American Government

Course Outline Spring 15

Email: Melissa.Grable@ Blog: lhsblogs.grable

Team teacher: Cynthia.Beal@

Description of the Course

Students will examine the philosophical foundations of the United States government and how that philosophy developed. Students will also examine the structure and function of the United States government and its relationship to states and citizens. Government is required for graduation. It is a one semester course.

Evaluation- Students are encouraged to check Synergy often. Major tests will be given on M,W or F.

Major tests 40%

Class/Homework, Quizzes 45%

Final Exam 15%


• Textbook: United States Government: Democracy in Action. Replacement Cost: $65.00

• Textbooks should be kept in student lockers to be accessed when needed.

• 3 ring binder, a little notebook paper, pencils, pens.

Classroom Procedures

• Academic Integrity: Cheating is considered a serious matter. Students involved in cheating (whether giving or receiving answers) will receive a grade of zero for the assignment. Cheating includes: helping, checking answers, sharing, plagiarism, etc. Students may only work together when it is expressly stated by the teacher. Students may never work together (in or out of class), on guided readings or homework assignments unless it is a group project. Note: Mrs. Grable has enforced this policy numerous times, especially on Guided Readings completed outside the classroom.

• Cell Phones: Any student who uses a cell phone or other electronic device during class must serve a 30 minute detention after school within 1 week of the offense. Any subsequent violations will be referred to the administration. There will not be any warnings.

• Tardies: Students who are not in the room when the bell rings are tardy. Tardy students should immediately report to LAS and then class.

• Late Assignments: Students may turn in an assignment 1 day late for a 10% penalty. Afterward, students have 1 week to stay after school and make up work in the presence of the teacher. Another 10% will be deducted for each week late.

Makeup Work: Check with the teacher and the blog to find out about missed assignments. Papers distributed during an absence will be placed in the appropriate tray. Check the tray after each absence.

Makeup Quizzes: Students with an excused absence, have one week to makeup the quiz which will be short answer. It is not fill-in-blank and there is not a word bank.

Class Topics

Unit 1 Origins & Foundations of Government – ch. 1 & 2

Unit 2 Constitution & Federalism – ch. 3 & 4

Unit 3 Legislative Branch – ch. 5, 6 & 7

Unit 4 Executive Branch – ch 8, 9 & 10

Unit 5 Judicial Branch – ch. 11 & 12

Unit 6 Liberty & Justice – ch. 13, 14 & 15

Unit 7 Political Participation – ch 16 &17

Tips to be successful in Mrs. Grable’s Class

• Take thorough notes on the outline given.

• Always read over the notes the night they are taken. If they don’t make sense, compare them with another student’s or ask questions about it when we review them for the next day of notes.

• When completing a guided reading, READ THE CHAPTER rather than hunting for key words, bold print and section titles.

• Keep an organized notebook.

• Before a test, ask someone to call out the terms, people, events, etc. listed in your notes. Then explain it to them. If you can explain the information to someone else, then you know it.

• Study a little at a time instead of waiting until the night before a test. Cramming at the last minute rarely works. It is best to study 15 minutes several times a week.

• Study the material that you don’t know. Don’t spend time on what you already know well.

• When studying for any subject, turn off the music with lyrics.

Used properly, the above tips should be more than enough for most students to earn excellent grades. However, if you need further help, try these:

• Study Government 15 minutes every day.

• Talk about the information or teach it to someone else.

• Ask another student if you can make a copy of his notes to supplement yours.






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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