*tasting rooms: not larger than 25% of production facilities building or 400 square feet (which ever is larger) *wineries in A-1, EA, TL, R-L, R-R, and M-M districts must have a min parcel size of 5 acres under one ownership and minimum of 1 net acre of planted vineyard on-site *wineries in C-M and M districts don't need on-site vineyard *wineries in A-1, EA, TL, R-L, R-R, and M-U districts shall be operated concurrently with sale of wines from grapes grown on the same property or on adjacent property under same ownership *blending of wines with off-site grapes from other districts- max of 75% annual production

Small Wineries -less than 5,000 cases/year -permitted use in A-1, EA, and TL districts as long as there is no on-site tasting room, retail sales, food service or winery visits or tours. -use subject to administrative permit in R-L, R-R, and M-U districts as long as there is no on-site tasting room, retail sales, food service or winery visits or tours. -use subject to use permit in A-1, EA, TL, R-L, R-R, C-M, M-U, and M districts if winery will have an on-site tasting room, retail sales, food service, or winery visits or tours. - retail sales limited to max 30% of wine tasting area -food service (only pre-packaged foods) confined to indoor or outdoor areas- max 30% of production facilities building; only for patrons of winery -tours allowed; limited to weekends and holidays when in R-R, R-L, M-U, and A-1 districts -special events (weddings, anniversary and graduation parties, reunions, etc) allowed in EA, A-1, TL, and C-M districts-must be confined to interior of property -special events allowed in R-R, R-L, and M-U districts on if project site is min. of 40 acres

Medium Wineries -less than 25,000 cases/year -use subject to use permit in A-1, EA, TL, C-M, and M districts -food preparation facilities allowed in A-1, EA, TL, and C-M districts as long as they are consisted with state requirements and subordinate to winery operations and tasting. -eating areas (indoor and outdoor) allowed; must be the smaller of 1000 square feet or 30% of production facilities building size -winery tours allowed; limited to weekends and holidays in A-1 district -special events allowed in EA, A-1, TL, and C-M districts; must be confined to interior of property

Large Wineries -more than 25,000 cases/year -use subject to use permit in C-M and M districts

-food service allowed as long as consistent with state requirements and confined to indoor or outdoor areas- must be the smaller of 1000 square feet or 30% of production facilities size -winery tours allowed


Agricultural Use Classification: Packing and Processing- Winery: -crushing, fermentation, storage, and bottling of wine from on-site or off-site grapes; includes tasting room as long as room is less than 25% of winery floor space -minor use permit required (zoning administrator hearing)


Small Wineries -less than 15,000 cases/year; incidental retail sales area of up to 500 square feet for wine produced/bottled on premises -minor use permit

Large Wineries -more than 15,000 cases/year; more than 500 square feet of retail area -major use permit


"Winery": agricultural processing facility used for fermenting and processing of grape juice into wine or refermenting of still wine into sparkling wine. "Marketing of wine": prearranged basis for the education and development of customers and potential customers with respect to wine. May include directly related cultural, social, and business events. May include food service including food and wine pairings (must be provided on a cost-recovery basis). "Tours and Tastings": limited to unsolicited prior appointments. May include food and wine pairings offered on a cost-recovery basis, may not involve menu service such that winery functions as a restaurant. Uses permitted subject to a use permit in all AP and AW districts:

-Winery -Crushing of grapes -On-site aboveground wastewater disposal -Aging, processing and storage of wine in bulk -Bottling, storage and shipping -Incidental, related, and subordinate to primary operation other uses (marketing, retail sale, etc.)


Small Winery -less than 20,000 gallons of wine/year -parcel size: 4 acres or larger -buildings and related facilities must not be located in any county-designated environmentally sensitive area -cannot conduct public tours, wine tasting, sell wine-related items, or hold social events of a public nature -meet the Design Criteria for Small Winery

Minimum parcel size: in AP or AW districts must be at least one acre if established before effective date of ordinance, 10 acres if after Accessory structures: not more than 40% of production facility area Blending of grapes: for wineries established after ordinance, 75% of grapes used must be grown within Napa County


"Vineyard and orchard site development permit" required prior to establishment of vineyard or any improvements. Permit focuses on grading, drainage and sedimentation. Growing grapes and processing otherwise allowed without a use permit, regardless of production capacity. Tasting rooms and other promotional activities associated with wine production subject to use permit.


-minor use approval Tasting Rooms:

-minor use permit approval -no more than 200 ft from winery facilities -only one tasting room/winery Special Events: -more than 50 people (doesn't include normal patronage or tasting room or non-advertised events) -minor use permit when 80 people -min 20 acres (can be waived with minor use permit) and limited to 40 days/year


Permitted Uses in Agricultural Districts


By Right (No Discretionary Review): Wineries of any production capacity, including growing, processing, storing, bottling, tasting and retail sales allowed by right, provided tasting retail area accessible by visitors does not exceed 30% of the floor area of processing facility. Incidental service of cold food prepared off-site is permissible. Olive oil production/ tasting/ sales also paired with "wineries" definition. With Conditional Use Permit: Wineries of any production capacity that: (a) include significant "related uses," such as receptions and events, limited overnight accommodation, or food service; or, (b) has tasting/ retail area exceeding 30% of the floor area of processing facility; or both.


Wineries regulated under "Agricultural Processing Plant" use classification. Use permit required for all wineries. Planning commission determines design and operating conditions for wineries on case-by-case basis.


Small Wineries (Level 3 Use Approval) -less than 20,000 gallons/year; no public tasting or retail sales. Up to 50,000 gallons/ year on parcels 10 acres or larger. Private tasting allowed by appointment only with associated sales of wine processed and bottled on the premises. -administrative permit with field review

Medium Wineries (Level 5 Use Approval) - 20,000?50,000 gallons/year on parcels ................

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