
It is the 10th Anniversary of our annual CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVALFriday 8th December – Sunday 10th December 2017.Held at the Minster Church.A huge thank you to everyone who has participated in previous Festivals. This is the Festival’s 10th year and over the years the trees have been truly amazing and all very individual. This Festival is a great Community event for everyone in Warminster.How do I/We participate in the 2017 Christmas Tree Festival?Fill in the form below and return it by 11th November 2017 . (If we do not receive it by this date we cannot put you on the programme). You can email or telephone the details to me if you prefer. Bring your own real or artificial tree on Thursday 7th December between 2pm-6pm to Minster Church. You will be allocated a position to exhibit it and decorate it any way you choose. The information you give us on your form will be typed up and laminated to go by your tree but if you wish to leave more information you may, but no donation boxes please. What will happen during the festival this year?The Church will be open during the three days for anyone to come and view the trees:Friday 10am – 4pmSaturday 10am – 4pmSunday 11am- 3.30pmwith refreshments available each day.On Saturday 9th December Father Christmas will be with us and there will be various groups playing music throughout the day while you meander around the trees.On Sunday 10th December at 4pm there is a Carol Service which marks the end of the Festival.Please take your trees away after the Carol Service which everyone is invited to at 4pm. (For further information please contact Julie: pandjross@ or Tel: 214213 or Sylvia Tel 213224)CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 2017I/We would like to take part in the 2017 Christmas Tree Festival.Our group/organisation/school/charity/business/family is called …....................................................................................................................................Contact Name, Tel. No. and/or Email is ….....................................................................Size of tree we will be bringing (including stand/pot) is 2ft, 3ft, 4ft, 5ft, 6ft - Please circle.Electricity for tree lights? YES NO Please circle.Name of your tree ….......................................................................................................In no more than 20 words please tell us something about you/your group (this information will be typed up and placed by your tree)….....................................................................................................................................….....................................................................................................................................….....................................................................................................................................….....................................................................................................................................….....................................................................................................................................Please reply to Julie Tel: 214213 or Email: pandjross@NO LATER THAN 11TH NOVEMBER 2017.PLEASE ALSO NOTE THAT YOUR TREE MUST COME DOWN ON SUNDAY 10TH DECEMBER AFTER THE CAROL SERVICE!!!THANK YOU. ................

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