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Center/Classroom:Teachers:Week of:(A) General Information Study/Topic - BIG IDEAS this week:Key vocabulary: Children will learn more about their classroom and each other. We will focus on finding out what makes everyone special and help increase their comfort in the classroom as they begin a new school year!Names for items in science collections – leaves, rocks, etc. 1. Nombres de artículos en la colección de ciencia – hojas, piedras, et2. Circle, sphere 2. Circulo, Esfera3. Jobs/helping Trabajos, Ayudar4. Practice PracticarFriday “To Do” List:Review Planned Read-Alouds; read books through at least once.Review Small Group Activity guides and gather/create materials; All By Myself Read Aloud, self-portrait materials, and circle/sphere items. Big as Life, Volume 1, Transition MagicianGather outdoor materials for discovery table.Take pictures of neighborhood buildings.Create or update Question of the Day board and name cards and classroom jobs chart/system.Second Step (SS)-Week-Support for Dual Language Learners:Teacher/Assistant will read the same story in English and Spanish as often as possible, in the morning in one language and the other language in the afternoon. Bilingual teachers should speak to children in their home language as often as possible. All labels should be in English and Spanish, or other languages spoken by your students and their families, using one consistent color for English and one consistent, contrasting color for the other language (black/blue). All languages spoken by the children in the classroom should be included as often as possible.Family/ Community Involvement:Ask families to send in items for science “collections” (leaves, rocks, etc.); 3D art materials (paper towel tubes, boxes, etc); and empty food containers for Dramatic Play.Ask your child about school with questions like: Who did you get to play with? What did you discover today? (B) Materials to Enhance Children’s PlayBlocksDramatic PlayToys and GamesAdd:Add: empty food containers and mirrorsAdd: sorting bowls & traysArtLibrary/WritingDiscovery/ScienceAdd: yarn, mirrors, paper of different shapes, sizes, textures.Add: read-aloud books from this weekAdd: Nature booksSand and WaterMusic and MovementComputersAdd: Water, funnels, variety of pouring containers.Add: Hap Palmer CD, rhythm sticks and bells.Add: OutdoorsCookingAdd: scooters(C) Group Experiences MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayArrivalOpening CircleMovementRelaxationTransitionsClosing CircleArrival: Question of the Day – “What color are your eyes?” use graph (visuals and words) and mirror Obj. 13Opening Circle: Sing a good morning or welcoming song. Second Step CD – Song of the week.Second Step Puppet ScriptClass Jobs – Introduce class jobs and/or brainstorm ideas for jobs.Review daily schedule and class rules.Revisit eye graph Obj. 13, 20a, 20b, 20cTransition: Music/Movement: Triangle, Circle or Square (Hap Palmer), introduce rhythm sticks & SS songRelaxation: Introduce Yoga – model 2-3 poses and engage children.Transition: Second Step Brain BuilderClosing Circle: Second Step CD – Song of the week. Sing your favorite routine good-bye song.Arrival: Teacher choice of graph, refer to Big As Life Vol. 1 Unit 1:BodiesOpening Circle: Sing a good morning or welcoming song.Second Step CD – Song of the weekSecond Step Story and DiscussionAllow children to choose classroom jobs or continue brainstorming ideas for jobs.Review daily schedule and class rules.Transition: Second Step Brain BuilderMusic/Movement: How many ways can we make circles with our body? Children could trace circles (with feet, hands, head, hips, etc.); form circles (e.g., by all holding hands); or move in circles (jumping, skipping, spinning…). Choose one other song in addition to this oneRelaxation: Transition: A look at You (Transition Magician pg. 80)Closing Circle: Allow children to share their self-portraits with the class. Sing your favorite good-bye song.Arrival: Question of the Day – “Did you see a circle on your way to school today?” – Follow-up from previous small group activity.Opening Circle: Sing a good morning or welcoming song.Second Step CD – Song of the weekSecond Step Skill Practice Activity 1Allow children to choose classroom jobs.Review daily schedule and class rules.Transition: Music/Movement: Triangle, Circle or Square (Hap Palmer), Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Obj. 15aRelaxation: Yoga cards – allow a child to choose a yoga pose to model.Transition: Second Step Brain BuilderClosing Circle: Make notes of what children “can” do throughout the day, share with the class (i.e. “__ can pour his own milk!”) Second Step CD – Song of the week. Sing your favorite good-bye song.Arrival: Teacher choice of graph, refer to Big As Life Vol. 1, Unit 1:BodiesOpening Circle: Sing a good morning or welcoming song.Second Step CD – Song of the weekAllow children to choose classroom jobs.Review daily schedule and class rules.Transition: Second Step Brain BuilderMusic/Movement: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (eng. & span.) Obj. 23 Choose one other song in addition to this oneRelaxation:Transition: A look at You (Transition Magician pg. 80) obj. 22 –(use descriptive words such as; length, height, curly, color, straight, short)Closing Circle: Make notes of what children “can” do throughout the day, share with the class (i.e. “__ ride the two-wheel bike!”) Prepare children for their next day of school. Sing your favorite good-bye song.Read-AloudsGroup 1: Choose a book about shapesGroup 2: We Are All Alike…We Are All Different by the Cheltenham Elementary School kindergartenersGroup 1: We Are All Alike…We Are All Different by the Cheltenham Elementary School kindergarteners Group 2: Choose a book about shapes Group 1: Second Step Recommended Book-Group 2: All By Myself by Aliki (refer to Planned Read Aloud guide)Group 1: All By Myself by Aliki (refer to Planned Read Aloud guide)Group 2: Second Step Recommended Book-Small-Group ActivityGroup 1: Circle Shape Hunt (refer to Small Group Activity guide)Obj. 1b,21b*Observe and document knowledge of shapes.Group 2: Self-Portraits (refer to Small Group Activity guide) revisit eye graph*TS Gold Objectives- 10a,s10a,33Group 1: Self-Portraits (refer to Small Group Activity guide) revisit eye graph*TS Gold Objectives-10a,s10a,33Group 2: Circle Shape Hunt (refer to Small Group Activity guide)Obj.1b, 21b*Observe and document knowledge of shapes.Group 1: Second Step Skill Practice Activity-Group 2: “Things I Can Do By Myself” chart (refer to Planned Read Aloud guide) Group 1: “Things I Can Do By Myself” chart (refer to Planned Read Aloud guide)Group 2: Second Step Skill Practice Activity-Special Activities:Tangible Acknowledgement System:Emergency DrillsOutsideInclement Weather Plan:Explore Nature – Look for natural materials for classroom collections.Head Start Body Start: Make a movement pattern, try: jump, jump, wiggle, jump, jump, wiggle. Your turn!*Observe and document knowledge of patterns.Individual Child Planning FormTeachers:Classroom:Week of:Focus DateChild’sNameSchool Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s)Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) Why Chosen?(IFSP, observation/assessment, family input conference goal, etc.)Strategy/ActivityNOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings.Possible small-group?CHECK when implementedSoc-EmotionalApproaches to LearningLanguage & LiteracyCogn./ Gen. KnowledgePhysical Child PlanningChild’sNameSchool Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s)Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) IFSP GOALStrategy/ActivityNOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings.Possible small-group?CHECK when implementedSoc-EmotionalApproaches to LearningLanguage & LiteracyCogn./ Gen. KnowledgePhysical*Please review all IFSP plans including Speech Only to ensure implementation of all classroom goals.*For speech goals the what/who would be: Directed by the Speech Language Therapist*If you have additional goals, highlight the last row for that child, right click with mouse, scroll to Insert rows, scroll to insert row below. Do this as many times as needed. ................

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