Childhood Education) |

|_____ a. Biology 102 _________________ |3 |3 |

|_____ b. Physical Science 150 _____ | |____ Early Childhood 420 (Methods and Materials for Early |

|_____ c. Astronomy 201 or 202 or Honors 280-289* ____________________| |Childhood Education) |

|*Must be a four hour credit course with laboratory |4 |3 |

|Supporting Courses (15 hours) |4 |_____Education 326 (Strategies for Reading) 3 |

|_____Art Education 217: Creative Art for the Elem School Teacher |4 | |

|_____English 313: Literature for the Young Child | |_____Education 391 (1-3): Clinical Experience Early Childhood Education |

|_____English 341: Advanced Composition for teachers | |2 |

|_____Math 370: Intuitive Geometry | | |

|_____Psy 315: Child Behavior: Growth & Development | |Student Teaching* |

| |3 |_____ Education 487: Classroom Management 3 |

|Pre-Professional Education Courses (7 hours) |3 |_____ Education 490: Directed Teaching 12 |

|_____ Education 190: Foundations of Education |3 | |

|_____ Education 191: Preparation for Education Program Admission |3 | |

|(Education 190/191 must be taken together) |3 |*All parts of Praxis II (PL&T & Specialty area) must |

| | |be taken & passed before student teaching. Take |

|_____ Education 305: Foundations of Curriculum & Instruction | |PL&T after completing EDUC 305 & PSY 315. Take specialty area test in Block A. |

| | | |


| |1 |125 SEMESTER HOURS |

| | | |

| |3 | |

Teacher candidates & prospective teacher candidates are ultimately responsible for their own progress through programs at FMU. Candidates should consult the university catalog frequently to ensure that they comply with requirements for entrance into, progress within, & successful completion of an education program.


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